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Education Department’s Sanction Number :

Pra Shi Sa / 2014 -15 / 2102 / Manjuri / D - 505 / 755 Dated 4.2.2014



Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook Production

and Curriculum Research, Pune.
First Edition : 2014 © Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook Production and Curriculum Research, Pune - 411 004.
Revised Edition : The Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook Production and Curriculum Research
reserves all the rights relating to the book. No part of this book should be reproduced
September 2016
without the written permission of the Director, Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook
Reprint : July 2018 Production and Curriculum Research, Pune.

History Subject Committee : Preface

Dr A. H. Salunkhe, Chairman
Dr Somnath Rode, Member The ‘Primary Education Curriculum - 2012’ was prepared
Dr Neeraj Salunkhe, Member in the State of Maharashtra following the ‘Right of Children
to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009’ and the
Shri Bapusaheb Shinde, Member
‘National Curriculum Framework 2005’. The syllabus is being
Shri Mogal Jadhav, Member-Secretary implemented serially from the academic year 2013-2014.
The syllabus includes the subjects General Science, Civics and
Co-ordination : Geography under ‘Environmental Studies-Part 1’ from Standard
Shri. Mogal Jadhav III to Standard V. It specifies that the subject History will be
Special Officer, History and Civics independent under ‘Environmental Studies-Part 2’.
Illustrations : Prof. Dilip Kadam, The Textbook Bureau has prepared this textbook for Std IV
Shri. Devdatta Balkawade, according to the syllabus approved by the State Government.
Shri. Sanjay Shelar Our approach while designing this textbook was that the
Photographs : Shri. Pravin Bhonsale entire teaching-learning process should be child-centred, the
method of self-study should receive more emphasis, at the
Cartographers : Shri Ravikiran Jadhav end of Primary Education the students should have attained
Dr Neeraj Salunkhe the desired competencies and the process of education in
general should become enjoyable and interesting.
Translation : Prof. Pratap P. Shirole
Scrutiny : Dr Ganesh Raut This textbook attempts to present the inspiring history
of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj in an easy and effective
Co-ordination : Dhanavanti Hardikar
manner. The life and work of Shivaji Maharaj is a source of
Academic Secretary for Languages
inspiration for the entire State of Maharashtra and the country.
Santosh Pawar
Many inspiring episodes related to his personality have been
Assistant Special Officer, English
included here. This book was rewritten after properly screening
the complaints and suggestions received from various social
Production :
organizations, institutes and individuals. Also, some suitable
Sachchitanand Aphale, changes were made where necessary.
Chief Production Officer
Prabhakar Parab, Production Officer The book scrutinized by many educationists and subject
Shashank Kanikdale, experts from all parts of the State to make it as flawless and
Production Assistant standard as possible. The comments and suggestions received
have been duly considered while finalizing the book. The
History Subject Committee, the artist, and the photographer
Typesetting : have taken great pains to prepare this book.The Bureau is
DTP Section, Textbook Bureau, Pune thankful to all of them.
We hope that this textbook will receive a warm welcome
Paper : 70 GSM Creamwove from students, parents and teachers.
Print Order No. : N/PB/2019-20/1,00,000
Publisher : Pune Director
Shri. Vivek Uttam Gosavi, Controller Date : February 19, 2014 Maharashtra State Bureau of
Maharashtra State Textbook Bureau, Textbook Production and
Sayani Road, Prabhadevi, Mumbai - 25. Curriculum Research, Pune.
English Environmental Studies - Part 2 - Standard IV

Suggested Pedagogical Processes Learning Outcomes

The learner may be provided opportunities in The learner-

pairs / groups / individually and encouraged to :
04.95B.01 identifies relationship with and
• ask questions and discuss with family members/
among family members in extended
elders as to why some family members stay
together and others are away, interact with
relatives, friends etc. and understand who stay
at far off places, about the houses/ transport and
life in their place of residence. 04.95B.02 voices opinion on issues observed/
• frame the questions on the basis of experience experienced in family/ school/
and reflect it without any fear or hesitation. neighbourhood for example,
• discuss with the parents/guardians/ on stereotypes, discriminatory
grandparents/elders in the neighbourhood and practices, child rights.
compare the life style of past and present and
daily used items e.g. (clothes, vessels, nature of
work, skills, games); inclusion of children with 04.95B.03 participates actively and
special skills, needs. undertakes initiatives of care, share
• role play based on events in Chhatrapati Shivaji empathy, leadership by working
Maharaj's life. together in groups for example, in
• find how to overcome problems with the help different indoor/ outdoor/ local/
of courage, hard work and presence of mind contemporary activities and games,
through group discussion. carries out projects/ role play for
taking care of a plant/s, feed birds/
• develop an awareness regarding the
animals, things/ elderly/ handicap.
conservation of environment, water literacy,
equality and justice with the help of examples
in the life of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.
• participate in different cultural/national/ 04.95B.04 tells the thrilling incidences of
environmental festivals/occasions organised Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s life/
in/at home/school/community, for example, personality.
morning or special assembly/ exhibition/
Diwali, Onam, Earth Day, Eid etc. Do creative
writing in events of celebrations, dance, drama, 04.95B.05 assimilates the teachings from
theatre, etc. (for example, diya/rangoli/kite Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s
making/ models of buildings/bridges etc. and biography that one can overcome
sharing experiences through stories, poems, the problems with wits, courage and
slogans, reports the events narration/creative conscience.
writing (poem/story) or any other creative tasks.
• explore/read books, newspaper clippings,
audio, stories / poems / pictures / videos/tactile 04.95B.06 tells the variety of clothings based
/raised material/web resources/ library and any on geographical and cultural
other resources besides textbooks. parameters.
• understanding the difference between the
traditional and modern costumes.
• collecting information reagarding languages
dialects, festivals and celebrations in the State.

Sr.No. Name of the Lesson Page No.

1. Maharashtra before Shivaji 1

2. Work of the Saints 3
3. Maratha Sardars -
The Famous House of the Bhonsales 8
4. Shivaji’s Childhood 12
5. Shivaji’s Education 17
6. The Oath of Swaraj 21
7. Swaraj : First Conquest 25
8. Defeat of Internal Enemies 29
9. Pratapgad makes History. 32
10. Baji Prabhu and the Memorable Battle of Ghodkhind 37
11. The Discomfiture of Shaistakhan 42
12. The Siege of Purandar and the
Treaty with the Moghul Emperor 45
13. Shivaji gives the slip to the Emperor. 50
14. The Fort is captured but the Lion is dead. 53
15. A Memorable Ceremony 57
16. Campaign in the South 60
17. Management of Forts and the Navy 65
18. Management of the Welfare State of Swaraj 70
“Shivaji did not belong to Maharashtra
alone; he belonged to the whole Indian nation.
Shivaji was not an ambitious ruler
anxious to establish a kingdom for himself
but a patriot inspired by a vision and
political ideas derived from the teachings
of the ancient philosophers. He studied
the merits and faults of the systems of
administration in kingdoms existing at the
time and determined his own policies and
administration in the light of that knowledge.
A devout Hindu, he was tolerant of
other religions and established a number
of endowments for maintaining sacred
places belonging to them. As a general
he was undoubtedly one of the greatest in
Indian history ; he saw the need for and
raised a navy to guard his coastline and
to fight against the British and the Dutch.
Pratapgad Fort built in 1656 stands today
as a monument to his military genius.
Shri Shivaji is a symbol of many
virtues, more especially of love of country.”
A Painting of Shivaji Maharaj by Mir Mohammad, a Painter of Shivaji’s Time
(From the original in Paris Museum)
Education Department’s Sanction Number :
Pra Shi Sa / 2014 -15 / 2102 / Manjuri / D - 505 / 755 Dated 4.2.2014



Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook Production

and Curriculum Research, Pune.
First Edition : 2014 © Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook Production and Curriculum Research, Pune - 411 004.
Revised Edition : The Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook Production and Curriculum Research
reserves all the rights relating to the book. No part of this book should be reproduced
September 2016
without the written permission of the Director, Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook
Reprint : July 2018 Production and Curriculum Research, Pune.

History Subject Committee : Preface

Dr A. H. Salunkhe, Chairman
Dr Somnath Rode, Member The ‘Primary Education Curriculum - 2012’ was prepared
Dr Neeraj Salunkhe, Member in the State of Maharashtra following the ‘Right of Children
to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009’ and the
Shri Bapusaheb Shinde, Member
‘National Curriculum Framework 2005’. The syllabus is being
Shri Mogal Jadhav, Member-Secretary implemented serially from the academic year 2013-2014.
The syllabus includes the subjects General Science, Civics and
Co-ordination : Geography under ‘Environmental Studies-Part 1’ from Standard
Shri. Mogal Jadhav III to Standard V. It specifies that the subject History will be
Special Officer, History and Civics independent under ‘Environmental Studies-Part 2’.
Illustrations : Prof. Dilip Kadam, The Textbook Bureau has prepared this textbook for Std IV
Shri. Devdatta Balkawade, according to the syllabus approved by the State Government.
Shri. Sanjay Shelar Our approach while designing this textbook was that the
Photographs : Shri. Pravin Bhonsale entire teaching-learning process should be child-centred, the
method of self-study should receive more emphasis, at the
Cartographers : Shri Ravikiran Jadhav end of Primary Education the students should have attained
Dr Neeraj Salunkhe the desired competencies and the process of education in
general should become enjoyable and interesting.
Translation : Prof. Pratap P. Shirole
Scrutiny : Dr Ganesh Raut This textbook attempts to present the inspiring history
of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj in an easy and effective
Co-ordination : Dhanavanti Hardikar
manner. The life and work of Shivaji Maharaj is a source of
Academic Secretary for Languages
inspiration for the entire State of Maharashtra and the country.
Santosh Pawar
Many inspiring episodes related to his personality have been
Assistant Special Officer, English
included here. This book was rewritten after properly screening
the complaints and suggestions received from various social
Production :
organizations, institutes and individuals. Also, some suitable
Sachchitanand Aphale, changes were made where necessary.
Chief Production Officer
Prabhakar Parab, Production Officer The book scrutinized by many educationists and subject
Shashank Kanikdale, experts from all parts of the State to make it as flawless and
Production Assistant standard as possible. The comments and suggestions received
have been duly considered while finalizing the book. The
History Subject Committee, the artist, and the photographer
Typesetting : have taken great pains to prepare this book.The Bureau is
DTP Section, Textbook Bureau, Pune thankful to all of them.
We hope that this textbook will receive a warm welcome
Paper : 70 GSM Creamwove from students, parents and teachers.
Print Order No. : N/PB/2019-20/1,00,000
Publisher : Pune Director
Shri. Vivek Uttam Gosavi, Controller Date : February 19, 2014 Maharashtra State Bureau of
Maharashtra State Textbook Bureau, Textbook Production and
Sayani Road, Prabhadevi, Mumbai - 25. Curriculum Research, Pune.
English Environmental Studies - Part 2 - Standard IV

Suggested Pedagogical Processes Learning Outcomes

The learner may be provided opportunities in The learner-

pairs / groups / individually and encouraged to :
04.95B.01 identifies relationship with and
• ask questions and discuss with family members/
among family members in extended
elders as to why some family members stay
together and others are away, interact with
relatives, friends etc. and understand who stay
at far off places, about the houses/ transport and
life in their place of residence. 04.95B.02 voices opinion on issues observed/
• frame the questions on the basis of experience experienced in family/ school/
and reflect it without any fear or hesitation. neighbourhood for example,
• discuss with the parents/guardians/ on stereotypes, discriminatory
grandparents/elders in the neighbourhood and practices, child rights.
compare the life style of past and present and
daily used items e.g. (clothes, vessels, nature of
work, skills, games); inclusion of children with 04.95B.03 participates actively and
special skills, needs. undertakes initiatives of care, share
• role play based on events in Chhatrapati Shivaji empathy, leadership by working
Maharaj's life. together in groups for example, in
• find how to overcome problems with the help different indoor/ outdoor/ local/
of courage, hard work and presence of mind contemporary activities and games,
through group discussion. carries out projects/ role play for
taking care of a plant/s, feed birds/
• develop an awareness regarding the
animals, things/ elderly/ handicap.
conservation of environment, water literacy,
equality and justice with the help of examples
in the life of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.
• participate in different cultural/national/ 04.95B.04 tells the thrilling incidences of
environmental festivals/occasions organised Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s life/
in/at home/school/community, for example, personality.
morning or special assembly/ exhibition/
Diwali, Onam, Earth Day, Eid etc. Do creative
writing in events of celebrations, dance, drama, 04.95B.05 assimilates the teachings from
theatre, etc. (for example, diya/rangoli/kite Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s
making/ models of buildings/bridges etc. and biography that one can overcome
sharing experiences through stories, poems, the problems with wits, courage and
slogans, reports the events narration/creative conscience.
writing (poem/story) or any other creative tasks.
• explore/read books, newspaper clippings,
audio, stories / poems / pictures / videos/tactile 04.95B.06 tells the variety of clothings based
/raised material/web resources/ library and any on geographical and cultural
other resources besides textbooks. parameters.
• understanding the difference between the
traditional and modern costumes.
• collecting information reagarding languages
dialects, festivals and celebrations in the State.

Sr.No. Name of the Lesson Page No.

1. Maharashtra before Shivaji 1

2. Work of the Saints 3
3. Maratha Sardars -
The Famous House of the Bhonsales 8
4. Shivaji’s Childhood 12
5. Shivaji’s Education 17
6. The Oath of Swaraj 21
7. Swaraj : First Conquest 25
8. Defeat of Internal Enemies 29
9. Pratapgad makes History. 32
10. Baji Prabhu and the Memorable Battle of Ghodkhind 37
11. The Discomfiture of Shaistakhan 42
12. The Siege of Purandar and the
Treaty with the Moghul Emperor 45
13. Shivaji gives the slip to the Emperor. 50
14. The Fort is captured but the Lion is dead. 53
15. A Memorable Ceremony 57
16. Campaign in the South 60
17. Management of Forts and the Navy 65
18. Management of the Welfare State of Swaraj 70
“Shivaji did not belong to Maharashtra
alone; he belonged to the whole Indian nation.
Shivaji was not an ambitious ruler
anxious to establish a kingdom for himself
but a patriot inspired by a vision and
political ideas derived from the teachings
of the ancient philosophers. He studied
the merits and faults of the systems of
administration in kingdoms existing at the
time and determined his own policies and
administration in the light of that knowledge.
A devout Hindu, he was tolerant of
other religions and established a number
of endowments for maintaining sacred
places belonging to them. As a general
he was undoubtedly one of the greatest in
Indian history ; he saw the need for and
raised a navy to guard his coastline and
to fight against the British and the Dutch.
Pratapgad Fort built in 1656 stands today
as a monument to his military genius.
Shri Shivaji is a symbol of many
virtues, more especially of love of country.”
A Painting of Shivaji Maharaj by Mir Mohammad, a Painter of Shivaji’s Time
(From the original in Paris Museum)
1. Maharashtra before Shivaji
Shivaji Maharaj was a great man. the people suffered and were harassed.
We celebrate his birth anniversary with The people could not get enough to eat,
great pomp and reverence. It is a happy nor could they celebrate their festivals
day for you children. You sing songs and or worship their gods openly and freely.
‘powadas’ in his honour. You garland his They were not sure of safety even in
picture and say ‘Shivaji Maharaj Ki Jai’. their own homes. There was injustice
Who was this Shivaji Maharaj ? What was everywhere. In Maharashtra, there were
the great work he did that we celebrate his many Watandars like Deshmukhs and
birthday every year ? Deshpandes who owned Jagirs. They
The time in which Shivaji Maharaj loved only their Jagirs and not their
lived was that of the medieval period. country. The constant fighting among
In those days, monarchy or the rule of them brought great misery to the people.
kings prevailed everywhere. Many of There was misrule everywhere. People
the kings pursued their own pleasures were tired of this oppression and were
and enjoyments instead of the welfare very unhappy.
of their subjects. But even in those days, Shivaji Maharaj saw all this. He
there were some kings who looked undertook the noble task of establishing
after the welfare of their subjects. The Swaraj in Maharashtra which would bring
Moghul Emperor Akbar in the North and happiness to the people. He first brought
Emperor Krishnadevraya of Vijaynagar to book the Watandars who fought among
in the South are famous in history for themselves. He then used them in his plan
their benevolent rule. Likewise, Shivaji to establish Swaraj. He fought against the
Maharaj also commands great respect Powers that oppressed the people, and
even today. defeated them. He established ‘Hindavi
Shivaji Maharaj established Swaraj Swaraj’ based on justice, fair play and
in Maharashtra. Swaraj means self- equal treatment to people of all castes
government, our own rule. For about four and religions. Shivaji Maharaj made no
hundred years before Shivaji Maharaj, distinction between Hindus and Muslims.
Maharashtra was not free. A large portion He honoured the saints of all religions.
of it was under the rule of the Nizamshah We draw inspiration from these noble
of Ahmadnagar and the Adilshah of deeds of Maharaj.
Bijapur. These two Sultans had divided During a period of about three to four
Maharashtra among themselves. They hundred years before Shivaji Maharaj,
were not liberal in their outlook. They many saints were born in Maharashtra.
oppressed the people over whom they Their work helped Shivaji Maharaj in his
ruled. They were also sworn enemies successful effort of establishing Swaraj.
of each other. They constantly fought We shall see in the next chapter, what
against each other with the result that these saints did.


1. Fill in the blanks choosing the correct 3. Write the answer in one sentence.
option. (a) Name the kings who looked after the
(a) The time in which Shivaji Maharaj lived welfare of their subjects.
was that of the .......... period. (b) What noble task did Shivaji Maharaj
(ancient, medieval, modern) undertake ?
(b) Shivaji Maharaj established Swaraj in (c) Who did Shivaji Maharaj fight against ?
.......... .
(Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh,
Uttar Pradesh) 4. Find the odd-man-out.
(a) Swaraj, slavery, freedom
2. Match the pairs. (b) People, subjects, king
‘A’ ‘B’
(a) Emperor of (1) Nizamshah
Vijaynagar (a) Celebrate Shivajayanti in your class.
(b) Sultan of (2) Adilshah (b) Present historical songs and ‘Powadas’ in
Ahmadnagar the cultural programmes held in your school.
(c) Sultan of Bijapur (3) Krishnadevraya
(4) Emperor Akbar

2. Work of the Saints
The tradition of Sants that began in Shri Chakradhar Swami : Shri
Maharashtra with Shri Chakradhar, Sant Chakradhar Swami was originally a prince
Namdeo, Sant Dnyaneshwar, Sant Chokha from Gujarat. He became an ascetic, and
Mela was continued by Sants coming came over to Maharashtra. He moved all
from various strata of society. In this over Maharashtra preaching equality. He
group of Sants are included Sant Goroba, did not believe in any discrimination based
Sant Sawata, Sant Narhari, Sant Eknath, on gender or caste. So, several men and
Sant Shaikh Mahammed, Sant Tukaram, women became his followers. The sect he
Sant Niloba etc. Similarly, Sant Janabai, established is known as ‘Mahanubhav’
Sant Soyarabai, Sant Nirmalabai, Sant sect. Memorable incidents from his life
Muktabai, Sant Kanhopatra and Sant have been compiled in a book titled
Bahinabai Shiurkar are also included. ‘Leelacharitra’.
They taught people various virtues Sant Namdeo : Sant Namdeo was a
like compassion, non-violence, charity, great devotee of Vitthal. He lived in the
service, equality and brotherhood. No village Narasi. He composed numerous
one is inferior, no one is superior. All are songs in praise of god, performed
equal. Such was the sentiment that was
created by Sants in the minds of people.
Similarly, Samarth Ramdas also rendered
his work in Maharashtra.

Shri Chakradhar Swami Sant Namdeo

‘Keertans’ (songs and stories based on a Dnyaneshwar was deeply pained by this
religious theme) everywhere and brought incident. He entered his hut and locked
about general awakening among the the door from inside to grieve over his lot.
people. He moved all over Maharashtra Muktabai came and knocked at the door.
to spread Bhagwat dharma and taught She said, “Open the door, Dnyaneshwar.
the people deep devotion to God. He How can we remain drowned in our
instilled in them the desire to protect their own sorrow ? Who will then look to the
religion. Sant Namdeo later travelled welfare of the world ?” These words of his
all over India spreading the message of sister gave new hope to Dnyaneshwar. He
humanity. He travelled to the Punjab and forgot his personal sorrow and started his
spread the message of equality among work. Everywhere, the poor and backward
the people there. He composed songs in people were being oppressed in the name
Hindi. Even today, some of his verses are of the religion. Dnyaneshwar went among
included in ‘Guru Granth Sahib’, the holy the people and taught them to have faith
book of the Sikhs. His songs are still sung in God. ‘Give equal treatment to all. Help
all over Maharashtra with great love and those in trouble and allay their misery.’
devotion. This was the gist of his advice to the
Sant Dnyaneshwar : Sant people. Dnyaneshwar’s words are heard
Dnyaneshwar’s family belonged to in every nook and corner of Maharashtra
Apegaon. Nivruttinath and Sopandeo for the last seven hundred years.
were his brothers. Muktabai was his sister. In those days, all religious teaching
Bigoted men of the time used to look down was confined to Sanskrit books. The
upon these children because they were language of ordinary people in everyday
the offspring of a ‘Sanyasi’. It happened use was Marathi. Dnyaneshwar wrote
like this. Their father took ‘Sanyas’ and his outstanding book ‘Dnyaneshwari’
retired from worldly life. As a Sanyasi, he in Marathi. He thus opened wide for his
left home. But later on, obeying
the order of his guru, he returned
home and started living with his
wife. Their four children were born
afterwards. The narrow-minded
religious leaders did not think it
right that a ‘Sanyasi’ should have
children. People persecuted these
children and banished them from
their community.
Once Dnyaneshwar went
round the town begging for
alms. But no one would give
him any alms. He had to listen to
abusive language instead. Young Sant Dnyaneshwar

people the doors of knowledge, where he even to the dumb animals. He exhorted
preached the ideal of brotherhood among the people to love all living beings and
all men. At a very early age, at Alandi practised what he preached.
near Pune, Dnyaneshwar took ‘Samadhi’, One day he was going to the river
that is, put himself in a trance from which Godavari for a bath. It was noon and very
he never came out. Even today, on the hot. The sand bed along the riverside was
eleventh day of Ashadh and Kartik, lakhs very hot too. He heard the crying of a poor
of pilgrims go to Alandi-Pandhari with child sitting on the hot sand. Eknath looked
devotion. around and saw the child. He rushed to
him and looked around for the
child’s parents. He picked up
the child in his arms, wiped his
tears and reached him home.
In this way, by his personal
example, Eknath impressed the
message of love and equality on
the minds of the people.
Sant Tukaram : Two  great
saints, Tukaram and Ramdas
lived in Shivaji’s time. Tukaram
came from Dehu, near Pune.
Sant Eknath He owned a farm and also a
Sant Eknath : Sant Eknath carried on grocery shop. His forefathers used to
the work started by Sant Namdeo and Sant lend money to the needy people. But
Dnyaneshwar. He lived
in Paithan. He preached
that the way to reach God
was through devotion -
‘Bhaktimarg’. He wrote
numerous religious songs
- ‘Abhangs’, ‘Owees’
and ‘Bharuds’. His advice
to the people was not to
accept any distinction of
high and low. He made
friends with the poor and
the downtrodden and
taught them devotion to
God. His love extended
Sant Tukaram

Tukaram drowned in the river Indrayani,
all the record of loan papers he had, thus
giving relief to many. He would go to
the neighbouring hill and sing songs in
praise of God Vitthal. On the eleventh
day, ‘ekadashi’ of the month of Ashadh
and Kartik, he would go to Pandharpur.
He wrote devotional songs - ‘Abhangs’
and performed ‘Keertans’. Thousands
flocked to listen to him. Shivaji Maharaj
also attended his Keertans. Sant Tukaram
preached to the people about the virtues of
pity, forgiveness and peace of mind. He Samarth Ramdas
also gave them the message of equality.
‘He alone is a saint, and God dwells the mind) he gave people lessons in good
with him who calls the weak and the thoughts and good conduct. To popularise
downtrodden as his own’. He impressed the worship of strength, he raised the
this truth on the minds of the people. He temples of Hanuman, the god of strength.
made them think. People accepted him He exhorted people to be strong and
as a great religious leader and showered told them of the power that resides in a
their praise on him. Even today, all over united people. He taught them to organize
Maharashtra, we hear people proclaiming themselves and fight against injustice.
‘Gyanba - Tukaram’ the names of the two This gave courage to the people.
great saints. Sant Dnyaneshwar is called The work of the saints brought about
‘Gyanba’ also. Even today, ‘Tukaram a great awakening among the people.
Gatha’ is read in every household. Religion once again became a thing to
Samarth Ramdas : At the same time, be respected and a spirit of self-reliance
the hills and valleys of Maharashtra were was born. People regained their lost
filled with the echoes of ‘Jai, Jai Raghuveer confidence. This great awakening among
Samarth’ (Glory be to the great Rama) an the people brought about by the saints
invocation constantly on the lips of the helped Shivaji in his fight for Swaraj.
great saint Ramdas. Ramdas was born lll
at Jamb on the banks of the Godavari in
Marathwada. His birthday falls on Ram-
Navami, the day on which the great hero,
Rama, was born. Narayan was his real
name but he preferred to call himself
Ramdas, the servant of Rama. Through
his great book ‘Dasbodh’ he taught
men the ways of good life. Through his
‘Manache Shlok’ (stanzas addressed to


1. Fill in the blanks : (b) What desire did Sant Namdeo instil
(a) Sant Namdeo was a great devotee among the people ?
of .......... . (c) What advice was rendered by Sant
(b) At a very early age, at .......... near Pune, Eknath ?
Dnyaneshwar took ‘Samadhi’. (d) What message was propagated by
(c) Sant Tukaram drowned in the river Samarth Ramdas ?
.........., all the record of loan papers he 3. Give answers in three or four sentences.
had. (a)
Why did Sant Dnyaneshwar lock
(d) To popularise the worship of strength, himself   in   his   hut ?
Samarth Ramdas raised the temples of (b) What message did Sant Tukaram give ?
.......... .

2. Write the answer in one sentence. Activity

(a) What  discrimination  did  Shri Collect the pictures of Sants other than those
Chakradhar    Swami    not    believe ? included in this lesson and below the pictures,
write their thoughts.

3. Maratha Sardars - The Famous House of the Bhonsales

Period of Unrest : As the saints Tradition of Valour : All these

preached devotion to God, the brave Sardars were brave but many of them
Maratha Sardars started a tradition of were sworn enemies of one another. They
bravery. never thought that they should unite and
do something for their own people. So
This was a period of great unrest.
all their valour and bravery served the
The two Sultans, the Adilshah of Bijapur
interests of others. Even so, they kept
and the Nizamshah of Ahmadnagar
alive the warlike spirit, especially among
were constantly at war with each other.
the young. Many famous soldiers were
They made use of the armies of Maratha
born in their families who kept alive the
Sardars in these wars.
tradition of valour. Among the famous
The Brave Maratha Sardars : The families, the Bhonsales of Verul showed
Marathas were both brave and tough. great bravery and enterprise.
They were also fearless and loyal to The Temple of Ghrushneshwar : It
their masters. They were very proud of was about four hundred years ago. The
their achievements on the battlefield. The temple of Ghrushneshwar near the Verul
brave Maratha soldier with a spear in caves was falling to pieces. The walls
hand and a sword at the side would ride had developed cracks. The priest also
in his Sardar’s cavalry. All the Maratha had deserted the temple. Thus the temple
Sardars had their own private armies. If which was built in honour of a great god
such a Sardar went to the Sultan with his was totally neglected. All the devotees
army, the Sultan gave him employment, who came there mourned over the sorry
made him a Sardar of his kingdom and state of the temple, but no one thought of
sometimes conferred a Jagir upon him. repairing it.
The Sardar who received such a Jagir A great devotee of Shiva visited the
considered himself a Raja. temple regularly. He would put flowers
There were many famous Maratha and ‘bel’ on the ‘lingam’ and express
Sardars at the Courts of Ahmadnagar his innermost thoughts to the God. He
and Bijapur. The more famous among carried out extensive repairs to the temple
them were the Jadhavs of Sindkhed, and restored it to its original condition.
Nimbalkars of Phaltan, Ghorpades of He also made arrangements for the
Mudhol, Moreys of Javali, Bhonsales proper maintenance of the temple. Now
of Verul. The Sindkhed Jadhavs were there were lights both inside and outside
descendants of the Yadavs of Devgiri. the temple and the lost grandeur of
Jijabai, the mother of Shivaji Maharaj Ghrushneshwar was restored. Who was
was the daughter of Lakhujirao Jadhav this devotee who did all this ? He was
of Sindkhed. Maloji Raje Bhonsale.

Shahaji Raje

The Bhonsales of Verul : Maloji great pomp. Jijabai became the Fortune
Raje Bhonsale, the Patil of Verul, was a of the Bhonsale family.
great devotee of Shiva. Babaji Raje had Shahaji Raje : Nizamshah
two sons. Maloji Raje was the elder, and transferred to Shahaji Raje the Jagir he
Vithoji Raje the younger. Babaji Raje had conferred on Maloji Raje. Shahaji
Bhonsale had the rights of a Patil in the Raje was a brave and capable man held
Verul village. in great respect at the court of Nizamshah.
Maloji Raje and Vithoji Raje were The Moghul Emperor decided to conquer
both brave and enterprising. They had the Kingdom of Nizamshah. For this, he
in their service many armed Maratha made an alliance with the Adilshah of
troops. It was a period of great unrest. The Bijapur. Malik Amber and Shahaji Raje
Moghul Emperor from Delhi had attacked fought bravely to save Nizamshahi. They
the Kingdom of Nizamshah. Daulatabad defeated both the armies. This battle took
was then the capital of Nizamshah. Malik place at Bhatawadi near Ahmadnagar.
Amber was his Vazir or Chief Minister. Sharifji was killed in the battle. Shahaji
Malik Amber was able and wise. The Raje displayed great valour. He was
two capable and brave brothers from praised everywhere as a brave General.
Verul soon caught his attention. On his His reputation in the court was so
recommendation, the Shah conferred on enhanced that even Malik Amber began
Maloji Raje the Jagir of Pune and Supe to feel jealous of him. This gradually
Parganas. led to antagonism between them. As
So the Bhonsales became rich a result, Shahaji Raje left Nizamshahi
and powerful. Maloji Raje’s wife was and joined the court of Adilshah at
Umabai. She came from the House of Bijapur. Adilshah honoured him with the
the Nimbalkars of Phaltan. They had title of ‘Sar Lashkar’ (Chief of Army).
two sons, Shahaji and Sharifji. Maloji Later, there were many developments
Raje was killed in a battle at Indapur. in Nizamshahi. The Vazir Malik Amber
At that time Shahaji was only five years died. His scheming son Fattekhan became
old. Then Vithoji Raje looked after the the Vazir of Nizamshahi. During his
children and the Jagir. Later, he asked period, the Nizamshahi began to decline.
in marriage for Shahaji, the daughter of At about the same time, there was a threat
Lakhujirao Jadhav. Jijabai, the daughter of Moghul aggression. So, Nizamshah’s
of Lakhujirao, was well favoured by the mother appealed to Shahaji Raje to return
gods. Lakhujirao accepted Vithoji Raje’s to Nizamshahi and save it. Therefore,
proposal. Lakhujirao was a brave and Shahaji Raje left Adilshahi and returned
valiant Sardar in the court of Nizamshah. to Nizamshahi.
He kept a large army of his own. He lll
commanded great respect and honour at
the court of Nizamshah. He celebrated the
wedding of Shahaji Raje and Jijabai with


1. Fill in the blanks choosing the correct 4. Give the answer in one sentence.
option. (a)
Who restored the temple of
(a) Among the famous families, the .......... Ghrushneshwar to its original condition ?
of Verul showed great bravery and (b) Which Jagir was bestowed upon Maloji
enterprise. Raje by Nizamshah ?
(Moreys, Ghorpades, Bhonsales)
Who fought bravely to save
(b) Babaji Raje Bhonsale had two sons, Nizamshahi ?
Maloji and ......... .
(d) With what title did the Adilshah honour
(Vithoji, Shahaji, Sharifji) Shahaji Raje ?
(c) .......... was a capable Vazir of (e) Why did Shahaji Raje leave Adilshahi
Nizamshah. and return to Nizamshahi ?
(Malik Amber, Fattekhan, Sharifji)
Locate places like Ahmadnagar, Phaltan, Verul,
2. Write the relation between :
Supe, Pune in the map of Maharashtra.
(a) Maloji Raje - Vithoji Raje .......................
(b) Shahaji Raje - Lakhujirao Jadhav ........
Note : The word ‘Maratha’ here does not mean
(c) Shahaji Raje - Sharifji ........................... the ‘specific caste of an individual’.
(d) Babaji Raje - Vithoji Raje ....................... It means ‘Marathi Speaking People’ or
3. Match the pairs.
‘A’ ‘B’
(a) Sindkhed (1) Nimbalkar
(b) Phaltan (2) Ghorpade
(c) Javali (3) Bhonsale
(d) Mudhol (4) Morey
(5) Jadhav

4. Shivaji’s Childhood

The Birthplace of Shivaji Maharaj at Fort Shivneri

Birth of Shivaji : Those were very some place where she could remain in
unsettled days. Shahjahan from the safety and peace. Then he remembered
North had despatched a big army to the Shivneri fort and decided to send
conquer the Deccan. Pune, the principal Jijabai there. Shivneri was a strong fort
town of Shahaji Raje’s Jagir was burned near Junnar in Pune district. It had steep
to the ground by Adilshah of Bijapur. cliffs on four sides, strong fortifications
Shahaji Raje was in real trouble. He and massive doors. This strong fort was
found himself between the devil and the then in charge of Vijayraj, a relative of the
deep sea, and was constantly on the run. Bhonsales. He agreed to give protection
Jijabai was pregnant and the great to Jijabai. So Shahaji Raje left her there
question which worried Shahaji Raje was and marched against the Moghuls.

And then the golden day dawned. Eknath. Shivaji liked to listen to the
On the auspicious day of Phalgun Vadya exploits of brave men. Shivaji felt that
Tritiya, in the year 1551 of the Shaka era, on growing up, he should also display
that is, on 19 February 1630, to the sound valour like them. Jijabai used to tell
of pipes and drums playing in the ‘Nagar him stories of many pious persons and
Khana’, Jijabai gave birth to a son. All saints. That instilled in him, a respect
the residents of the fort were overjoyed. and honour for all saints and great men.
On the twelfth day, with appropriate Children from poor families came to
ceremony, the child was named ‘Shivaji’ play with Shivaji. Sometimes he visited
as the child was born on Fort Shivneri. them in their huts and shared their simple
Shivaji’s Childhood : Shivaji passed meal of onion and bhakri with great
the first six years of his life in highly relish. They invented interesting games to
unsettled conditions. Even so, Jijabai did pass the time. The children of the Mavlas
not neglect his education. Every evening were like birds in the forest. They would
she would light the household lamps and imitate the sound of the cuckoo or parrot
then call Shivaji to her. She would shower or tiger to perfection. Their pastime was
all her affection on him and tell him building small forts of earth and making
stories of Rama and Krishna, of Bhim earthern elephants and horses. They
and Abhimanyu. On other occasions played hide and seek, or played with a
she would recite to him the devotional ball or top. Shivaji joined them in all these
songs of Namdeo, Dnyaneshwar or games and became popular with them.

Veermata Jijabai tells Shivaji stories of brave men.

Shivaji with his Friends
Shahaji Raje towards the Moghuls  : to enable the Moghuls to swallow
Shahaji Raje returned to Nizamshahi all Nizamshahi. In return, the Moghuls
right, but he did not get any peace of mind rewarded him with the territory under
there. Nizamshah himself was a fickle- the control of Shahaji Raje. Shahaji
minded person who readily believed all Raje was enraged and so he left the
gossip. Hence, many conspiracies and services of the Moghuls. He decided to
petty rivalries infested the court. This teach them a lesson using all his might.
led to the killing of Lakhujirao Jadhav Founding of a New Nizamshahi :
openly in the court at the instigation of In order to forestall the Moghul Emperor
Nizamshah himself. Shahaji Raje could and Vazir Fattekhan, Shahaji Raje found
not withstand this. Infuriated, he left out a child heir from the Nizam’s family
Nizamshahi and joined the Moghuls. and on the fort of Pemgiri near Junnar,
Shahjahan, the Moghul Emperor, made declared him as the new Nizamshah.
him a Sardar at his court. Thus, he established an altogether new
In the meantime, secretly joining kingdom which included the territory
hands with the Moghuls, Fattekhan killed between the rivers Godavari and Nira.
Nizamshah. There was complete anarchy Shahaji Raje fought vigorously to
in the state. It became evident that protect this new state. Initially, Adilshah
Fattekhan was treacherously planning was with him in these efforts. But later,

the Moghul Emperor Shahjahan himself Adilshah’s share. He gave it to Shahaji
marched South upon Shahaji Raje and Raje on his behalf. Now Shahaji Raje
threatened Adilshah. Adilshah then joined the Adilshahi services. Adilshah
signed a treaty of friendship with him assigned to him, the task of conquering
against Shahaji Raje. the territories in distant Karnatak, far
Shahaji Raje now began to fight the away from Pune. Some time after the
joint forces of the Moghuls and Adilshah departure of Shahaji Raje to Karnatak,
using guerrilla tactics. But he could not Jijabai and Shivaji also joined him there.
sustain the war all by himself. In 1636, Shivaji’s childhood in Maharashtra
unwillingly, he signed a treaty of peace had been very hectic. He and Jijabai
with Moghuls. He could not create his had to rush continuously from one fort
own kingdom as the times were not to another. At that time, young Shivaji
favourable for him. But his daring spirit used to hear the stories of the brave
kindled a confidence among the Marathi deeds of his father. Jijabai and Shivaji
people. This proved useful for Shivaji in got some peace when they arrived in
establishing Swaraj a few years later. Karnatak. Shahaji Raje defeated many
Jijabai and Shivaji in Karnatak : kings in Karnatak. Adilshah awarded
After the downfall of the Nizamshahi him with the Jagir of Bangalore. Shahaji
established by Shahaji Raje, its territory Raje then made the city of Bangalore
was divided by the Moghuls and his headquarters. He lived there with all
Adilshah amongst themselves. Shahaji the trappings of a king and began to
Raje’s Jagir of Pune and Supe lay within summon the court.


1. Fill in the blanks choosing the correct (b) What games did Shivaji and the children
option. of the Mavlas play ?
(a) Shivaji was born on the .......... fort. (c) Why did Shahaji Raje leave
(Purandar, Shivneri, Panhala) Nizamshahi ?
(b) Adilshah assigned the task of conquering
the territories in .......... to Shahaji Raje. 3. Write the answers in two or three
(Karnatak, Khandesh, Konkan) sentences.
(a) Whose stories did Jijabai tell Shivaji ?
2. Write the answer in one sentence.
(b) Why did Shahaji Raje declare the child
(a) What did Shivaji feel due to Jijabai’s heir from the Nizamshah’s family as the
teaching ? new Nizamshah ?

(a) Make a trip to Fort Shivneri and collect (b) Make a list of traditional sports and write
information about the birthplace of a note on any one of them in 10 lines.
Shivaji Maharaj.

Fort Shivneri - Maha Darwaja

5. Shivaji’s Education
Beginning of Shivaji’s Education  : Soon, Adilshah sent Shahaji Raje
Shahaji Raje himself was a scholar of on an expedition to conquer the States of
Sanskrit. In the Bangalore court, he had the Nayakas (local chiefs) in Karnatak.
under his patronage, artists and scholars of Before setting out upon the expedition,
various languages. He appointed intelligent Shahaji Raje sent Shivaji and Jijabai
teachers for Shivaji. Shivaji’s education to Pune. With them, he sent elephants,
began when he became seven years old. horses, an infantry, a treasury, a flag, as
Soon, Shivaji became skilled in the art of also trusted ministers, brave generals and
reading and writing. He began to read the renowned teachers.
stories from ‘Ramayan’, ‘Mahabharat’ Rejuvenation of Pune : Jijabai
and ‘Bhagwat’, on his own. To teach him and Shivaji returned to Pune. Shivaji
warfare, Shahaji Raje had appointed some remembered his childhood days which he
teachers. They began to teach Shivaji to had spent on Shivneri. He could see the
ride a horse, to wrestle, to use swords and lofty peaks of the Sahyadri again and he
Dandpatta. Thus, at the age of twelve, became very happy. Pune at that time
Shivaji became acquainted with different was not such a big city. It was totally
branches of learning and arts. devastated by Shahaji Raje’s enemies.

Shivaji’s Education under the Supervision of Shahaji Raje

Properties were damaged. Houses were happy. In the fields of agricultural reform
demolished. Temples had collapsed. The and revenue collection, the work done
frightened people had fled from their by Dadaji Konddev and the Nizamshahi
villages. Fields had become barren. Thick Vazir Malik Amber is considered to be
forests had grown. Wolves roamed in the very important.
countryside. Pune, thus, was totally in Shivaji’s Education : When Shivaji
shambles and ruins.
returned to Pune, his education continued
When the people living around under the supervision of Jijabai. While
came to know that Jijabai has returned to returning from Bangalore, Jijabai and
Pune with Shivaji, they took heart. Jijabai Shivaji were accompanied by eminent
called all of them and reassured them teachers sent by Shahaji Raje. They
that they would be safe in Pune. People taught him many sciences, branches of
started settling in Pune, cultivating their learning and languages.
lands. Jijabai had the dilapidated temples
repaired. In the temples, worship began Shivaji acquired the knowledge of
morning and evening. The town was excellent administration, war tactics,
again throbbing with people. Thus, Pune fort architecture, selection of horses and
was totally transformed. elephants, ways of escaping from difficult
The Achievements of Dadaji enemy territories and many other things.
Konddev : When Jijabai and Shivaji Shivaji’s progress in education pleased
were in Karnatak, Dadaji Konddev Jijabai very much.
looked after the Pune Jagir. He was the What Veermata Jijabai Taught
‘Subhedar’ of Kondana also. He was Shivaji : Jijabai was no ordinary woman.
very faithful. He was strict, efficient and She was the daughter of the mighty
honest in his work. He was also just, Sardar Lakhujirao Jadhav and the wife
and a strict disciplinarian. He served of the brave and valiant Shahaji Raje.
with devotion. At about this time, a big She had inherited the knowledge of
wada or residence was built in Pune by politics and warfare from her infancy. In
the orders of Shahaji Raje. It came to be
her was witnessed the confluence of the
known as ‘Lal Mahal’. To encourage the
martial traditions of the famous Houses
peasants to till their lands, Dadaji gave
of the Jadhavs and Bhonsales. She was a
them concessions in the land tax for a few
freedom loving person with a great sense
years. He offered prizes for destroying
the wolves which infested the countryside of pride. She had learnt through bitter
and harassed the peasants. Many wolves experience that however much a Maratha
were killed. He raised peasant patrols Sardar displayed valour, it was not
to protect life and property from gangs appreciated in the courts of the Sultans.
of thieves who roamed the countryside. She had valiantly faced the shock of
He fixed land revenue according to the her father’s murder in the open court at
quality of the soil. He thus made the people the instigation of Nizamshah. She had

resolved that her son Shivaji would never
be engaged in the services of others. He
would establish the rule of his own people
- Swaraj. She was bringing up Shivaji
with that ideal.
The people living in the Maval region
were called Mavlas. They were loyal,
hardworking and quick-footed. No one
could surpass them in hardiness. But they
were harassed by the Sultans’ rule. The
armies of the Sultans used to plunder their
villages, forcing the people to abandon
their places. Nobody cared for them.
Shivaji yearned to do something for these
poor, miserable people.
On returning home, Shivaji would
talk about this to his mother. Jijabai would
say, “Shivba, Shri Ramchandra is the
ancestor of the Bhonsales. Rama killed
Ravan and made his people happy. The
ancestor of the Jadhavs is Shri Krishna.
He killed Kans and brought relief to his
Veermata Jijabai
people. You are a descendant of both
Shri Rama and Shri Krishna. You can
also destroy the wicked and make your The New Regime of Shivaji : In Pune
subjects happy.” Jagir, the new regime of Shivaji began
under the guidance of Jijabai. Shahaji
These words of Jijabai were a source
Raje had already made the preparations
of inspiration to young Shivaji. He would for this. When Shahaji Raje sent Shivaji
remember the brave deeds of heroes of the from Bangalore to Pune, he sent some very
past like Rama, Krishna, Bhim, Arjun. powerful and prestigious people with him.
He thought of them all the time, whether They were Samraj Neelkanth Peshwe,
asleep or awake. He felt that he, too, must Balkrishna Hanamante Muzumdar,
fight against injustice as they did, and Mankoji Dahatonde Sarnobat, Raghunath
like them, destroy the wicked and bring Ballal Sabnis, Sonopant Dabir. These
happiness to his subjects. He thought that were all able men fit to administer an
he should become courageous and brave independent kingdom. Shahaji Raje had
like these heroes of old. specially deputed them to Pune to help

Shivaji govern his Jagir efficiently. With Shivaji’s Marriage : In those days,
their help, Shivaji began to administer his people married at a very early age. So,
Jagir, to attend the people’s grievances. Jijamata said, “We should now get Shivba
Those who inflicted injustice upon the ryot married.” Then a search for a suitable
were punished. In a way, Shahaji Raje’s bride for Shivba began. Soon she found
Jagir was undergoing a transformation. the girl she wanted. Her name was Saibai.
The Mavlas got a glimpse of the future Saibai came from the Nimbalkar family
‘Swaraj’. It was, as it were, the dawn of of Phaltan. The marriage was celebrated
Swaraj. with great splendour.


1. Fill in the blanks choosing the correct (c)

Why did Dadaji Konddev give
option. concession in land tax to peasants ?
(a) Shahaji Raje was a scholar of .......... . 3. Give the answer in two or three sentences.
(Sanskrit, Kannad, Tamil)
(a) How was Pune rejuvenated ?
(b) People living in the Maval region were
called .......... . (b) What knowledge did Shivaji acquire ?
(peasants, soldiers, Mavlas) (c) What had Jijabai resolved ?

2. Write the answer in one sentence. Activity

(a) Who appointed teachers for Shivaji and (a) Write and enact a dialogue between
where ? Shivaji and Jijabai.
(b) What did the teachers begin to teach (b) Read the biography of Veermata Jijabai.
Shivaji ?

6. The Oath of Swaraj
The Temple at Raireshwar : To Shivaji was speaking with great
the south-west of Pune, there is a beauty emotion and his face was red with anger.
spot called Raireshwar famous for its In the middle of his speech he stopped
temple. In the year 1645, an extraordinary and looked at his companions. The
event took place there. Shivaji and a few young Mavlas gathered there in the inner
Mavlas from the neighbouring valley had sanctum of Raireshwar were greatly
gathered there. Why had they come to this thrilled by Shivaji’s speech. They had
lovely spot hidden in deep forest ? What seen a new vision. One of them said, “Our
did they discuss and what favour did they young prince, tell us clearly whatever is
ask of Lord Shiva ? in your mind. We are prepared, we are
The Fiery Eloquence of Young anxious to do your bidding.” “ Yes Raje,”
Shivaji : Shivaji was still quite young they all said with one voice, “We are with
but his mind was already busy planning you, we shall do whatever you say at the
big things. He opened his mind to his cost of our lives if need be !”
playmates and said, “My dear friends, The Oath of Swaraj : Shivaji
today I am going to talk to you about got fresh inspiration from their words.
something which is in my mind for a long Looking at each one of them he said,
time. My father Shahaji Raje is a Sardar at “Friends, our path is clear. We shall all
the court of Bijapur. It is he who has given strive to attain our ideal, work for it till it
me the charge of this Jagir. Everything is is achieved. All should be ready even to
going on well and peacefully. But, friends, sacrifice their lives for this ideal which is
I am not happy. Must we always remain ‘Hindavi Swaraj’. We will have our own
satisfied as bondmen of the Sultan ? Must Raj, yours and mine and everybody’s. We
we always eat out of other people’s hand ? refuse to live as slaves any more. Let us
We are surrounded on all sides by foreign take this oath with Lord Raireshwar as
kingdoms which are constantly at war. witness ; we give ourselves completely
Our people get killed for nothing during to the great task of establishing our own
these wars and family after family gets Raj, Swaraj.”
uprooted. Our country suffers destruction. The temple echoed the words of
And what do we get out of all this ? Shivaji. “God thinks that this Kingdom
Nothing but slavery. How long shall we should take shape as Hindavi Swaraj. We
continue to tolerate this ? How long shall shall see that God’s wish is fulfilled.”
we lay down our lives for others ? Shall
we allow this to continue just for the sake So the Mavlas left the temple,
of a small Watan ? What have you to say committed to the oath of freedom, of
about all this ?” Swaraj. The mind of Shivaji was filled

The Oath of Swaraj
with great joy. As soon as he reached Pune of the Swaraj of his dreams. He thus won
he went straight to Lal Mahal to see his many of them over to his side. He used
mother. He described to her all that took force against those who were adamant. In
place at Raireshwar. Overjoyed, Jijabai this way he stopped the mutual warfare.
thought with satisfaction that Shivaji Everybody was pleased with this happy
would accomplish what was always in result and all started singing the praises
her mind. of Shivaji. Zunjarrao Maral, Haibatrao
Preparations in the Maval Shilamkar, Baji Pasalkar, Vithoji Shitole,
Valley : Shivaji soon got busy with Jedhe, Paygude, Bandal were some of
his new activities. Along with his the Deshmukhs in the Maval valley
comrades he started intensive training who began to look upon Shivaji as their
in swordsmanship, riding, exploring leader. The dream of Swaraj was fast
the secret paths in the hills and getting approaching the day of fulfilment.
familiar with the general topography of Shivaji’s Royal Seal : The Jagir was
the land, its valleys and ghats and possible already being administered in the name of
communication routes. He won over the Shivaji. Shahaji Raje had cast a special
Mavlas who became his most devoted royal seal for Shivaji. It read :
followers, willing to lay down their lives à{VnÀM§ÐboIod d{Y©îUw{d©ídd§{XVm Ÿ&&
for him at any time. Shivaji’s enthusiasm emhgyZmo… {edñ`¡fm _wÐm ^Ðm` amOVo Ÿ&&
increased a thousandfold. Shivaji made a
detailed survey of all the forts and military
establishments in the area. In this, his
followers were of great help to him. In
the course of time, he came to know the
smallest detail of every establishment;
secret pathways, underground routes,
ammunition dumps and cellars.
Friends in Maval : All over the
twelve Mavals there were Deshmukhs,
The Royal Seal
guarding their individual ‘Watans’ (gifted
land in lieu of service) to which they were ‘This seal will grow in splendour like
more attached than anything else. There the new moon. This seal of Shivaji, the
were constant quarrels between them son of Shahaji, receiving homage from
leading to useless waste of money and the whole world denotes the welfare of
manpower. Shivaji saw this waste and the people.’ This Royal seal in a way,
decided to put an end to it. He would visit foretold the foundation of Swaraj.
the Deshmukhs in the area, talk to them,
persuade them to desist from their folly and In those days most of the royal seals
raise before them a very attractive picture were carved in Persian. Shivaji’s was in

Sanskrit. This was a significant change. guarantee to all the Mavlas that Shivaji’s
There could be no Swaraj without your Government was for the welfare of the
own language and your own religion. But people. They were quick to grasp this
at the same time, there should not be a point.
hatred for other religions. The seal was a


1. Fill in the blanks : (c) What did Shivaji come to know in his
(a) To the south-west of Pune, the ........... detailed survey ?
temple was a beautiful spot. (d) What did Shivaji decide to put an end to ?
(b) All over Maval there were ...........
guarding their individual Watans. 3. Write the answers in two or three sentences.
(c) Shahaji Raje had cast a special ........... (a) What was the ideal of Shivaji ?
for Shivaji.
(b) What did Shivaji start doing with his
comrades ?
2. Write the answer in one sentence.
(a) What words of Shivaji echoed in the Activity
temple ?
Design and display a picture of the Oath of
(b) What did Jijabai think with joy and Swaraj.
satisfaction ?

7. Swaraj : First Conquest
It is no doubt true that Shivaji and his All the forts in the Jagir were, however,
comrades took the oath of Swaraj in the in the charge of officers from the court
temple of Raireshwar. But it was a very of Bijapur. He who controlled the forts
difficult task. In those days, Maharashtra also controlled the surrounding territory
was governed by four different powers, and, therefore, all talk of Swaraj without
the Moghul Emperor of Delhi, Sultan the control of the forts was meaningless.
Adilshah of Bijapur, the Portuguese of A hill fort gave strategic support to the
Goa and the Siddi of Janjira. They were ruler and Shivaji decided to capture one
powerful opponents, firm in their authority. at a suitable time. For this purpose he had
No one would dare utter a word against selected the fort of Torana. It stands to the
them. Under these difficult conditions south-west of Pune in the Kanad Valley.
Shivaji had taken the oath of Swaraj. It was a renowned fort, well-suited for
There was no comparison between the defence. There were two strong ‘Machis’
vast forces of the enemy and a handful on the way to the fort. A ‘Machi’ is a
of Shivaji’s Mavlas. But Shivaji’s mind fortification of a natural plateau formed
was made up and his firm resolve was his on the slope of a hill. One of these ‘Machis’
greatest source of strength. was the ‘Zunjar Machi’ and the other, the
Torana Fort : Shivaji controlled the ‘Budhla Machi’. ‘Zunjar Machi’, like
Jagir of Pune, Supe, Chakan and Indapur. its name, could offer powerful defence

Fort Torana (Zunjar Machi)

against the enemy. The only access to as a Maratha Killedar, a Brahmin Sabnis
the fort was across the ‘Zunjar Machi’. and a Prabhu Karkhanis. The garrison
It is a very difficult passage with high included Mavlas, Kolis, Ramoshis,
hills on one side and deep valleys on the Mahars and such brave men from many
other. A careless person may easily lose other castes and communities. In Swaraj
his balance and end his life in the deep all castes and communities were to be
valley. Torana was considered one of the treated alike and no distinctions made on
strong forts of Maharashtra. In the fort the basis of caste. As repairs to the fort
there is a temple of the goddess Toranjai. started, a surprise awaited the people.
That is why the fort is called Torana. They discovered four metal pots filled to
Strangely enough, this powerful fort the brim with mohurs. The workers were
was neglected by Adilshah. There were overjoyed. They said that this was a gift
neither enough troops for its defence nor to Shivaji from the Goddess Bhavani who
enough ammunition. Shivaji knew this had blessed his efforts. All the money
and this was exactly what he wanted. He discovered was brought to Shivaji. No
decided to capture the fort and thus lay one thought of taking anything from it
the foundation of Hindavi Swaraj. for himself. After all it was the wealth
The drums of Swaraj begin to of Swaraj. Shivaji felt greatly elated at
sound : With a few select bands of Mavlas, this unexpected gift which would enable
Shivaji descended into the Kanad Valley. him to pursue his ideal of Swaraj with
Swift-footed like the deer and lion- added vigour. He felt that he was working
hearted in courage, they raced to the top under the benevolent eye of the goddess
and captured the strategic positions in the Bhavani.
fort. Tanaji Malusare hoisted the Maratha Shivaji utilised part of the treasure
flag at the main entrance. Yesaji Kank, found in the fort to purchase arms and
a trustworthy and loyal companion of ammunition. The rest he decided to use
Shivaji, posted his guards at important for another project which was already in
points; the fort was captured almost his mind. About fifteen kilometres to the
without any resistance and the sky was east of Torana is the hill of Murumbdeo.
filled with shouts of “Shivaji Maharaj ki Shivaji had his eye on it for a long
Jai”. The first battle drums and pipes of time. This hill was steep and difficult of
Hindavi Swaraj had sounded and their access and, therefore, of great strategic
echo reverberated throughout the valley. importance. Adilshah had actually started
Shivaji named this fort ‘Prachandgad.’ constructing a fort on this hill but had left
Blessings of Goddess Bhavani : it unfinished. This hill also was not well-
Fort Torana then came under Shivaji’s guarded and Shivaji decided to capture it.
administration. He made a very careful The First Capital of Swaraj : One
survey of it and appointed officers such day Shivaji climbed up the hill with a select

Fort Rajgad - Pali Darwaja

band of his followers and took possession The Collector despatched messengers
of the partially completed fort. The money to Bijapur and informed Adilshah of
found on Torana was used to complete Shivaji’s rapid progress.
the fortifications of Murumbdeo. Shivaji Shivaji the Shrewd Politician :
named this fort Rajgad. Stone masons, Adilshah was most surprised to get the
carpenters, blacksmiths, water carriers, news. He asked Shahaji Raje for an
other workers - all the people got busy. explanation. Shahaji Raje got himself
They built the Rajmahal, Bara Mahal and out of this difficult situation by telling
eighteen workshops. Rajgad became the the Sultan that Shivaji Raje had probably
first capital of Swaraj. taken over the fort for better administration
Shivaji’s Rapid Progress : From of the Jagir. Shivaji also sent this message
then onwards, Shivaji moved swiftly and to the Sultan. “I have taken possession
captured one fort after another in Maval. of the fort for better administration of
The whole country known as Bara Maval the countryside. We did this only in the
- the twelve Mavals - was overflowing interest of the Sultan. There was no evil
with joy and excitement. The Patils and design at the back of this action.”
Deshmukhs from many villages came The two forts of Kondana and
and swore allegiance to Shivaji. But Purandar too had strategic locations.
Maval had its own share of black-legs Shivaji used his political skill and took
who were ever ready to put a spoke in control of both the forts. The next fort
the fast moving wheel of Swaraj. Jealous to come under his sway was Rohida.
of Shivaji’s success, they complained This was fast work indeed and there was
to the Adilshahi Collector at Shirval. nothing to stop Shivaji now.


1. Fill in the blanks : (b) What officers were appointed by Shivaji

on the fort of Torana ?
(a) Shivaji controlled the Jagir of Pune,
Supe, Chakan and ........ . (c) What message did Shivaji send to
(Indapur, Saswad, Welhe) Adilshah ?
(b) Shivaji decided to capture the fort of 3. Give reasons.
........ and lay the foundation of Hindavi
Swaraj. (a) Shivaji selected the fort of Torana to
(Sinhagad, Shivneri, Torana) lay the foundation of Swaraj.

(c) ........ became the first capital of Swaraj. (b) The workers brought the pots of mohurs
(Rajgad, Raigad, Pratapgad) discovered on the fort of Torana to
2. Write the answer in one sentence.
(a) Which four different powers governed Arrange a trip to the nearest fort with the help of
Maharashtra in those days ? your teachers.

8. Defeat of Internal Enemies
By Use of Force : The Mavlas of the of Javali was one such person. Morey was
twelve Mavals gathered round Shivaji, the Jagirdar of Javali. This Jagir which
ready to do his bidding. They lived for extended from Raigad to Koyna Valley,
Swaraj and were willing to die for it. along with the title ‘Chandrarao’, was
They were simple Maratha folk. They conferred upon him by Adilshah. Javali
loved Shivaji more than their life. But was covered with such a thick forest that
some people were jealous of Shivaji’s even during broad daylight, the sun’s rays
achievements. He had to bring such hardly penetrated it. It was full of wild life.
people to book. Tigers, wolves and bears roamed freely in
Khandoji and Baji Ghorpade were the Javali forest. Morey’s Javali was thus
two Sardars in the service of Adilshah. like a tiger’s hideout. No one, therefore,
The Shah incited them against Shivaji. crossed Morey’s path. Only Shivaji had
They created a lot of trouble in the the courage to do so.
Kondana district but Shivaji was more Daulatrao Morey died in 1645. There
than a match for them. He defeated and was fight for the succession among his
drove them out. descendants. Shivaji backed Yeshwantrao
Bajaji Naik Nimbalkar of Phaltan Morey who, with Shivaji’s help, ascended
was Shivaji’s own brother-in-law. But the ‘gadi’ as ‘Chandrarao’. In return for
Shivaji Maharaj had to fight many battles Shivaji’s help, Yeshwantrao promised to
against him. However, later on, members help Shivaji in his struggle and also pay
of this family stood by Shivaji Maharaj. him an annual tribute. But he forgot all
this once he succeeded to the ‘gadi’. He
Sambhaji Mohite of Supe, a near
became impertinent and troublesome. He
relative of Shivaji, also started plotting
started attacking Shivaji’s territory and
against Shivaji. Shivaji arrested him at
harassing the people. Shivaji realised that
Supe and banished him to Karnatak. With
unless Morey was punished, he would
Shivaji, duty came first and relatives
remain a constant danger to Swaraj.
Chandrarao Morey of Javali : The ‘Rebel and you will die’ : Shivaji
greatness of Shivaji’s achievements was first sent a stiff note to Yeshwantrao
recognised and applauded everywhere. He Morey, “You call yourself the Raja.
captivated the heart of his people. Some But I am the Raja of this territory. This
people did not like this. They looked upon Kingdom is Lord Shiva’s gift to me. So do
Shivaji as a mole in the eye. The Morey not call yourself the Raja.”

In a very rude reply Yeshwantrao had numerous followers. Shivaji after
said, “You are a Raja of only yesterday. making thorough preparations, attacked
Who gave you this Kingdom ? If you Javali. Yeshwantrao held out for about
come to Javali, you will be trapped. By a month but suffered very heavy losses.
the grace of God, I have received from He then escaped to Rairi along with his
Adilshah the title of ‘Raja’. He has also family. Shivaji conquered Javali and then
in his graciousness given me a throne and marched on Rairi. He laid siege to Fort
the panoply of a Raja. If you start any Rairi. Yeshwantrao fought desperately
trouble here, you will be badly hurt.” for three months but he had to give up.

Shivaji replied, “Give up Javali and Fort Raigad : The conquest of Javali
your pretensions to Kingship. Come before was a very important landmark. This
your master with folded hands and accept doubled the boundaries of Swaraj under
his service. You will refuse to do so at the Shivaji. Yeshwantrao’s army, too, joined
risk of your life.” the forces of Shivaji. The strong Rairi fort
became a part of Swaraj. Shivaji was
The conquest of Javali was a highly pleased to have this fort under his
difficult operation. It was covered control. He changed its name to ‘Raigad’.
with thick forest and protected by the Later on, he built a new fort on the Bhorpya
impregnable Rairi fort. Morey also hill nearby. It was named ‘Pratapgad’.

Fort Raigad


1. Find out the wrong pair. 3. Write the answers in two or three
(a) Phaltan - Nimbalkar sentences.
(b) Javali - Morey (a) Why did no one cross Morey’s path ?
(c) Supe - Jadhav (b)
What note did Shivaji send to
Yeshwantrao Morey ?
2. Write the answer in one sentence.
(a) What title was conferred by Adilshah Activity
upon the Moreys of Javali ? 1. Collect pictures of Raigad.
(b) Why was the conquest of Javali a very 2. Prepare a model of Raigad with the help of
important landmark ? your friends, in your Diwali vacation.

9. Pratapgad makes History.
Adilshah Perturbed : The Court of unbelievable. He could bend a crowbar
Adilshah at Bijapur was passing anxious with his bare hands. He was a past master
days, due to the growing exploits of Shivaji. in achieving his end by any available
The Sultan summoned all his Sardars to means. This Afzalkhan had accepted the
court to take stock of the situation. All challenge of bringing Shivaji to court,
the Sardars including those known for dead or alive. The court was highly
their exploits and those comparatively pleased. Everybody thought that it was
unknown attended. Badi Saheba, the the end of Shivaji and that he would be
Dowager Queen, who personally looked brought to Bijapur either alive or dead.
after the Adilshahi administration from Afzalkhan left Bijapur in great pomp.
Bijapur was also present. The one question He was accompanied by a huge army fully
before the assembly was “How to bring equipped for battle. He was previously
Shivaji to book and break his revolt.” the Subhedar of Wai for twelve years and
Badi Saheba asked a straight question knew the country well. He marched on
to her Sardars, “Tell me, who is willing to Maharashtra full of pride and confident
march against Shivaji and put an end to of success.
his rebellion?” Swaraj in Danger : At this time
The court became silent. Everybody Shivaji was at Rajgad. He got the news of
sat quietly in his place and started looking Afzalkhan’s movements. He immediately
at the next person, for who would dare saw that his Swaraj was in great danger.
accept the challenge of fighting Shivaji ? But he did not lose courage. He knew that
Just then a giant of a man came forward the Khan was full of stratagem and had a
and bowed respectfully before the throne. huge army with him. Shivaji’s kingdom
His name was Afzalkhan. was very small in comparison and so
The Khan accepts the Challenge  : was his army. He could see that he could
The Khan accepted the challenge and never hold his own in open battle against
picked up the betel leaf from the salver as the Khan. His only hope was in some
a mark of acceptance. “Shivaji. Who is strategic move that would take the Khan
Shivaji ?” he said, “ I shall arrest him and by surprise. In consultation with Jijabai
bring him here or if that is not possible, and with her blessings, Shivaji Maharaj
I shall bring his dead body.” shifted his headquarters from Rajgad to
Afzalkhan was one of the mighty
Sardars at the court of Bijapur. His Afzalkhan’s Counter-move : When
physical prowess and strength were the Khan learnt that Shivaji had moved to

Pratapgad, he became very angry. He was Tit for Tat : Shivaji quickly saw
aware of the difficulties in conquering through the Khan’s offer. He was taking
Pratapgad. It was surrounded by thick no chances. He decided somehow to
forest and high hills. There was no proper persuade the Khan to come up to the
approach road to the fort and it was very fort. In reply to the Khan’s message he
difficult to move his artillery. Besides, the said, “Khansaheb, I am guilty of having
jungle was full of wild life. captured your forts. I must have your
promise of pardon for this. Please come
The Khan initiated many moves
and meet me at the foothills of Pratapgad.
in the hope of bringing Shivaji down to
I am really afraid of coming down to the
the plains. He attacked the holy cities of
plains to meet you.”
Pandharpur and Tuljapur. He harassed
the people. He was hopeful that these This reply of Shivaji pleased
tactics would bring Shivaji down to the Afzalkhan. Passing his fingers through
plains. But Shivaji proved too clever for his beard he smiled and said, “This is
him. He refused to leave Pratapgad. Then good news. What can Shivaji do against
the Khan changed his tactics. In a spirit of the mighty Afzalkhan? He has no guts to
apparent friendliness he sent a message to fight me. I shall myself go to Pratapgad
Shivaji. “You are like a son to me. Come and put an end to his life when we meet.”
So he agreed to Shivaji’s proposal.
and see me. Return our forts and I shall
see that Adilshah makes you a Sardar at The Meeting Place : The ‘Machi’
his court.” on Pratapgad was chosen as the meeting

Fort Pratapgad


Bichwa (Helmet)
Coat of mail

Dandpatta (Patta)

place. A date and time was fixed. It carried the Dandpatta in his hand. He was
was agreed that each one would be now ready to face the Khan.
accompanied by a servant and followed All the Sardars were waiting outside.
by ten bodyguards at a distance. A special Shivaji turned to them and said, “Friends,
road was constructed for the convenience each one of you must carry out the duties
of the Khan and a big shamiana put up assigned to you. I am sure the goddess
for the meeting. Bhavani will see that we succeed. But if
Every move of Shivaji was marked things go wrong and I am killed, do not
by great caution. He divided his army into lose heart. Install Sambhaji on the ‘gadi’,
small units. Each unit was told where to follow the commands of Maasaheb. Fight
hide and when and how to act. He took for Swaraj and extend its boundaries.
every measure for safety and left nothing Make the subjects happy. I shall go now
to chance. Many of his advisers tried to to meet the Khan.” He was accompanied
dissuade him from meeting the Khan. by his Vakil Pantaji Gopinath and ten
The Khan’s word could not be trusted. bodyguards including Jivaji Mahala,
But Shivaji brushed aside this advice and Sambhaji Kavji, Yesaji Kank, Krishnaji
decided to meet the Khan as arranged. Gaikwad, Siddi Ibrahim and others.
Before the Meeting : On the day of the When Shivaji reached the shamiana
meeting, Shivaji visited Bhavani’s temple he saw that the Khan had already arrived.
in the morning and took ‘darshan’. Soon He was busy planning his future moves.
after, he started putting on his ceremonial Standing by his side was an armed soldier,
clothes. He wore his Surwar and coat Bada Sayyad by name. He was highly
of mail. Over the coat of mail, he wore skilled in the use of Dandpatta. Shivaji
a kurta and a flowing robe. On his head came to the entrance of the shamiana,
he placed the Jiretope (helmet) and tied but on seeing Bada Sayyad, he stopped
a Mandil around it. He fitted Waghnakh and would not proceed further. The Khan
onto the fingers of his left hand. Hidden asked Shivaji’s Vakil why Shivaji stood
inside the left sleeve was a Bichwa and he at the entrance instead of coming in.
Shivaji meets Afzalkhan.

The Vakil said, “He is afraid of Bada into the Khan’s stomach and tore apart
Sayyad. Please ask him to go away.” his guts. The wounded Khan fell down.
Bada Sayyad moved away and Shivaji Khan’s Vakil, Krishnaji Bhaskar, came
stepped in. The Khan got up and said, forward and attacked Shivaji with his
“Come, Shivaji Raje, let us embrace each sword. But Shivaji killed him with one
other as a mark of our friendship.” stroke of the Patta. When Bada Sayyad
The Struggle with the Khan  : heard the shouts and noise he rushed into
Shivaji Maharaj cautiously took a step the shamiana. As he was about to strike
forward and the Khan took him in his Shivaji, Jivaji Mahala came between
embrace. Compared to the giant Khan, them and killed Bada Sayyad with one
Shivaji was short. He reached only as far stroke. ‘Because of Jiva, Shiva was saved’
as the Khan’s chest. At the same moment, became a common saying afterwards.
the Khan held Shivaji’s neck in his iron Sambhaji Kavji displayed great bravery
grip and stabbed him on the side with his in this conflict.
dagger. It tore apart Shivaji’s robe but The Rout of the Afzalkhan’s Army  :
the coat of mail underneath saved him. Thus with triumph Shivaji went up to
Shivaji, knowing that the Khan was trying the fort. The gun boomed and gave the
to kill him, quickly thrust the Waghnakh signal. On the instant, Shivaji’s troops
in the Khan’s stomach. Drawing out the came out of their hiding and attacked
Bichwa with his right hand, he drove it the Khan’s army. The Khan’s army was
completely unprepared for the attack and of the disastrous campaign spread gloom
was caught in a difficult terrain. They over the whole of Bijapur.
could not even run away to save their Shivaji thus humbled the most
lives. The Maratha troops chased them powerful Sardar of the Bijapur Court.
in hot pursuit and destroyed the whole of His fame spread everywhere. The songs
the Khan’s powerful army. Fazalkhan, of his exploits were heard in the hills and
Afzalkhan’s son who escaped with great valleys of Sahyadri.
difficulty, reached Bijapur. His account


1. Form a correct word from the given (b) What did Shivaji say to his Sardars
letters. before going to Afzalkhan ?
(a) r t P a p a g d a
4. Give reasons.
(b) j a i i S v h
(c) n h l z A a f k a (a) Afzalkhan became very angry when
he learnt that Shivaji had moved to
2. Write the answer in one sentence. Pratapgad.

(a) What challenge did Afzalkhan accept ? (b) Gloom spread over the whole of
(b) What message did Afzalkhan
send Shivaji in a spirit of apparent Activity
friendliness ?
Collect a few Marathi proverbs or sayings that
3. Give the answer in two or three sentences. are related to historical events.

(a) Why did Shivaji have to use some

strategic move to fight Afzalkhan ?

10. Baji Prabhu and the Memorable Battle of Ghodkhind

Shivaji Conquers Panhala - They relaxed the watch and indulged in

Adilshah Gets Angry : While Bijapur food, drink and music.
was still mourning the death of Afzalkhan Shivaji Escapes from the Siege :
and the complete rout of his army, Shivaji A plan was hit upon to escape from the
captured the Panhala fort from the Bijapur siege. Two palanquins were kept ready.
garrison. This threw Adilshah into a fit of One was meant for Shivaji in which
wild rage. He could neither eat nor sleep. he would proceed using a difficult
He despatched another Sardar, Siddi route. The other would be occupied by
Jauhar, against Shivaji. Siddi Jauhar had another person disguised as Shivaji.
a huge army with him. Fazalkhan who This palanquin was to leave by the
wanted to avenge his father’s death, also ‘Raj-dindi’. This other palanquin would
accompanied him. be easily spotted by the enemy forces,
The Siege of Panhalgad : Siddi and it would be captured by them. While
Jauhar was brave but ruthless. He was the enemy celebrated the capture of
a strict disciplinarian. He laid siege to Shivaji, the real Shivaji would escape
Panhalgad and confined Shivaji within the by the difficult route. This was the plan.
fort. The rainy season was approaching For this a brave youth undertook this
and Shivaji thought that once the rains task. He resembled Shivaji in looks.
came, Siddi Jauhar would lift the siege. His name was Shiva Kashid. He was a
But Siddi Jauhar did nothing of the kind. hairdresser in Shivaji’s service. He was
On the contrary, with the arrival of the courageous and shrewd.
monsoon, he further tightened the siege. As planned, the palanquin carrying
Supplies in the fort were running out. Shiva Kashid came out of Raj-dindi.
Shivaji was in a fix. Since he could not It was a dark night and it was raining
force Siddi Jauhar to lift the siege by heavily. Still, some enemy soldiers
an open battle, he decided to deceive were keeping watch. They captured the
Siddi Jauhar by a clever ruse. He sent a palanquin. They thought that they had
message to Siddi Jauhar to the effect that caught Shivaji himself and took the
he would shortly surrender the fort. Siddi palanquin to Siddi’s camp. Jubilations
was happy. began in the camp. In the meanwhile,
Siddi’s troops were already tired of Shivaji escaped from the fort by the
the long siege. They were very pleased difficult route. He was accompanied by
to hear that Shivaji agreed to surrender. Baji Prabhu Deshpande and some select

soldiers. The Bandal Deshmukh army other Bajis to take my place. But no one
accompanied them. After some time, the can replace you. Our Swaraj needs you.
plot of Shiva Kashid was exposed. The The enemy will attack in large numbers.
furious Siddi killed him then and there. We cannot hold out against them with
Shiva Kashid sacrificed his own life in our limited force. Please do not wait.
the cause of Shivaji and Swaraj. Thus, Go ahead. We shall stop the enemy at
he became immortal. the entrance to the pass. We shall not
let him advance till we know that you
When the Siddi learnt that Shivaji
have reached Vishalgad safely.” Baji
had given him the slip, he was livid with
Prabhu’s brave words and his sense of
rage. Immediately, he despatched his
loyalty brought tears to Shivaji’s eyes.
Sardar Siddi Masaud, accompanied by
He was most unwilling to sacrifice this
a big army, in hot pursuit of Shivaji. At
gem of a man for his personal safety. But
daybreak, the pursuing horsemen caught
he had no time to think of these things.
up with Shivaji at the Pandharpani stream. He wanted to achieve his ideal of Swaraj.
Shivaji was now in real trouble. With the He fondly embraced Baji and said, “We
greatest difficulty he and his men crossed shall move ahead towards Vishalgad.
the Ghodkhind. As soon as we gain the fort, guns will be
Baji Prabhu, the Brave : The angry fired. That will be the signal of our safe
troops of Siddi were fast galloping arrival. As soon as you hear the gun-fire,
towards the Ghodkhind pass. Shivaji saw abandon the pass and follow us to the
that it was impossible to reach Vishalgad fort.”
before the enemy overtook them. He Baji’s Defence of the Ghodkhind
said to Baji Prabhu, “Baji, this is a very Pass : So Shivaji left for Vishalgad
critical situation. The road ahead is steep leaving Baji Prabhu to defend the pass.
and the enemy is right on our heels. It is Baji made a low bow to the receding
now impossible to reach Vishalgad. So figure of Shivaji and then prepared
let us turn back and face the enemy.” Baji himself for battle. He took a sword in his
Prabhu understood the great agitation hand and stood at the entrance of the pass.
going on in Shivaji’s mind. The enemy He divided his company of soldiers into
was fast approaching the pass. The life small groups and posted them at suitable
of Shivaji and, therefore, Swaraj, was points. The Mavlas took their positions
in danger. He said, “Maharaj, you must and collected huge boulders and stones to
proceed to Vishalgad. Take a handful of be used as weapons. The Mavlas across
soldiers with you. I shall defend this pass the pass were now a strong barrier in
and will not let the enemy cross it. I shall the path of the enemy. By this time the
lay down my life in defence of this pass enemy had reached the mouth of the pass
if need be. If I die, there will be many and one could hear their war cries. Baji

Shivaji and Baji Prabhu Deshpande in Ghodkhind

addressed his troops and said, “My brave through the ranks of the besieging troops
soldiers and comrades, be prepared. You and was on the last lap of his ride to safety.
may die fighting but do not desert your Baji the Brave : In the meantime,
post. Do not allow the enemy to conquer the battle at the pass continued unabated.
the pass, no matter what price has to be
Enraged at the defeat of his first two
paid.” So Baji Prabhu and his Mavlas
attacks, Siddi Masaud organized and
stood at the mouth of the pass, firm and
despatched a third batch of troops against
fearless, awaiting the enemy. The pass
Baji Prabhu and his brave men. They
was difficult to cross, there being only a
surrounded Baji Prabhu who fought
narrow and a zigzag passage across it.
with great courage. Though wounded
At the other end, Shivaji was speeding and attacked from all sides, with his
towards Vishalgad. The fort was still body covered with blood, Baji would not
some distance away and it would take withdraw from the pass but continued
Shivaji at least two hours to reach it. If the fight. At the same time, he urged his
Baji Prabhu could hold out for those two Mavlas to attack the enemy. Disheartened
hours, Shivaji would be safe. by the fearful attack, the enemy again
The Battle of Ghodkhind : By now withdrew. But Baji was fatally wounded.
the enemy was at the mouth of the pass He was hanging on to life just to hear the
where a fierce battle was in progress. The sound of gun-fire from Vishalgad.
Mavlas who were adept at the use of the
Ghodkhind becomes Pavan Khind :
sling harassed the enemy with showers
And then the sound of gun-fire was heard
of stones and boulders from the hill-
from Vishalgad. “Maharaj has reached
top and killed many of them. The first
Vishalgad. I have done my duty. Now I
batch of the attacking troops withdrew in
can die in peace.” So saying, Baji breathed
confusion. Another batch took their place.
his last on this historic battlefield. When
Baji Prabhu urged his troops into the
Shivaji heard this news on Vishalgad, he
attack. The Maratha war cry “Har Har
was greatly grieved. He exclaimed, “Baji
Mahadeo” echoed through the hills and
Prabhu Deshpande laid down his life on
the brave Mavlas cut down the enemy
troops in the fierce and desperate attack. the battlefield in the cause of Swaraj. The
Through the din of battle they heard Bandals gave a great battle.”
their captain shouting encouragement to It was because of brave patriots like
them : “Bravo, my lads, go ahead, attack Baji Prabhu that Swaraj was won. Their
and destroy the enemy”. The second batch blood made the Ghodkhind a place holy
of the enemy troops was also defeated. in Swaraj. Ghodkhind became immortal
Shivaji was by now, almost at the in history as ‘Pavan Khind’. We pay our
foot of Vishalgad. Vishalgad was also repeated homage to the brave Baji Prabhu
besieged by the enemy. Shivaji fought and his brave men.


1. Fill in the blanks : (b) What preparation did Baji Prabhu make
(a) Siddi Jauhar laid a siege to ........... . to halt the enemy in the Ghodkhind pass ?

(b) Baji Prabhu’s sense of ........... brought 4. Give reasons.

tears to Shivaji’s eyes. (a) Adilshah was thrown into a fit of wild
(c) Ghodkhind became immortal in history rage.
as ........... . (b) Shiva Kashid in service of Shivaji
2. Write the answer in one sentence. Maharaj became immortal.

(a) What message was sent to Siddhi Jauhar (c) Pavan Khind became immortal in
by Shivaji, in order to escape from the History.
siege ? 5. Write the name of the person :
(b) Why did Siddhi Jauhar become livid (a) Brave and yet was cruel .............
with rage ? (b) Gave most gallant fight at the
(c) What did Shivaji say to Baji Prabhu, ‘Ghodkhind’ pass ...................
while leaving for Vishalgad fort ? (c) Escaped from the siege ............

3. Write the answers in two or three Activity

sentences. Obtain more information about the dedicated
(a) Which plan was hit upon for Shivaji’s people in the service of Shivaji Maharaj with
escape from the siege ? the guidance of your teacher.

11. The Discomfiture of Shaistakhan
Shaistakhan’s Campaign : In spite of harassment by the Maratha troops, he at
repeated efforts in which he left no stone last raised the siege of Purandar.
unturned, Adilshah of Bijapur could not Firangoji Narsala : Shaistakhan
force Shivaji to surrender. Every Sardar then continued his march on Pune. First
of Bijapur who was sent against Shivaji he captured the fort of Chakan. Firangoji
was defeated. Adilshah at last gave up the Narsala fought to defend the fort with
fight, made peace with Shivaji and gave great bravery and skill against the
recognition to his independent Kingdom. army of Shaistakhan. For two months
Shivaji thus had peace for some time on he kept Shaistakhan at bay, but he was
his southern border. helpless against the guns of Shaistakhan.
In the meanwhile, constant Shaistakhan was much impressed with
Moghul attacks from the north had the way Firangoji defended the fort and
practically ruined Maharashtra. Shivaji, offered him service with the Moghul
therefore, turned his attention northwards Emperor. Firangoji however refused this
and carried out raids in the territory tempting offer.
of the Moghul Emperor, Aurangzeb. Shaistakhan in Lal Mahal :
This enraged Aurangzeb and he sent Shaistakhan came to Pune and made
Shaistakhan, his uncle, to deal with Shivaji Lal Mahal, Shivaji’s residence, his
and teach him a lesson. Shaistakhan headquarters. One year passed, then
with a huge army of 75,000 men and another year. Shaistakhan would not leave
hundreds of elephants, camels and pieces Pune. On the contrary, his troops would
of cannon marched on Pune. On the raid Shivaji’s territory, destroy crops and
way he captured the towns of Shirval, take away the cattle. In this way he started
Shivapur, Saswad and finally laid siege devastating the surrounding countryside.
to the fort of Purandar. Nothing could A Bold Plan : At last Shivaji decided
stop his advance. But once the Maratha to teach Shaistakhan a lesson. In a way
army surrounded him in a mountain pass. it was good that Shaistakhan was staying
The Maratha troops moved very fast on in Lal Mahal. Shivaji knew the place
their swift Bhimthadi ponies. They also inside out, with all its entrances and exits,
travelled very light. They could traverse its secret passages, doors and windows.
the hills and valleys in the shortest possible Besides, Shivaji’s spies were keeping
time on army rations consisting of onions him well informed about the disposition
and bajra bread. This type of warfare, of the Khan’s troops. Shivaji, therefore,
perfected by the Marathas, was unknown decided to enter Lal Mahal one night and
to Shaistakhan. Tired of the continuous kill Shaistakhan. This was indeed a very

Shivaji attacks Shaistakhan.

bold plan. Lal Mahal was so well guarded clothes were in the procession. Some
that even an ant would find it difficult to were in Palanquins, others in ‘Menas’,
get through. 75,000 troops were camping while many more were on foot. Shivaji
outside the palace. No armed Maratha with his band of trusted followers joined
was allowed to enter the town. But the procession to give the impression that
Shivaji had made up his mind and there they were a part of it. After some time
was none who could turn him away from the procession proceeded on its way, but
his resolve. Shivaji and his men moved away quietly
Shivaji fixed the date to carry out the in the direction of Lal Mahal. Shaistakhan
plan. On the night of 5th April, 1663, a was fast asleep at this hour.
marriage procession was passing along Shaistakhan Learns a Lesson :
the streets of Pune. There was music, and Shivaji made a hole in the wall and entered
fireworks accompanied the procession. Lal Mahal. He had no trouble in finding
Hundreds of people dressed in fine his way about, because it was after all,

his own house. The Khan’s bodyguards In the confusion that followed, Shivaji and
were half asleep. Shivaji’s followers his men made their escape and reached
tied them up. Shivaji went deeper inside. Sinhagad. The Khan’s troops spent the
Suddenly, someone rushed at him with whole night looking in vain for Shivaji and
a sword. Shivaji killed him. He thought his troops.
it was Shaistakhan, but it was his son. This incident took the fight out of
There was a commotion. People woke up. Shaistakhan. He was afraid that if he lost
Shivaji went straight to the Khan’s only his fingers in the first attack, Shivaji
chambers and took out his sword. Terrified, might cut his head off in the second.
the Khan started shouting ‘the Devil, the Aurangzeb was furious when he heard of
Devil’ and tried to escape through the this episode. Shaistakhan lost the Emperor’s
window. Shivaji struck him with the sword favour and was transferred to Bengal.
which cut off three fingers of the Khan. This was the first serious blow to the
The Khan could have lost his life, but he Moghul Power. Shivaji had successfully
escaped with the loss of three fingers only. bearded the lion in his own den. Gunfire
The Khan jumped out of the window and announced the victory and a wave of joy
made for safety. To deceive the Khan’s went all over Maharashtra.
troops, Shivaji and his men raised the cry,
“Shivaji has attacked. Run, catch him,”
and started to run themselves. The Khan’s
troops also started running in all directions.


1. Fill in the blanks : 3. Give reasons.

(a) Shaistakhan laid siege to the fort of (a) Emperor Aurangzeb was enraged and
........... . sent Shaistakhan to deal with Shivaji.
(Purandar, Panhala, Shivneri) (b) Shaistakhan tried to escape through the
(b) In Pune, Shaistakhan made ............ his window.
headquarters. 4. Write the incidents or events
(Shaniwar Wada, Lal Mahal, Parvati) chronologically :
(c) Aurangzeb transferred Shaistakhan to (a) Shivaji and his men departed towards
............... . Sinhagad fort.
(Assam, Karnatak, Bengal)
(b) Shaistakhan made Lal Mahal his
2. Write the answer in one sentence. headquarters.
(a) Which towns did Shaistakhan capture (c) Shaistakhan captured the fort of Chakan.
on the way to Pune ? (d) Shivaji taught Shaistakhan a lesson.
(b) Why did Shaistakhan at last raise the
siege of Purandar ? Activity
(c) What was Shaistakhan afraid that might Arrange a trip to visit Lal Mahal.
happen ?

12. The Siege of Purandar and
the Treaty with the Moghul Emperor

Raid on Surat : After this triumph, The raid on Surat drove Aurangzeb
Shivaji did not sit idle. Aurangzeb’s into a furious rage. He now decided to
troops were laying waste the whole of put an end to the Maratha Kingdom. He
Maharashtra. To bring the Emperor to his ordered his great general, Mirza Raje
senses, Shivaji carried out his daring raid Jaising, to humble Shivaji. To assist
on Surat. Surat was so far away from Pune Mirza Raje in the campaign, he sent with
that no one but Shivaji could have thought him his trusted Sardar, Dilerkhan. The
of this daring raid. Surat was then a great two landed in the Deccan with a huge
centre of trade in the Moghul empire and army and unlimited funds. Swaraj was in
a very rich city. Shivaji carried out the real danger.
raid successfully and brought home a
booty worth lakhs of rupees. Shivaji did Immediately after his return from the
not forsake ethics in the raid on Surat. He expedition of Surat, in 1664 AD, Shivaji
spared the churches and mosques. He did Maharaj heard a sad news. Shahaji Raje
not show disrespect to women. had suffered an accidental death while on

Fort Purandar

a hunt. Shivaji and Jijabai were greatly and the Marathas in pursuit. Cries and
grieved. Holding his mother close to his shouts filled the whole camp. In great
bosom, Shivaji Maharaj consoled her. hurry Dilerkhan mounted his elephant
Siege of Purandar by the Moghul and looked ahead. There was Murarbaji
Army : Purandar was one of Shivaji’s hacking the soldiers to pieces. His sword
big and strong forts. Dilerkhan knew that moved like lightning, cut throats, broke
Shivaji could not be defeated as long heads and pierced the hearts of the enemy.
as he was the master of Purandar. He, No one could stop him or hold him in
therefore, laid siege to this powerful fort. check. Dilerkhan watched in admiration
He had a huge army under his command. his great deeds of bravery.
Murarbaji was in charge of the fort. He Murarbaji’s Incomparable Valour  :
was a determined fighter who would Seeing Dilerkhan, Murarbaji asked his
not easily yield to threats. He was also troops to attack in full force and himself
supported by brave troops. With their help advanced towards Dilerkhan. Whoever
Murarbaji decided to defend the fort. tried to obstruct him was cut to pieces.
Dilerkhan’s guns went into action. The Moghul troops at last surrounded
Fiery cannon balls began to drop on the Murarbaji on all sides. Just then Dilerkhan
fort. Murarbaji and his brave men held on. shouted, “Wait ; Hold back your swords  !”
The first bastion on the ‘Machi’ collapsed The Moghul troops halted and moved
under gun-fire. Dilerkhan’s troops back a little. Then Dilerkhan addressed
captured the lower fort. The Marathas Murarbaji, “Until now I have not seen a
withdrew to the upper fort and continued swordsman like you. You come over to
to fight. Dilerkhan was watching the our side. I promise you complete safety.
battle from his camp. The Emperor will make you a Sardar, and
Furious with rage, Murarbaji decided reward you with a Jagir”. His eyes red
to attack the Moghul troops with a select with anger, Murarbaji said in return, “We
contingent of five hundred men. He opened are the loyal servants of Shivaji Maharaj.
the gates of the upper fort. Shouting their Who wants to buy safety from you ? Why
war cry, “Har Har Mahadeo,” the Mavlas should we come over to your side ? And
fell on the Moghul troops. After a fierce who wants your Emperor’s Jagir ?” He
battle which lasted for a short time, the then moved forward in the direction of
Marathas routed the huge Moghul army Dilerkhan and again started attacking his
which fled towards Dilerkhan’s camp. soldiers. Dilerkhan who was seated in the
Murarbaji followed them in hot houdah on the elephants back, released
pursuit. With his troops he entered the an arrow which pierced Murarbaji’s neck.
camp of Dilerkhan and wrought havoc Murarbaji fell to the ground. His followers
there. The enemy troops were in flight lifted his dead body and took it back to

The Battle between Murarbaji Deshpande and Dilerkhan

the upper fort. ‘What if one Murarbaji is temporary withdrawal from the fight. He
fallen ! We, too, are brave like him. We would enter into a treaty with the Moghul
will fight with courage.’ Saying so, they Emperor. He went and saw Jaising. This
began to fight again without losing heart. was a very sensible and statesmanlike
Shivaji heard the news with great thing to do. He said to Jaising, “Mirza
sorrow. He knew that he could hold each Raje, you are a Rajput. You can understand
one of his forts against the Moghul army our suffering. The Emperor’s campaigns
for at least more than a year. But he was have laid the country waste and people
unwilling to do so at the cost of his men are in great misery. I have undertaken
who would die in the attempt. this task of establishing Swaraj so that
Treaty of Purandar : What could be people may be happy. You should join
done ? He was not strong enough to fight me in this uphill task. If you agree to lead
the powerful Moghuls. All his political us, myself and my Mavlas will be your
skill was also of no avail. There was only trusted followers.” Jaising was a shrewd
one thing he could do. He decided on a diplomat. He persuaded Shivaji to sign

Shivaji Maharaj meets Mirza Raje Jaising.

a treaty of peace with the Emperor. guaranteed Shivaji’s safe return. Shivaji
Shivaji signed the treaty and according thought over the suggestion. He knew that
to its terms, twenty-three forts and a the Emperor could not be trusted. He had
territory with a revenue of four lakh Hons proved treacherous to his own brothers.
(a gold coin) were to be handed over to But, in the end, Shivaji decided to take the
the Emperor. The treaty of Purandar was risk and face the situation as cautiously
signed in 1665. as he could. He informed Jaising that
After the treaty was signed, Jaising he was willing to go to Agra to meet the
suggested to Shivaji that he should go Emperor.
to Agra and see the Emperor. He also lll


1. Fill in the blanks : 3. Write the answer in two or three sentences.

(a) ........... was a great centre of trade in the (a) What did Dilerkhan say to Murarbaji on
Moghul empire. seeing his valour ?
(Pune, Surat, Delhi) (b) What did Murarbaji say in return ?
(b) ........... was in charge of the fort of
Purandar. 4. Complete these names from the lesson
(Baji Prabhu, Tanaji, Murarbaji) with the help of the given first letters.
(a) Au ........................
(b) Pu ........................
2. Write the answer in one sentence. (c) Mu ........................
(a) Why did Shivaji carry out a raid on (d) Ja ........................
Surat ? (e) Di ........................
(b) Why did Dilerkhan lay siege to the
Purandar fort ?
Arrange a trip to visit a fort nearby. Obtain
(c) Why did Shivaji enter into a treaty with
some information about it from your teachers.
the Moghul Emperor ?
(d) According to the treaty of Purandar,
what territory was to be handed over to
the Moghuls ?

13. Shivaji gives the slip to the Emperor.
Putting his trust in Jaising, Shivaji accompanied him. It was Aurangzeb’s
left for Agra to visit the Emperor. Before fiftieth birthday. After finishing court in
leaving for Agra, Shivaji handed over the Diwan-i-Khas, the Emperor entered the
administration of his Swaraj to his mother hall where matters of state were discussed.
Jijabai and took her blessings. With him In front of him stood his chief Sardars
were his son Sambhaji Raje, some chosen in serial ranks according to their status.
Sardars, and a few trusted people. He also Jaswantsing Rathod whom the Marathas
carried with him a large treasure. In due had put to flight on many occasions was
course he reached Agra. in the rank ahead of Shivaji. The Emperor
Shivaji Shows his Spirit at the put Shivaji in one of the back rows. Shivaji
Emperor’s Court : On a prearranged became angry. After all, he was the King
day Shivaji Maharaj attended the of the sovereign State of Maharashtra
Emperor’s Darbar. Young Sambhaji Raje and his status demanded that he should

Shivaji Maharaj in the Emperor’s Court

be in the front rank. This was a deliberate Shivaji started sending out huge baskets
insult which he would not suffer lying of sweets to Sadhus and Maulavis for his
down. Angry and insulted, he turned his quick recovery.
back on the royal presence and made for Escape from Agra : In the beginning
his residence. He decided never to see the the guards outside would examine the
Emperor’s face again. baskets. In the course of time they got
The visit was thus a failure. The news tired of this daily routine and stopped it.
of the incident spread everywhere. One evening Shivaji made Hiroji sleep in
his bed and asked Madari to massage his
The Emperor’s Treachery :
feet. Then Shivaji Maharaj and Sambhaji
Aurangzeb ordered guards to be posted
Raje hid themselves in two of the many
around Shivaji’s residence. Shivaji
baskets that were going out. The baskets
Maharaj and Sambhaji Raje thus
were supposed to contain sweets and
became, for all practical purposes, the
allowed to pass unchecked. At a place
Emperor’s prisoners. Shivaji understood
previously fixed, Shivaji Maharaj and
the Emperor’s treachery. He realised that
Sambhaji Raje got out of the baskets.
the Emperor would never let him return to
Their faithful servants were waiting for
them with horses kept ready for flight.
Days and weeks passed. Then, In the meantime, Hiroji and Madari left
one day, Shivaji Maharaj petitioned to the house in Agra under the pretext that
the Emperor for permission to return to they were going to the doctor to get some
Maharashtra. He tried again and again, but medicine. The two of them risked their
every time his request was turned down. own life and made a valuable contribution
Then Shivaji Maharaj made up his mind to to the task of freeing Maharaj from
escape from the Emperor’s clutches, come imprisonment.
what may. To begin with, he obtained the
The Emperor came to know of
Emperor’s permission to send back to the Shivaji’s escape the next day. He was wild
South the persons who had accompanied with rage. His Sardars were frightened.
him to Agra. The Emperor was happy. He The Emperor sent spies all over the
thought that Shivaji Maharaj would now country to trace Shivaji. All the search,
be completely isolated. The only persons however, was in vain. Once escaped, the
left with him now were Sambhaji Raje Maratha lion was never again caught in
and the two servants Hiroji Farjand and the Emperor’s net. In disguise, Shivaji
Madari Mehetar. Maharaj started towards Maharashtra.
Soon after, Shivaji Maharaj He left young Sambhaji Raje behind in a
pretended to be ill. He complained of safe place at Mathura and in due course,
severe pain in the stomach. Doctors were reached Rajgad. Jijamata was overjoyed
called. They started treating the patient. to see Shivaji safe and back home. Two

Shivaji Maharaj escapes from Agra.
months later, Sambhaji Raje also arrived the Emperor and returned to the safety of
safely at Rajgad. In this way, with great his Kingdom. This was in 1666.
skill and daring, Shivaji gave the slip to

1. Fill in the blanks : 3. Give the answers in two or three sentences.

(a) Shivaji Maharaj attended the Emperor’s (a) Why did Shivaji leave the court of
Darbar. It was Emperor Aurangzeb’s Aurangzeb angrily ?
........... birthday. (b) What strategy did Shivaji use to escape
(fiftieth, fortieth, sixtieth) from Agra ?
(b) Shivaji Maharaj left young Sambhaji Activity
Raje behind in a safe place at ........... .
(Jhansi, Mathura, Delhi) Paint / Prepare a scene depicting the incident of
Shivaji’s escape from Agra.
2. Write the answer in one sentence.
(a) To whom did Shivaji hand over the
administration of Swaraj before leaving
for Agra ?
(b) Who were the only persons left with
Shivaji in Agra ?
(c) What did Shivaji do for his quick
recovery ?

14. The Fort is captured but the Lion is dead.
Jijamata’s Wish : The twenty-three could be entrusted with this task ? It was
forts which Shivaji handed over to Jaising very difficult to capture Kondana.
were still in the hands of the Moghuls. Tanaji Malusare : Tanaji was
Kondana was one of these twenty-three Shivaji’s comrade right from the
forts. One day Jijamata said to Shivaji, beginning. He came from the village
“Shivba, it is not safe to leave the strong Umrathe near Mahad in the Konkan.
Kondana fort in enemy hands. You must He was ever ready to put his heart and
recapture it.” Shivaji was thinking on soul into any work assigned to him by
the same lines. He was very unhappy Shivaji. Tanaji was strong and well-built,
that Kondana was in Moghul hands. and as clever as he was brave. He was
Both Shivaji and Jijabaisaheb were very passionately devoted to Shivaji.
unhappy about it. It was like a thorn in
their side. Shivaji started making his Kondana’s Marriage First : Tanaji
plans for the recapture of Kondana. Who was busy making preparations for his

Tanaji’s Resolve

son Raiba’s wedding. Everyone in went to Shivaji Maharaj to give him and
the house was busy with the marriage Maasaheb his personal invitation to the
preparations. The marriage wedding. On receiving the invitation from
was only four days away. Shelarmama, Shivaji said, “Shelarmama,
Tanaji thought that he you go back and celebrate the wedding.
would go and invite I am sorry I shall be unable to attend. I
Shivaji Maharaj have decided to lead a campaign for the
and Maasaheb recapture of Kondana.”
to the wedding. As soon as Tanaji heard this he said,
Accompanied by “Maharaj, do you propose to undertake
Shelarmama, he this difficult and dangerous campaign
while Tanaji is still alive ? Then what is
the use of persons like me ? This will not
do. I shall first perform the marriage of
Kondana by capturing it. Raiba’s wedding
can wait. You must allow me to lead this
campaign and give me your blessings for
its success.”
Tanaji’s Plan : With these words
Tanaji took charge of the campaign and left
for Kondana. The fort was then under the
immediate control of Udaybhan, a Rajput
officer appointed by
Jaising. Udaybhan
was a disciplined
and vigilant
officer. There
were two

Tanaji’s Assault on Kondana

to the fort. Both were heavily guarded by the fort started. Udaybhan heard of the
Udaybhan’s men. How then to mount an attack. The battle drum was sounded.
assault ? Tanaji quietly made a detailed Udaybhan’s garrison attacked Tanaji’s
inspection of the fort. On the western side men. A grim battle started between the two
there was a steep precipice where there forces in the light of dancing torches. The
were no guards. Tanaji decided to attack Mavlas opened the doors of the Kalyan
from that side. He explained his plan to gate. Tanaji was fighting like a brave
his younger brother. He said, “You take a lion. Udaybhan attacked him. Both were
detachment of five hundred troops and try very brave and the battle between them
and reach the ‘Kalyan’ gate. With another was fierce. Tanaji’s shield was broken.
three hundred I shall scale this precipice So he tied his upper garment round his
and get inside the fort. As soon as we are defending hand to parry Udaybhan’s
there, we shall throw open the doors of the blows and continued the fight. In the end
‘Kalyan’ gate. Then you step in and join both were mortally wounded and fell
us. Together we shall destroy the Moghul fighting.
troops defending the fort.” With the plan The Fort is captured but the Lion
thus finalised, Suryaji and Tanaji went is dead : With the death of Tanaji the
their different ways. Mavlas found themselves without a leader
Over the Precipice and into the and began to retreat. By then Suryaji and
Fort  : It was a dark night. Tanaji and his men had arrived on the scene of battle.
his men were gathered at the foot of the Suryaji was deeply grieved to know that
precipice. The sound of crickets could his brother was dead. But he had no time
be heard all round. Five or six members for grief. He had to continue the fight. He
of Tanaji’s party started to scale the cut off the rope by which the Mavlas had
precipice. It was indeed very high and climbed the fort. Then he stood in the path
steep. But somehow they managed to get a of the retreating Mavlas and said, “Don’t
foothold in the rock, pulled themselves up you see that your father is lying dead here
by pushing their fingers into rock crevices on the battlefield ? Are you not ashamed to
and began the difficult and dangerous run away like a bunch of cowards ? Turn
climb. Slowly but surely they reached the back and fight, for I have blocked your
top. As soon as they were on safe ground, retreat by cutting off the rope by which
they tied a thick rope to a strong tree and you climbed up. The only choice before
let it down the precipice. The others took you is either to jump to your death over
hold of the rope and climbed up to the top the precipice or to turn back and fight to
like monkeys. destroy the enemy.”
Tanaji’s Valour : By now Suryaji So the Mavlas returned to the fight
had reached the Kalyan gate. He waited and attacked the enemy. A fierce battle
there for the doors to open. The battle on raged. The Mavlas ultimately conquered
the fort but in the process had lost their So Kondana became Sinhagad, in
brave and lion-hearted leader, Tanaji. memory of the great warrior who gave his
Jijamata and Shivaji Maharaj heard the life to recapture it. This event took place
news. They were struck with grief. Shivaji in 1670. Later on, Shivaji Raje personally
Maharaj expressed his sorrow in a single went to Umrathe and performed the
sentence : “The fort is won but the lion is wedding of Raiba.


1. Colour the circle of the correct option. (b) What did Jijamata say to Shivaji about
(a) Tanaji was the resident of this place. Kondana ?
(i) Mahad (ii) Chiplun (c) Who took charge of the campaign of
(iii) Umrathe Kondana ?
(iv) Ratnagiri
(b) Udaybhan, appointed by Jaising, was
the chief of the ............... fort. 3. Write the answers in two or three
(i) Purandar (ii) Kondana sentences.
(iii) Raigad (iv) Pratapgad (a) What did Shivaji say on receiving the
invitation from Shelarmama ?
(c) The name of Tanaji’s brother was :
(b) What did Suryaji say to the retreating
(i) Raiba (ii) Suryaji Mavlas ?
(iii) Murarbaji (iv) Firangoji

2. Write the answer in one sentence.
Make a list of historical monuments in your
(a) In whose hands was the Kondana fort  ?

15. A Memorable Ceremony
Why did Shivaji have himself Preparations for the Coronation :
crowned ? : Shivaji took the oath of Then Shivaji Raje ordered a golden
Swaraj in the temple of Raireshwar. He throne to be made and had it studded
had to face numerous difficulties and with precious stones. He put a white royal
calamities in his efforts to win Swaraj umbrella over the throne. Invitations to
for his people. But with great courage the coronation were sent out to princes
and skill Shivaji overcame them all. and kings, learned Brahmins, all the
Swaraj had stepped out of its childhood Sardars under his command and other
and was growing fast. Men like Baji officers. Gagabhatt came from Varanasi
Prabhu, Murarbaji, Tanaji nursed it with to act as the chief priest at the ceremony.
their blood. The new Kingdom was both Gagabhatt originally belonged to Paithan
respected and feared. but had settled down in Varanasi. He was
With a view to having this kingdom a great and renowned scholar respected in
recognized by all other princes in the Varanasi.
land, big and small, Shivaji decided to Shivaji Maharaj made detailed
have himself crowned. After hundreds of preparations for the coronation. Men were
years, a king was born in Maharashtra sent out to bring waters of the seven rivers
who would treat all religions equally and and the sea. Nearly fifty thousand people
give justice and happiness to his subjects. gathered at Raigad. Small tents, big tents,
Shivaji decided to have himself crowned spacious shamianas to accommodate the
so that everyone would come to know guests could be seen everywhere.
that Swaraj had been firmly established. The Coronation Ceremony : The
He did not do it for self-glorification or Coronation Day dawned. It was indeed the
personal happiness. He did it to give the most auspicious day. Musicians began to
newly founded Swaraj a firm footing. play on their instruments. Singers began to
The Capital of Swaraj : Shivaji sing, music and singing filled the air. There
selected Raigad as the capital of his was an atmosphere of joy everywhere.
kingdom. Raigad was a strong hill fort Shivaji Raje sat on a golden seat in full
from where it was easy to administer the regalia. A canopy (chhatra) and the fans
kingdom and keep a watch on the enemy. (chamare) were held over his head. There
Shivaji Raje inspected his troops were priests, each one carrying vessels of
at Chiplun. He visited Pratapgad and ghee, dahi and honey. Gagabhatt himself
took the goddess Bhavani’s ‘Darshan’. carried a gold vessel filled with the waters
In grateful memory he presented to the of the seven rivers, Ganga, Sindhu,
temple a golden canopy for the goddess. Yamuna, Godavari, Krishna, Narmada

The Coronation Ceremony
and Kaveri and of the sea. Gagabhatt canopy lined with gold and pearl tassels
held the vessel over Shivaji’s head and over his head and said, “Victory be to
started reciting the coronation mantras. Shiva Chhatrapati, now crowned King,
From a hundred tiny holes in the vessel, the ornament of the race of warriors.”
water started dripping down on Shivaji’s Everyone present followed suit and in one
head. After ablution by the sacred waters voice wished victory to Shivaji Maharaj.
Shivaji Maharaj got up and bowed before Guns were fired from fort after fort. The
Jijamata and touched her feet. Jijamata whole of Maharashtra echoed with one
held him in close embrace. Her eyes were voice, “Shivaji Maharaj Ki Jai.” Shivaji’s
filled with tears of joy. Her thirty years’ coronation took place in 1674. From
efforts had at last borne fruit. The dream that year Shivaji Maharaj started a new
she had nursed even before Shivaji’s birth calendar, the Coronation Calendar. He
had at last come true. The tears in her eyes became a great king like those in whose
were tears of joy and fulfilment. Shivaji name people start a new era. He struck
Maharaj was also deeply moved. Glory his own coins. Some foreign envoys were
be to both of them ! present at the Coronation. The English had
After meeting Maasaheb, Shivaji sent their envoy Oxinden with valuable
Maharaj sat on the throne. Maharani presents. Subjects from far-off areas and
Soyarabai and the Crown Prince Sambhaji places had also come to see this ceremony.
Raje sat next to him. His eight ministers The whole world came to know of the big
stood on either side. Gagabhatt held the event. Shivaji’s fame spread everywhere.

1. Fill in the blanks : (c) Why were Jijamata’s eyes filled with
(a) Shivaji selected ........... as the capital of tears of joy ?
his kingdom. Activity
(Sinhagad, Raigad, Panhalgad)
(a) From your teacher, obtain information
(b) Shivaji’s coronation took place in about the coins that Shivaji Maharaj
........... . struck at the time of his Coronation.
(1674, 1675, 1647)
(b) Make a collection of various postal
2. Write the answer in one sentence. stamps. Make an exhibition of them
(a) The water of which seven rivers was in your class with the help of your
filled in the golden vessel ? class-mates.
(b) What Calendar did Shivaji Maharaj
start from the year of his Coronation ?
3. Write the answers in two or three sentences.
(a) Why did Shivaji Maharaj have himself
crowned ?
(b) Why did Shivaji select Raigad as the
capital of his Kingdom ?

16. Campaign in the South
Plan of Campaign : The coronation any love for Swaraj. He treated Shivaji
ceremony was over but its joy was short- with indifference. Shivaji thought that
lived. A short while after the coronation, a personal meeting would resolve the
on 17 June 1674, Maasaheb passed dispute and Vyankoji could be persuaded
away. While all his subjects looked to help in the work of Swaraj.
upon Shivaji Maharaj as their protector,
Visit to Golconda : Shivaji Maharaj
Shivaji Maharaj himself depended upon
started on his Southern campaign.
the advice and help of Maasaheb. She
Abulhasan Kutubshah of Golconda
was the true guide and Guru in his life.
had invited him to visit Golconda. He,
He was deeply grieved at the loss of his
therefore, decided to visit Golconda first
mother. But he had very little time for
and then proceed with his conquest of the
sorrow because he had to administer the
kingdom which he had established.
Golconda was the capital of
He decided to attack Karnatak. He
Kutubshah’s Kingdom. He made great
was no longer afraid of Adilshah because
preparations to receive Shivaji. A
the Kingdom of Bijapur was practically
special shamiana was put up where the
on its last legs. The real threat to Swaraj
two would meet. As Shivaji entered the
was from the North, for the Moghul
capital, people lined the streets to have
Emperor Aurangzeb was bidding his time
to destroy the Maratha Kingdom. There his ‘Darshan’. Stories of his exploits were
was no knowing when he would attack the talk of the whole country. People had
and swallow the new kingdom. Shivaji heard of the death of Afzalkhan at his
thought that this campaign would create hands, of the discomfiture of Shaistakhan
a powerful base in the South from where and of Shivaji’s miraculous escape
he could resist the blows of the Moghuls. from Agra. Because of this, Shivaji
With this in view, he planned his Southern Maharaj received a royal welcome.
campaign. He approached Kutubshah of People showered flower petals on him
Golconda for help and the Shah readily from the house-tops. Acknowledging
agreed to give whatever help was needed. this wonderful reception, Shivaji entered
Kutubshah’s darbar. Kutubshah came
There was yet another reason for
down half-way to receive him. He seated
the Campaign. Shivaji’s step-brother
Shivaji Maharaj alongside himself as an
Vyankoji was looking after Shahaji
equal on a specially prepared throne. He
Raje’s Tanjavur Jagir in the South. He
left nothing undone as far as reception
would not give Shivaji his share of the
was concerned.
ancestral Jagir. Neither did he display

The Historic Visit of Shivaji Maharaj to Golconda

Conquest of Jinji : Taking leave Meeting with Vyankoji Raje :

of Kutubshah, Shivaji proceeded south Shivaji Maharaj invited Vyankoji Raje,
and reached the east coast. To the south his step-brother, to meet him. Vyankoji
of Chennai is the fort of Jinji. It is a Raje reluctantly agreed. Shivaji received
big fort, as big and strong as Raigad. him with great honour and tried to win
Shivaji besieged and captured it. A him over. He appealed to Vyankoji
strong Southern base was thus created for Raje to help him in the work of Swaraj.
Swaraj. Then he besieged the Vellore fort. For a few days, Vyankoji Raje stayed
The siege lasted for several months but with Shivaji Maharaj but one night he
the fort could not be conquered. Shivaji returned to Tanjavur without even taking
had to train his guns on the fort from a leave of Shivaji Maharaj. From Tanjavur
neighbouring hill before he could conquer he actually attacked Shivaji’s forces.
it. His southern campaign brought under Shivaji’s forces took heavy toll of the
his rule several forts and a territory with attacking troops and Vyankoji Raje was
an annual revenue of twenty lakhs. defeated. Shivaji Maharaj was deeply

Shivaji Maharaj meets Vyankoji Raje.

pained at Vyankoji Raje’s behaviour. He Siddi of Janjira. At this time, Maharaj was
wrote to him and tried to persuade him fifty years old. He had toiled continuously
to change his ways. He conferred on him for nearly thirty-five years, without any
the territory south of Jinji and set aside time to rest.
a small part of Karnatak as a gift for The People’s Protector Is No More :
Deepabai, Vyankoji’s wife. He said in his On 3rd April, 1680, Shivaji Maharaj died,
letter to Vyankoji Raje, ‘Do not put your plunging his people into a sea of sorrow.
trust in your enemies. Follow the path of The protector of people passed away.
In his lifetime, Maharaj achieved so
After the conclusion of this successful many great things. He vanquished very
campaign of Karnatak Shivaji returned to powerful enemies and founded Hindavi
Raigad. While he was yet to overcome Swaraj. There was none in the whole of
the strain of this campaign, he had to India who could match his achievements.
undertake a naval campaign against the He was a great national figure.

The following foot notes are applicable : (1) © Government of India, Copyright : 2014. (2) The responsibility for the correctness of internal details rests with the publisher.
(3) The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles measured from the appropriate base line. (4) The administrative headquarters
of Chandigarh, Haryana and Punjab are at Chandigarh. (5) The interstate boundaries amongst Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Meghalaya shown on this map are as
interpreted from the "North-Eastern Areas (Reorganisation) Act. 1971," but have yet to be verified. (6) The external boundaries and coastlines of India agree with the
Record/Master Copy certified by Survey of India. (7) The state boundaries between Uttarakhand & Uttar Pradesh, Bihar & Jharkhand and Chattisgarh & Madhya Pradesh
have not been verified by the Governments concerned. (8) The spellings of names in this map, have been taken from various sources.


1. Fill in the blanks : (c) What did Shivaji Maharaj say in his
(a) Vyankoji Raje was looking after letter to Vyankoji Raje ?
Shahaji Raje’s .......... Jagir in the
South. 3. Give reasons.

(Vellore, Tanjavur, Bangalore) (a) Shivaji Maharaj planned a campaign

of the South.
(b) The capital of Kutubshah’s kingdom
was .......... . (b) Shivaji Maharaj wrote to Vyankoji
Raje and tried to persuade him to
(Delhi, Jinji, Golconda) change his ways.

2. Write the answer in one sentence. Activity

(a) Why did Shivaji Maharaj want to meet Dramatize the conversation between Shivaji
Vyankoji Raje ? Maharaj and Vyankoji Raje at their meeting.
(b) What appeal was made by Shivaji
Maharaj to Vyankoji Raje ?

The Samadhi of Shivaji Maharaj - Raigad

17. Management of Forts and the Navy

Shivaji Maharaj conquered many ‘Janjira’. He employed experts like Hiroji

enemies to establish his Swaraj. Be it Indulkar and Arjoji Yadav to build many
war or governance, his management skill new forts like Rajgad, Pratapgad and
can be seen in all areas. Let us learn Sindhudurg. He repaired some old forts
about the management skills of Shivaji like Vijaydurg, Torana and Rangna and
Maharaj in this lesson. built the new fort of Raigad. He had
about 300 forts.
Do you know?
l What is management skill?
Do you know?
Management skill means working
in a disciplined manner, on a task one l It is believed that the book
has undertaken to achieve a definite ‘Aadnyaapatra’ was written by
goal. Ramchandrapant Amatya at the order
of Chhatrapati Rajaram Maharaj, the
The management skills of Shivaji younger son of Shivaji Maharaj.
Maharaj are seen at all times in the battles
he fought all his life and also in his overall
administration. Let us look at a few You can do this.
examples :
Building Forts l In the Diwali vacation, construct
the model of a fort with the help of
Shivaji Maharaj protected his Swaraj your friends.
with the help of forts. In the book - List the materials you will need
‘Aadnyaapatra’ or ‘Royal Edict’, the to build the fort.
importance of forts has been aptly - Choose a suitable place.
summed up as follows : ‘The essence of - Prepare a blueprint to show the
the whole kingdom is forts’. Shivaji arrangements for houses and water.
Maharaj had roamed through the
Sahyadri ranges in his youth. On
countless occasions, he had gazed at the
Can you tell?
forts situated in the Sahyadri. He had
understood the importance of forts in the l Name a fort or cave-sculpture in
protection of Swaraj. your locality.
l What articles / buildings can be
Shivaji Maharaj built all three types
seen on it?
of forts - forest forts, hill forts and sea
l What type of fort is it?
forts. A sea fort is also known as
Building a Fort

Management of Forts Sabnis and Karkhanis were appointed.

Shivaji Maharaj had made definite The Sabnis and Karkhanis worked under
arrangements for the protection of forts. the Killedar. Their work is shown in the
On each fort, the officers Killedar, chart below.

Killedar (Havaldar)
l protect and administer the fort.
To issue orders to the Sabnis and Karkhanis.

To follow government orders, instructions and letters.


Sabnis Karkhanis
To keep accounts (Record income
l l Supply grains and goods to the people
and expenses on the fort). living on the fort.
l To arrange for the ammunition for the
l collect revenue / tax from the
guns and firearms at the time of war.
subjects on the fort and around it.
l To look after and maintain the fort
l handle the correspondence. and the buildings on it.

Guns and Ammunition
Discuss :
At the time of Shivaji Maharaj, guns
l The guns on the fort were given
(cannons) of various sizes were used to a coating of wax.
protect the forts from the enemy. The
guns were placed on the bastions and
Can you tell?
fortifications of the fort. Some forts like
Purandar and Bhimgad had provisions l Name the types of the vessels in
for making guns. Guns were made from Shivaji Maharaj’s navy, for
example, gurab, galbat, pal,
metals like iron, brass, copper, etc. In
machwa, nav, hodi (boat).
the rainy season, the guns were given l Name the ships in the Navy
a wax-coating to prevent rusting. Iron of Independent India.
and stone cannonballs and canister
The Navy
shots were fired at the enemy from the A navy consists of warships. The
guns. To fire the shots, an explosive English, the Portuguese, the Siddis and the
mixture was used. Dutch had a strong naval force. Some of
these people used to plunder the villages

Shivaji Maharaj inspecting the navy

on the sea coast and torture the villagers. that he obtained helped greatly in making
Shivaji Maharaj created an independent the campaigns like the Surat campaign
navy to permanently subdue these enemies successful. Shivaji’s spies found out
on the sea. detailed information about the enemy
Shivaji Maharaj raised several camp. Shivaji Maharaj started no
dockyards to build ships of various sizes. offensive unless he had gathered
He gained control over old sea forts by information from his spies. That is how
winning them in battles. He repaired sea he planned his campaigns.
forts like Suvarnadurg and Vijaydurg. Guerilla Tactics : In the defence
He built a new sea fort called Sindhudurg strategy of Shivaji Maharaj, guerilla
on the Kurte island near Malvan. He also tactics were especially important.
built the fort of Khanderi near Mumbai. Guerilla tactics include sudden and
unexpected attacks on the enemy at a
The Swaraj navy included people
strategic place and time. The guerilla
belonging to various sea-faring
army attacks the enemy, and without
communities like Koli, Bhandari, and
giving them time to recover, reaches a
Agari. Daulatkhan, Maynak Bhandari,
safe destination. Shivaji Maharaj was
Lai Patil, Daryasarang, Tukoji Angre
helped by the dense forests and hill forts
were some of the great men of his period, in the Sahyadris and the support of his
skilled in naval warfare. subjects in this guerilla warfare.
Because of the Maratha navy, the
English, the Portuguese, the Siddis and Do you know?
the Dutch who were the enemies of the
l Shivaji Maharaj had a disciplined
Marathas began to fear and respect them.
Their nuisance to Swaraj was reduced. army. His soldiers treated women with
By raising an independent and strong respect. Shivaji Maharaj, therefore,
navy, Shivaji Maharaj defined his came to be known as the protector of
territorial waters and established women. He had strictly warned his
domination over the coastal area. He soldiers not to drink alcohol, not to
safeguarded his sea-coast. This navy was trouble his subjects and not to extort
the first of its kind in medieval India. money from them.
That is why he is rightly regarded as the
‘Father of the Indian Navy’. Do you know?
Intelligence Department : There l A few of the associates of Shivaji
was a well-organized and very efficient Maharaj - Kanhoji Jedhe, Veer Baji
system of army intelligence and Pasalkar, Firangoji Narsala, Prataprao
espionage. Bahirji Naik was the chief of Gujar, Sidhoji Nimbalkar and Siddi
this branch. The accurate information Hilal.
1. Can you tell these names? 4. Show the following on an outline map
(a) The book which tells us about the of Maharashtra.
importance of forts .................. . (a) Fort Sindhudurg (b) Vijaydurg
(b) Another name for sea forts .......... . (c) Mumbai (d) Pratapgad

2. Write what you feel.

5. Which aspect of Shivaji Maharaj’s
(a) Shivaji Maharaj is rightly called the
management skills did you like the
‘Father of the Indian Navy’.
most? How will you use it in your
(b) Areas in which we can see Shivaji daily routine?
Maharaj’s management skills.
Activity :

3. Write two of the things that these (a) Present a play in the classroom on
the subject of ‘An interview with
officers did.
Shivaji Maharaj’.
(a) Killedar 1. .............. 2. ................
Obtain information about the
(b) Sabnis 1. .............. 2. ................ warships in the Indian Navy.
(c) Karkhanis 1. .............. 2. ................ (c) Visit different types of forts and find
out the names of the various places
on it.

18. Management of the Welfare State of Swaraj

eight ministers and other important

Can you tell? officers on the basis of their eligibility
and merit. He supervised all their work.
l Name the various powers that
Shivaji Maharaj fought.
Do you know?
Shivaji Maharaj struggled long Food, clothing and shelter are the
against many unjust powers. They were basic necessities of life. In a welfare
the Adilshahi and Moghul powers, the State, these needs of people are satisfied.
Portuguese, and the Siddis of Janjira. Women are honoured. Common people,
That is how an independent Hindavi peasants are not deceived. Injustice is
Swaraj was created. not done to anyone. Justice is dispensed
For smooth working, Shivaji Maharaj quickly. Agriculture and industries
divided the administration into eight develop well. Folk arts flourish. People
departments. He appointed a Minister in can live a happy, contented life.
charge of each. This was his famous
council of eight ministers. The Swaraj of People lived happily in the Swaraj
Shivaji Maharaj was a State run for the created by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.
welfare of the people in the true sense of Therefore, the qualities of confidence,
the term. It was run with the assistance of self-respect and patriotism strongly
the eight ministers. Shivaji Maharaj emerged among the people of
himself made the appointments of these Maharashtra.

The Council of Eight Ministers

Name of the Minister Designation Department
1. Moro Trimbak Pingle Pradhan Administration (Political)

2. Ramchandra Nilkanth Amatya Revenue and Accounts of the

Muzumdar State
3. Hambirrao Mohite Senapati Defence

4. Moreshwar Panditrao Panditrao Religious Matters

5. Niraji Rawaji Nyayadhish Justice
6. Annaji Datto Sachiv Government Orders
7. Dattaji Trimbak Waknis Mantri Correspondence
8. Ramchandra Trimbak Sumant Foreign Relations
Shivaji distributing pairs of oxen and other basic necessities

Shivaji Maharaj saw to it that the

Something for you to do. forests in his kingdom would not be
destroyed by the people. From the ‘Royal
l Copy the ‘Royal Edict for the Edict’, we can see that he had issued
Protection of Environment’ given in many orders like the following : For the
this textbook in big and beautiful letters navy, it is necessary to build boats and
and make a chart. Read it aloud in the ships of various sizes and their beams,
classroom. masts, oars, etc., for which wood is
required. To obtain this wood, only teak
Protection of Environment trees should be cut. If more teakwood is
‘Natural environment’ includes the required, it should be purchased from
land in nature, as also factors like air, foreign territories. But on no account
rain, rivers and streams, seas, forests, the should mango, jackfruit or other trees be
birds and animals, light received from cut. They don’t grow in a year or two.
the sun, etc. It is beneficial for man to People look after them like their own
make use of this environment only to children in order to grow them. Cutting
meet his necessities. them is to inflict sorrow on the people. It
should not be done. Even when a tree is
Shivaji Maharaj took precautions to
greatly worn out, it should be cut only
avoid the destruction of these
after paying the owner and getting
environmental factors.
his consent.
Protection of Environment

Maharaj, the number of people living on

Always remember !
forts was quite large. Shivaji Maharaj
‘World Environment Day’ is took care to make proper arrangements
celebrated every year on 5th June, to for water on the forts. Before building a
emphasize the importance of conserving fort, the place was inspected to see
and protecting the environment. whether enough water was available
there. In case it didn’t have water, tanks
Water Management and reservoirs were built there, before the
Shivaji Maharaj had various bunds onset of the rainy season, and rainwater
built near the villages in Swaraj, to make was stored in them.
drinking water available to the people. The stored water was used
Canals were dug out to make water economically. Due to such water
available for agriculture. Due to this, management, people on the forts and
there was an increase in the produce. other subjects in Swaraj did not suffer
People in Swaraj never felt the severity from shortage of water even during
of droughts. During the regime of Shivaji drought periods.

Shivaji Maharaj made arrangements for drinking water and irrigation by constructing bunds and canals

drought was reduced for people in Swaraj.

Can you tell?
In a drought year, Shivaji Maharaj
l Why should we use water distributed the grain stored in the State
economically ? granaries free of cost to the people. He
l Name a dam or lake situated near also undertook repairs of various forts
your village or locality. and construction of dams, bunds and
l What is water management? canals during drought years. This way,
l What are the government schemes
peasants and artisans or balutedars could
for water management? earn their daily living and did not feel the
severity of drought.
As the peasant became wealthy, he
Do you know?
could afford to buy things like footwear,
l The Government has started the clothes, etc. This provided work to the
project ‘Jalyukt Shivar’ to make artisans. Those who were homeless till
Maharashtra a drought free State. then, developed the capacity to build
their own houses. This in turn provided
Drought Relief work to the masons, the carpenters, the
Shivaji Maharaj gave various blacksmiths, the brick-makers. This is
facilities to drought-affected peasants. how, along with the peasants in Swaraj,
He used to waive taxes. So the severity of artisans also become happy and wealthy.
people are being cheated in the coconut
Can you tell?
and betelnut trade in Konkan, he warned
l Name the market in your village / the Subhedar of that region.
locality. High Regard for Women
l How did the market acquire that Shivaji Maharaj had ordered that the
name? women and children in the enemy camp
were not to be harmed in any way during
Sea Trade and other Markets the period of war. In fact, they were to be
treated with great respect. The behaviour
Shivaji Maharaj raised his own
of Shivaji Maharaj on several occasions,
independent Navy in order to protect his
set the ideal of how women were to be
Swaraj well and to establish his rule over
the sea adjoining Swaraj. But that was
The Maratha army had marched
not all. He also had special cargo ships
upon Belawadi in Karnataka to vanquish
built to promote trade in Swaraj. He
the fortress there. Mallamma Desai, a
developed trade ports like Rajapur. He
brave woman, fought a great battle in
built a special market on Raigad. He defence of the fortress. When Shivaji
started a separate market place at Khed Maharaj came to know about her courage,
Shivapur near Pune. He developed he called her his younger sister, returned
marketplaces in big towns and roadside her fortress and villages to her with
villages. A new ‘peth’ or settlement was honour and gave her the title ‘Savitri’.
established at Pashan near Pune by the
orders of Veermata Jijabai. It was Vigilance Regarding Cleanliness
referred to as ‘Jijapur’. During the regime of Shivaji
Shivaji Maharaj levied more taxes Maharaj, measures were taken to
on goods imported from the outside maintain better cleanliness in homes and
in public places. He issued orders telling
regions to promote trade within Swaraj.
people to make a fence of the nirgudi
He levied more tax on the salt produced
bush around the house to prevent the
in the Portuguese territory, which made it
entry of animals like mice, scorpions,
costlier. On the other hand, he reduced
insects and ants. Fumigation was also
the tax on the salt produced in Swaraj so
suggested to destroy the germs that are
that people could buy it at a cheaper rate. harmful to health.
Naturally, it led to an increase in the
People were warned not to leave
trade of salt produced in Swaraj. Thus,
garbage lying on the roads and markets
local trade was encouraged.
on the fort. If garbage piled up in various
Shivaji Maharaj made efforts for the places in spite of all this, it was not to be
growth of trade and industries in Swaraj. thrown down the fort. It was to be burnt
He personally made sure that his subjects on the spot and the ashes were to be used
would not be cheated by the merchants in as manure for vegetables grown in
any way. When he came to know that backyards.
Shivaji Maharaj honours Mallamma Desai of Belawadi

Shivaji Maharaj’s management of Sharif, he would respectfully pass it on

forts, guns and firearms, his navy, to the Muslims. He never hated Muslims
protection of the environment, water simply because they were Muslims. If a
management, sea trade, markets, person who had changed his religion
cleanliness and hygiene is a guiding wished to return to his original religion,
force for us even today. Shivaji always helped him. His brother-
in-law, Bajaji Naik Nimbalkar, was in
Hindavi Swaraj the service of Adilshah of Bijapur.
Hindavi Swaraj was a dream of Adilshah made him accept the Muslim
Shivaji Maharaj. Anyone who lived in faith. Bajaji made Bijapur his home. He
Hindustan, no matter to what religion or lacked for nothing but he was unhappy
community they belonged, was a that he had changed his religion. One
‘Hindavi’. Their raj was ‘Hindavi day, he made up his mind to come back
Swaraj’. to his own religion. Shivaji Maharaj
welcomed him back in his religion. The
Religious Tolerance story of Netoji Palkar is similar. His
The religious policy of Shivaji religion had been changed but he wished
Maharaj was liberal. In his campaigns, to return to his original faith. Shivaji
he never caused any harm to mosques. If Maharaj accepted him back into his
he came across a copy of the Quran religion.
Remember Him : Shivaji was a
torch-bearer in the dark night of slavery; Do you know?
a fighter who got the better of all difficult
situations; who slowly but surely
increased his strength while giving fight l Shivaji Maharaj had great respect for
to powerful enemies; who encouraged his saints and holy men. He honoured
comrades and fooled his opponents and, temples. He also gave protection to
in the end, achieved his goal. He was a masjids. He respected both the Bhagavad
model son, a cautious leader, a skilled Geeta and the Quran Sharif. He gave
organizer, a benevolent administrator, a protection to Christian churches also. He
clever military strategist, a great warrior, honoured learned men. Paramanand,
a terror to the wicked, a defender of the Gagabhatt, Dhundiraj, Bhushan and
good, and an epoch maker. When one other learned men received his patronage.
sees all these brilliant facets of his
He bestowed great honour on Sant
personality one cannot but say to oneself :
Tukaram, Samarth Ramdas, Baba Yakut
“Bring to memory his wonderful
and Mauni Baba.
image and remember his great

Bring to memory, the wonderful image of Shivaji Maharaj ...

1. Give reasons. 3. Discuss :
(a) An independent Hindavi Swaraj was How did Shivaji Maharaj ensure that the
created. various factors in the environment would
(b) The people in Swaraj did not feel the not get destroyed? What are the things
severity of drought. that you can do to protect the environment?
(c) Shivaji Maharaj honoured 4. Read and tell.
Mallamma Desai. Read the information on ‘water
management’ and tell it in your own
2. Fill in the blanks to complete the table.

Name of the Minister Designation Department

1. Moro Trimbak Pingle …………. Administration (Political)

2. ……………… Amatya Revenue and Accounts of the

3. Hambirrao Mohite Senapati ………….

4. Moreshwar Panditrao …………. Religious Matters

5. ……………… Nyayadhish ………….
6. Annaji Datto …………. ………….
7. ……………… …………. Correspondence
8. Ramchandra Trimbak Sumant ………….

Activity :
(a) Hold a market in the premises of your (b) What trees have been planted in the
school.List the various goods and their neighbourhood of your school ? What
prices. Visit the local market to do that. do you do to conserve them?

‘Royal Edict’ for the
Protection of Environment

Ramchandrapant Amatya wrote ‘Adnya-patra’

(Royal Edict) which reflects the policies of Shivaji
Maharaj. The following passage elucidates his
attitude towards environment.
“For ships of the navy are necessary planks,
beams, masts and such other limbs of wood. With
royal permission useful parts of teak and other
trees which are in the forests of the kingdom
should be cut and collected. Besides this,
whatever is necessary should be purchased and
brought from foreign territories. Wood of mango
tree, jack tree, and other trees growing in one’s
own kingdom are useful for building naval ships
but they should not be touched. For these trees are
not grown in a year or two. People have grown
these trees by looking after them as after their
children and by protecting them. If those trees
are cut there will be no limit to their grief. One
says that would one achieve one’s object causing
grief to another, then the temporary advantage
resulting to the doer of the work is ultimately lost
completely. Nay, the king incurs the sin causing
trouble to the people. In the absence of these trees
there is even loss. For these reasons these things
should not be allowed to happen. Even when a
tree is greatly worn out and is of no use, then by
getting the consent of its owner and by paying
him for it, it should be cut without displeasing
him. Force should not at all be used.”
(The above translation by Prof. S.V.Puntambekar is taken from
‘AmkmnÌ’ Ed. Dr A. R. Kulkarni, Diamond Publications, 2007.)

Fort Rajgad

The Upper Fort at Fort Jinji

The fort of Jinji is currently in the State of Tamil Nadu. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj conquered
this fort in his campaign of the South. This fort had always been strong and difficult to win. Even so
Maharaj demolished the earlier fortifications and made the fort stronger by building new fortifications 
and watch towers. Shahaji Raje had trained him at a young age in making forts unassailable or
difficult to win. It is seen that Shivaji Maharaj made use of that knowledge on this occasion. Later
on, Rajaram Maharaj established his capital on this fort. The Moghuls beseiged the fort when he
was there. But Rajaram Maharaj fought for nearly seven years defending the fort in a state of seige.
He could stay safe in the fort for such a long period because Shivaji Maharaj had the foresight to
make the fort even stronger.

Bhavanidevi - Pratapgad


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