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AYU CHANDRA MULIAWATI ( 1041172106262)

AYUNI DWI PANGESTI ( 1341172106193)

Ayuni : Good morning.

Ayu c : Good morning.

Ayuni : Hai…, my name is Ayuni I am your tour guide from MG company, and I will guide you during

vacation in Magelang city.

Ayu C : ya thank you, please deliver me to the interest place..

Ayuni : yes, I will do it.

Ayu c : So, where we are going to today?

Ayuni : we are going to Borobudur temple.

Ayu c : Borobudur temple??? It is a wonderful world , right?

Ayuni : yes right , everyday there are a lot of tourists visit Borobudur.

Ayu c : wah ….it is great


Ayuni : Ok.. we have arrived in Borobudur temple.

Welcome to Borobudur..

Ayu c : Waw…’s so beautiful.,,. This is the most beautiful temple I have ever seen.

Ayuni : Borobudur is buddhist stupa and temple complex in Central Java, Indonesia dating from

8th century and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Ayu c: hm… it’s so big, right..!!?

Ayuni: yeah… you know what? Borobudur is the biggest Buddhist temple in the world.

Ayu c: yeah… I believe it….,

Hmm.. could you tell me about story of Borobudur?

Ayuni: oh sure…, There is no definite written record of who built Borobudur or why it was
built. It was likely founded as a religious site in the 8th century at the peak of the Sailendra

dynasty in central Java. The construction is thought to have taken a period of 75 years, and

completed in about 825

Ayu c :. Hmmm…
This temple still holds many mysteries

.Ayuni : yeah..

.Ayu c : hm….what is it?

Ayuni : oh it is relief..

Ayu c : what is relief contain a meaning?

Ayuni : yeah…relief contains a story and the story gives a lesson and advice to us.

Ayu c : oh…hm what the name is it?

Ayuni: oh it is stupa … there is a statue inside.

Ayu c: hah really ..???

Ayuni : yeah look at inside.!

Ayu c: oh yeah … is true..,

Ayuni : Antiquity, many people believed that the statue was miraculous, and they got a lucky if

they touch the statue.

Ayu c :oh yeah…,?? hmm can I touch it?

Ayuni: oh… don’t touch the statue!!!!

Ayu c: why…, I want to get a lucky also.

Ayuni: we are forbidden to touch it.

Ayu c: I just wanna touch it…!

Ayuni: yeah I know, … but scrape of your hand on the statue can erode it.

Ayu c: oh ok…I am sorry , so what is the prohibit in her

Ayuni: oh we can not sit on the stupas.

Ayu c: Ok I see.
Ayuni: Do you want to take a picture here?

Ayu c: Oh ya….its good idea..

Ayuni: Ok I will take the picture for you.

Ayu c: Thank you…

Ayuni: You are welcome, by the way do you enjoy visit borobudur?

Ayu c: Ya I am so happy , I enjoy visit this wonderful place.

Ayuni: Ok I am happy hear that.

Ayu c: Thanks to guide me around borobudur.

Oh yeah.., I want to buy gift and accessories to my friends.

Ayuni: Oh…ok . there are many accessories shops .

Ayu c: Could you take me to the shop?

Ayuni: Oh sure…,lets go

Ayu c: Yeah lets go…

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