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The 8 Elements of Employee

Since you’re here on the [engage] blog, you already know that engaged
employees are an invaluable asset in today’s competitive workforce. You
understand that engaged employees are committed, passionate, and inspired
— and they inspire others with their example. But how can you foster
employee engagement at your own organization?
Based on our research and experience, we’ve determined that there are eight
primary elements of employee engagement that an organization needs to
support in order to have a truly engaged team.

In fact, we believe so strongly in the importance of these pillars that we’ve

recognized companies who excel in each area at our annual Achievers 50
Most Engaged Workplaces™ Awards. Take a look at the list and see where
your organization excels, and where you can improve.

Employees are desperate to have meaningful relationships with their
managers. Did you know that praise from a direct manager is almost twice as
effective at motivating employees as giving them stock options? And praise is
free! In fact, the single greatest predictor of employee commitment — whether
those employees will continue working at your company — is their
relationships with their managers. We can’t overstate this: when it comes to
engagement, good management is critical.

Wondering what makes a good manager? Start with good communication.
Make sure you communicate with your employees openly, honestly, and
often. Don’t shield your employees from news of business failures — they’ll
only hear about it elsewhere, and hearing it from you will engender trust.

A positive corporate culture results in happy employees who want to come to
work every morning. Not only that, but the better the culture, the more
profitable the company. If you aren’t convinced, researchers at the University
of North Dakota determined that investing in companies from “Fortune’s 100
Best Companies to Work For” consistently yields a larger return than the
overall market — larger, even, than investing in the S&P 500.

Rewards and recognition

More than three quarters of employees say they would work harder if they
were recognized more.  This includes formal recognition, like years of service
or employee-of-the-month programs, as well as informal programs like
company “points” or thank-you cards. A well-defined recognition and reward
system allows employers to effectively differentiate between good and poor
performers and tie recognition and rewards directly to the behavior that
matters for the success of the organization. What gets recognized gets

Professional and personal growth

The opportunity to develop new skills and capabilities is critically important to
ambitious employees. Most employee development occurs on the job in the
form of new projects or responsibilities, but could also include regional
conferences, new reading materials, or certification courses. Keep your
employees engaged by finding out how they’d like to stretch and giving them
appropriate opportunities for growth in that direction.

Accountability and performance

Everyone wants to be part of a winning team. People who perform well feel
good about themselves —and where they work. But like any team, they need
coaches who can provide honest feedback. Immediate praise reinforces
desired behaviors, and timely criticism can help avert future problems before
they snowball.

Vision and values

Engaged employees understand the big picture and how they fit into it. A
clearly communicated vision and statement of core values give employees
something to rally around. If employees feel like a part of something bigger
than themselves, they are much more likely to go above and beyond to
contribute to that greater purpose.

Corporate social responsibility

Employee engagement levels are twice as high among employees who say
they are proud of the contributions their organization has made to the
community. Successful companies tend to be deeply connected with their
communities, committed to social outreach, and they encourage employees to
participate in worthy causes that make the world a better place.

Do any of these qualities fit your company? Good news, we're now accepting
applications for the 2016 Achievers 50 Most Engaged Workplaces™ Awards!
Apply now for the chance to win this prestigious designation.

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