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Home School Researcher Volume 17, No. 1, 2006, p.


Homeschooled Children’s Social Skills

Richard G. Medlin, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Psychology, Stetson University
Campus Unit 8321, 421 North Woodland Blvd., DeLand FL 32723,

THERE IS A striking irony surrounding Review of the Research

homeschooling––perfect strangers seem far more Research affirms that although homeschooling
worried about homeschooled children’s social parents are not worried about their children’s social
development than their own parents are. For development, they do care about it. In fact, they are
example, a survey of public school superintendents strongly committed to providing positive
found that 92% believed homeschooled children do socialization experiences for their children (Gray,
not receive adequate socialization experiences 1993; Gustafson, 1988; Howell, 1989; Martin, 1997;
(Mayberry, Knowles, Ray, & Marlow, 1995). Their Mayberry, 1989; Mayberry et al., 1995; Van Galen,
parents “have real emotional problems themselves,” 1987; Van Galen & Pitman, 1991). They believe,
one superintendent asserted, and “need to realize the however, that “socialization is best achieved in an
serious harm they are doing to their children in the age-integrated setting under the auspices of the
long run, educationally and socially” (p. 94). family” (Tillman, 1995, p. 5), rather than in a
Educational psychologists representing the American conventional school with its “unnatural” age
Psychological Association published their opinions segregation (Smedley, 1992, p. 13) and institutional
about homeschooling in the APA Monitor (Murray, culture. Consequently, they make sure that their
1996). These psychologists warned parents that their children regularly take part in a variety of social
children may experience difficulty entering activities (Delahooke, 1986; Rakestraw, 1988; Ray,
“mainstream life” and may not grow up to be 1990, 1997, 2000, 2003; Rudner, 1999; Wartes,
“complete people” if taught at home. And a study of 1988, 1990). These activities are purposefully chosen
parents whose children attended public schools to help children develop leadership abilities and
reported that 61% believed homeschooled children social skills in a positive, affirming environment
were isolated (Gray, 1993). One participant described (Johnson, 1991; Montgomery; 1989). “The
the “majority” of homeschooled children as “socially perception of homeschooled students as being
handicapped” (p. 10). isolated, uninvolved, and protected from peer
In stark contrast to this widespread pessimism contact,” therefore, “is simply not supported by the
and alarm, homeschooling parents are simply “not data” (Montgomery, 1989, p. 9). Nevertheless, the
particularly worried about socialization” (Medlin, social world of homeschooled children is not the
2000, p. 110). They tend to be confident that their same as that of children attending conventional
children are receiving adequate socialization schools (Chatham-Carpenter, 1994). How does this
experiences and that their children’s social difference affect the development of social skills?
development is coming along quite nicely (Pitman & Social behavior in homeschooled children has
Smith, 1991; Reynolds, 1985; Tillman, 1995; Wartes, been studied from three different points of view––
1987). from the perspectives of parents, objective observers,
With such dramatic differences of opinion––and and the children themselves. For example, Stough
with so much apparently at stake for homeschooled (1992) and Smedley (1992) had parents of
children––it is crucial to know who is right. Are homeschooled children and parents of children
homeschooling parents deceiving themselves and attending traditional schools complete the Vineland
crippling their children’s social development? Or are Adaptive Behavior Scales (Sparrow, Balla, &
the forebodings of others perhaps no more than Cicchetti, 1984), a widely used measure of social
expressions of ignorance, prejudice, and self interest? development. While Stough found no significant
differences between the groups, Smedley found that
homeschooled children received higher scores on the

Copyright © 2006 by the National Home Education Research Institute 1


communication, daily living skills, socialization, and Research from the perspective of homeschooled
social maturity subscales of the test. In a similar children themselves is rare, and few of these studies
study (Lee, 1994), homeschooling parents rated their have examined genuine social skills. Most self-report
children higher than did the parents of conventionally studies have measured self esteem (Hedin, 1991;
schooled children on the Adaptive Behavior Kelley, 1991; Kitchen, 1991; Lee, 1994; Medlin,
Inventory for Children (Mercer & Lewis, 1977). 1993, 1994; Shyers, 1992a, 1992b; Stough, 1992;
Francis (1999) matched homeschool children to Taylor, 1986; Tillman, 1995). McEntire (in press)
public school children, and asked their parents to found that homeschooled children engaged in fewer
complete the Parent Form of the Social Skills Rating antisocial and self-destructive behaviors than a
System (Gresham & Elliott, 1990). This version of matched group of public school students. Ray (2003)
the test measures cooperation, assertiveness, studied adults who were homeschooled as children
responsibility, self-control, problem behaviors, and and reported that they are more involved in civic
also yields a total social skills score. Although affairs and less likely to be convicted of a crime than
homeschooled children received higher scores on all the general population (see also Knowles &
the social skills subscales, and lower scores on the Muchmore, 1995; Ray, 1997; Webb, 1990).
problem behavior subscale, only the self-control and Montgomery (1989) interviewed homeschooled
total scores were significantly different. adolescents and concluded that homeschooling
In one of the most methodologically astute helped them develop leadership skills. In the study
studies of homeschooled children, Shyers (1992a, described earlier, Shyers (1992a, 1992b) also tested
1992b) carefully matched homeschooled children to assertiveness, but did not find a significant difference
children attending traditional schools. Naive between homeschooled children and children
observers then watched small groups of the children attending conventional schools. Kingston and Medlin
playing or working together to solve puzzles. The (2006) reported that homeschooled children
results were striking––children attending described themselves as more altruistic than public
conventional schools showed more than eight times school children did.
more problem behaviors than homeschooled In conclusion, the available studies show either
children. Shyers described the traditionally schooled no difference between homeschooled children and
children as “aggressive, loud, and competitive” other children, or a difference favoring
(1992b, p. 6). In contrast, the homeschooled children homeschooled children. They suggest that
acted in friendly, positive ways. He noted that they homeschooled children’s social skills “are certainly
introduced themselves, initiated conversation, no worse than those of children attending
cooperated with others, invited uninvolved children conventional schools, and are probably better”
to join them in play, took turns, let others know it (Medlin, 2000, p. 116). The available studies,
was alright if they lost a game, and even “exchanged however, are few and often not focused on specific
addresses and phone numbers for future contact” social skills. More research, especially from the
(Shyers, 1992b, p. 194). perspectives of objective observers and of
Galloway (Galloway, 1998; Galloway & homeschooled children themselves, is clearly needed.
Sutton, 1997) used objective records to compare
college students who had been homeschooled in high The Present Research
school to those who had attended public or private The purpose of this study was to examine social
high schools. She evaluated the students on more skills in homeschooled children from their own point
than 60 indicators of college performance grouped of view. There is a danger, of course, in asking
into five categories: academic, cognitive, social, children to evaluate their own behavior. They are
spiritual, and psychomotor. For example, academic likely to lack the objectivity and sophistication of
indicators included measures such as grade point parents or other adult observers. However, they
average and class rank. Homeschooled students led experience the social exchanges in which they
the others by a large margin in every category except participate with an intimacy and immediacy that no
psychomotor skills. Since many of these indicators outside observer can. And they judge the success or
involved positions of leadership, Galloway failure of those exchanges according to criteria that
concluded that homeschooled students were readily adults may not even be aware of. Without this
recognized for their leadership abilities. In fact, her perspective, therefore, children’s social skills cannot
results were so one-sided that she felt justified in be fully understood.
making a rather provocative statement: “I don’t ever It was hypothesized that homeschooled
want to hear again that homeschooled children are children’s scores on a self-report test of four key
socially inept” (Galloway, 1998). social skills––cooperation, assertiveness, empathy,
Social Skills

and self-control––would be higher than those of the small towns or suburban communities. The sample
public school children who formed the was more ethnically diverse than the homeschool
standardization sample for the test. This difference group: 72.3% were White, 20.1% were African-
was expected to become increasingly obvious as American, 3.8% were Hispanic, and 3.6% belonged
grade level increased. Among the homeschooled to other ethnic groups. A subset (64%) of the
children, girls were expected to have better social children’s parents also participated in the
skills than boys. standardization research. These parents were
described as “better educated than the population as a
Method whole” (Gresham & Elliott, 1990, p. 103). No
information concerning their socio-economic status
Participants was reported.

Homeschool Group. Seventy homeschooled Materials and Procedure

children––32 boys and 38 girls in grades 3 through All participants completed the Social Skills
6––participated in this research. Table 1 shows the Rating System (SSRS), Student Form, Elementary
number of boys and girls in each grade with their Level (Gresham & Elliott, 1990). This self-report
mean ages. All these children were White. measure consists of 34 items such as: “I make friends
Participants were volunteers from two homeschool easily,” “I feel sorry for others when bad things
support groups. Both groups were explicitly happen to them,” “I tell others when I am upset with
Christian, and both were located in the same them,” and “I ask friends for help with my
community in Central Florida. As children provided problems.” Children indicate how often each
the data for this study, demographic information behavior occurs––never, sometimes, or very often.
about their families other than ethnic background was The SSRS yields subscale scores for
not recorded. Previous research on this population, Cooperation, Assertiveness, Empathy, and Self-
however, has indicated that these homeschoolers tend Control as well as a Total score. According to the test
to be Protestant, are more highly educated than the manual (Gresham & Elliott, 1990, p. 2), the
general population, and have a family income slightly Cooperation subscale assesses “behaviors such as
higher than the median four-person family income helping others, sharing materials, and complying
for the state of Florida as a whole (Kingston & with rules and directions,” while the Assertiveness
Medlin, 2006; United States Census Bureau, 2004). subscale measures “initiating behaviors, such as
All these children had been homeschooled for at least asking others for information, introducing oneself,
two consecutive years. and responding to the actions of others,” The
Empathy scale assesses “behaviors that show concern
and respect for others’ feelings and viewpoints,” and
Mean the Self-Control subscale measures behaviors “such
Grade Boys Girls Total Age as responding appropriately to teasing, . . . taking
in turns, and compromising.” Total scores––the sum of
the four subscale scores––can be converted into
3 14 8 22 9.2
percentile ranks and into standard scores with a mean
4 5 11 16 10.3
5 11 9 20 11.0
of 100 and a standard deviation of 15.
6 2 10 12 12.0 The reliability of the Student Form of the SSRS
Table 1. The number of boys and girls in each grade with has been evaluated using both internal consistency
their mean ages. and test-retest methods. With the internal consistency
method, values of coefficient alpha ranged from a
Comparison Group. The standardization low of .51 for the Assertiveness subscale to a high of
sample for the test of social skills used in this .86 for Total scores. With the test-retest method,
research––the Social Skills Rating System (Gresham correlation coefficients ranged from a low of .52 for
& Elliott, 1990)––served as the comparison group. the Assertiveness and Self-Control subscales to a
This sample included 1,170 public school children high of .68 for Total scores (Gresham & Elliott,
from grades 3 through 6, with approximately equal 1990).
numbers of boys and girls at each grade level. The validity of the SSRS has been examined in
Children were randomly selected from among terms of content, criterion-related, and construct
volunteers in 20 different communities throughout validity. In order to establish content validity, SSRS
the United States, but the largest group (35.5%) came items were derived from “a broad survey of the
from the South. Slightly more than half were from empirical literature on the assessment and training of

social skills in children and adolescents” (Gresham & Mean Cooperation, Assertiveness, Empathy,
Elliott, 1990, p. 112) and then evaluated for their and Self-Control subscale scores are presented in
importance to healthy social development by Tables 4-7 along with mean subscale scores for the
teachers, parents, and students. Studies evaluating standardization sample. Notice that 27 of the 32
criterion-related validity of the Student Form have mean scores for the children in this study were higher
found low to moderate negative correlations (-.12 to - than those of the standardization sample. Only the
.43) with a test of problem behaviors and low to third-grade girls’ Self-Control score, the fourth-grade
moderate positive correlations (.12 to .34) with a test boys’ Assertiveness and Self-Control scores, and the
of self-esteem. In one study of construct validity, fifth-grade boys’ Assertiveness and Empathy scores
children’s social skills were rated by the children were lower.
themselves, their parents, and their teachers. The
correlation coefficients generated by this research
were relatively low: parent-child correlations ranged
from .03 to .12, while teacher-child correlations Grade Boys Girls
ranged from .10 to .29 (Gresham & Elliott, 1990). 3 t(289) = 1.13 t(285) = 0.27
Nevertheless, the test authors concluded that 4 t(304) = 0.47 t(325) = 1.49
5 t(307) = 1.02 t(300) = 5.173
their research confirms the SSRS as a “reasonable,
6 t(310) = 3.373 t(274) = 2.351
useful, and efficient approach to the assessment of 1
p <.05
social skills” (Gresham & Elliott, 1990. p. 142). An 2
p <.01
independent review of the test in comparison with 3
p <.001
five other measures of children’s social skills Table 3. Results of t-test analyses comparing SSRS Total scores of
homeschooled children to public school children in the
concluded that “the psychometric properties of the standardization sample.
SSRS are excellent” (Demaray & Ruffalo, 1995, p.

Results Home- Public Home- Public

Grade schoole School school School
Boys Boys Girls Girls
MEAN SSRS TOTAL scores, converted to percentile 3 14.9 13.6 15.5 14.9
ranks, are presented in Table 2. These percentile 4 16.2 14.0 15.0 14.8
ranks ranged from a low of 55 for the fifth-grade 5 15.0 13.2 16.8 14.7
boys to a high of 94 for the sixth-grade boys. All of 6 16.0 13.0 16.6 14.6
Table 4. Mean Cooperation Subscale scores for homeschooled
them exceeded the average for public school students children and for public school children in the
in the standardization sample, the 50th percentile. standardiztaion sample.

Home- Public Home- Public

Grade school School school School
Grade Boys Girls
Boys Boys Girls Girls
3 66 58 3 13.6 12.6 14.3 13.4
4 66 70 4 12.6 12.8 14.6 13.3
5 55 88 5 12.0 12.1 15.7 13.5
6 94 75 6 13.5 11.9 14.6 13.2
Table 2. Mean SSRS Total scores converted to percentile Table 5. Mean Assertiveness subscale scores for homeschooled
ranks. children and for public school children in the
standardization sample.
A series of t-tests was calculated to determine if
mean Total scores for the children in this study were
significantly different from those of the Home- Public Home- Public
standardization sample (with groups matched for Grade school School school School
gender and grade). The results of this analysis are Boys Boys Girls Girls
3 15.3 15.1 16.3 16.3
presented in Table 3. Total scores for fifth-grade 4 16.4 15.0 18.3 16.3
girls, and for sixth-grade boys and girls, were 5 14.8 14.5 18.8 16.3
significantly higher than those of the standardization 6 17.5 14.5 18.1 16.5
sample. Table 6. Mean Empathy subscale scores for homeschooled
children and for public school children in the
standardization sample.

Social Skills

Home- Public Home- Public

Grade school School school School Grade Boys Girls
Boys Boys Girls Girls 3 t(289) = 0.24 t(285) = 0.22
3 11.6 10.6 12.0 12.2 4 t(304) = 1.10 t(325) = 4.113
4 10.2 10.4 13.1 11.7 5 t(307) = 0.30 t(300) = 4.323
5 11.5 9.5 14.2 11.3 6 t(310) = 4.083 t(294) = 2.441
6 18.5 9.3 13.1 10.8 1
p <.05
Table 7. Mean Self-Control subscale scores for 2
p <.01
homeschooled children and for public school 3
p <.001
children in the standardization sample. Table 10. Results of t-test analyses comparing Empathy
subscales scores of homeschooled children to public
school children in the standardization sample.
A series of t-tests was computed to compare
mean subscale scores of the children in this study to
those of the standardization sample (with groups
matched for gender and grade). The results of this
Grade Boys Girls
analysis are presented in Tables 8 through 11. 3 t(289) = 1.15 t(285) = –0.01
Fourth-grade girls scored significantly higher than 4 t(304) = –0.10 t(325) = 1.14
the standardization sample in Empathy. For fifth- 5 t(307) = 1.84 t(300) = 4.313
grade girls, all four subscale mean scores were 6 t(310) = 1.86 t(294) = 2.782
significantly higher than those of the standardization p <.05
p <.01
sample, and for sixth-grade boys and girls, three out 3
p <.001
of four were: Cooperation, Assertiveness, and Table 11. Results of t-test analyses comparing Self-Control
Empathy for boys, and Cooperation, Empathy, and subscales scores of homeschooled children to public
Self-Control for girls. school children in the standardization sample.

For SSRS Total scores, and for each of the

Grade Boys Girls four subscale scores, and analysis of variance
3 t(289) = 1.25 t(285) = 0.38 (ANOVA) was calculated with grade and gender as
4 t(304) = 1.07 t(325) = 0.14 the factors. There were no significant effects of grade
5 t(307) = 1.28 t(300) = 3.072 or gender on Total scores or on Cooperation subscale
6 t(310) = 2.111 t(274) = 2.061 scores. There was a significant effect of gender on
p <.05
p <.01 Assertiveness scores, F (1,62) = 4.12, p = .047, and
p <.001 on Empathy subscale scores, F (1,62) = 7.47, p =
Table 8. Results of t-test analyses comparing Cooperation .008. In both cases, girls’ scores were higher than
subscales scores of homeschooled children to public boys’. There was a significant grade by gender
school children in the standardization sample. interaction for Self-Control subscale scores, as girls
had higher scores than boys in the lower grades while
boys had higher scores than girls in the sixth grade.


Grade Boys Girls HOMESCHOOLED CHILDREN’S SOCIAL skills scores

3 t(289) = 1.36 t(285) = 0.57 were consistently higher than those of public school
4 t(304) = –0.10 t(325) = 1.36 students. Differences were most marked for girls and
5 t(307) = –0.08 t(300) = 2.692 for older children, and encompassed all four of the
6 t(310) = 2.191 t(294) = 1.27
1 specific skills tested: cooperation, assertiveness,
p <.05
p <.01 empathy, and self-control. Among homeschooled
p <.001 children, girls were more empathetic and assertive
Table 9. Results of t-test analysis comparing Assertiveness than boys, and at the lower grades, more self-
subscales scores of homeschooled children to public controlled. These results mirror gender differences
school children in the standardization sample. found among public school children––girls tend to


have better social skills than boys in grades 3 through was based on a self-report measure, it is reasonable
6 (Gresham & Elliott, 1990). to ask if homeschooled children may be more given
Several inferences can be drawn from the to presenting themselves in an unrealistically positive
pattern of results. For homeschooled boys, SSRS light than public school children are. In fact, previous
subscale scores––especially Cooperation scores–– research suggests that the opposite is true (Kingston
were generally higher than those of public school & Medlin, 2006). These results, therefore, can be
boys, but only the sixth graders’ scores were considered at least as valid as those of other self-
significantly different. And as only two sixth-grade, report studies.
homeschooled boys participated in this study, these Although the results of this study are consistent
differences must be interpreted with caution. The with previous research, social skills are complex, and
most appropriate conclusion for homeschooled boys, more research is clearly needed. Many studies of
therefore, would once again be that their social skills homeschooled children’s social behavior (including
“are certainly no worse than those of children this one) are too simplistic. Social skills should not
attending conventional schools, and are probably be viewed as static traits, and cannot be fully
better” (Medlin, 2000, p. 116). understood using paper-and-pencil tests. They
For homeschooled girls, SSRS subscale scores involve dynamic, interactive processes that should be
were typically higher for fifth graders than for sixth examined in the natural, everyday settings that make
graders, suggesting that homeschooled girls were not up children’s social lives. Social behavior occurs in
simply maturing earlier than public school girls (or context, and tests such as the SSRS may be measuring
than homeschooled boys, for that matter). Instead, social opportunities––what circumstances allow or
their scores were generally higher than those of other encourage children to do––as much as they are
children across all grade levels. For homeschooled measuring social abilities. And more attention must
girls, therefore, the results of this study agree with be given to the way homeschooled children learn
previous research that found homeschooled children social skills, rather than simply to the end result of
to have better social skills than children attending this learning. How homeschooled children develop
traditional schools. complex interpersonal skills over time needs to
A few methodological issues are worth emerge as a prominent question. The strategies such
discussing briefly. First, not all homeschooling research requires––naturalistic observation,
families, of course, choose to join support groups. interactional analysis, qualitative studies, longitudinal
Those that do may be especially interested in the designs––are largely missing from the homeschool
social activities such groups offer. “Isolated” literature.
homeschooled children, therefore, may have been In conclusion, homeschooled children in this
missing from the sample used in this study. Also, the study described themselves as more cooperative,
homeschool and comparison groups here were not assertive, empathetic, and self-controlled than public
comparable in ways that may have affected the school children did. There appears to be, therefore, a
results. Ethnic background was certainly different, convergence of evidence from three different
while ideological homogeneity, parental education, perspectives––parental report, objective observers,
family income, and other variables were probably and self-report––that homeschooled children’s social
different. And although all the homeschooled skills are exceptional.
children had been homeschooled for at least two
consecutive years, the total number of years each References
child had been homeschooled was not recorded.
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that it is the act of homeschooling itself–– schoolers: Differing social opportunities. Home
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