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English grammar (tuesday)

Last Tuesday night Dr. Bachorik preach about "The Lord was with Joseph: God's
Blessings On His Faithful Servants" Joseph was raise up by godly parents that knows
God and the blessing of God was with Isaac, his father. Their family believe God
and worship Jehovah but he has a imperfect father but growing in God and brothers
that hated him but used them for Joseph to enter into Egypt. Joseph became a slave
to Egyptian most of his life. But God has a sovereign plan for Joseph and even us
individually, maybe we see it worst or we don't like the way it happen but God
knows. He is in control of everything and He knows what's the right time. In the
life of Joseph God is the ultimate hero! And every story of the Bible including our
lives today.

We can see in the life of Joseph, he became a light to his master Potipar, Potipar
learned from Joseph the true God, the Jehovah. Joseph's light shine in every where
in jail, his master, being a servant and in home, there's people looking at us
Christians. The true blessing of God is when God is with you. The definition of
success is successfuly on the position on what God put you and to walk with Him
like Joseph.

I learn a lot of truths about Joseph's life his faithfulness to the Lord, what ever
God put you just be a good one. God will use us the way he wants to. I must be
faithful and enjoy the blessings of God.

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