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Chapter I



In today’s advanced world, technologies are abundant so much so that,

people use it as a part of their everyday lives. According to James McArthur a member of

the Public Access community, technology is changing rapidly. Most people using modern

technology to do various works and has become more convenient and enjoy the works

with the use of technology and realize that the recent development of technology has

made it possible for us to lead more comfortable in getting daily information and make

our work easier and faster.

Most of the people use technology to help them to make their stuffs easier.

Students use smartphones, laptops, computers and other gadgets just to finish their school

works, on the other side, many of the teachers utilize technology to aid the students

leaning process. Because technology is common in this generation, the technology itself

helps the teachers to teach or aid effectively and the students to learn effectively as well.

By technology, the researchers mean that technology used in helping teachers to teach

and what technology helps the students to learn and provide their outputs to the teachers

such as laptops, televisions, smartphones and projector.

The information revolution has changed the landscape for lifestyle and work. Not

only has the worked changed, but also the way people complete their work and operate in

the world. The Information Age requires a different kind of worker and global citizen,
one that can successfully navigate a technology-infused world. Unlike most teachers,

today’s twenty-first century students have grown up in a digital world (Prensky, 2001).

Traditional classrooms have used a variety of technologies including textbooks,

writing utensils, whiteboards, and overhead projectors to facilitate the teaching and

learning process. Until recently, most technologies in classrooms had been fairly stable

over the course of a teacher’s career; classrooms have remained relatively unchanged for

the past century (Collins & Halverson, 2009, Cuban, 2001). Today’s usage of the term

technology refers to “digital computers and computer software, artifacts and mechanisms

that are new and not yet a part of the mainstream” (Mishra & Koehler, 2006).

The researchers aim to know how significant and important technology is for

teachers and students, the researchers will research about the ways on how technology is

applied and used in teaching and learning for both students and teachers, as well as its

significance and importance as what the title is based upon. This research can be applied

to certain uses in community such as, is it really beneficial for schools to apply

technology in their process or in short the modern way of teaching or should they stick to

the traditional practices that has been around for a long time or the traditional way of

Theoretical-Conceptual Framework of the Study



Sunal et al (1994) Hooper, S., & Rieber, L. P.

Traditional Method of (1995)
Teaching Teachers Teaching with Technology

The use of technology in

directs students to learn
through memorization and teaching.
recitation techniques thereby
not developing their critical
thinking problem solving and
decision making skills.

The effectiveness and

efficiency in the learning

Utilizing technology as an
aid to improve teaching
This theoretical-conceptual framework states two theories about two different

teaching methods which are the traditional and modern teaching. The process of Hooper,

S., & Rieber, L. P. (1995) is to familiarize, utilize, integrate, reorient, and evolve the

traditional teaching methods with the help of technology, however Sunal et al (1994) is

different since it is the traditional way of teaching which is generally called “chalk and

talk”. The researchers concluded that most of the teachers and students prefer the modern

way of teaching because, it makes it easier for them.

Statement of the Problem

This Quantitative Research Study aims to know the significance and importance

of technology on Teachers and Students perspective. Specifically it seeks for an answer

to the following questions:

1) How does technology affects the students and teachers performance?

2) What is the impact of technology on the students learning process?

3) What are the effective ways in teaching with the aid of technology?

Significance of the Study

Students. The results will provide the students to know the importance and

significance of technology on their performance or study.

Teachers. The teacher will know the importance of technology in teaching and

they will know how useful the technology is.

Future Researchers. Future researchers can use this research study as a reference

for them to continue and improve this research study.

Community. It will help the community or people of the community to know

how useful technology in teaching or how helpful it is to student’s learning experience.

Scope and Delimitation

In doing this research, the researchers chose the school as a place to conduct a

study entitled "Teachers and Students perspective: Significance and Importance of

Technology in Learning". In which it only aims to know on how significant and

important the technology is in learning among teachers and students in St. Josephs School

of Mactan.

The researchers made sure that the people they surveyed were all the Grade 10

students and teachers that handles classes in Grade 10 sections in St. Josephs School of

Mactan. Therefore, other facts that are not from the students and teachers in St. Josephs

School of Mactan is not included. This research study will only respond to what the

researcher intends to aim at and will not discuss any other topics in this regard.

Definition of Terms

Teacher – A person who helps that learners.

Student – a person who is learning.

Perspective – mental view or prospect.

Significance – the quality of being worthy of attention, importance or value.

Importance – the state or fact of being of great significance.

Technology – used by humans to make works easier and faster.

Learning – process of getting new knowledge.

Chapter 2


Technology is very common nowadays and it is only right for people to utilize it

on their duties such as teachers and students.

The convenience and effectiveness of e-learning had long been recognized by

educational institutions and education officials. A number of schools in the country have

embraced with enthusiasm emerging education technology in that lectures are boosted by

computer-based, or gadget-based, learning. Today, in some schools, netbooks have

replaced notebooks and some lessons are delivered electronically (Espinosa, 2016). Now,

students can also learn outside the classroom via the Internet. Through the convergence

of traditional and modern methods, students get to experience the best of both worlds –

they can be tutored in school and get additional lessons through the Web.

A study and project conducted by Intel Education at a public school in Davao

proved that the new technology and new methods of teaching helped engage students in

learning, ensuring that they stayed in school. The dropout rate declined dramatically,

from 5.18 percent when the technology was introduced to 2.22 percent two years later.

According to Inosanto (1994) in his article “Incorporating Computers into

Education Setting”, application of computer in the academe addesses the demand for

faster, more accurate processing of data help teachers to prepare education report using

spreadsheet software such as Excel. Teachers can also use PowerPoint application

software in delivering interactive lessons. The article shows the connection of computers

in the lives of the teachers. And it explains how the technology ease the task of preparing

many paper works for effective lecture presentation and how it could give more accurate

data of students.

A research study conducted by Sarwar & Soomro (2013) indicated that

smart phones has provided society to be exposed towards huge amount of educational

and learning purposes due to internet availability and increasing demand of smart phones.

Today, students that utilize smartphones can look for references and take down notes

easily. With the help of these said technology, students are able to access educational

programs (Font, 2013).

According Freeman Dyson, 2008 he stated that “Technology is a teaching aid:

Computers offer an interactive audio-visual medium”. This is evident in modern

classrooms where the teachers use powerpoint presentations as well as the students, other

than that teachers also use a program to compute the grades of the students.

The digital divide is a major concern for educators trying to incorporate the latest

technologies into their courses. Individuals who have the opportunity to learn technology

skills are in better position to obtain and make use of technology that those who do not

(Jhonson, Adams, Haywood, 2011). Warschauer, Knobel, and Stone (2004) define the

digital divide as the inequities and differences in access and use of computers and the

Internet due to demographic variables.



Research Design

This study is in quantitative research method. The researchers used descriptive

research design. The researchers only aims to know the perspective of learners and


Research Respondents

The researchers selected 60 students through simple random sampling. The

researchers also gathered data from all the teachers who handle Grade 12.

Research Instrument

The researchers used online survey questionnaires to gather the data from the

students and the researchers also used survey questionnaires and did an interview to the

selected teacher respondents.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers gathered data through questionnaires by online for students and

offline or sheets are sent out for the teacher respondents. The questionnaires consist of

questions about their experiences and thoughts about technology in learning.

Research Environment

The study was conducted in St. Joseph’s School of Mactan, located in Mactan,

Lapu-Lapu City. It is located near Bigfoot Entertainment and is beside Mactan National


Treatment of the Data

After the data needed was gathered, the researchers used the z-test in

analyzing the data. The researchers will use descriptive statistical analysis to present the

data in which we will use tables and graphs to interpret the data.

The researchers used the following formulas:

Mean. This formula is the summation of all numbers and divided into many parts.



∑ - Represents the summation

X - Represents scores

N - Represents number of scores.

Median. This is simply looking for the middle number.

median=( ) term


n - the number of items in the set

th - just means the (n)th number.

Mode. This is just about finding the most frequently occurring value.

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