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Chapter 1



A pesticide is a chemical substance that is meant to kill, control, or

otherwise repel a certain form of plant and animal life that are considered as

pests. The term pesticide includes all the following: herbicide, insecticides,

nematicide, molluscicide, piscicide, avicide, rodenticide, bactericide, insect

repellent, animal repellent, antimicrobial, and fungicide.

Chili Pepper (Capsicum Annuum) is a fruit that was originated in Mexico,

Chili pepper is most commonly used spice all over the world especially in

Philippines. Chili peppers are widely used in traditional medicine and in cuisines

as a spice to add heat to dishes. Capsaicin is a chili extract from the chili pepper.

It its most often found in insects and pest repellents to keep them from feeding

on plants. It is necessary to take note that capsaicin containing products are

most likely used to repel insects.

The field of agriculture has been increasing and as the environment

continues to grow, more production of crops are needed. Many people had been

experimenting and making a better quality of pesticides that would be extremely

helpful to the agriculture. The invention of natural pesticide is in demand these

days. It is very helpful in our community, especially for our Famers; in the field of

agriculture. Inventors are striving to look for better ways in order to improve the

crop yield of Farmers whilst reducing its side effects. Pesticides are one of the

effective tools that can help to maintain the plant’s growth upon the destruction of

insects and pests. The Chili Powder Pesticide should not be sprayed directly on

fruits, vegetables or herbs meant to serve on the table as they could end up

tasting like chili powder, but it can be applied to the soil around sensitive plants

and still be effective against many insects and garden pests but limit the spray to

nonedible leaves. Like human skin, some plants can be irritated or burned by

chili powder sprays, so always spray one or two leaves as a test.

In homes, insecticides are useful in order to repel the unwanted insects in

the house or anywhere indoors that may also bring bacteria and cause diseases.

It can be used in garden plants to repel pests and insects which attack both

edible and ornamental plants that causing stunned growth of plants.

The researchers will conduct this study to perceive if there is a possibility

to use Chili Pepper (Capsicum Annuum) as the base of the pesticide to boost the

development of agriculture by reducing the side effects of pesticide to crops. As

many Pesticides have been banned due to its undesirable effects, the

researches thought of using chili pepper as organic pesticide that has a feasibility

to control the highest quantity of pests and have a highest rate of crop
production. In homes on the other hand, will reduce the chemicals when used

indoors. Moreover, making pesticides by using chili pepper; which is organic,

unlike the inorganic that has a lot of negative effects. That is why the study is

preferable nowadays.

Lichtenberg and Zilberman (1986) provided a theoretical foundation on

why pesticides are protective inputs and not productive inputs as commonly

perceived in past studies. Pesticides provide a significant contribution to crop

production only if a serious pest attack exists and if the pesticides use is able to

control the pest attack effectively. If farmers do not observe the pest attack, then

it is likely that they may not apply pesticides at all. Adapting the concept of

economic threshold n use of pesticides is suggested by Headley (1972) and

Mumford and Norton (1984) we have analyzed the factors determining

Indonesian chili farmers decision on the level of pesticides.

Farmers’ objectives for plant protection are not only to obtain high yield

but also to minimize risk of crop failure and to ensure economic efficiency of farm

inputs used, including pesticides chemicals. This is explained by the concept of

economic threshold for both the quantity as well as the intensity of use. The

economic threshold is defined as: For any level of pest attack a maximum

acceptable level of pest attack for which the expected value of yield loss
associated with the pest is equal to the cost of pest control measures using

pesticides. (Headley, 1972; Mariyono, 2007 )

Researchers David Zilberman and Erik Lichtenberg (1986) come up with

a theoretical foundation on why pesticides are protective inputs and not

productive inputs as commonly perceived in previous studies. Pesticides has a

large contribution in our daily lives in households, companies, buildings, Headley

(1972) and Mumford and Norton (1984)effectively, it becomes useful if it is used

properly and effectively. The economic threshold in use of pesticides that was

suggested by Headley (1972) and Mumford and Norton (1984) were the studies

that helps us to come up for this studies ,in determining the chili users decision

on the level of pesticides

Farmers observance for protection was cost a lot of consults in pest

attacks,, farmers are not into protecting there crops in order for the pest to be

vanish but to decrease the risk of crop failures and ensures aconomic

balancement, and economic efficiency of farm inputs, This is explained by the

concept of economic threshold for both the quantity as well as the intensity of

use. The economic threshold is defined as: For any level of pest attack a

maximum acceptable level of pest attack for which the expected value of yield

loss, associated with the pest is equal to the cost of pest control measures using

pesticides. (Headley, 1972; Mariyono, 2007 ).

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