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19. Who is your role model? Why?

My role is Khadijah binti Khuwalidi ibn Asad ibn Abdul ' Uzza bin Qusai. Khadijah was the first
wife of the prophet, a woman of the tribe of Quraish, and a wealthy merchant. Although she is
rich, Khadijah is not stingy. Khadijah willingly gave all his wealth to support what her husband
had done, Khadijah is also known as a quiet and loving woman in the midst of her household.
And Khadijah is the only woman who was given a house made of a gem of no hustle and bustle
in heaven that was blessed by Allah.

23. How do you handle stressful situation?

The way I handle stressful situations is to take a break, listen to podcasts, stories to friends what
makes me stressed.

30. What should you do to stay healthy?

To maintain my health, I exercise at least once a week. Not only sports, but also consuming
vegetables and fruits, as well as drinking water at least 1.5 liters per day.

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