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Faculty of Economics and Business

Discipline of Business Information Systems

INFS1000: Digital Business Innovation Session 4 Tutorial Activity Sheet

Session 4: Data Modelling

Task 1: uses a database to keep track of its customers and their
orders so as to enable the firm to calculate its revenue. Amazon needs to
know the name, shipping address, date of birth and phone number of each
customer. A customer can place orders, each of which can consist of many
products. An order has a unique order number and an order date. Each
product has a SKU number, which serves as a unique identifier, as well as a
price and a product name.

Using the narrative above, answer the following questions:

1. Identify the nouns in the above narrative.

2. Which nouns are IRRELEVANT? Why?

3. For the RELEVANT nouns, are there pairwise relationships between them?
Construct noun‐verb‐noun statements for each pairwise relationship.

4. What is the cardinality of each pairwise relationship (i.e. noun‐verb‐noun

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Faculty of Economics and Business
Discipline of Business Information Systems

INFS1000: Digital Business Innovation Session 4 Tutorial Activity Sheet

5. Draw your ERD with all attributes included.

6. Draw the Tables represented in your ERD. Include all relevant attributes
within the header of each table.

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