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A set of conserved PCR primers for the analysis

of simple sequence repeat polymorphisms in
chloroplast genomes of dicotyledonous
Kurt Weising and Richard C. Gardner

Abstract: Short runs of mononucleotide repeats are present in chloroplast genomes of higher plants. In soybean, rice,
and pine, PCR (polymerase chain reaction) with flanking primers has shown that the numbers of A or T residues in
such repeats are variable among closely related taxa. Here we describe a set of primers for studying mononucleotide
repeat variation in chloroplast DNA of angiosperms where database information is limited. A total of 39 (A)n and (T)n
repeats (n ⱖ 10) were identified in the tobacco chloroplast genome, and DNA sequences encompassing these 39
regions were aligned with orthologous DNA sequences in the databases. Consensus primer pairs were constructed and
used to amplify total genomic DNA from a hierarchical set of angiosperms. All 10 primer pairs generated PCR
products from members of the Solanaceae, and 8 of the 10 were also functional in most other angiosperm species.
Levels of interspecific polymorphism within the genera Nicotiana, Lycopersicon (both Solanaceae), and Actinidia
(Actinidiaceae) proved to be high, while intraspecific variation in Nicotiana tabacum, Lycopersicon esculentum, and
Actinidia chinensis was limited. Sequence analysis of PCR products from three primer pairs revealed variable numbers
of A, G, and T residues in mononucleotide arrays as the major cause of polymorphism in Actinidia. Our results
suggest that universal primers targeted to mononucleotide repeats may serve as general tools to study chloroplast
variation in angiosperms.

Key words: genetic markers, chloroplast genome, microsatellites, consensus primers, angiosperms.

Résumé : De courts séries de répétitions mononucléotidiques sont présentes dans les génomes chloroplastiques des
plantes supérieures. Chez le soya, le riz et le pin, la PCR réalisée à l’aide d’amorces adjacentes à ces microsatellites a
montré que le nombre de résidus A ou T est variable parmi des taxons très apparentés. Ici, les auteurs décrivent des
amorces qui permettent d’étudier la variation au niveau des microsatellites de l’ADN chloroplastique chez les
angiospermes, un groupe d’organismes pour lequel l’information présente dans les bases de données est limitée. Un
total de 39 répétitions (A)n et (T)n (n ⱖ 10) ont été identifiées dans le génome chloroplastique du tabac et les
séquences nucléotidiques de ces 39 régions ont été alignées avec des séquences orthologues trouvées dans les bases de
données. Des paires d’amorces consensuelles ont été préparées et utilisées pour amplifier l’ADN total d’un ensemble
hiérarchique d’angiospermes. Les dix paires d’amorces ont permis d’obtenir des produits PCR chez des membres des
solanacées et huit des dix paires se sont avérées fructueuses chez la plupart des autres angiospermes. Le degré de
polymorphisme interspécifique à l’intérieure des genres Nicotiana, Lycopersicon (tous deux des solanacées), et
Actinidia (actinidiacées) s’est avéré élevé tandis que la variation intraspécifique chez le Nicotiana tabacum, le
Lycopersicon esculentum et l’Actinidia chinensis était limitée. Le séquençage des produits PCR obtenus à l’aide de
trois paires a révélé que le nombre variable de résidus A, G et T était la principale cause du polymorphisme chez
l’Actinidia. Ces résultats suggèrent que des amorces universelles permettant d’amplifier des microsatellites peuvent
servir d’outils généraux pour étudier la variation chloroplastique chez les angiospermes.

Mots clés : marqueurs génétiques, génome chloroplastique, microsatellites, amorces consensuelles, angiospermes.

[Traduit par la Rédaction]

Weising and Gardner 19

Corresponding Editor: B. Golding.

Received March 18, 1998. Accepted July 16, 1998.
K. Weising1 and R.C. Gardner. Centre for Gene Technology, School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland,
Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand.
Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed: Priv. Doz. Dr. Kurt Weising, Plant Molecular Biology,
Biozentrum, N200, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Marie-Curie-Str. 9, D-60439 Frankfurt, Germany

Genome 42: 9–19 (1999) © 1999 NRC Canada

10 Genome Vol. 42, 1999

populations and for studying the mode of chloroplast inheri-

The conserved nature of the chloroplast genome in higher As with nuclear microsatellites, a more widespread use of
plants (Wolfe et al. 1987) has some practical implications the approach is currently limited by the need of sequence
for genetic research. Most importantly, the high degree of data for primer construction. In all studies published so far,
sequence conservation has facilitated the use of heterologous primer pair sequences for the amplification of chloroplast
hybridization probes and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) microsatellites were deduced from database entries. We are
primers in unrelated species, thereby circumventing the need interested in applying chloroplast markers for inheritance
to clone chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) from each and every studies in wild and cultivated kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa
species under study (Olmstead and Palmer 1994). Universal and relatives), where database information is limited. One
PCR primer pairs have been constructed on the basis of con- way to approach this problem would be the construction of
served coding sequences of cpDNA genes and used to am- consensus primer pairs designed to amplify chloroplast
plify the DNA located between the primer binding sites microsatellites in many different plant species. Such primer
(Taberlet et al. 1991; Demesure et al. 1995; Dumolin- pairs would have to meet three criteria. First, their target se-
Lapegue et al. 1997). Direct sequencing or restriction analy- quences need to be sufficiently conserved to generate a frag-
sis of the PCR products often yielded informative ment from unrelated species. Second, the amplification
polymorphisms, which were exploited to study taxonomic products should be polymorphic, e.g., by harbouring a vari-
and phylogenetic relationships at various systematic levels able mononucleotide repeat. Third, the products should be
(Arnold et al. 1991; Cipriani et al. 1995; Testolin and sufficiently short to allow single-base resolution on sequenc-
Cipriani 1997; Wolfe et al. 1997). ing gels.
An undesirable consequence of the extensive cpDNA se- Here we describe a set of 10 consensus primer pairs based
quence conservation is the difficulty to discriminate between on multiple alignment of mononucleotide repeat-flanking re-
closely related chloroplast genomes. While intraspecific gions in cpDNA from several mono- and dicotyledonous
cpDNA restriction site variation has been reported for many plant species. We show that 8 of the 10 primer pairs are
species (reviewed by Soltis et al. 1992), the magnitude of ubiquitously applicable across dicotyledonous angiosperms,
such variability is generally low. The need to test many re- and reveal intra- and interspecific cpDNA polymorphisms
striction enzymes in order to detect a single polymorphism within the genera Nicotiana, Lycopersicon, and Actinidia.
makes the search for intraspecific cpDNA variation quite
cumbersome, even when assisted by PCR with universal
primers. Recently, a new cpDNA marker system has been
established that is based on the occurrence of a certain type
of “microsatellite” in the chloroplast genome (Powell et al.
1995a, 1995b). Microsatellites, also called “simple sequence Plant materials
repeats,” are abundant polymorphic elements of eukaryotic All Actinidia plant material originated from Hort Research or-
chards, Kumeu and Te Puke, New Zealand. Tomato species and
nuclear genomes and consist of tandemly reiterated, short cultivars were derived from the Botanical Garden, University of
DNA sequence motifs (Wang et al. 1994; Field and Wills Frankfurt, Germany. A set of 12 N. tabacum cultivars was derived
1996). Size variation of microsatellites is due to a variable from Nelson Research Centre, Nelson, New Zealand. Origins of
repeat copy number and can be visualized by PCR with pairs all other plant material used in the present study are summarized
of flanking primers and electrophoretic separation of the am- in Table 2. Leaves were either used fresh, or frozen in liquid ni-
plification products. Nuclear microsatellites are often trogen, and stored at –80°C. Pinus radiata DNA was a gift from
multiallelic within and among populations, inherited in a T. Richardson, Forest Research Institute, Rotorua, New Zealand.
codominant fashion, and fast and easy to type. They have
therefore become the marker system of choice for genetic DNA isolation
mapping, population genetics, and DNA profiling in plants Genomic DNA was isolated from young leaves of different
(Powell et al. 1996a; Weising et al. 1998). angiosperm species using various modifications of the cetyl
Database surveys have shown that microsatellites are trimethylammonium (CTAB) procedure (Weising et al. 1995,
comparatively rare in organellar DNA (Wang et al. 1994). In 1996). DNA concentrations were determined electrophoretically
fact, the only type of simple repeat found in the chloroplast against known amounts of λ DNA as standards. For PCR, DNA
samples were adjusted to a concentration of 20 ng/µL.
genome of higher plants is made up of short poly(A) or
poly(T) tracts, with maximum sizes of about 20 bp. Never-
theless, a number of studies employing flanking PCR prim- Database studies
ers have shown that such mononucleotide stretches are The Genetic Computer Group (GCG) software package
polymorphic among different species and accessions of (Devereux et al. 1984) was used for all DNA sequence analyses
Glycine (Powell et al. 1995b, 1996b), Oryza (Provan et al. except for the homology searches (see below). Initially, the fully
1996, 1997), and several gymnosperms (Powell et al. 1995a; sequenced tobacco chloroplast genome (Shinozaki et al. 1986) was
screened for the presence of mononucleotide runs with n ⱖ 10 us-
Cato and Richardson 1996; Vendramin et al. 1996). Wher-
ing FINDPATTERNS. For each candidate, 400 bp of sequence en-
ever the PCR products were analyzed by DNA sequencing, compassing the repeat were then excised using SEQED, and
the length variability was found to be due to a variable num- screened for homologies in the EMBL and GenBank databases us-
ber of A or T residues. These observations suggest that sim- ing BLASTN (Altschul et al. 1990). Finally, the PILEUP software
ple sequence repeats in chloroplasts may provide a general was applied to generate multiple alignments of homologous se-
marker system for evaluating the genetic structure of plant quences with the respective tobacco cpDNA region.

© 1999 NRC Canada

Weising and Gardner 11

Primer design product was checked by agarose electrophoresis, and the remainder
From the alignment information, 10 loci were selected for con- was purified through a High Pure PCR Purification Kit
sensus primer pair construction using the program Cprimer (writ- (Boehringer Mannheim). Double-stranded sequencing was per-
ten by G. Bristol and R.D. Anderson, School of Medicine, formed by the dideoxynucleotide chain termination method using
University of California, Los Angeles, Cal.) which is available an Applied Biosystems 373A DNA sequencer. Both strands were
from the Internet (see Results section for the criteria for candidate sequenced for each product. Sequences have been deposited in the
selection). Primer pairs were checked for the absence of DDJB nucleotide sequence database (accession numbers
self-annealing, dimer and hairpin formation capacities. Primer AB006089–AB006101). The LINEUP and PILEUP programs of
spacing was chosen to result in PCR products with an expected the GCG package were used to generate multiple sequence align-
size range of 80–160 bp in tobacco. Primers fulfilling all criteria ments (Devereux et al. 1984).
were purchased from Gibco-BRL. A set of 20 additional primer
pairs (MapPairs) specific for Pinus thunbergii chloroplast
microsatellites (Vendramin et al. 1996) was purchased from
Research Genetics.
Design of consensus primer pairs that flank chloroplast
Microsatellite analysis using radioisotopes The initial objective of the present study was to develop
Radioactive PCR was performed in 10 µL volumes using a primer pairs that detect cpDNA polymorphisms among culti-
Techne PHC-3 thermal cycler. Each reaction contained 20 ng of vated kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa) and related species. Re-
template DNA, 2.5 mM MgCl2, 0.5 µM each of forward and re-
verse primer, 0.2 mM each of dATP, dGTP, and dTTP, 0.02 mM of
cently, Cato and Richardson (1996) have reported successful
dCTP, 0.04 µL of 3000 Ci/mmole α[32P]dCTP or α[33P]dCTP, amplification of Actinidia chinensis cpDNA, using two out
10 mM Tris–HCl at pH 8.3, 50 mM KCl, and 1 unit AmpliTaq of five primer pairs derived from mononucleotide repeat-
DNA polymerase (Perkin Elmer). Reactions were overlayed with flanking regions of Pinus thunbergii, a gymnosperm. Based
two drops of mineral oil. The PCR regime generally followed the upon this observation, we tested a set of 20 primer pairs de-
conditions described by Vendramin et al. (1996), but with a lower signed for the amplification of pine chloroplast micro-
annealing temperature. After an initial denaturation at 94°C for satellites (Vendramin et al. 1996) with total DNA from
5 min, PCR was performed for 30 cycles, each consisting of 94°C A. chinensis, using Pinus radiata DNA as a positive control.
for 1 min, 50°C for 1 min, and 72°C for 1 min. Final extension All primer pairs produced bands with Pinus DNA as ex-
was at 72°C for 8 min. PCR products were mixed with 1 vol. of pected, but only one pair reproducibly yielded a single PCR
97.5% (v/v) formamide, 10 mM EDTA at pH 7.5, 0.3% (w/v)
xylene cyanol, 0.3% (w/v) bromophenol blue, and were denatured
product in the expected size range with A. chinensis DNA
at 95°C for 3 min. Aliquots of each sample were electrophoresed (not shown). All other primers either revealed no product, a
on denaturing polyacrylamide gels (6% acrylamide–bisacrylamide smear, or a multilocus pattern when reduced stringency con-
(19:1), 8 M urea in Tris–borate–EDTA buffer, pH 8.3) at constant ditions were applied. Analyzing the only functional primer
power (55 W) for 2–3 h. Sequencing reactions of M13mp9 sin- pair on a set of A. chinensis accessions on a sequencing gel
gle-stranded DNA (Boehringer Mannheim) were used as molecular showed no size variation. The conclusion from these experi-
weight standards. The gels were dried at 80°C for 45 min, and ex- ments was that conservation of mononucleotide repeat-
posed to Kodak XR5 film without intensifying screens for 3–24 h. flanking regions between gymno- and angiosperms is quite
Bands were scored by inspection, with the allele sizes calculated poor.
from the most intense band. We therefore decided to design a set of primer pairs solely
based on angiosperm cpDNA. The completely sequenced
Microsatellite analysis using fluorescent dyes chloroplast genome of Nicotiana tabacum (Shinozaki et al.
Fluorescent PCR was performed in 10 µL volumes using a 1986) was used as a starting point. Screening the tobacco
GeneAmp 2400 thermocycler (Perkin Elmer). Fluorescent dUTPs cpDNA for mononucleotide arrays with n ⱖ 10 yielded 39
were purchased from Perkin Elmer. Each reaction contained 20 ng
of template DNA, 2.5 mM MgCl2, 0.5 µM each of forward and re-
poly(A) and poly(T) repeats, whereas extended poly(G) or
verse primer, 0.2 mM of each dNTP, 10 mM Tris–HCl at pH 8.3, poly(C) stretches were absent (see also Powell et al. 1995b).
50 mM KCl, 1 unit AmpliTaq DNA polymerase (Perkin Elmer) Since eight of the repeats formed four closely adjacent pairs,
and either 1 µM dUTP[R6-G] (green), 1 µM dUTP[R110] (blue), and two repeats were located within the identical, inverted
or 4 µM dUTP[TAMRA] (yellow). The same PCR regime was repeat regions, the total number of useful candidates
used as described above. PCR products containing each of three dropped to 33. EMBL and GenBank databases were
different fluorochromes were pooled, and combined with a screened for cpDNA sequences homologous to each candi-
[ROX]-labelled molecular weight standard (red fluorescence). date region, and orthologous regions were aligned to 400 bp
Mixed samples were diluted 1:5 or 1:10, denatured as above, segments encompassing the tobacco repeats. Reasonable
and electrophoresed on denaturing polyacrylamide gels (6% alignments were possible for 25 of the 33 candidates (align-
acrylamide–bisacrylamide (19:1) and 8 M urea in TBE at pH 8.3)
using an Applied Biosystems 373A DNA sequencer. Fragment mo-
ments are available from the authors upon request).
bilities were measured by real-time laser scanning, and sizes were Two criteria were applied to select the most promising
determined using the ABIPRISM GeneScan and Genotyper soft- candidates for primer pair design. First, only those loci were
ware packages (Perkin Elmer). considered where putative primer target regions flanking the
mononucleotide repeat were sufficiently conserved. In this
Sequencing of PCR fragments respect, particular attention was given to the primer 3′ end.
The PCR products from 16 primer-template combinations were Second, the sequence internal to the primer binding sites
characterized by direct DNA sequencing. Large-scale PCR was should harbour a ± long poly(A) or poly(T) tract not only in
performed in 100 µL volumes as described above, but omitting flu- tobacco, but also in other species (which was the case in
orescent and radiolabelled nucleotides. An aliquot of the PCR about half of the candidates). We reasoned that the first cri-

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12 Genome Vol. 42, 1999

Table 1. Size and position of 10 tobacco cpDNA microsatellites selected for the construction of consensus primer
pairs ccmp1–ccmp10. Tm values were calculated by the Wallace rule (Thein and Wallace 1986), or according to the Cprimer
program (based on an algorithm described by Breslauer et al. 1986). Degenerate positions are Y (= C or T), B (= G, C, or T)
and D (= A, T, or G).

Position Repeat in Primers deduced from multiple Tm (°C) Size in

Code (bp) Location tobacco sequence alignment Wal Cpr tobacco (bp)
ccmp1 3801 trnK intron (T)10 5’-CAGGTAAACTTCTCAACGGA-3’ 58 53.3 139
ccmp2 8609 5’ to trnS (A)11 5’-GATCCCGGACGTAATCCTG-3’ 60 58.0 189
ccmp3 10 075 trnG intron (T)11 5’-CAGACCAAAAGCTGACATAG-3’ 58 51.3 112
ccmp4 12 872 atpF intron (T)13 5’-AATGCTGAATCGAYGACCTA-3’ 60 55.3 126
ccmp5 16 950 3’ to rps2 (C)7(T)10 5’-TGTTCCAATATCTTCTTGTCATTT-3’ 62 55.0 121
16 977 (T)5C(A)11 5’-AGGTTCCATCGGAACAATTAT-3’ 58 55.4
ccmp6 45 119 ORF 77–ORF 82 (T)5C(T)17 5’-CGATGCATATGTAGAAAGCC-3’ 58 52.7 103
intergenic 5’-CATTACGTGCGACTATCTCC-3’ 60 52.5
ccmp7 57 339 atpB–rbcL (A)13 5’-CAACATATACCACTGTCAAG-3’ 56 45.1 133
intergenic 5’-ACATCATTATTGTATACTCTTTC-3’ 58 44.5
ccmp8 71 563 rpl20–rps12 (T)6C(T)14 5’-TTGGCTACTCTAACCTTCCC-3’ 60 52.9 77
intergenic 5’-TTCTTTCTTATTTCGCAGDGAA-3’ 58 53.9
ccmp9 74 060 ORF 74b–psbB (T)11 5’-GGATTTGTACATATAGGACA-3’ 54 45.1 98
intergenic 5’-CTCAACTCTAAGAAATACTTG-3’ 56 44.2
ccmp10 86 694 rpl2–rps19 (T)14 5’-TTTTTTTTTAGTGAACGTGTCA-3’ 56 53.3 103
intergenic 5’-TTCGTCGDCGTAGTAAATAG-3’ 58 53.7

terion would help to maximize the transportability of prim- The results can be summarized as follows: (i) All primer
ers across taxa, while the second criterion would increase pairs produced a fragment of the expected size from
the chance of size variation. Primer pairs were designed for Nicotiana tabacum. All other Solanacean species were also
10 candidates which met both criteria best. We named this amplified, with the exception of ccmp8 which failed to pro-
set of primers: consensus chloroplast microsatellite primers duce a product with two templates. Moreover, 8 of the 10
(ccmp), ccmp1 to ccmp10. Their sequences, calculated Tm primer pairs (i.e., ccmp1–7 and ccmp10) also generated
values, as well as the size, type, and location of the corre- products for the majority of tested species from other
sponding microsatellite repeat in the tobacco cpDNA, are dicotyledonous angiosperm families, while amplification of
summarized in Table 1. From the sequence alignments, the monocotyledons was somewhat less efficient. (ii) PCR prod-
most promising candidate was ccmp10, amplifying the ucts showed considerable size variation, not only among the
rpl2–rps19 intergenic region, with poly(A) tracts of variable investigated genera and families, but also within genera.
size in almost all species examined (see also Goulding et al. Alleles were often separated by steps of 1 bp, which is con-
1996). sistent with a variable number of A or T residues in a mono-
nucleotide repeat. (iii) No intraspecific variation was found
Screening of consensus chloroplast microsatellite in this series of experiments. Also, the Actinidia deliciosa
primers with a set of angiosperms and A. chinensis samples were always identical, which sup-
All 10 primer pairs were tested with a hierarchically struc- ports the close relationship of these two species (Cipriani
tured DNA template set, consisting of 13 samples from the and Morgante 1993; Atkinson et al. 1997). With one excep-
nightshade family (including the genera Nicotiana, tion (ccmp2), identical product sizes were also observed
Lycopersicon, Petunia, and Solanum), five Actinidia species, between Nicotiana tabacum and N. sylvestris which is con-
six other dicotyledons from various families, and three sidered to be a progenitor of the allotetraploid cultivated to-
monocots (Table 2). Total leaf DNA was amplified in the bacco (Gray et al. 1974).
presence of radioactive dCTP, and the PCR products were The well-known “stuttering” phenomenon, which usually
separated on sequencing gels and visualized by auto- occurs upon amplification of mono- and dinucleotide-type
radiography. A standard PCR protocol (with an annealing microsatellites, was observed with all primers. This effect is
temperature of 50°C) was used for all primer pairs, irrespec- thought to be a consequence of polymerase slippage during
tive of the calculated Tm values (Table 1). The results ob- replication (Litt et al. 1993). Comparison of band sizes to
tained with two primer pairs are shown in Fig. 1. The allele the known tobacco sequence showed that the band second to
sizes obtained with all primer pairs across all the species are the top is the “correct” band among the cluster of bands
compiled in Table 2. which were separated by one base pair. Differences between

© 1999 NRC Canada

Weising and Gardner
Table 2. Allele sizes of amplification products from a hierarchical set of angiosperm species, generated by primers ccmp1–ccmp10. Radiolabelled DNA fragments were
separated on sequencing gels and visualized by autoradiography. An asterisk indicates that more than a single band was amplified by the respective primer–template
combination. In this case, the allele size of the strongest band is given.
Size of amplification products (bp)
Lane Species Family ccmp1 ccmp2 ccmp3 ccmp4 ccmp5 ccmp6 ccmp7 ccmp8 ccmp9 ccmp10
a Nicotiana tabacum cv. Petit Havana (FRA) Solanaceae 139 189 112 126 121 103 133 77 99 103
b N. tabacum cv. Virginia (FRA) Solanaceae 139 189 112 126 121 103 133 77 99 103
c N. tabacum cv. Atropurpurea (FRA) Solanaceae 139 189 112 126 121 103 133 77 99 103
d N. silvestris (FRA) Solanaceae 139 188 112 126 121 103 133 77 99 103
e N. acuminata (FRA) Solanaceae 134 188 113 123 119 101 129 — 103 102
f N. benthamiana (AUK) Solanaceae 139 189 109 128 118 100 130 77 101 109
g Lycopersicon hirsutum (FRA) Solanaceae 140 189 114 123 119 93 133 65 101 110
h L. peruvianum (FRA) Solanaceae 143 188 113 123 118 93 133 65 96 111
i L. esculentum var. finiens (FRA) Solanaceae 141 190 114 122 119 93 134 65 101 109
j L. esculentum cv. Haubner’s Vollendung (FRA) Solanaceae 141 190 114 122 119 93 134 65 101 110
k L. esculentum cv. UC82B (HORT) Solanaceae 141 190 114 122 119 93 134 65 101 110
l Petunia hybrida (AUK) Solanaceae 138 193 108 125 118 96 131 — 104 113
m Solanum tuberosum (FRA) Solanaceae 140 188 115 124 119 93 133 66 98 110
n Actinidia arguta (HORT) Actinidiaceae 131 206 114 138 89 102 135 — — 91
o A. polygama (HORT) Actinidiaceae 132 208 114 137 98 102 133 — — 91
p A. chrysantha (HORT) Actinidiaceae 131 210 107 138 98 102 132 — — 92
q A. chinensis (HORT) Actinidiaceae 130 209 107 138 98 102 131 — — 91
r A. deliciosa var. coloris (HORT) Actinidiaceae 130 209 107 138 98 102 131 — — 91
s Brassica oleracea (AUK) Brassicaceae 139 166 103* 128* 119 93 140 — 101 96
t Sinapis alba (AUK) Brassicaceae 122 165 104 124 — 94 140 — — 96
u Arabidopsis thaliana (AUK) Brassicaceae 140 158 103 124 — 96 140 — — 95
v Pisum sativum (AUK) Fabaceae 139 234 93 115 109 111 146 — 101* ~230
w Metrosideros excelsa (AUK) Myrtaceae 139* 211 119 135 107 103 151 — 101 98
x Malus domestica (HORT) Rosaceae 127 196 100 126 122 106 132 — — 113
y Hordeum vulgare (AUK) Poaceae 139 182* — ~220 145 98 130 — 101* 96*
z Lolium multiflorum (AUK) Poaceae 139 186* — — 160 95 130 — 101 96*
β Cordyline australis (AUK) Agavaceae 139 187* 89 168 77 100 130* — 101 >300
Note: Abbreviations of plant material origins are: FRA (Botanical Garden, University of Frankfurt, Germany), AUK (University of Auckland, New Zealand), and HORT (Hort Research Orchards,
Kumeu and Te Puke, New Zealand).
© 1999 NRC Canada

14 Genome Vol. 42, 1999

Fig. 1. Radioautographs of amplification products from a hierarchical set of angiosperm species, generated by primers ccmp7 (top)
and ccmp2 (bottom) and separated on sequencing gels. Numbering of lanes is according to Table 2 (see text for details). M13mp9
sequencing reactions served as molecular weight markers.

samples were easily recognized, because the whole clusters combinations were pooled and analyzed by automated fluo-
were then shifted relative to each other (see Fig. 1). rescence detection (Ziegle et al. 1992; Diwan and Cregan
1997). Some samples were evaluated by both fluorescence
Inter- and intraspecific variation in Nicotiana, and radioactivity to test the comparability of both ap-
Lycopersicon, and Actinidia proaches. Fragment sizes automatically called by the
To test whether the failure to detect intraspecific Genescan and Genotyper softwares were in a range of ± 0.6
polymorphisms was due to the limited number of accessions bp of those detected by autoradiography. This is similar in
examined, we next analyzed a broader set of samples, in- magnitude to variation found in studies on nuclear
cluding 12 additional tobacco varieties, two more Nicotiana microsatellites (Diwan and Cregan 1997). Provided that flu-
species (N. otophora and N. glutinosa), six additional tomato orescence gels were run at high resolution and peaks were
cultivars, the wild tomato species Lycopersicon evaluated carefully, consistent size differences between frag-
pimpinellifolium, and 22 accessions belonging to 10 differ- ments were obtained with both techniques.
ent Actinidia species (including all samples from Table 2 Allele sizes revealed by the fluorescence approach are
plus A. guilinensis, A. hemsleyana, A. macrosperma, summarized in Table 3. The full data sets obtained for indi-
A. melanandra, and A. setosa). To achieve a higher sample vidual samples are available from the authors upon request.
throughput, PCR products from different primer/template Again, there was considerable interspecific variation within

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Weising and Gardner 15

102, 103, 105,

Nicotiana, with 3 to 5 different band sizes among six spe-

90, 91, 92, 93

109, 110, 111

cies. However, intraspecific variation among N. tabacum

109, 122
103, 105

109, 110
cultivars was limited, with two notable exceptions. First,


primer pair ccmp2 yielded alleles of 189 and 190 bp, with

Table 3. Summary of allele sizes of amplification products generated by primers ccmp1–ccmp7, ccmp9, and ccmp10 from a set of 6 Nicotiana species, 15 N. tabacum
cultivars, 4 Lycopersicon species, 8 L. esculentum cultivars, 10 Actinidia species, and 10 A. chinensis accessions. Fluorescent-labelled PCR products were separated on
similar frequency among the individual cultivars of
N. tabacum and the diploid N. sylvestris. Second, the

96, 100, 101

chloroplast haplotype of N. tabacum Kentucky 34 was com-

98, 99, 101,

pletely identical to that of N. glutinosa (see Discussion). In

100, 101
99, 103
tomato, most alleles were shared between Lycopersicon

esculentum and its putative progenitor, L. pimpinellifolium.


Intraspecific polymorphisms were observed with primer
pairs ccmp9 and 10 only, both detecting two alleles each

131, 132, 133,

127, 129, 130,

(Table 3).

134, 135

132, 133
Analysis of the Actinidia samples revealed between one

132, 133

133, 134
and five size variants among the 10 species examined


(Table 3). Each species was characterized by a unique
haplotype, except for A. deliciosa which was identical to the
most common haplotype found in A. chinensis (see below).

101, 103
100, 103
Alleles of different species often differed by steps of 1 bp

96, 100,
(see Table 2), but larger differences were also observed (e.g.,

Sizes of amplification products (bp)


107, 114, 115, and 122 with ccmp3). Similar to the situation


in tobacco and tomato, the extent of intraspecific polymor-
phism was limited. Variation was only observed with primer

116, 118, 119,

118, 119, 120

pairs ccmp3 and ccmp10, which detected two alleles each

121, 125
sequencing gels and fragment sizes determined by ABIPRISM GeneScan and Genotyper software packages.
among the eight diploid A. chinensis accessions examined.

121, 125
89, 98
These allowed discrimination of three haplotypes. The more

common allele of each pair was also present in tetraploid

A.chinensis and hexaploid A. deliciosa varieties.

126, 128
123, 124,
Sequence analysis of cpDNA amplification products
137, 138

124, 126

122, 123
from Actinidia species


To credibly examine whether the observed size differ-
ences were due to microsatellite variation, or other
mutational events, we sequenced the PCR products obtained
107, 114, 115,

109, 110, 112,

from 3 primer pairs and 5 Actinidia species, and aligned
113, 130
these sequences to the corresponding tobacco sequence de-
107, 122

112, 130

113, 114
rived from the database (Fig. 2). The alignments demon-


strate that variable numbers of mononucleotide repeats are

in fact the major cause of polymorphism among Actinidia
species. Primer pairs ccmp1, 2, and 7 generated a total of 3,
206, 208, 209,

188, 189, 190

188, 189, 190

4, or 5 variants, respectively. The three ccmp1 variants sim-
210, 211

ply differ by the number of T’s (T10 vs. T11 vs. T12), while

the other loci are somewhat more complex. In case


of ccmp7, runs of both A and G residues were found respon-



sible for the observed variability, reminiscent of the situation

in a soybean tRNAMet gene (Powell et al. 1995b). In all
three cases, A. chinensis and A. deliciosa alleles were com-
130, 131, 132

134, 139, 140

140, 141, 143

pletely identical. Quite unexpectedly, the mononucleotide re-

peats responsible for the polymorphism among Actinidia

species were not necessarily those originally selected for the




alignment (underlined in Fig. 2). Instead, variability was

found within adjacent shorter repeats in two of three regions
Lycopersicon esculentum
Genus and (or) species

Actinidia chinensis

Nicotiana tabacum
(10 accessions)

(15 cultivars)

(8 cultivars)
(10 species)

We have applied a consensus PCR primer concept to the

(6 species)

(4 species)

study of small length polymorphisms caused by variable


numbers of A and T residues in mononucleotide repeats in

cpDNA (Powell et al. 1995a, 1995b). A serious challenge
for primer design was that PCR products had to be suffi-

© 1999 NRC Canada

16 Genome Vol. 42, 1999

Fig. 2. Alignment of cpDNA sequences from Actinidia species amplified by primer pairs ccmp1, ccmp2, and ccmp7 with the
corresponding sequences of the Nicotiana tabacum cpDNA (Shinozaki et al. 1986). The repeat containing the length polymorphism is
shown in bold, as are other nucleotide differences between the Actinidia sequences. The long repeat originally targeted in the tobacco
alignment is double-underlined. All A. deliciosa sequences were completely identical to the corresponding A. chinensis sequences and
were therefore omitted.
ccmp 1
1 50
51 100

ccmp 2
1 50
51 100
101 150

ccmp 7
1 50
51 92

ciently short (<200 bp) to ensure discrimination of one-base be targeted to noncoding cpDNA. Despite the comparatively
differences on sequencing gels. In contrast to previously low base-substitution rate of cpDNA (Wolfe et al. 1987),
published “universal primer” strategies (for example, non-coding regions in general are not sufficiently conserved
Taberlet et al. 1991; Demesure et al. 1995; Dumolin- to guarantee primer transferability between gymno- and angio-
Lapegue et al. 1997), at least one primer of each pair had to sperms (Cato and Richardson 1996, this study). Insufficient

© 1999 NRC Canada

Weising and Gardner 17

sequence conservation of non-coding primer target sites cultivar. About 50 years ago, extensive breeding programs
proved to be a problem also within angiosperms, and diffi- in Kentucky and elsewhere were directed towards the
culties with alignment reduced the number of promising introgression of the N gene (conferring tobacco mosaic virus
consensus primer candidate regions from 39 to about 15. resistance) from N. glutinosa into cultivated N. tabacum va-
Nevertheless, the 10 ccmp pairs that were finally selected rieties (Valleau 1952). Interspecific crosses between both
worked well within Solanaceae. More importantly, eight of species were preferably made in one direction, where
these 10 amplified most other dicotyledonous species, and N. tabacum served as the pollen and N. glutinosa as the seed
some primers also worked with the three monotyledons ex- parent (Valleau 1952). Maternal inheritance of cpDNA, as is
amined. These results demonstrate that the construction of assumed to occur in the genus Nicotiana (Scowcroft 1979)
universally applicable consensus primers from mono- would explain the persistence of the N. glutinosa cpDNA
nucleotide-repeat flanking regions in cpDNA is feasible. For haplotype in Kentucky cultivars.
monocotyledons, it may be desirable to design an independ- Sequencing of amplification products from 16 allele/spe-
ent consensus primer set based on the completely sequenced cies combinations showed that variable copy numbers of
rice and maize chloroplast genomes. mononucleotide repeats were a main factor underlying PCR
The analysis of a hierarchical set of species and cultivars fragment length variation in Actinidia species. At two out of
showed that PCR products generated by ccmp pairs were three loci, however, the variability in repeat length was not
polymorphic at various levels. As expected, fragment size found in the long mononucleotide stretch selected from the
variation increased with the phylogenetic distance between tobacco cpDNA, but occurred in closely adjacent, shorter re-
the investigated taxa. The extent of variability depended on peats. There are at least two possible explanations for these
the locus. The largest size spectrum was observed within the surprising results. One is that poly(A) or poly(T) repeats are
rpl2–rps19 intergenic region amplified by ccmp10, ranging clustered in chloroplast genomes, and that length polymor-
from 91 bp for Actinidia up to more than 300 bp for the cab- phism occurs primarily within these regions. A clustering of
bage tree, Cordyline australis. This same locus has also been polymorphic microsatellites in the rpl23 region of the rice
found highly variable among Solanaceae by Goulding et al. chloroplast genome was recently reported by Provan et al.
(1996). As was also observed in rice (Provan et al. 1996), (1996). The existence of mutational hotspots in certain
the amount of variation was not associated with the size of noncoding cpDNA regions has been emphasized in several
the particular poly(A) or poly(T) repeat under study. For ex- studies, but gene conversion and recombinational processes,
ample, the ccmp6 pair flanked the longest mononucleotide rather than replication slippage, were suggested as responsi-
repeat found in the tobacco cpDNA [i.e., (T)5C(T)17], but ble for the observed insertion and deletion events (Morton
PCR products generated by this primer pair were among the and Clegg 1993; Johnson and Hattori 1996; Goulding et al.
least polymorphic in all species investigated (Tables 2 and 1996). An alternative explanation is that variable mono-
3). In nuclear microsatellites, the variability (and hence the nucleotide repeats are present anywhere in noncoding
mutability) of a locus was often shown to be positively cor- cpDNA, and that any intronic and intergenic cpDNA region
related with the number of uninterrupted repeats, also in would therefore show high levels of length variation if sepa-
plants (e.g., Saghai-Maroof et al. 1994). The reasons for this rated on sequencing gels. This view is supported by Van
contrasting behaviour are not clear, but may relate to differ- Ham et al. (1994), who found a total of 50 small insertion
ent mechanisms of repeat generation and expansion in nuclei and deletion mutations (partly due to mononucleotide repeat
versus chloroplasts. variation) in the intergenic trnL–trnF spacer of 15 species
Intrageneric variation was considerable in Nicotiana, belonging to the families Crassulaceae, Saxifragaceae, and
Lycopersicon, and Actinidia, demonstrating the usefulness Solanaceae.
of ccmp pairs for detecting polymorphisms below the genus Regardless of which mutational and (or) evolutionary
level. However, comparatively few intraspecific poly- forces are involved, the consensus primers designed in the
morphisms were found in Nicotiana tabacum, Lycopersicon present study clearly provide a high probability of detecting
esculentum, and Actinidia chinensis. Much higher levels of polymorphic PCR products. It should be stressed that length
intraspecific chloroplast mononucleotide repeat variation polymorphisms caused by variable mononucleotide repeats
were recently reported from other plant taxa such as soybean are certainly not suitable for phylogenetic studies due to
(Powell et al. 1995b, 1996b), pine (Powell et al.1995a, Cato their presumably high mutation rates and the associated risk
and Richardson 1996) and rice (Provan et al.1996, 1997). of homoplasy (which is probably also true for nuclear
We consider it unlikely that insufficient sampling caused the microsatellites, see Ortí et al. 1997). However, the technique
paucity of variation observed in the present study, especially has several inherent advantages for discriminating closely
in the case of tobacco where a world-wide collection of related genotypes. First, length variants are directly dis-
cultivars was analyzed. It seems more likely that these con- played on the gels, obviating the need to test large numbers
trasting results are the consequence of a species-specific of restriction enzymes. Second, haplotype data can be gener-
component of variation. Restriction site analyses also dem- ated by analyzing several loci on a single gel lane. Third,
onstrated that cpDNA sequence divergence can vary consid- and most importantly, chloroplast haplotypes and nuclear
erably among species (reviewed by Soltis et al. 1992). microsatellite alleles can be evaluated simultaneously by
The low overall level of intraspecific variation among to- multiplex PCR in combination with automated fluorescence
bacco cultivars made it quite obvious that the chloroplast sizing. The concurrent analysis of independently inherited
haplotype of cv. Kentucky 34 was atypical for N. tabacum, uni- and biparental markers will facilitate studies on the rel-
but fully compatible with N. glutinosa. This exceptional be- ative contribution of seed and pollen movement to inter-
haviour can be explained by the breeding history of this populational gene flow (McCauley 1994; Powell et al.

© 1999 NRC Canada

18 Genome Vol. 42, 1999

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