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PART 1: INCOMPLETE SENTENCES – one point for each correct answer

There are 24 questions in this part.

Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given
below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C),
or (D) on your ANSWER SHEET.

Question 1: Are you keen on _________ wildlife when you go travelling? Let’s join our special annual
school trip this weekend!
A. to see B. seeing C. being seen D. saw
Question 2: In ice-skating, the __________ gives points to the competitors.
A. spectator B. trophy C. racquet D. judge
Question 3: Her daughter _________ for getting the top marks in iceskating competition.
A. acted in a play B. got seasick C. went on TV D. won an award
Question 4: This kind of light bulb is a good solution to energy saving because it doesn’t use _________
A. less B. much C. few D. enough
Question 5: I _________ a book about astrology these days.
A. read B. am reading C. will read D. reading
Question 6: Yesterday was _________ day that we’ve had this summer.
A. hotter B. hot C. the hottest D. hottest
Question 7: This is an opportunity that comes once in a lifetime. We _________ let it pass.
A. don’t have B. shouldn’t have C. needn’t D. mustn’t
Question 8: The best way to keep fit is to _________ gymnastics regularly.
A. do B. go C. play D. take
Question 9: Paul is _________ candidate for that position. He hates speaking in public.
A. the bad B. worse C. as bad D. the worst
Question 10: Remember to use your __________ when you swim so that you can see under the water.
A. goggles B. gloves C. glasses D. mask
Question 11: After his graduation next year, James is determined to establish his own company to make a
lot of money. So, he is very _________.
A. curious B. ambitious C. stubborn D. outgoing
Question 12: Players are running on the _________ trying to take the ball and kick it into the goal.
A. pitch B. course C. track D. ring
Question 13: I enjoy my life here at the university. I have _________friends and we get together quite
A. too much B. little C. a few D. a little
Question 14: I don’t think that it is difficult to get used to _________ with chopsticks like Chinese
A. eat B. eating C. being eaten D. to eat
Question 15: The cost of living in this country _________by 17 percent over the last 15 years.
A. will rise B. has risen C. rising D. rise
Question 16: When I went into his room, he showed me the numerous _________ he had won during the
twenty years he had played golf.

A. fans B. scores C. trophies D. fames
Question 17: I always _________ to wish my boss a happy birthday.
A. forget B. am forgetting C. have forgotten D. have been forgetting
Question 18: Ted studies _________ evening at home to get his bachelor degree.
A. never B.always C. often D. every
Question 19: During the fight, the two boxers must not leave the _________.
A. court B. ring C. track D. pitch
Question 20: You’ve got _________. Take this hot tea with honey and lemon, and it can reduce the pain.
A. a headache B. a sore throat C. a bad cough D. a temperature
Question 21: You’ll get _________response if you call rather than e-mail the board members.
A. the quick B. a quicker C. quickest D. the quickest
Question 22: The leader in this team should be _________ - he has to be there to help other members.
A. reliable B. mature C. honest D. decisive
Question 23: We can’t get in because of the _________ - the maintenance or construction on the road.
A. road work B. pedestrian C. speed limit D. commuter
Question 24: We both fell asleep on the train, so we didn’t _________ at our station.
A. drop off B. pick up C. get off D. catch

PART 2: INCOMPLETE TEXTS - one point for each correct answer.

There are 6 questions in this part
Read the texts on the following pages. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences. Four answer
choices are given below each of these sentences. Select the best answer to complete the text. Then mark
the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 25 through 27 refer to the following text.

An American Treasure
Floating, airborne and focused – three words have often been used to describe how Julius “Dr. J”
Erving played basketball. Erving became one of the (25) __________ players in the sport. He forever
changed the way people played basketball.
Erving started playing professional basketball in 1970s. The sport was different then. It was mainly a
floor game, with players running back and forth across the (26) ___________. Unlike other players,
Erving found that his skill was in the air, because he could leap far and high. He soon became known for
his slam-dunks, which were not (27) ____________ in the 1970s as they are today. Most players scored
by throwing the ball toward the basket from far away. But Erving flew toward the board with the ball in
hand, spinning his body in the air before sending the ball down through the hoop. This tremendous skill
helped the teams he played for win three championships.
Dr. J says of his life, “I saw that basketball could be my way out, and I worked hard to make sure it
was.” This inspiring athlete discovered his unique skill early on and used it to his advantages throughout
his life.
Question 25: A. good B. better C. best D. well
Question 26: A. pitch B. court C. track D. ring
Question 27: A. more common B. as common C. most common D. common
Questions 28 through 30 refer to the following text.

It is Saturday. Pedro (28) _________ in the school Spring Fest concert tonight at 7:30. He is
very excited. Pedro woke up at 6 o’clock in the morning to begin getting ready for the big
event. First, he brushed his teeth, dressed, and then he ate a healthy breakfast of fruit, oatmeal,
and milk. After (29)__________ his bed and having a pillow-fight with his sister, Maria, Pedro
cleaned his piano. Pedro has been playing the piano since he was 5 years old. When it was nice
and clean, he practiced for three hours. Then he went outside to play with his friend. After
lunch, Pedro (30) _________ a little nap in the backyard hammock. At 6:30 the family drove
to school so Pedro could warm up the concert.

Question 28: A. performed B. performs C. is performing D. was performed

Question 29: A. makes B. making C. made D. to make
Question 30: A. talked B. take C. told D. took

PART 3: READING COMPREHENSION – one point for each correct answer

There are 30 questions in this part.
Directions: In this part of the test, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper
articles, letters and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Choose the correct
answer to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your ANSWER SHEET.

Questions 31-32 refer to the following announcement.

The new express train will begin service between Riverdale and Mayfield on October 24. The
trip takes five hours on the older, slower train. On the express train it will take only three
hours. The express train will have larger, more comfortable seats, and there will be free food
for the passengers. There will be two express trains a day between Riverdale and Mayfield.
There will also be four regular trains. Many people will prefer the regular trains because the
tickets are cheaper.
Question 31. Why would people prefer the regular trains?
A. The seats are larger. B. The tickets are less expensive.
C. The food tastes better. D. They are more comfortable.
Question 32. The word “service” in line 1 is closest in meaning to
A. Commuting B. Setting up C. Operation D. Making

Questions 33 through 35 refer to the following text

Mona doesn’t like to ask people for help. But it is hard for her to perform daily activities
on her own. She is almost 13, yet she is no larger than a 5-year-old. Mona has trouble keeping
her balance and can’t walk very far. When she uses a wheelchair, she can’t push it herself.
Fortunately, Mona has a wonderful service dog named Sam. A service dog is a dog that
has been trained to assist someone who has a physical problem. Sam lets Mona lean on him
when she walks. He also pulls her wheelchair and turns lights on and off. When Mona drops
something, Sam picks it up. He even pulls her socks off at night. Sam also helps Mona with
everyday tasks at school. He carries her books from class to class in a special backpack. He
puts Mona’s completed assignments in her teachers’ homework trays. In the lunchroom he
throws away her trash. Besides making Mona less dependent on other people, Sam helps her
lead a fuller life. Mona’s classmates flock around Sam like geese. This has helped her make
friends. Sam also helps Mona be more active. With his aid, she raised over $500 in a walk-a-
thon for her local humane society.
Because of Sam, Mona doesn’t have to ask people for help. Sam brings her closer to other
kids. And he even helps her contribute to her community.
Question 33: Why is it hard for Mona to perform daily activities on her own?
A. Because she is only 5 years old.
B. Because she cannot keep balance herself.
C. Because she has to use a wheelchair.
D. Because she doesn’t know how to perform the activities.
Question 34: Who is Sam?
A. One of Mona’s classmates B. Mona’s sibling
C. Mona’s pet D. Mona’s boyfriend
Question 35: Which statement is INCORRECT?
A. Sam helps Mona to walk. B. Sam helps Mona to turn on and off the lights.
C. Sam helps Mona to have more friends. D. Mona’s classmates don’t like Sam.

Questions 36 through 38 refer to the following text.

An artist went to a beautiful part of the country for a holiday, stayed with a farmer. Every day he
went out with his paints and his brushes and painted from morning to evening, and when it got
dark, we went back to the farm and had a good dinner before going to bed. At the end of his
holiday, he wanted to pay the farmer, but the farmer said: “No, I don’t want money, but give me
one of your pictures. What is money? In a week, it will all be finished, but your painting will be
here”. The artist was very pleased and thanked the famer for saying such kind things about the
paintings. The farmer smiled and answered: “It is not that. I have a son in London. He wants to
become an artist. When he comes here next month, I will show him a picture, and then he will not
want to be an artist any more, I think”.

Question 36: What did the artist do during his holiday?

A. He made paints and brushes. B. He went back to the farm.
C. He painted all day. D. He went out every day.
Question 37: Why was the artist very pleased with the farmer’s request? (câu này SV được tính điểm cho
dù chọn đáp án nào đi nữa)
A. Because he had so many kinds of pictures.
B. Because he would sell one of his pictures.
C. Because the farmer had thanked him.
D. Because he thought his pictures were so beautiful.
Question 38: The farmer’ son didn’t want to become an artist anymore
A. When he came here. B. Because he had the artist’s picture.
C. Because he lived in London. D. After he had seen the artist’s picture.
Questions 39 through 41 refer to the following webpage.

Learn about us
Cardston Health & Fitness Club
Cardston Health & Fitness Club is a unique gym designed to meet all of your needs. Our
programs are personalized and suitable for all ages and lifestyles. No matter if you’re younger.
Older, an accomplished athlete or just seeking to get in shape, we have the perfect program to
help you reach your goals. We offer our members many programs and services.
Included with gym membership Available for additional fee
* Exercise machines and weights * Certified personal trainers
* Group exercise classes * Massage therapy
* Indoor track * Nutritional counseling
* Tennis courts & basketball courts * Team sports programs
* Olympic-sized pool and wading pool * Child care

Question 39. For whom is the information most likely intended?

A. Gym members B. Health instructors
C. People interested in joining a gym D. People visiting the town of Cardston.
Question 40. What is indicated about the gym?
A. It is going to change its hours. B. It is suited for people of all fitness levels.
C. It has recently added classes on nutrition. D. It offers a free trial membership.
Question 41. What is NOT listed as a benefit of membership?
A. Fitness classes B. Use of tennis courts
C. Access to a track D. Swimming lessons

Questions 42 through 44 refer to the following text.

Question 42: What could you correctly predict from the title?
A. The island is very small. B. No one lives on the island.
C. The passage is about Antarctica. D. Only lonely people live on the island.

Question 43: What can you conclude after reading that steep cliffs surround the island?
A. The island is covered in glaciers. B. Explorers cannot find the island.
C. There is nowhere to land a boat at the island. D. The island is near the South Pole.
Question 44: After scientists receive data from the weather station, they will most likely _________.
A. try to determine the island’s location B. study weather patterns on the island.
C. track the movements of seals D. send the information to a satellite.

Questions 45 to 49 refer to the following text

When you are being interviewed for a job, remember that it's normal for many people to be
nervous, particularly in such a stress-producing situation. There are plenty of jobs - indeed,
probably most - where a little nervousness isn't looked at askance. It does help to dry a damp
brow or a clammy hand just before meeting the interviewer, but otherwise, don’t be too
concerned about the outward manifestations of your nervousness. Experienced interviewers will
discount most physical signs of nervousness. The only one that people have a hard time ignoring
is a fidgety hand. Interviewees who constantly twist their hands or make movements that are
dramatically distracting are calling to their nervousness.
Remember that interviewers talk to people in order to hire, not because they enjoy
embarrassing, uneasy applicants. One way to overcome a flustered feeling, or "butterflies in the
stomach", is to note that interviewers want to hire people who have something to offer the
company. If interviewers think you will fit into their organization, you will be the one who is
sought after. It's almost as if you are interviewing them to see if they are good enough for you.

Question 45: According to the passage, the outward sign of nervousness that most attracts the attention of
interviewers is _________________
A. a damp brow. B. clammy hands.
C. restless hand gestures. D. jittery stomach.
Question 46: An interviewer is someone who ________________
A. is looking for a j ob. B. seeks facts from prospective employees.
C. has at ready hired you. D. is always on the lookout to trip applicants.
Question 47: It can be inferred from the passage that overcoming nervousness is a matter of __________
A. wiping your head and hands before entering the interview room.
B. taking several tranquilizers before the interview.
C. being dramatic and aggressive.
D. realizing that interviews are two-sided and making the most of it.
Question 48: “butterflies in the stomach” means ________________
A. a nervous feeling. B. feeling of happiness. C. woes. D. sufferings.
Question 49: “discount” means ________________
A. remember. B. ignore. C. discontinue. D. discharge.

Questions 50-54 are based on the following instructions.

Every year students in many countries learn English. Some of these students are young people, others
are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school, others study by themselves. A few learn English
just by hearing the language in films on television, in the office or among their friends. But not many are
lucky enough to do that. Most people must work hard to learn another language. Many boys and girls
learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. They study their own language, Mathematics
and English. In England, or America, or Australia, many boys and girls study Mathematics and their own
language, which is English, and another language, perhaps French, or German or Spanish. Many adults
learn English, because it is useful for their work. Teenagers often learn English for their higher studies
because some of their books are in English at the college or university. Other people learn English
because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English. Whatever the purpose is, English is very
popular all over the world.

Question 50: According to the writer, ________________________

A. only adults learn English. B. no children like learning English.
C. English is useful only to teenagers. D. English is popular in much of the world.
Question 51: Many people learn English by ____________________
A. Watching videos only. B. Hearing the language in the office.
C. Talking with the film stars. D. Working hard on their lessons.
Question 52: Many boys and girls learn English because:
A. English can give them a job. B. It is included in their study courses.
C. Their parents make them. D. They have to study their own language.
Question 53: In America or Australia many school children study ____________ (cả A & B đều đúng)
A. English as a foreign language.
B. English and Mathematics.
C. Such foreign languages as French, German and Spanish.
D. Their own language an d no foreign language.

Question 54: Many adults learn English because __________________

A. Their work is useful. B. They want to go abroad.
C. Most of their books are in English. D. It helps them in their work

Questions 55 through 57 refer to the following text.

For most people, winning the lottery would be a dream come true. But for some, the reality of winning is
far from the fairy tale they had imagined.

Evelyn Adams won the New Jersey lottery. Twice! She amassed a fortune of USD 5.4 million. She soon
found that everyone who knew her was asking for money: “Everyone wanted my money. Everyone had
their hand out.” Evelyn had trouble saying no, and soon all her money was gone. She now lives in a trailer
William Post won a gob-smacking USD 16.2 million in the Pennsylvania lottery. What should have
brought joy and prosperity soon had his siblings demanding money for their business ventures. His
girlfriend sued him for part of his winnings. His brother went a step further and hired a hit man to have
him killed, hoping for an inheritance. He now lives on a USD 450 Social Security check. For Mr. Post,
winning the lottery was the worst thing that ever happened to him.
When people win big, it’s not unusual for them to lose their money in a very short space of time. Not
giving in to friends and family is the first big hurdle. People also tend to spend money first and invest
second when they should be doing things the other way around. People buy big cars and bigger houses,
but don’t think about the fact that these things are extremely expensive to maintain; they can drain a
fortune in no time at all.
People are programmed to believe that money solves all problems. However, the adage “more money,
more problems” is closer to the truth. If large sums of money are not correctly managed, you could find
yourself losing your friends, family, and fortune faster than you can say, “Bob’s your uncle.”

Question 55. Why did Evelyn Adams lose all her money?
A. She had trouble saying no to friends and family.
B. She made bad investments.
C. She spent it all on big houses and fast cars.
D. She gave money to everyone she met.
Question 56. What did all the lottery winners have in common?
A. They all got sued.
B. They all lost their money.
C. People tried to rob them.
D. Siblings hired hit men to kill them.
Question 57. What does the adage “More money, more problems” mean?
A. Money will solve all your problems.
B. Not having enough money creates problems.
C. Having money makes you lose your friends and families.
D. Having more money will not solve your problems.

Questions 58 through 60 refer to the following text.

I know that it is my job to make sure that everything goes well for the tourists and I feel I work hard for
the company. I cannot be blamed for last week. I met the group at the airport and took them to the coach.
The coach driver was a bit annoyed because the flight was late. But it wasn’t far to the hotel and everyone
was looking forward to their dinner. We hadn’t used the Hotel Riviera before but our normal one has a
conference in it so it was fully booked. When I announced our arrival at the reception desk, they said they
were full. I had booked rooms for the group, but the manager said they were cancelled by phone a few
days before. He insisted that he recognized my voice and that I had made the phone call. We had a bit of
an argument but they obviously didn’t have enough rooms. In the end, the manager phoned other hotels in
the town and found rooms for everyone but in four different hotels. By this time, the coach had gone, so
we had to get taxis and some of the tourists started to get very angry with me. I still don’t know who
made that phone call but it definitely wasn’t me.

Question 58. Why weren’t any rooms available at the Hotel Riviera?
A. There were more people in the group than expected
B. A conference was taking place there.
C. Someone had forgotten to book them.
D. Someone had said they were not needed.
Question 59. What happened in the end?
A. The tourists got angry with the hotel manager
B. The tourists couldn’t stay together.
C. The writer found other hotels with rooms.
D. The writer called the coach driver back.

Question 60. Which of the following diaries was most likely written by one of the tourists?
A. We got to the airport and had to wait for the coach. So it was really late when we got.
B. The hotel we were taken to wasn’t good enough so we asked to change to a different one.
C. Someone had made a mistake with our hotel booking and they had given our rooms to
other people.
D. The coach driver took us to the wrong hotel and they knew nothing about us.

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