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Helping: If you want to help someone else, who’s

Machinations! V.2 Players: Create your team

rolling, say how you try to help and make a roll. If you

A steampunk hack of John Harper’s Losers & As a group, pick from the following tables, or succeed, give them +1d.
Feelings. roll 3d6 to determine 2 advantages and 1
The year is 1895 and the game is afoot! You are a disadvantage for your team: Your Character
bunch of ‘Privateers’, working the thin edge between Your crew has…
the law and outright criminality. Name:
1 A secure lair 4 Good forged credentials
Your ambition is to become renowned Airship You are a:
2 An equipped workshop 5 Access to a good fence
Pirates, but the funds required will mean carrying out 3 Horses 6 Establishment contacts A former:
a series of capers on both sides of the line. But they… Now turned:
1 Owe money to bad men 4 Are not local
Players: Create your characters 2 Are new at this 5 Have a significant foe Your number is:
Pick from the following tables or roll 3d6 to
3 Are wanted by the law 6 Have a bad reputation
determine your personality, background and Tools & Equipment
team role:
You are a…
2 Give your Privateer crew a hardcore or
heroic Victorian Steampunk name.
1 Charming 3 Naive 5 Drunken
2 Veteran 4 Educated 6 Plucky Rolling the dice
Former… When you do something risky, roll 1d6 to find out
1 Academic 3 Preacher 5 Doctor
how it goes. Roll +1d6 for a favourable situation and
2 Policeman 4 Engineer 6 Soldier/Sailor
Turned… +1d6 if you’ve got the right tools or equipment. (The
GM tells you how many dice to roll, based on your Weapons
1 Pilot 3 Thief 5 Brawler
2 Duellist 4 Detective 6 Mystic character and the situation.) Roll your dice and
compare each die result to your number.
Choose your number, from 2 to 5. A high
If you’re using reason (engineering, science, logic,
number means you have more reason precision), you want to roll under your number.
(engineering, science, logic, precision). A If you’re being rough & ready, (intuition,
low number means you’re more rough & improvisation, street smarts, recklessness) you want Outfit
ready (intuition, improvisation, street to roll over your number.
smarts, recklessness). If none of your dice succeed, it goes wrong. The
0 GM says how things get worse somehow.
Give your character a strong Victorian
3 1 Your Crew
If one die succeeds, you barely manage it. The
Steampunk name like Captain Victor GM inflicts a complication, harm, or cost.
Ironsides, or Lady Emilia Goodrest. 2 If two dice succeed, you do it well. Name
Good job! Advantage
You have: If three dice succeed, you get a critical success!
3 The GM tells you some extra effect you get.
• Tools or equipment suitable to your profession Disadvantage
If you roll your number exactly, you are a true
(lockpicks, mechanics tools, calling cards) ! Privateer. You get a special insight into what’s
• A simple ranged weapon of your choice (revolver, Player Character
sawn-off shotgun, throwing knife). going on.
• A simple melee weapon of your choice (knife, club, Ask the GM a question and they’ll answer
swordstick, brass knuckles). you honestly. Some good questions:
• A suitable Victorian outfit. What are they really feeling? Who’s behind this?
How could I get them to X? What should I be on
the lookout for? What’s the best way to X? What’s
really going on here?
GM: create an adventure So, this combat thing… Example Victorian equipment
Roll or choose on the tables below: For ranged attacks you make a reason roll, for melee Weapons
A threat… attacks you make a rough & ready roll Melee
1 Professor Moriarty 4 The Dragon Empress You roll dice as shown above, but we suggest you use Axe (hatchet), Axe (fire), Bullwhip, Club (walking
2 German Kaiser 5 Anarchist Cadre the following results:
3 Airship Pirate 6 Cultists stick, shillelagh, knobkerry, pickaxe handle), Arc
Wants to… 0 If none of your dice succeed, it goes wrong.
The GM says how things get worse somehow.
Truncheon, Garrotte, Knife/bayonet, Kukri,
1 Destroy/Corrupt 4 Protect/Empower Nightstick, Sabre, Sword, Spear (Assegai).
It could be a weapon jam, a ricochet hits one of
2 Steal/Capture 5 Build/Invent Ranged
your comrades or a bystander etc.
3 Ally with 6 Conquer/Overthrow
1 If one die succeeds, you barely manage it. Axe (throwing), Blunderbuss, Bomb, Bow, Carbine,
The… The victim is inconvenienced and will generally Crossbow, Flare Pistol, Grenade (explosive, gas,
1 Queen Victoria 4 The Crown Jewels roll one less die for future checks.
2 Our Parliament 5 A Secret Weapon smoke), Hand Crossbow, Hunting rifle, Knife
The GM also inflicts a complication, harm, or cost (throwing), Military rifle, Muzzle-loading rifle,
3 A Royal Navy Airship 6 An Ancient Power to the attacker.
Which will… Revolver, Machine Pistol, Shotgun, Sawn-off
If two dice succeed, you manage a solid hit. The
1 Destroy the Monarchy 4 Free the Empire 2 victim is now seriously inconvenienced and can
2 Create anarchy 5 Throw down the Church only roll one die for any check. Uncommon
3 Enslave the British 6 Create a Utopia If three dice succeed, you get a critical success!
3 The victim is incapacitated and falls down,
Arc Pistol, Arc Rifle, Nock Gun.
Or just make it up as you go along… Armour, light
unable to act.
If you roll your number exactly, you are a true
GM: run the game ! Privateer. You get a special insight into what’s
Magneto-static umbrella, Padded Jacket, Lined Coat,
Brigandine, Magneto-static waistcoat/bodice, Mail
Play to find out how they defeat the threat. Introduce going on. shirt.
Ask the GM a question and they will answer you
the threat by showing evidence of its recent activities. Armour, heavy
honestly. Some good questions:
Before a threat does something to the characters, What are they really feeling? Who’s behind this?
show signs that it’s about to happen, then ask them Breastplate (steel), Riot Shield, Patent Kelly Suit
How could I get them to X? What should I be on
what they do. the lookout for? What’s the best way to X? What’s Other kit
“Col. Snape charges the arc-cannons on his airship. really going on here? Actor’s make-up kit, Bedroll, Belt pouch , Blanket,
What do you do?” Burglar’s Toolkit, Candles (per dozen), Carbide
Armour and its effects Lamp, Carpet Bag, Cigarette case, Cord (hemp),
“Lady Emilia pours you a glass of fine champagne
and slips her arm around your waist. What do you Some people may be wearing light or heavy armour. Crowbar, Fish-hooks & line, Flint & Steel, Grapnel,
do?” If they are wearing light armour reduce the number Hammer (masonry or sledge), Hipflask, Knapsack,
of successes an attacker achieves against them by one. Ladder, Lamp oil, Lantern, Matches (box of 24),
Only call for a roll when the situation is uncertain.
Don’t pre-plan outcomes—let the chips fall where For heavy armour reduce the number of successes by Mirror, Notepad & Pencil, Oilcloth, Oilstone, Pickaxe,
they may. Use failures to push the action forward. The two. Rope (Hemp), Telescope (small), Spade, Water-flask,
situation always changes after a roll, for good or ill. Light armour includes lined coats, padded tunics, a Writing set.
Ask questions and build on the answers. mail shirt etc. Some cover can count as light armour Personal Transport
“Have any of you encountered a Kali Cultist before? too. Bicycle, Tricycle, Rocket Skates, Punt, Rowboat.
Where? What happened?” Heavy armour includes breastplates, riot shields,
Patent Kelly Armour etc. Note that if you are wearing
heavy armour you use one less die when making
movement-related checks.

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