Monoj Sir

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Pre - Board Exam 2019 – 20

Informatics Practices(265)
Time: 3 hrs Class XII M .M. 70

General Instructions:
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Answer the questions after carefully reading the text.

1. Answer the following questions:

(a) (i) Mr. Zafar Ahmed wants to prevent unauthorized access to/from his company's local area 2
network. Write the name of a system (software/hardware), which he should install to do the
(ii) Beauty Lines Fashion Inc. is a fashion company with design unit and market unit 135
meters away from each other. The company recently connected their LANs using Ethernet
cable to share the stock related information. But, after joining their LANs, they "are notable
to share the information due to loss of signal in between. Which device out of the following
should you suggest to be installed for a smooth communication?
(i) UPS (ii) Modern (iii)" Repeater
(b) (i) Which of the following is not a feature of Networking? 2
(a) Resource sharing (b) Uninterrupted Power Supply
(c) Reduced Cost (d) Reliability
(ii) Name any two Indian scripts included in Unicode.
(c) Mr. Jayanto Das is confused between Shareware and Open source software. Mention at 2
least two points of differences to help him understand the same.
(d) Identify the type of Topology from the following: 2
(i) If each node is connected with the help of independent cable with the help of
a central switching (communication controller)
(ii) If each node is connected with the help of a single co-axial cable.
(e) Define the following with reference to Threats to Network Security: 2
(i) Trojan Horse (ii) Worm

2. Answer the following questions:

(a) While working in Netbeans, Ms Kanta Surbhi wants to display 'Cleared' or 1
'Re-attempt required' message depending the marks entered in jTextField1. Help her to
choose more appropriate statement out of 'If statement' and 'Switch statement'.
(b) Write a statement to make jTextArea1 as un-editable. 1
(c) Which HTML tags are used for making a table and adding rows in a HTML document? 1
(d) How is <UL > tag different from <OL> tag of HTML? 1
(e) What will be the value of A and B after execution of the following code: 2
int A = 100, B;
for (B = 10; B <= 12; B++)
A += B;
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, “A: “ + A + “B: “+B +” ”);
(f) Differentiate between HTML and XML. 2
(g) Write Java code that takes the price of a pens from jTextField1 and quantity of 2
pens from jTextField2 and calculates total amount as price" quantity to be displayed in
jTextField3 and also find 10% tax amount to be displayed in jTextField4.
3. Answer the following questions:
(a) Write MySqI command will be used to open an already existing database "LIBRARY". 1
(b) The Mname Column of a table Members is given below: 1

Based on the information, find the output of the following queries:
(i) Select Mname from members where mname like "%v";
(ii) Select Mnarrte from members where mname like "%e%";
(c) A table "TRAINS" in a database has degree 3 and cardinality 8. What is the number of rows 1
and columns in it?
(d) Differentiate between Alternate key and Candidate key. 1
(e) Define data encapsulation with reference to Object Oriented Programming 2
(f) A worker_Id consisting of 4 digits is stored in a string variable strWrkld. Now Mr. Jai 2
wants to store this Id in integer type of variable IntWrkld. Write a Java statement to do this.
(g) Sarthya, a student of class XI, created a table "RESUL T". Grade is one of the columns of 2
this table. To find the details of students whose Grades have not been entered, he wrote the
following MySql query, which did not give the desired result:
SELECT * FROM Result WHERE Grade = "Null" ;
Help Sarthya to run the query by removing the errors from the query and write the
correct Query.

4. Answer the following questions:

(a) What will be displayed in jTextField1 after executing the following code? 1
int N = 40;
N = N + 1;
if (N < 41)
jTextField1.setText(Integer.toString(N + 10));
jTextField1.setText(Integer.toString(N + 15));
(b) Given a string object namely 'VALUE', having value as "624" stored in it. What will 1
be result of the following :
JOptionpane. showMessageDialoge(null, " "+ (value.length( )
+ Integer.parseInt(value)));
(c) What will be displayed in jTextArea1 after executing the following statement? 1
jTextArea1.setText ("Live\nIn peace\tand harmony") ;
(d) The following code has some error(s). Rewrite the correct code underlining all the 2
corrections made :
Int P = 3; sum = 0; //Declaring P and sum as Integer
{ sum = P;
P += 3;
while (p =< 12)
(e) Rewrite the following program code using a Switch statement: 2
if (code == 1)
Day = "Monday" ;
else if (code== 2)
Day = "Tuesday" ;
else if (code == 3)
Day = "Wednesday" ;
else if (code == 4)
Day = "Thursday" ;
Day = "NO Match" ;
(f) The following code has error(s). Rewrite the correct code underlining all the corrections 2
integer counter=0;
for(num =i; num>=1; num--);
If i%num = 0 {
counter = counter + 1;
(g) Seema is a junior programmer at ‘Avon Shoe Factory’. She has created the following GUI 6
in Netbeans:

• 3 items namely Shoes, Sandals and Slippers are manufactured by the factory.
• A buyer can buy more than one item at a time.
• Each pair of shoes costs Rs.1,500.00, each pair of sandals costs Rs.1,000.00 and each
pair of slippers costs `500.00.
• The item bought will be selected by the user and the Quantity (number of pairs)
bought will be entered by the user.
• Amount to be paid for that item will be displayed in front of the item.
For example if 'Shoe' is selected and Quantity entered is 20, then Amount should be
displayed as 30000. Help Seema write code for the following:
(a) When 'Calculate' button is clicked, the amount should be displayed in front of each
item (in the appropriate textfield) and Total amount (sum total of all the amounts) should
be displayed in the appropriate' textfield.
(b) When Clear button is clicked, all the Textfields and Checkboxes should be cleared.
(c) When Stop button is clicked, the application should close.
5. Answer the following questions:
(a) Consider the table given below : 10
Write SQL queries for (i) to (viii) and output for SQL queries (ix) and (x).
SID Name Phone DOB Salary Area
S101 Amit Kumar 98101789654 1967-01-23 67000.00 North
S102 Deepika Sharma 99104567834 1992-09-23 32000.00 South
S103 Vinay Srivastav 98101546789 1991-06-27 35000.00 North
S104 Kumar Mehta 88675345789 1967-10-16 40000.00 East
S105 Rashmi Kumar 98101567434 1972-09-20 50000.00 South
Note: Columns SID and DOB contain Sales Person Id and Data of Birth respectively.
(i) Write the data types of SID and DOB columns.
(ii) Display names of Salespersons and their Salaries who have salaries in the range
30000.00 to 40000.00
(iii) To list Names, Phone numbers and DOB (Date of Birth) of Salespersons who were
born before 1st November, 1992.
(iv) To display Names and Salaries of Salespersons in descending order of salary.
(v) To display areas in which Salespersons are working. Duplicate Areas should not be
(vi) To display SID, Names along with Salaries increased by 500. (Increase of Rs. 500 is
only to be displayed and not to be updated in the table)
(vii) To display Area along with number of Salespersons working in that area.
(viii) To display Names of Salespersons who have the word ‘Kumar’ anywhere in their names.
(ix) Select Name, length (Name) FROM Salesperson;
(x) SELECT Area, COUNT (*)FROM Salesperson GROUP BY Area HAVING COUNT (*) > 1;

6. Answer the following questions:

(a) Write a MySQL command for creating a table "PAYMENT" whose structure is given 2
FieidName Datatype Size Constraint
Loan_number Integer 4 Primary key
Payment_number Varchar 3
Payment_date Date
Paymentamount Integer 8 Not Null
(b) In a Database School there are two tables Member and Division as shown below. 2
Empld Name Pay Divno
1001 Shankhya 34000 10
1003 Ridhima 32000 50
1002 Sunish 45000 20

Divno Divname Location
10 Media TF02
20 Dance FF02
30 Production SF01
(i) Identify the foreign key in the table Member.
(ii) What output, you will get, when an equi-join query is executed to get the
NAME from Member Table and corresponding Divname from Division table?
(c) In a database there are two tables "Product" and "Client" as shown below: 6


P_ID ProdudName Manufacture Price

P00l Moisturiser XYZ 40
P002 Sanitizer LAC 35
P003 Bath Soap COP 25
P004 Shampoo TAP 95
P005 Lens Solution COP 350


C_ID ClientName Clty P_ID

01 Dreamz Disney New Delhi P002
05 Life Line Inc Mumbai P005
12 Munich New Delhi P001
15 Appolo Banglore P003

Write the commands in SQL queries for the following:

(i) To display the details of Product whose Price is in the range of 40 and 120 (Both values
(ii) To display the ClientName, City from table Client" and ProductName and Price from
table Product, with their corresponding matching P _ID.
(iii) To increase the Price of all the Products by 20.

7. Answer the following questions:

(a) How does E-business help organizations to provide better customer services? 1
(b) (i) Define e-governance. 2
(ii) List two advantages of e-governance to a disabled person.
(c) Ms. Fauzia is creating a form for an application to be used in a Gym. Help her to choose 2
most appropriate controls from ListBox, ComboBox, TextField, TextArea, RadioButton,
CheckBox, Label and Command Button for the following entries :

S. No. Function
1 To enter NAME
2 To enter EMAIL ID
3 To allow user to choose any one MEMBERSHIP DURATION out of 1
Month, 3 Months, 6 Months, 1 year.
4 To choose PRE-EXISTING MEDICAL CONDITIONS out of Diabetes,
Heart Disease, Chest Paie, Shortness of Breath, Epilepsy, Others.

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