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Audience Questionnaire

Age iJ Gender fe,rr^tl',$.a

1. What style of music do you usually listen to?

Avt-j , n^au,.i
2. How do you usually consume music?
DO-qt oo,d, m\ d,".ar.^q
3. Do you download music for free?
4. Can you identify the aftist? (what is her name?)
fu" L.vto fh,v"', / /zv-i'?
5. What genre do you think this music video is?
6. What music channel would you expect to find this video on?
A^t^ flTl.l 1lrAl , ,
7. What kind of themes would you associate with this video?
8. Does this remind you of any other music videos? lf so, which ones?
ft.( ena,.1 ttJ,no-{n-",.^re o,/La LJt'iJ-< tho-'S 1r.,rcd,Lg &unn ai st^rzr.f
9. In your opinion, does the video look professional?
10. What do you think worked about the video?
'i\,.q r€uo^rsa shuf?- fQ,*S c"plp& , id&a-k \rx'k

11. What could be improved?

12. Does it appeal to you? lf so, why?

'/an, fi* , crsto;rG'J
13. Would you buy / download the single?
14. On a scale of 1 - 10, how would you rate this music video?


Thank you for completing this questionnaire, please pass it to the front.
Audience Questionnaire

Age iJ Gender Yc^*lo

1. What style of music do you usually listen to?
Avy,tud9 p.{
2. How do you usually consume music?
Dq-qt oo.d, m (n11
3. Do you download music toi treeZ
4. Can you identify the artist? (what is her name?)
fu /.vao G''vs /,\-e-y,?
5. What genre do you think this music video is?
6. What musicchannel would you expect to find this video on?
A5- MT(,, 1Ml,
7. What kind of themes would you associate with this video?
8. Does this remind you of any other music videos? lf so, which ones?
'{\r"( A% yJ,nrrJn-"..r.r,a O.^r2- u,s{^arq \'lnl.': t!cL}J,-,\S &aarn .r Sftrzst

9. In your opinion, does the video look professional?

10. What do you think worked about the video?
na t€Nra{se- Shnf? - FQ'*S c'pp& , idcl..,} V\ k
11. What could be improved?

12. Does it appeal to you? lf so, why?

'letr, fi* , coto.'';-G,(
13. Would you buy / download the single?
14. On a scale of 1 - 10, how would you rate this music video?
Thank you for completing this questionnaire, please pass it to the front.
,rllJLllgl l\'\' SYYY!

nge Jl- Gender W 'u r,\{

listen to?
1. What style of music do you usually

2. How do You usuallY consume

d av,rrn\Ortd | {hLi.g , \ff\

3. Do You download music for free?

name?) t . .1
4. '"'tii
Can you identify the aftist?
(what is her t '
, u+t.m.-Vodra lltvt lhv
ss6 video is?
5. What genre do you think this music
4nAMd( rf^4f . --
h,n^1 ,
(fl ---.-:^..iA^^^tlrcn rnrhichones?
v' vlw
o\l\t \'^A-V]A \Ahn l\A \A Yl-
look professional?
9. ln your opinion, does the video

10 -*Tflfil^tT\\t1t'ffilll* l{y:fd^n \ :' !ly Nn ttl'\n1
'trtl h^l' d"t4t'ro"t+
" 'kn{w^rol(j
11. What could be improved? '" 'i^M vuarunMq t\t X
u{\ ovq- n r"'
'l M\ryffiu
\ .
rt sb'"wHlz'
Does it appeal to you?
G w,uunor,wr
'fuAL\ Jn ,.,,br h"1+ |
?O Ytbo(,
13. Would you buy / download the single?

n[JulfTl l\rv \'5YYY

nge Q- Gender V 'n rr\4

listen to?
1. What style of music do you usually

2. How do You usuallY consume

daur,,l\OnA t{hL^g , \ff\\

3. Do You download music for free'?

'/t tr (what is her name?) ' I t

4. 'vi:
Can you identify the artist?
' ^ 1

S ,,
(,a+l{-Yodl'l lVn luv ''
video is?
5. What genre do you think this music
ftrn"1 , An^Md( rf4f . --
with this video?
7. What kind of themes would you associate

(fl cn urhich ones?

--.^:^. .i)^^a')lr
v -rv\
l\A \n Yl' vlw
o\At \,^ \Ahn
look professional?
9. In your opinion, does the video
10 -+ffifffi,T\u:1iJililll*
lr'/r' t"''"*M\'r#)S,.f,,ffi
I \l. L,w Nntt//\^\
1 1. what could be improved?
uF vil *t^y,*(r \
0v4- n w wu(/^or\A{r Jn ,,t&r v^l
^ I
12. Does it appeal to you? rt tb'"uih^llz' ?O ftb*(,

13. Would you buy / download the single?

Audience Questionnaire

Age J Gender [er^*lc

1. What style of music do you usually listen to?
Avt j r,,,O-,tr'.,! .F^F'
2. How do you usually consume music?
Dairr c,c^d, m $,.o"ne n\
3. Do you download music fol freeZ
4. Can you identify the aftist? (what is her name?)
fu.*" L,i-it. G',ur 1,12y,'>
5. What genre do you think this music video is?
6. What music channel would you expect to find this video on?
A^t- N{T(,lIAl ,

7. What kind of themes would you associate with this video?

8. Does this remind you of any other music videos? lf so, which ones?
4r"( ft*5 Lil,*-t."..^re o;\rz L;{,.-qr-< \ltc-'j dt{,|ur15 cl1^* !h/d
9. In your opinion, does the video look professional?
10. What do you think worked about the video?
1\^a t€vodse Sb*R - fQ'*S c"pp& , (&JIpt- \a. k

11. What could be improved?

12. Does it appeal to you? lf so, why?

'/€n, G..'. , c.Cou rG'',(
13. Would you buy / download the single?

14. On a scale of 1 - 10, how would you rate this music video?

Thank you for completing this questionnaire, please pass it to the front.
Aud ience Question na ire

Age I"' Gender ;Lv'vud'-Lt I

1. What style of music do you usually listen to?

fi,"'.Li i,fii
2. How ijo you usually consume music?
ilur'U i , t,[i: ,-:.,{\Lc ilJ
3. Do you download music for free?
; u ,iig -f \ v't Lil- j
4. Can you identify the artist? (what is her name?)

Ltu"t Llva f (

5. What genre do you think this music video is?

'utft,l(1t(i r { i,r
6. What music channel would you expect to find this video on?
\, r,'t
V \'\ /l,-:LL. L'r-,,i-,.-,-)i')i /;'1-ri._ i [i
7. What kind of themes would you associate with this video?
Lci(gaC'(' /*c''-rLt oi rv ['7 ' ',1
I i.l

8. Does this remind you of any other music videos? lf so, which ones?
,,1 r ;.. i
|{Lt i':Cr',i)'
\r. >i\'\\Lq

9. ln your opinion, does the video look professional?

10. What do you think worked about the video?
,l!.; !'r, , I,, t,",:.r I{ -rtrk t,.
tl, 'l!-1 r;t,tL,* , I i r.-\.. ., , 1,.,.1 \.1

11. What could be imProved?

tr :l ,_t1,,r1

12. Does it app6al to You? lf so, whY?

\.n ,, ,\.-
\\-,, '.';,i l

13. Would you buy / downlodd the single?


14. On a scale of 1 - 10, how would you rate this music video?

Thank you for completing this questionnaire, please pass it to the front'
Audience Questionnaire

t *i'riuLe-
ng" il? Gender
listen to?
1. What style of music do you usually
AAJ Y - ri Cr"C'tr'o t ''L L4 :)(c
2. How do You usuallY consume music?
( !):
3. Do You download music for free?

is her name?)
4. Can you identify the artist? (what

L clr)<\ L 1l'(t U.
What genre do you think this music
video is?
L4A'\ U


9. ln your opinion, does the video look
. l€5
10. What do you think worked about the
'oa cilq'/-'4-tcL/ic/: :,'*tf''y t tT(:^Jawvlt^
11. What could be imProved?
s9n ctta!
12. Does it appeal to you? lf so' why? t
\ / -- s1\ SV t

-,-.i (
('Lr r rp,4CA.XtOJ
('' l,<
13. Would you buy / dor'iiload the single?
\br video?
14. on L of 1 _ 10, how would you rate this music

Audience Questionnaire

Age i1 Gender il,AuLr-

1. What style of music do you usually listen to?
vl- 1
2. How do yoti usually consume music?
iI n.,n0 \I
vn Y\ [ ( o'- 1
{lu- I
3. Do you download music for free?

flcru& 1
4. Can you identify the artist?(what is her name?)
.uA, u
5. What genre do you.l'rl,,Tr musicyideo'rt

\Pryrm 1r in{' { 'il'\',. l

6. what music chann)5| wbuld you expect to find this video on?
-'fqnp\ q v\/\ u t, L,,/A;
7. what kind of themes would you associate with this video?

8. Does this remind you of any other music videos? lf so, which ones?

9. ln your opinion, does the video look professional?

10. What do you think worked about the video?
n rq

11. What could be improved?

12. Does it appeal to you? lf so, why?

\' I u'"'V
13. Would you buy / download the single?

ff,r.^,' ! L
14. on a scale of 1 - 10, how would you rate this music video?

Thank you for completin g this questionnaire, please pass it to the front.
Audience Questionnaire


What style of music do you usually listen to?

t' - ,l/
/ler tlvr tn Y
How do you usuallY consume music?
-lhrv v^ty {tlrs
Do you download music for free?

Canyou identify the artist? (what is her name?)

What genre do you think this music video is?
What music channel would you expect to find this video on?

h^ut,r* # V;ua.
What kind of themes would you associate with this video?
--.^ ll I /
rw*.TW{Tra v-$sr/ v v -wTr-n
\, dtllA{\O ,i
Oijbs ttiKremiirij iou other music videos? lf so, which ones?
((^ncWtt- c{r, r
In your o$inion, does thb video look professional?

What do you think worked about the video?

{vn bocku-l qAsn'e-:S

What could be imProved? / t
(av- /ipsolnrc,^y , carv(e rnilernenL ;s 4q/enq
Does it appeal {o yodZ lf so, whY? -/
( v2 6 o,
''''"- j-7
y6L'/ ntCtJ:tc
Would you buy / dorrynl6ad the singlp"

f ,,&ucr WU d*?fuYe "/

On a scale of 1 - 10, how would you rate this music video?

1-/ /
Thank you for completing this questionnaire, please pass it to the front'
Audience Questionnaire

nge /fi Gender

1. What style of music do you usually listen to?
2. "r^m
How do ybu usuall$ consume music?

You,ira,la{ r \,\rnnfu}t-{ e$F^d r*ALLil, M*CX"*

3. Do you downloat music for free? t

4. Can you identify the artist? (what is her name?)

k.J*^ 4r^,o
5. What genre do you think this music video is?

i^J- . r d;rr^..e.u-, ndsr-v\qli#t

6. What music channel would you expect to find this video on?
MfUr 4^*r.'. , J,n^
7. What kind of themes would you associate with this video?
La^{a" A ttf\"U} , 1*.,t"6 t{nftfu .
8. Does this remind you of any other music videos? lf so, which ones?
{!.ou{ ,
Glr} riovq ,tA-s fa.rn- '4
$es,'n'o '"b $giA^&,-"'1**; ":'t-,*-q
9. ln your opiniori, 05", the video took professional?
10. What do you think worked about the video?
* c*t "rb.\ c,bar'ti,t r*r' YuJ 1 *.15* "{A/"$ \r4/^\ -{-
11. What Could be improved? \
F&t g t'la\ 'r ed q hr {-'.'r lttv 'tr *C +{1\ r6uvL.a,,vr^ , d f sL,/rt
12 #' ffi""ffiortlt'dJ, #f#1 o"t ;r+{, 'rtto 1*^t-X .^ ilt[. *,.'rd
{.*lqroui-r& { Atc c.v-u,ri*gn i\ Arr\,
^"\ t-^ bt."&
13. Would yo, Ury /Hownload the single? (\ t
14. On a scale of 1 - 10, how would you rate this music video?

ULft a\

Thank you for completing this questionnaire, please pass it to the front.

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