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Gramática Inglesa I

Grado en Estudios Ingleses

Dpto. Filologías Inglesa y Alemana
Universidad de Granada

Activity 1. Attempt a syntactic analysis of the following sentences.

1) She felt a sharp pain.

2) He felt a complete idiot.
3) Mary made me a cake.
4) Mary made me happy.
5) The dog was eating a bone.
6) Anna said that she was studying hard.
7) The soup is in the saucepan.
8) You should put the wine in the fridge.
9) Soon he will be living locally.
10) She found her an excellent roommate.
11) I arrived this morning.
12) I wasted this morning.
13) She always travels first class.
14) She always prefers first class.
15) We are meeting the next sales manager.
16) We are meeting next Friday.
17) His best friend became a famous writer.
18) I find the approach interesting.
19) I left the keys on the kitchen table last night.
20) The whole town had been waiting for their arrival.
21) The old photographs were found in a small box.
Activity 2. Attempt a syntactic analysis of the following sentences, paying
special attention to phrase structure and sentence construction.

1) The key opens the door of the red car.

2) That old man on the bench has rolled a cigarette.
3) All the spectators along the street were looking at the parade.
4) Honey bee colonies in the country have vanished.
5) Very loud colours are in fashion again.
6) For the purposes of identification, this is the best possible method available.
7) Quite unsurprisingly, people in very dry regions hate heavy rains and enjoy the
hot weather.
8) Toys with small parts are not suitable for children of all ages.
9) In Colombian cities, a plate-numbering programme has successfully combated
congestion for a decade.
10) Domestication may have forced dogs into a permanent state of puppyhood.
11) We got up at six, the taxi was in time, but we missed the plane.

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