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What is Internet?

Computer networking and

 A computer network is a group or set of computers
Internet linked together for the purpose of communication.

 Internet is a global system of interconnected computer

networks that use the standard Internet Protocol Suite
(TCP/IP or ISO/OSI) to serve billions of users world wide.

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Basic types of Network

Main types of Computer networks by geography

 PAN – Personal area network

 LAN - Local Area network - also WLAN.
 WAN – Wide Area Network
 MAN – Metropolitan area Network

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Internet Service Provider Intranet

 A company that offers its customers access to the  A local or restricted communication network.
internet.  It uses network technologies as a tool to facilitate
 ISP connects to its customer using a data communication between individual nodes or work
transmission technology. groups to improve the data and resource sharing
 Dial-up capability.
 Cable modem
 wireless

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IP Address

 A unique address assigned to devices in a computer

network in order to identify and communicate with
each other utilizing the Internet Protocol standard.

 IP address is 32 bit long(IPv4)

10010011 10000110 00000010 00010100

 Written as a dotted sequence
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How to find a particular node? Domain Name Server(DNS)

 A machine that keeps a table of referencing names

 Using the IP address and corresponding IP addresses.
 Translates human readable computer hostnames into
the IP address that networking equipment need for
delivering the information.

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URL Services provided by internet

 The unique address which identifies a resource on the  WWW

internet for routing purposes.  E-mail
 URL contains:  Searching
 Protocol  File sharing : FTP
 Domain name  E-commerce
 Port address  Chatting
 Directory path  Streaming media
 File name  Online education
 Web hosting

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Internet Services
World Wide WEB (WWW)
Direct Communication
 The World Wide Web (WWW) is combination of all
resources and users on the Internet that are using
Online Conferencing the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

Distributed Information Resources

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Search engine

 A software system that is designed to search for

information on the WWW.

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