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V V College of Engineering

1) Give extended definition of the following:

a. Computer programe: Computer programs (also software programs, or just
programs) are instructions for a computer. Computer programs are usually
executable programs or the source code from which executable programs are
derived (e.g., compiled). Computer source code is often written by professional
computer programmers Source code may be converted into an executable file
(sometimes called an executable program or a binary) by a compiler.
Alternatively, computer programs may be executed by a central processing unit
with the aid of an interpreter, or may be embedded directly into hardware.
b. Electric fan: A mechanical fan is an electrically powered device used to produce
an airflow for the purpose of creature comfort (particularly in the heat),
ventilation, exhaust, cooling or any other gaseous transport. Mechanically, a fan
can be any revolving vane or vanes used for producing currents of air. Fans
produce air flows with high volume and low pressure, as opposed to a gas
compressor which produces high pressures at a comparatively low volume. A fan
blade will often rotate when exposed to an air stream, and devices that take
advantage of this, such as anemometers and wind turbines often have designs
similar to that of a fan.
c. Fax machine: Fax (short for facsimile, from Latin fac simile, "make similar", i.e.
"make a copy") is a telecommunications technology used to transfer copies
(facsimiles) of documents, especially using affordable devices operating over the
telephone network. The word telefax, short for telefacsimile, for "make a copy at
a distance", is also used as a synonym. The device is also known as a telecopier
in certain industries. When sending documents to people at large distances, faxes
have a distinct advantage over postal mail in that the delivery is nearly
instantaneous, yet its disadvantages in quality have relegated it to a position
beneath email as the prevailing form of electronic document transferral. It can be
represented in Unicode
d. Log table: Before the early 1970s, hand-held electronic calculators were not yet in
widespread use. Because of their utility in saving work in laborious calculations
by hand on paper, tables of base 10 logarithms were found in appendices of
many books. Such a table of "common logarithms" giving the logarithm of each
number in the left-hand column, which ran from 1 to 10 by small increments,
perhaps 0.01 or 0.001.This is called a Log Table.

2) Correct the mistakes in the following passages:

(i) a word processor is a peace of software that enab a computer to function like a
automated office with a softwear the computer works as a typewriter so that on create ones
own files
(ii) a familier sight in the Indian countryside these days is a gulvanised box- like steel structure
with a long, steady handle mounted mounted on a massive pedeastal
(iii) all the resources of the national gallery of art and its friends had combined to present to the
american public a remarkable visual and educational experience
(iv) among the living speascies on land and in water man occupy the foremost position when all
other living creetures have less than five census man alone shines bright with his sixth
(v) bamboos have been use by human beings since time immemorial but it is only in the
lats four to five dicades that industries have came to recognize their value owing to the
iustalation of India paper mills in bamboo has become a valuable resource.

3) Combine the following indicating the cause and effect using cause and effect relationship:
(i) A nail has pierced the tyre. It has become flattened.
Ans: Due to a nail piercing the tyre, it has become flattened
(ii) There is a hole in ozone layer, change in climatic condition.
Ans:Due to a hole in ozone layer, there is a change in climatic condition
(iii) High cost of labour, a mechanical stoker was installed.
Ans:As a result of high cost of labour a mechanical stoker was installed
(iv) Carelessness, heavy accidents.
Ans:Carelessness resulted heavy accidents
(v) Increase in cost of living, scarcity.
Ans:Increase in cost of living is due scarcity.

4) Supply suitable modal verbs in the sentences below choosing from the bracket:
(Could, must, can, ought to)
(i) He _____ speak english when he was hardly five years old.
(ii) Soldiers _______ always obey their officers.
(iii) You ________ worry, she won’t get lost.
(iv) He is so strongthat he ______ bend an iron bar with his bare hands
(v) Visitors ______ not pass this point.
(vi) ‘_____ I come in?’ ‘Yes of course you ____’
(vii) It _________ but, I don’t think it will.
(viii) A teacher _______ make his or her lessons interesting.
5) Punctuate the following passage:
(i) in the past only computer trained experts were able to use computers but as they became
cheaper and smaller and easier to operate many people are now finding that a computer can
help them
(ii) ramanajum was born in the year 1887 in the town of erode in southern India and grew up in
the nearby town of kumbokanam where his father was an accountant for a cloth merchant
although his family was middle class he was actually poor
(iii) compared to a motorbike or car the bicycle is a slow moving vehicle but its popularity has
been on the increase recent years
(iv) but it’s the lazy people who invented the wheels and the bicycle because they did not like
walking or carrying things we have made the world a better place to live in

1) Make suitable notes on the following passage.
(i) The National Adult Education Programmes is one of the best features of India’s
march towards self-sufficiency. In about five years the Government has spread its
enthusiasm among the states and forced even the recalcitrant to recognize its
value. The first step towards Adult Education is the orientation of the Mass
Media. These include the Radio, Television and the Cinema. These are direct
methods of reaching the remotest of villages with the Gospel of Education.
The introduction of Community Service Programmes under the NAEP in schools,
colleges and universities has helped to some extent. The youth have
acknowledged its importance Voluntary organizations and other social service
bodies have contributed considerably to the effort. Their selfless work has been
tempered by a true understanding of the people’s problems. Their approach
therefore has the true human touch and thereby becomes more effective.
Nevertheless, the movement has suffered set-backs in the last two years. Political
and commercial issues have blocked the response of the masses. It is hoped that
no other serious set-backs will affect these schemes. These are vital to the nation.

(ii) Portsmouth is seen, of course, as one of the great naval cities in the world.
Indeed, had its natural deepwater harbour facilities not been initially developed
by Henry VIII for his fleet, the present day development of the Portsmouth area
would have taken a very different economic and social path. However, inertia
remained sufficiently strong to ensure that the Ministry of Defence was still the
major employer of labour in the Portsmouth area until after World War II. To the
naval dockyard facilities had been added naval shore establishments and other
Ministry of Defence functions. It would not be uncharitable to suggest that such
development was not entirely to the advantage of Portsmouth. This monopolistic
situation meant that other firms were slow to come into the area and certainly the
commercial port facilities have grown only slowly. In sharp contrast
Southampton, at the western end of the South Hampshire corridor, grew up with
a more diversified economic structure, as dominated by its commercial port
function as Portsmouth was by its naval associations. Between the two urban
centres lay an area of semi-urbanized land with an economic specialisation of
market gardening, in particular that of strawberry production (Bateman, 1974,
2) Prepare the Flow Chart for the following passage:
I. The earth contains a large number of metals which are useful to man. One of the most
important of these is iron. The Iron ore which we find in the earth is not pure. It contains
some impurities which we must remove by smelting. The process of smelting consists of
heating the ore in a blast furnace with lime stone and reducing it to metal. Blasts of hot
iron enter the furnace from the bottom and provide the oxygen which is necessary for
the reduction of the ore. The ore becomes molten, and its oxides combine with the
limestone to form the liquid slag. This floats on top of the molten iron and passes out of
the furnace through the tap. The metal which remains is the pig iron. We can melt this
again in another furnace – a cupola – with more coke and limestone, and tap it out into a
ladle or directly into moulds. This is cast iron.
II. To make the leaf protein, fresh green leaves are fed into the machine through a feed
hopper. It is gradually moved along by a helical screw. At the same time it is pulped and
then pressed to separate out the inedible fiber from the juice. The lower part of the
cylindrical outer casting is perforated to allow the juice to be squeezed out into the
cylinder. This is placed on fire and the content is poured through a muslin bag to filter
out the curd. This is washed clean with water and the resulting green product is leaf
III. Cement can be produced from rice husk through various stages of processing. First of all
equal weight of rice husk and lime sludge is taken. The lime sludge can be obtained
from the waste lime in sugar and other industries. The mixtures are mixed thoroughly
and cakes are prepared. The cakes are then dried in sunlight. They are then burnt in the
open and the ash is collected. The collected ash is then ground into fine powder. The
resultant powder is the rice husk cement.

3) Below you find the chart which indicates the average time spent in various activities by the
boy every day. Prepare a paragraph of about 200 words from the given pie chart.
Activities Percentage
Studies 10%
Games 20%
Sleep 30%
Outing 20%
chatting 10%
TV 10%
4). Below you find the chart which indicates the average energy consumption by
various appliances per day in our society. Prepare a paragraph of about 200 words
from the given pie chart.

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