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Exercise 1
1. Which book would you choose?
2. Why?
3. Tell another student about your choice. Did you choose the same book?
Exercise 2
Preview the following story. Read only the underlined parts. Time limit: 30 seconds.

Answer the following questions. Remember, do not look back!

1. Where do you think this passage originally appeared?
2. Where does this take place?
3. Who is Carmelita?
4. What happened to her?
5. Who is Alfonso and what did he do?
Exercise 3
Preview this article. When you have finished previewing, go on to answer the questions.
Time limit: 30 seconds.

Answer the questions. Remember, do not look back!

1. What is this article about?
2. What are some biological reasons for women’s long lives, according to this article?
3. What are some of the other reasons mentioned?
4. Does the author think the situations is likely to change? Why?
5. Is the information in this article new to you?
Exercise 4
Preview and predict about the next passage. Remember to use the guidelines for
previewing and predicting. Then answer the questions. Time limit: 30 seconds.

Do not look back at the passage.

Recalling Facts.
1. The connection between smoking and cancer was made by…
a. the A.M.A b. government doctors. c. the Surgeon General
2. Smoking can increase a person’s chances of developing…
a. liver disease b. ulcers c. colds
3. Smoking makes the heart beat faster after a lapse of…
a. three seconds b. ten seconds twenty seconds
4. According to the article, smoking…
a. causes dizziness b. kills red blood cells c. raises blood pressure
5. The author points out that giving up smoking requires…
a. courage b. patience c. willpower

Understanding Ideas.
6. This article is mostly about…
a. giving up smoking
b. attitudes toward smoking
c. the connection between growing and smoking
7. The author implies that a person who gives up smoking…
a. gains weight
b. enjoys food more
c. sleeps more soundly
8. The reader can infer that…
a. smoking can cause the common cold
b. the odor of smoke clings to cloth
c. cigarettes are more popular than cigars and pipes
9. Giving up smoking is easiest for someone who is…
a. twenty years old
b. forty years old
c. sixty years old
10. The reader can conclude that…
a. cigarette sales have declined in the past few years
b. illnesses and smoking are often related
c. cancer kills more people than any other disease

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