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Dear XYZ,


If a message delayed can provide you better chances of getting a response, then the delay is
worth it. I am writing this message exactly 15 days after the CSR summit concluded on a
positive note. It was wonderful meeting with you and interacting with you on the sidelines of the
event. Thanks for the time spent with us. 

As discussed, I am providing you an introductory note of the good job that we are doing in
MSME area. I feel privileged to write to you as a part of both Industry and academia having
spent more than 20 years with Industry and more than seven years with academia, quite a few of
these years were an overlap.

MSME sector is the backbone of this country and for Make-in-India to become a reality, this
sector has to come up and contribute. Unfortunately, this sector is plagued with much
inefficiency. Thus the sector became a sector of choice to start working on applied research
projects that could solve the ground level issues existing in this sector. At the same time it could
also serve as an opportunity to make core branches more relevant to our youth by providing them
an opportunity to work on real issues as projects; our academic interest is to create a vibrant
teaching learning environment. Our team of experts, faculty members and multiple teams of
students have completed quite a few projects for MSME sector and this sector has definitely
benefited from our ongoing efforts. The proof of concept has been established and we are
working on projects in this industry on a continuous basis. 

Some of the clients we have worked for:

If our academics could integrate closely with MSME sector and corporates could support locally
relevant outcome based projects, this small initiative could become a large mission that could
have far reaching positive impact on our economy through reviving our MSME sector.

How you could support:

The following possibilities exist:

1. In case we get stuck with a technical/management situation with respect to an MSME
project, your teams could help resolve the challenge at hand.
2. In case you find a relevant project with MSME sector, where we could come and provide
technical solution, you could engage us on the same, MSME pays for the solution and
labour cost. We only charge for the actual raw material used and man hours spent on the
3.  In case you find a relevant project with MSME sector, where we could come and provide
technical solution, you could engage us on the same, you may sponsor the project and
pay for the solution and labour cost. Again we only charge for the actual raw material
used and man hours spent on the project. This will be a real contribution as we have come
across situations where we had to abandon a great opportunity only because neither we
could afford the investment in solution as an institute, nor the client could afford the same
being a struggling MSME sector organisation.
4. We keep finding relevant projects with MSME sector, where we provide technical
solutions. You may check and sponsor the project and pay for the solution and
labour cost. 

Last but not the least, if you find the concept interesting and would like to independently start
something on similar lines at organizational level; I could support you in getting a head start.

keeping LGF-Sysmac(a medium scale industry engaged in manufacturing handles, hinges and
other accessories) case in focus, I am attaching herewith a photograph of our machine, Mark - 1,
which is shown installed at our clients site and which is a unique machine in the world for which
our client has already applied for a patent. I am also attaching a brief video of the MARK-1
journey. I am also attaching a video where I am talking about the BITS journey so far and the
good job that we have done for MSME sector.  
I sincerely thank you for the time spent on this mail and look forward to your contribution to
this journey in a way that you deem fit.

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