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Hydrological Analysis For Bridge

A. Calculation of Discharge
A) Peak Intensity RainFall Calculation Prepared by: Jibendra Misra
24 hrs maximum rainfall in the area for various return Perionds (T) Seni r Di
Senior Divisional
isi n l En
Bridge Branch, Department of Roads
S.No* Year Average Monthly Rainfall *ref: Annex 1 for detail data and station
𝑥 ¯𝑥 (𝑥 ¯𝑥 2 Remarks
1 1990 132.95 9.95 98.904475
2 1991 93.68 -29.33 860.00022
3 1992 90.38 -32.62 1064.1684
4 1993 107.80 -15.20 231.18981
5 1994 136.23 13.22 174.77033
6 1995 125.00 1.99 3.9637077
7 1996 171.75 48.75 2376.0821
8 1997 130.80 7.80 60.828138
9 1998 126.53 3.52 12.390913
10 1999 164.96 41.95 1759.8386
11 2000 101.62 -21.38 457.27947
12 2001 137.86 14.86 220.76998
13 2002 92.05 -30.96 958.46549
14 2003 128.03 5.02 25.242983
15 2004 90.89 -32.11 1031.2615
16 2005 124.18 1.17 1.3690706
17 2006 116 93
116.93 -6.07
6 07 36 864251
18 2007 112.56 -10.44 109.04428
19 2008 152.90 29.90 893.96453
Total 2337.1 10376.398
Mean 123.0
Standard Deviation 24.01
Gumbel's Methods

X T  X  K n 1


 n 1 
 (X  X ) 2
standard deviation of samples
N 1

XT = Flood discharge of return period T years

X = Mean flood discharge
K = Frequency factor expressed as

24 hrs maximum
Return Periods (T) K rainfall in mm
5 0.259802277 129.24
10 0.612835551 137.72
25 1.116386764 149.81
50 1.52084981 159.52
100 1.942022186 169.63

Hydrology Analysis For Bridge 1 of 6

1) By Rational Formula
Q = A * io *

Where, Q= Maximum flood discharge (m³/s)

A= Catchment area (km²) From Google Pro or from Topo Map 205
io = Peak intensity of rainfall (mm/hour)
o = Function depending on the characteristics of the catchment

0 . 56 P r f l 0.05693

tc  1

tc = Concentration time, hours =  d  0.268923
 0.88 s 
 de 

ds = Distance from the critical point to the bridge site, km 30

de = Difference in elevation between the critical point and bridge site, m 800
Percentage coefficient of run-off for the catchment characteristic (Refer
Pr = Table ) 0.2

Sandy soils, light growth

fl = A factor to correct for the variation of intensity of rainfall io over the area
of the catchment (to be taken from table 2) 0.645

Return Period Year 25 50 100

Rainfall Intensity mm/hr 149.81 159.52 169.63
Discharge m3/sec 1748.37 1861.71 1979.73

2) WECS Method
Water and Energy Commission Secretariat has published a regional hydrological analysis report, according to which the flood
flows in any river of catchment area ‘A’ below 3000 m of elevation is given by
Qr = exp(LnQ2 + S)
Where Qr = Discharge fo the return period, r.
 =  (Q100 / Q2) / 2.326 - Standard deviation of natural logarithms
Ln(Q g of
annual floods
S= Standardized normal variate for a particular return period, R
Years : 2 5 10 20 50 100 200
S= 0 0.842 1.282 1.645 2.054 2.326 2.576
A= Catchment area = 205 km²
Q2 = 1.8767 (A+1)^0.8783
Q100 = 14 63 (A+1)^0.7342
14.63 (A+1)^0 7342
Ret Per. T S Q2 Q100  Q
50 2.05 202.15 731.28 0.55 629.19 Q50
100 2.33 202.15 731.28 0.55 731.28 Q100

Hydrology Analysis For Bridge 2 of 6

3) Modified Dickens Method
Modified Dickens formula for estimation of flood according to which the flood flows in any river of catchment area ‘A’
is given by
Qf = C A2/3

C = 2.342 log(0.6T) log(1185/P) + 4
P = 100 ( As + 6)/A
A = Catchment area in km2
As = Snow covered area within the catchment area A in Km
T = Return Period in years
Return Period T P C A QT
50 2.926829268 13.01981 452.662
100 2.926829268 14.85801 205 516.571

Summary of Discharge
3 3
Method Q50 (m /s) Q100 (m /s)
1) By Rational Formula 159.52 169.63
2) WECS Method 629.19 731.28
3) Modified Dickens Method 452.66 516.57

Maximum Discharge = 731.28 m /s Q100
Design Discharge (Increasing by 30 Percent) = 950.67 m /s

B. Linear waterway: Total Legth of Bridge Required

IRC 5: 106.5.1
Lacey's formula L = C* Q^ (1/2)

Where, L= Linear waterway

Q= Design discharge
Constant usually taken as 4.8 for regime channels, but may vary between 4.5 to
C= 6.3.
Taking C= 4.8
Required linear waterway = 148.00 m
Linear Waterway Required as per Site Condition* 150 m
* Engineer Judgement Considering Various Factors of Site and as Detail Described in cl 106
Lets Provide 3 spans of 50 m each
Assumed Section of Pier 2.2 m and 2 nos
Available Waterway 145.6 m
C. Calculation of High Flood Level
Area Velocity Method: Trial and Error Method
Q = A*V
Where, Q= Maximum flood discharge (m³/s)
A= Wetted area (m
V= Velocity of flow (m/sec)
1 0.67 0.5
 R S
n= Coefficient of roughness, Refer to Table 1
S= slope of stream
R= Hydraulic mean depth (m)
= wetted area in m² / wetted perimeter in meters

Hydrology Analysis For Bridge 3 of 6

Type of River Winding, some pools and shoals, clean

Scale Fair
Table 1

n= 0.045
S= 0.0027 (Slope of River data to be extracted for survey and Verify from google earth)
Let HFL = 99.53 m
Bank Chainage Distance Bed level HFL-BL Area Diff. in BL Wet. Perim
Left 0 0 101.373 -1.8439215 0 0 0.00
Left 20 20 100 -0.4709215 -23.1484 1.373 20.05
Left 20 0 99.173 0.3560785 0 0.827 0.83
Left 40 20 96.708 2.8210785 31.77157 2.465 20.15
Left 50 10 95.295 4.2340785 35.27579 1.413 10.10
Left 60 10 95.038 4.4910785 43.62579 0.257 10.00
Mean 85 25 94.6 4.9290785 117.752 0.438 25.00
Right 90 5 95.458 4.0710785 22.50039 0.858 5.07
Right 115 25 96.298 3.2310785 91.27696 0.84 25.01
Right 125 10 97.915 1.6140785 24.22579 1.617 10.13
Right 135 10 98.008 1.5210785 15.67579 0.093 10.00
Right 145 10 100.008 -0.4789215 5.210785 2 10.20
Right 155 10 100 -0.4709215 -4.74921 0.008 10.00
Total* 387 3148
387.3148 125 67
Minimum Bed level = 94.60 m * Negative area Not Considered
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

Cross Section of River at Bridge Axis

Hydrology Analysis For Bridge 4 of 6

Wetted Area = 387.31482 m²
Wetted preimeter = 125.67 m
hence, Hydraulic mean depth, R = 3.08 m
Hence velocity of flow,
Hence, flow V = 2 45
2.45 m/sec
Discharge = 950.70 m3/sec
Hence HFL 99.53 m
Consideration of Afflux IRC105:2015 cl
No Afflux needed to Be considered
Afflux = 0.37
V 2  L2 
Afflux   2 2  1
2 g  c L1 
Where, L= Width of Stream at HFL
L1 = Linear waterway under Bridge
C = coeff of Discharge Sharp bell
0.7 0.9
V = Velocity of Flow
g = Acceleration due to Gravity

D. Calculation of Scour Depth

Sandy River Bed
Calculation of Mean Scour depth Ref IRC:78-2014 cl 703.2
Design discharge = 951 m³/sec
The mean scour depth below HFL,
HFL d sm = 1 34*[Db² / Ksf]^(1/3)

Db = The design Discharge for foundation per meter width of effective waterway
Where, 3
('Modified Design Discharge / Linear Waterway ) 6.53 m /sec/m
Ksf = value depending upon type of bed material = 1.76(dm)^0.5
dm = Weighted mean dia in mm = 0.46 mm
(As per IRC-5,2015 APPENDIX-2: Ref Annex 2 of this report for detail calculation)
Ksf = 1.19
From Table Provided in IRC 78:2014 cl 703.2.1
Type of Bed Material Midium Sand
Ksf = IRC 78:2014 cl 703.2.2.1 The Values for various grades of Sandy
Adoptted ksf = 1.19 Type of Bed material dm ksf

Hence, Coarse Silt 0.04 0.35

Mean Scour Depth from HFL = 4.413 Silt/fine Sand 0.081-0.158 0.5-0.7
Maximum Depth of Scour below HFL IRC78:2014 cl 703.3.1 Medium Sand 0.223-0.505 0.85-1.25
Case A: Flood Without Seismic Combination Coarse Sand 0.725 1.5
For abutments 1.27*dsm= 5.60 m Fine Bajri and Sand 0.988 1.75
For piers 2.0*dsm = 8.83 m Heavy Sand 1.29-2.00 2.0-2.42

Case B: Flood With Seismic Combination Below HFL

For abutments 5.04 m
For piers 7.94 m
Recommended Foundation Level
Foundation flood without seismic combination Case B: Flood With Seismic Combination
For abutments 93.92 m 94.49 m
For Piers 90.70 m 91.59 m

Hydrology Analysis For Bridge 5 of 6

In Case of Bouldery River
Bouldery Bed River
IRC 78:2014 cl 703.2.5 Recommends For Clayey and Bouldery Starta Scour Depth may be determined by Actual
Observation and theoritical Calculation
For Bouldery Starta: Taking Reference of IRC Paper No: 508, 'Scour in Bouldery Bed- Proposed Formula' R.K Dhiman

For Circular Piers 2.946 m from bed level

Maximum Scour Depth For Pier 91.654 m
Example of Bouldary Starta
Pier Scour

ys = Depth of Scour
y1 = 4.93 m Flow Depth
L= 2.2 m Ciccular p
a= 2.2 m
Fr1 = 0.353
V1= 2.45 m/s
K1= 1
K2= 1
K3= 1.1 Medium Dunes
hence ys = 0.8330 m from bed level 93.767 m
Gives Lesser Values
Final Recommendation
Catchment Area 205 km Total length of Bridge 150 m
Design Discharge 950.67 m3/sec Span Arrangement 3Span of 50m each
High Flood Level 99.53 m Lowest Bed Level 94.6 m
Velocity of Flow 2.45 m/sec Average Ground level at Abutment 101.373 m
Scour Depth Abutment (From HFL) 5.60 m Scour Level Abutment 93.9247567 m
Scour Depth Pier (From HFL) 8.83 m Scour Level Pier 90.7033748 m

Hydrology Analysis For Bridge 6 of 6

Rain Fall Calculation

Annex 1
Rainfall Data

Station : Dailekh Latitude: 28o51'

Station No : 402 Longitude: 81o 43'

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Avg
1990 0.0 113.4 106.3 45.0 223.1 267.2 823.2 488.4 327.5 23.7 0.0 18.0 202.98
1991 51.5 42.7 67.5 42.9 62.7 251.4 431.3 344.4 170.1 0.0 5.4 39.4 125.78
1992 52.7 28.3 0.5 64.2 64.9 95.7 240.6 397.8 231.2 45.8 0.6 0.0 101.86
1993 40.6 37.0 98.1 28.7 71.4 366.2 217.2 410.1 328.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 133.16
1994 43.1 65.8 0.0 19.9 173.7 321.9 413.3 767.6 333.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 178.20
1995 29.8 39.9 57.6 0.0 49.5 461.4 519.4 515.5 168.4 0.0 39.4 14.8 157.98
1996 21.4 25.9 0.0 42.9 82.3 273.3 1008.2 1096.8 505.4 41.6 0.0 0.0 258.15
1997 64.2 38.0 16.6 19.2 210.4 242.8 195.0 651.8 302.9 31.4 19.1 16.6 150.67
1998 DNA 56.3 90.7 16.8 62.8 111.6 330.7 528.8 717.8 16.8 4.4 11.4 177.10
1999 DNA DNA DNA 20.3 DNA DNA 458.8 678.7 398.8 40.0 0.0 0.0 228.09
2000 8.5 7.1 43.0 8.3 38.0 220.2 378.7 557.2 21.8 0.0 0.0 7.1 107.49
2001 12.4 37.1 18.0 DNA 101.2 627.6 690.6 301.1 31.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 165.42
2002 59.6 27.0 29.2 8.6 126.8 120.8 333.4 334.8 273.0 5.7 8.4 0.0 110.61
2003 12.6 75.0 10.2 16.6 25.4 266.6 589.4 660.4 310.6 12.6 0.0 0.0 164.95
2004 19.4 0.0 0.0 39.8 150.3 253.4 339.6 188.0 71.4 219.0 0.0 0.0 106.74
2005 91.4 211.4 74.4 0.0 4.2 56.6 518.0 456.6 331.0 21.6 0.0 27.2 149.37
2006 0.0 0.0 31.4 24.2 229.2 284.2 448.6 562.8 189.0 2.2 0.0 12.6 148.68
2007 0.0 26.2 41.2 0.0 75.0 288.6 583.4 418.3 227.9 34.0 0.0 2.4 141.42
2008 23.2 0.2 18.0 47.2 122.3 478.8 510.0 528.9 225.5 15.8 15.8 0.0 165.48
Avg. 31.20 46.18 39.04 24.70 104.07 277.13 475.23 520.42 271.87 26.85 4.90 7.87 1829.46
Station : Bale Buddha Latitude: 28 47'
Station No : 410 Longitude: 81o 35'

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Rain Fall Calculation

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Avg
1990 2.0 93.0 59.5 40.5 30.0 99.0 108.0 240.0 44.2 0.0 0.3 38.5 62.92
1991 81.0 0.0 0.0 27.0 44.0 104.0 147.0 196.0 104.5 30.5 5.0 0.0 61.58
1992 20.9 33.5 61.0 20.0 63.5 201.0 245.0 119.5 182.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 78.91
1993 0.0 30.5 7.0 17.0 123.4 212.7 214.3 228.7 155.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 82.44
1994 86.0 59.0 30.0 6.0 8.8 399.5 249.0 197.9 46.8 0.0 45.0 3.0 94.25
1995 32.0 76.0 4.5 27.0 0.0 229.0 299.0 206.7 135.0 95.0 0.0 0.0 92.02
1996 61.0 13.0 12.0 53.0 37.0 154.0 286.2 178.0 47.5 33.5 31.0 118.0 85.35
1997 4.0 36.5 43.8 54.0 68.0 271.6 163.9 468.0 122.0 59.5 40.0 0.0 110.94
1998 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 72.5 88.4 198.0 265.0 144.0 120.5 0.0 20.0 75.95
1999 24.0 26.1 13.5 30.5 66.8 383.5 303.5 228.0 146.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 101.83
2000 17.5 18.5 18.5 57.0 93.5 283.5 454.0 167.5 30.0 9.0 0.0 0.0 95.75
2001 88.5 71.5 43.0 142.3 141.7 64.3 317.9 329.5 105.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 110.31
2002 58.0 65.5 50.0 22.0 18.1 227.3 DNA DNA DNA DNA DNA DNA 73.48
2003 59.0 0.0 0.0 67.5 57.0 23.0 378.5 289.5 136.0 82.8 0.0 0.0 91.11
2004 69.0 36.5 25.0 33.8 9.0 47.0 271.2 322.5 70.5 5.0 0.0 11.0 75.04
2005 0.0 0.0 61.1 54.5 81.0 119.0 330.7 300.4 137.1 104.0 0.0 0.0 98.98
2006 0.0 136.0 0.0 10.0 54.0 192.5 227.5 233.2 110.0 35.0 0.0 24.0 85.18
2007 13.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 132.5 137.5 260.5 191.0 154.0 116.0 0.0 0.0 83.71
2008 0.0 33.0 4.0 0.0 124.0 119.5 430.5 523.0 248.0 188.0 14.0 0.0 140.33
Avg. 32.42 38.35 22.78 35.01 64.46 176.65 271.37 260.24 117.71 49.38 8.07 11.92 1088.36

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Annex II
Weighted mean dia. dm calculation (IRC-5,2015 APPENDIX-2)
Sieve Opening Weight of soil
Sieve Designation Percentage Retained Cummulative retained % Finer
(mm) Retained(gm)
5.60mm 5.6 0 0 0 100
4.00mm 4 0 0 0 100
2.80mm 2.8 2 0.62 0.62 99.38
1.00mm 1 10 3.09 3.71 96.29
425micron 0 425
0.425 106 32 78
32.78 36 49
36.49 63 51
180micron 0.18 150.4 46.51 83 17
75micron 0.075 19.6 6.06 89.06 10.94
Pan - 35.4 10.95 100.01 -0.01
Total 323.4 100.01

Percentage of
Seive No. Average Size(mm)
Weight Retained Column(2)*Column(3)
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
5.60 to 4.00 mm 4.8 0 0.00
4.00 to 2.80 mm 3.4 0.62 2.11
2.80 to 1.00mm 1.9 3.09 5.87
1 00 to 425 micron
1.00 i 00.7125
7125 32
78 23
425 to 180 micron 0.3025 46.51 14.07
180 to 75 micron 0.1275 6.06 0.77
75 micron & below 0.0375 10.95 0.41
Weighted mean
diameter,dm 0.46 mm

Weighted mean dia  1

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