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Death - Obituary, Cause of Death

Lynn Bell She needs to educate herself a little more. Private hospital run by the same rules
as county and non-profits if they take Medicare which is federal and Medicaid which is state.
They have stepped up just like all of the healthcare community has. NY Times Alan Finder
Death - Dead : Alan Finder Obituary, Cause of Death CoronaVirus 've worked in healthcare
for almost 40 years and I can tell you beyond any doubt that there is not a hospital out there
right now saying to themselves "thank God we're private, we dont have to take "those"
people". We are all fighting for the same PPE that we need desperately. I know this may
sound a little more radical but how about we just stay in self quarantine for another couple of
weeks and flatten the curve in an effort to keep the virus at a level that all of our healthcare
system can handle.

John Collett Death - Dead : JC Collett Obituary, greenville sc

Bishop Nathaniel Wells Jr Death - Dead : Bishop Nathaniel Wells Jr Obituary, Cause of
Death Unknown

DJ Pooh Marvin Watkins Death - Dead : Marvin Watkins Obituary, Cause of Death Unknown

Andrew Decker Death - Dead : Andrew Decker Obituary, Brooklyn Tech Teacher

Maurice Berger Death - Dead : Maurice Berger Obituary, New York Times

Tom Sauer Death - Dead : Tom Sauer Obituary, Ocala fl

Mars HS Student Jake Cooper Death - Dead : Jake Cooper Obituary, Cause of Death

Terrence McNally Death - Dead : Terrence McNally Obituary, Cause of Death CoronaVirus

Ministry Bill Rieflin Death - Dead : Bill Rieflin Obituary, Cause of Death Unknown

Karina Berman Deaths-Dead / Obituaries : Karina Berman may have passed away.

Dave Edwards Death - Dead : Dave Edwards Obituary, Basketball Star Killed by Corona

Merle and Dee Tofte Death - Dead : Merle and Dee Tofte Obituary, Cause of Death

Ernie Fowler Death - Dead : Ernie Fowler Obituary, Cause of Death Unknown

NY Times Alan Finder Death - Dead : Alan Finder Obituary, Cause of Death CoronaVirus
softball Asst coach Brianna Surrento Death - Dead : Brianna Surrento Obituary,

Jared King Death - Dead : Jared King Obituary,Staten Island

Jeffrey Mccarter Death - Dead : Jeffrey Mccarter Obituary, Mooresville NC

David Krafka Death - Dead : David Krafka Obituary, killed at Nebraska 66 and Q Road

Ralph Marasco Death - Dead : Ralph Marasco Obituary, Omaha Nebraska

Dr. Scott Beasecker Death - Dead : Dr. Scott Beasecker Obituary, Frankenmuth

Eva Davis Death - Dead : Eva Davis Obituary, East Lake Meadows

Jacquelyn Forte Death - Dead : Jacquelyn Forte Obituary, Jacksonville, Florida

Joseph Bunnell Death - Dead : Joseph Bunnell Obituary, Florida

Albert Uderzo Death-Dead: Albert Uderzo Obituary, Cause of Death Unknown

philanthropy, JR Shaw Death-Dead: JR Shaw Obituary, Cause of Death Unknown

Robert Alan Benton Socialism at its best. Government take over means control of we the
people who are supposed to be the government. We vote to elect these very folks who want
to control us. Little by little democracy is taken away, freedoms taken away then we have
dictorship where one person controls all facit of our lives. Not for me. Nor for the majority of
we the people

Marie Ledoux She has no clue how hospitals work ..... they do have to abide by state and
federal laws, except certain procedures that have nothing to do with the virus. Our local
Catholic hospital was up and on board for the virus long before our city hospitals were.

Corey Stewart Anyone who has served in our military knows how bad medical would get if
they did that. People will take advantage of the situation and flood the doors for a sneeze
when there are people who actually need help.

Merle and Dee Tofte Death - Dead : Merle and Dee Tofte Obituary, Cause of Death
CoronaVirus requires all Medicare funded hospitals to provide emergency care regardless of
the ability to pay(among a few other things). It was passed in 1986. This isn’t about refusing
care in this crisis. I really wish we all would be more judicious about who we choose to elect
to serve us in Washington. China New Virus Hantavirus : How Deadly is The 2020 Virus
Outbreak in China and fear mongering is doing nothing but destroying this country.
DJ Pooh Marvin Watkins Death - Dead : Marvin Watkins Obituary, Cause of Death Unknown
whether private or government admits patients when it is an emergency. What is she talking
about? Terrence McNally Death - Dead : Terrence McNally Obituary, Cause of Death
CoronaVirus is not Cuba nor Venezuela. And more so not a terrorist country that you do
things just because it doesnt suit your needs. Dont enforce your Sanders mentality in times
of crisis.

Sergio Codognotto To whom it might concern,

I am a worried citizen of this great Country and I am deeply concerned about the medical
emergency we are just starting to face. Ministry Bill Rieflin Death - Dead : Bill Rieflin
Obituary, Cause of Death Unknown is going to be a great challenge for Our Nation and most
of all for the men and women in the front line of this terrible fight.
FOX NEWS is a news channel of this Country and for this reason I am asking you to cover
directly the situation of Our healthcare workers in their fight. These hero are about to face an
unprecedent challenge and they are sent to the front line with little or no tools to do their job.
For respect to them and all the patient that are about to suffer I am ASKING you to cover this
situation and make it public in the hope that things will be addressed.
A fellow citizen.

Karina Berman Deaths-Dead / Obituaries : Karina Berman may have passed away. knows
nothing about business. you can't just say "Al-la-ka-ZAM and change the financial foundation
of ANY business!

Mars HS Student Jake Cooper Death - Dead : Jake Cooper Obituary, Cause of Death
Unknown . Death - Obituary is good at one thing: It knows how to break your legs, hand you
a crutch, and say, ' See if it weren't for the government you wouldn't be able to
walk'______Harry Browne

Lee Harrison How dense of a mind set can a individual have ? Who ever thinks that's a
option needs to be schooled on so many levels .. where to begin ? Is it even worth the effort
... ? No it's better to leave this alone ... she's obviously no where close to having a sound
mental standing worth discussing ! Enough said !

Jeannie Smelser I’m hopping they will all be gone this fall
Because they haven’t done a thing but vacation where else besides our government can you
get payed to go on vacation the first year I think it’s time the rules change you have to do the
people’s business in order to get payed and only a week payed vacation each year for the
first 5 years and another thing I thaught you had to be American born to work in the

Jerondio Clitar Encienzo Why takeover private hospitals? Omar can build your own hospitals
and name it Radical Hospital! Easy Ask Pelosi for funding and put her on the board of
radicals and you Omar is the CEO of Raficals!
Sounds democratic? Right!
Gerald Gichia That has already been taken care off, should the need arise. The country is on
war footing against this invisible enemy.

Barbarra Sixt Mejias Does she realize ALL acute care hospitals (except those treating a
solely high risk population like Shriners or St Judes children hospitals).
Every other hospital accepts patients since always no matter what, especially emergencies.
She truly is clueless.

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