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What is profit? Does profit causes a person to become an evil or not?

Profit is a financial

gain, especially if it pertains to the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent

in buying, operating or producing something. It is a measure of profitability which is the owner’s

major interests in income formation process of market production.

According to the opinions on the website, below are some of the ideas



 Profit is profit

- Evil holds no relevance or relationship with the profit because the

management drives the profit to become evil and not the profit itself.

 Profit is the life blood of society

- For example, employees wouldn’t be employed and be paid if there’s no

profit. Profit is the reward for the company in exerting a lot of efforts just to

meet its goals which is to maximize shareholders wealth. And wealth came

from profits.

 Profit proves that the economy is not a zero-sum game

- Profit is not exploitation. Exploitation is not a good thing; therefore it is the

problem rather than the profit itself. Profit generally arises from transactions

that benefit both parties.

 There is nothing wrong with having profit.

- There is nothing wrong with wanting to make more money and designing your

life in a manner which allows you to increase your income or revenue. The

problem arises only when you have no particular reason for wanting the



 Profit is evil

- If it is used in a wrong doings. Like in the case of fraud, you are driven to

commit that fraud just to have a good profit. Profit is money and money is the

root of evil. When you used the profit in making bad decision it only means
that you are executing such evil doings and profit drives a person to do such

unethical decisions.

 Profit is bad

- Profit motive drives companies and individuals all too often give way to greed.

As we see all around the evidence of harm results from those who pursue

profit for its own sake whether in corrupt corporate systems eventually

exposed publicly on corrupted personal character that secretly erodes

relationships. It is the love of money that is the root of evil.


“Wanting to make a profit doesn’t make you evil.” It is central dynamic of our

modern economy but that does not mean it is the be all and end all of commerce. Just as we

breathe to live but breathing is not the purpose of life. Profit is certainly not the root of evil but

obsession with money is not healthy because what makes the money or profit evil is the one

who’s holding it and not the profit for profit has no life and has nothing to do with certain evil

Statement of Work


The main purpose of creating a system is to help organize the business operations and

administration. Having a good information system contributes to a business’ efficiency and in

how it achieves its goals and objectives, keeping in mind that the benefit derived from creating

and implementing an information system must exceeds the cost incurred. The purpose of the

information system the group is making is to build and maintain business transactions in an

orderly and systematic manner.


A. Problem

 Inventory mismanagement (stock outs)

 Lack of cash security

 Segregation of duties

B. History

 The business started as an encouragement of a friend to put up a water

refilling station in 2000, since the location of it was at tapuac it is much

easier and convenient for student who board nearby and for schools and

faculty who are near the refilling station.

C. Project Goal and Objectives

 The goal of this project is to produce a system that will help in organizing

the business’ day-to-day operations and in keeping the records in an

orderly and systematic manner.

 Objectives:

1. Improving the inventory management by preventing or minimizing

stock outs.

2. Cash security to avoid cash shortages and cash theft.

3. Segregation of duties so as to help employees focus on their

respective tasks and duties.

D. Product Description

 The system that will be implemented is a system that reduces hassle in

preparing the financial statements of the business and organizes its daily



A. Stakeholders

Success of a project depends on stakeholders. When the business achieves its

objectives and meets or exceeds the stakeholders’ expectations, success is guaranteed. A

stakeholder is an individual who has an interest in the business. For this project, these are the

individuals who are considered stakeholders of the project:

 Inventory Checker

 Cashier and Treasurer

 Managers and employees.

B. Knowledge

 The knowledge required by the stakeholders is the basic accounting and

recording of cash and inventory.

C. Processes

 The existing process of the business when it comes to remittance of

sales, the delivery men are used to not remitting the full amount and at

the same time sometimes the one who receives the amount is not the one

who is appointed to receive, and wherein the manager can’t always be

present, they always tend to be idle since there’s no one to reprimand

them, which leads to lack of internal control and proper assignment of

work. With this, the proposed new process is to have properly appointed

a person to collect the sales and to deduct an amount in particular to the

delivery boy’s salary in exchange for not remitting the full amount. And to

put up a flow meter in the pipeline of the refilling machine to monitor the

outflow of the water and estimate how many gallons have been refilled.

 The existing process of the business is the way they get orders, the

normally wait for the customers txt and call, which in some situations they

tend to read it later than 10-15 mins so it leads to an unsatisfied customer

and at the same time they tend to lose a customer. with this the proposed

new process is to have to list orders until a certain cutoff time to have a

planned delivery the following day, and to lessen the risk of having

customers mad because of late delivery.

 The existing process of the business is the way their employees ask for

their leave, what they do is they only inform the owner or the manager the

exact day they won’t attend work so the tendency of this is the

owner/manager can’t find a substitute or a remedy right away. With this,

the proposed new process is to have the employees inform the

owner/manager that they wouldn’t be able to attend and fill up a form

containing date and reason so keep track of the employees absences.

D. Communications

 Communications is one of the key factor in the flow of the business.

Without this the business means to an end. Oral presentation will be used

as a means of communication. Through this kind of presentation, the

appointed professional staff who will present the reports can elaborate

more all the events happened to the stakeholders or actors. Each

stakeholders also have the chance to ask further questions and can share

ideas directly to the others involved, oral presentation let each one of the

stakeholders to exchange thoughts that could help improve the system

more efficiently and effectively.


A. Deliverables

 Problem Analysis- to be submitted on January 11, 2018

 Statement of Work- to be submitted on January 12, 2018

 Requirement Analysis- to be submitted on January 13, 2018

 Logical Design- to be submitted on January 13, 2018

 System Proposal- to be submitted on January 15, 2018


A. Team-Building Considerations

 The importance of team-building is to improve the relationship of each

employees in the business and to improve their behaviour towards the

business and to the owner of the company.

B. Manager and Experience

 Many managers strive harder to make the business profitable. He

experienced a lot, be it a problem or something that is beneficial to the

business.Mr. Egyab, the manager of the water refilling station located at

tapuac near Dominican school, is a hardworking person, he is studying

and not to mention he manages the business too. But despite of the

hectic schedules and school problems, he is able to manage it, he’s been

managing in the late 2000’s.

C. Meeting Schedules

 The business has no regular or specific date for meeting schedules. The

owners only set an impromptu meeting if something major happens. The

employees do their jobs according to what they normally do. Since

they’ve been doing this for a lot of years, they’ve learned how to settle

minor problems. But for the betterment of the business having frequent

meetings is better to have an organized day to day transactions.

D. Reporting Methods and Frequency

 The in-charge professional staff should report the monthly event

happened with the system, having a monthly report could help the system

to be monitored operatively. Moreover, if this frequency has been

followed, stakeholders/ actors can quickly change the system if they see

some misleading or problem with it. Physical modelling method is best

suited for the reports so that stakeholders will visualize more the status of

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