5 Challenges To Dutertes Fishing Deal' With China PDF

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5 challenges to Duterte's ‘fishing deal’ with China

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5 challenges to Duterte's ‘fishing deal’
with China
Why President Duterte’s ‘verbal agreement’ allowing China to fish in
Philippine waters is unlawful and dangerous

Sofia Tomacruz
Published 6:21 PM, July 30, 2019
Updated 6:21 PM, July 30, 2019 Got development ideas to share to your
local government?
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5 challenges to Duterte's ‘fishing deal’ with China

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5 challenges to Duterte's ‘fishing deal’ with China

MANILA, Philippines – Despite being given clear warning of its

risks, President Rodrigo Duterte used his 4th State of the Nation
Address (SONA) to defend an arrangement that would allow China
to fish in Philippine waters.

In his SONA 2019, Duterte spent minutes of his speech trying to

justify a verbal deal he struck with China, allowing Chinese vessels
to fish in the West Philippine Sea.

Before a room full of lawmakers, military generals, and diplomats,

the President said the United Nations Convention for the Law of the
Sea (Unclos) allowed for such arrangements, and that the arbitral
ruling which the Philippines won against China also recognized
“traditional fishing rights for the natives.”

“Besides, I was invoking 'yung (the) traditional fishing rights. It is in

that arbitral ruling. Ayaw lang ninyong gustong tignan (You just don’t
want to look at it)…. It is mentioned there that even before countries
were in existence, people around an ocean or a lake had already
been fishing there for generations. And that is why fishing rights are
allowed in the so many cases decided by Unclose,” Duterte said.

“China and everybody recognizes traditional fishing rights for the

natives who were there even before the creation of republics and
governments. That law is a humane law,” he added.

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5 challenges to Duterte's ‘fishing deal’ with China

A week later, neophyte Senator Francis Tolentino insisted on the

validity of the supposed fishing deal between the Philippines and
China despite not knowing what its details were. He also said there
is no law that requires the President to put the fishing deal in writing.

Leading experts on the West Philippine Sea quickly refuted

Duterte’s claims, saying both the Unclos and the Hague ruling
defined limits to fishing deals and traditional fishing rights.

More than anything, experts emphasized Duterte and the Philippine

government are duty-bound to protect marine resources in
Philippine waters for Filipinos.

What other challenges does the Philippine government face if it

were to formalize any fishing deal with China?

1. It is prohibited by the Constitution

By far the biggest challenge for any fishing deal would be the
Constitution. This is because the document is clear about the state's
duty to protect marine resources in Philippine waters for the
exclusive use of Filipino citizens.

Supreme Court Senior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio has

repeatedly said the Philippine government cannot allow Chinese
fishermen to fish in Philippines’ exclusive economic zone (EEZ)
because it will violate the Constitution.

Specifically, Article 12, Section 2 of the Constitution said:

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5 challenges to Duterte's ‘fishing deal’ with China

The state shall protect the nation’s marine wealth in its

archipelagic waters, territorial sea, and exclusive economic
zone, and reserve its use and enjoyment exclusively to
Filipino citizens.

This means that even if the Philippine government would opt to let
Chinese fish in Philippine waters under the Unclos, the Constitution
would prohibit it from happening.

"It’s our option whether to allow China or any other country to fish in
the EEZ, but we cannot exercise that option because it’s prohibited
in the Constitution.... We have something in our Constitution that’s
unique. It may not be in the Constitution of other states, but we have
to follow our own Constitution,” Carpio said in an interview with the
ABS-CBN News Channel on July 23.


Jay Batongbacal, director of the University of the Philippines

Institute for Maritime Affairs and the Law of the Sea, echoed this in
a July 27 Te Talks podcast, saying: "The Constitution is clear:
foreign fishing in prohibited in Philippine waters, and the law is clear
as well. We even put up penalties so there is no way for him
(Duterte) to enter into this treaty under the Constitution."

FOR FILIPINOS. The President is duty bound to protect the Constitution, which
states marine resources must be protected for the exclusive use of Filipinos. Photo
by LeAnne Jazul/Rappler

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5 challenges to Duterte's ‘fishing deal’ with China

Aside from this, former foreign secretary Albert del Rosario and
former ombudsman Conchita Carpio Morales said any fishing
agreement made by Duterte cannot trump the Constitution. (READ:
Sovereignty vs sovereign rights: What do we have in West PH

"Unless the Constitution is amended, no public official has the

authority to grant foreigners fishing rights in our EEZ…. No
presidential agreement with China or any other country can override
the explicit constitutional mandate that the ‘use and enjoyment’ of
our EEZ is ‘reserved…exclusively to Filipino citizens,’” they said in a
joint statement.

“The agreement between President Duterte and China is therefore

illegal, null, and void,” they added.

2. Hague ruling limits traditional fishing to territorial seas

and archipelagic waters

In his speech, Duterte claimed his verbal deal with China was lawful
under the Hague ruling. Carpio refuted this, saying, the Hague
ruling made it clear there was no traditional fishing in the EEZ.

“Traditional fishing applies only in the territorial sea and archipelagic

waters. There is no traditional fishing in the EEZ. This is very clear
in the arbitral award of July 12, 2016,” Carpio said.

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5 challenges to Duterte's ‘fishing deal’ with China

Filipinos would 'naturally' distrust China for 'grabbing' islands in the West
Philippine Sea, says Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana

He added there were only two areas where traditional fishing was
recognized: in the territorial sea around Scarborough Shoal and
archipelagic waters. (READ: Hague ruling: Filipinos, Chinese may
fish in Scarborough)

PAG-ASA ISLAND. An aerial view of the Philippines' largest outpost in the West
Philippine Sea. Photo from the Center for Strategic and International Studies/Asia
Maritime Transparency Initiative

But Chinese fishermen and coast guard vessels closely guard

Scarborough and have prevented Filipino fishermen from entering
the lagoon where most of the fish are. As it stands, Filipinos can
only fish along the perimeter of the area. If Filipino fishermen try
entering the shoal, they risk running into Chinese vessels, which
often threaten them into leaving.

Meanwhile, Batongbacal said traditional fishing rights were also

intended for “artisanal fishing” or small-scale fishing. The Chinese
usually use steel-hulled trawlers, which cannot qualify as traditional

“Traditional fishing rights were intended to apply to historic artisanal

fishing undertaken by nearby fishermen, not industrialized distant
water fishing,” Batongbacal tweeted on July 23.

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5 challenges to Duterte's ‘fishing deal’ with China

3. Unclos allows for fishing agreements, but foreign states

must abide by laws of the state allowing access to its EEZ

Duterte again cited the Unclos as he tried to justify allowing China to

fish in Philippine waters, saying agreements were allowed to be
made under international law.

However, the Unclos says this would only happen when the “coastal
state does not have the capacity to harvest the entire allowable
catch.” In this case, the Philippines should be unable to harvest the
entire allowable catch before China can be allowed to fish in
Philippine waters.


Unclos and the Hague ruling also affirmed that traditional fishing
rights have been "extinguished" in the EEZ.

FILIPINO FISHERMEN. Fishing boats anchored in Barangay San Roque, San Jose
Occidental Mindoro on June 21, 2019. Photo by LeAnne Jazul/Rappler

Batongbacal said this means all foreign claims to any fishing rights
in another coastal state's offshore waters were extinguished by the
EEZs. This ensured coastal states control over foreign fishing
because any deal to allow foreign fishermen in a country’s EEZ
would need a formal agreement, which would detail specific terms
and conditions when accessing waters.

Meanwhile, Del Rosario and Morales pointed out that while the
Unclos recognized that countries may enter into fishing agreements,

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5 challenges to Duterte's ‘fishing deal’ with China

it also ruled there was no obligation to do so.

Unclos also stated that the other country – in this case, China –
must follow the laws of the country allowing access to its EEZ.
(READ: Allow China to fish in PH waters? Panelo cites UNCLOS
but forgets Constitution)

This means Duterte would once again run into the Constitution,
which is clear about the state's duty to protect marine resources in
Philippine waters for the exclusive enjoyment and use of Filipinos.

Aside from this, the Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998 also makes it
illegal for foreign vessels to enter and fish in Philippine waters.
Section 91 of the law says, “It shall be unlawful for any foreign
person, corporation or entity to fish or operate any fishing vessel in
Philippine waters.”

WEST PHILIPPINE SEA. A Philippine Coast Guard ship (R) sails past a Chinese
Coast Guard ship during a joint search and rescue exercise between Philippine and
US coast guards near Scarborough Shoal. Photo by Ted Aljibe/AFP

4. Agreements made under threat of war or force are

considered invalid

Duterte repeatedly harps on China’s threats of war when explaining

why he could not assert the country’s rights in the West Philippine
Sea. (READ: Carpio rebuts Duterte, offers at least 6 ways to
enforce Hague ruling)

The SONA was no exception, with the President saying Chinese

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5 challenges to Duterte's ‘fishing deal’ with China

President Xi Jinping threatened the use of force if the Philippines

asserted its rights in the West Philippine Sea.

“Ganun lang. Ipadala ko 'yung marines ko (That’s how it is. I’ll bring
my marines there) to drive away the Chinese fishermen. I guarantee
you, not one of them will come home alive…. We do it in a
confrontation doon (there), we try to drive them (Chinese) away, it
could lead to violence,” Duterte said.

"Nakita ko 'yung tao eh (I saw the man). So you can, more or less,
draw a profile of his, 'Please do not do that because there will be
trouble.' Ano... Ano'ng magagawa ko? (What can I do?)” he added.

Del Rosario and Morales pointed out that deals made under the
threat of war were considered invalid under international law.

Specifically, the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, which

both the Philippines and China are parties to, says, “A treaty is void
if its conclusion has been procured by the threat or use of force in
violation of the principles of international law embodied in the
Charter of the United Nations.”


"Thus, if the Philippines agrees to share its resources in its

exclusive economic zone because China is threatening to use force
or wage war against it, such an agreement is illegal, void, and does
not bind the Filipino people," they said. (READ: Malaysia, Vietnam
show PH can stand up to China)

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5 challenges to Duterte's ‘fishing deal’ with China

CLOSE TIES. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte and Chinese President Xi

Jinping pose prior to a bilateral meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on
April 25, 2019. Malacañang photo

5. China likely to deplete fishing stock in West Philippine


Should a fishing deal with China is formalized, experts warned

Chinese fishermen could deplete fish in the West Philippine Sea
“very qucikly.”

Duterte had earlier said that China should be allowed to fish within
the Philippines’ EEZ, specifically Recto (Reed) Bank. But Carpio
argued against this, saying, an agreement with the Asian giant
would be “lopsided” as China’s fishing boats would quickly harvest
all the fish.

GETTING CLOSER. This map indicates the presence of foreign vessels,

represented by the red dots, around and within Philippine waters. Photo from
Karagatan Patrol

Scarborough Shoal has an area of 150 square kilometers, while

Recto Bank is 8,660 square kilometers in area. Carpio pointed out
this would mean allowing China to fish in an area 59 times larger
than Scarborough Shoal.

Aside from this, China has one of the largest fishing fleets in the
world, with over 200,000 steel-hulled trawlers, compared to Filipino
fishermen’s wooden boats. As it is now, Filipino fishermen already
face fierce competition as foreign boats and trawlers have started to

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5 challenges to Duterte's ‘fishing deal’ with China

crowd Philippine waters.

Allowing Chinese fishermen free rein in Philippine waters would

further threaten the livelihood of Filipino fishermen.

According to Batongbacal, China also has at least 15,000 fishing

vessels. Some 300 vessels alone, he said, can already fish out the
total annual fish production of the Philippines, which was at some
1.2 million metric tons every year.

“China has almost depleted fishing stocks in its waters and now
wants to fish in the Philippines, to the detriment of countless
Filipinos who rely on fishing to survive," Del Rosario and Morales

They added: "The West Philippine Sea belongs exclusively to

Filipinos, not to China. We must stop giving China primacy over that
of our own people. When will Filipinos be first and not last in our
own country?” – Rappler.com

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De Lima to Duterte: Scrap deals with

Chinese firms in key PH islands
Senator Leila de Lima cites 'claims from no less than our top military
officials that Chinese presence in these strategic border islands
would pose, if not guarantee, security risks to our country'

Published 3:57 PM, August 17, 2019
Updated 3:57 PM, August 17, 2019

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5 challenges to Duterte's ‘fishing deal’ with China

CHIQUITA ISLAND. This is one of 3 Philippine islands that Chinese firms plan to
develop under deals inked with government corporations. File photo from Wikipedia

MANILA, Philippines – Senator Leila de Lima has filed a resolution

urging President Rodrigo Duterte to cancel the development of 3
Philippine islands by Chinese firms.

De Lima filed Senate Resolution No. 93 on Wednesday, August 14,

in response to the Chinese firms' plans to develop 3 islands in the
northern Philippines: Fuga in Cagayan, and Grande and Chiquita in
Subic Bay, Zambales.

The senator filed the resolution a week after the Philippine military
expressed concern over the plan, noting that the islands were
strategic and their development by Chinese firms could
"compromise" Philippine security. (READ: Philippine military warns
on Chinese investment in key islands)

“With claims from no less than our top military officials that Chinese
presence in these strategic border islands would pose, if not
guarantee, security risks to our country, President Duterte should go
ahead and immediately cancel these development agreements with
Chinese firms involving these islands," De Lima said.

“No amount of guarantee of good behavior nor promise of economic

gain from China would justify placing our country at risk by allowing
foreign presence in strategic locations, especially by a government
that has repeatedly expressed their claim over our territorial waters,
as well as those of our neighboring states,” she added.

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5 challenges to Duterte's ‘fishing deal’ with China

On August 6, the military through its spokesman Brigadier General

Edgard Arevalo urged the government should study the security
implications of handing over the islands to foreign entities.

De Lima's resolution specified two agreements regarding the


The first agreement, confirmed by the Cagayan Economic Zone

Authority, is with Xiamen-based Fong Zhi Enterprise Corporation to
develop a $2-billion Smart City in Fuga Island.

The second is with GFTG Property Holdings and Sanya CEDF

Sino-Philippine Investment Corporation, which forged a $298-million
project to develop the Grande and Chiquita islands under the Subic
Bay Metropolitan Authority.

Military and defense officials said they were not consulted about
these plans.

Presidential Spokesperson Salvador Panelo had said that the island

investments were "mere plans" and that the Philippines may opt to
cancel if they were found to be threats to national security.

Economic ties have improved between the Philippines and China

under President Duterte, who set aside the Philippines' 2016 victory
over China in the West Philippine Sea before an international court,
when he was elected into office. (READ: Philippines loses to China
3 years after Hague ruling)

This has led to an influx of Chinese investment in the country,

particularly with offshore gaming firms that cater to China, causing
many Chinese workers to move to the Philippines. – Rappler.com

In these changing times, courage and clarity

become even more important.

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