Fazal Jewellers

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International Trade & Development

“FAZAL Jewelers in Germany”
Shaharyar Amin (2153202)
Hasaan Ali ( )
Daim Raja (2153201)
Ahmad Raza (2153086)
Israr Ahmed (2153227)
Submitted to:
Fazal Jewellers, the Firm who is pioneered in using latest techniques, implementing newest
designs and most reliable in the industry was established in 1978. We are passionate and
committed to challenging the way Jewellers is designed, acquired and adorned. We stand for
jewellery that is elegant, contemporary and exquisite. Fazal Jewellers design is immortal in its
essence – realized to be passed from one generation to the next. From a humble beginning, Fazal
Jewellers today is a jewellers name and amongst the best jewellery houses offering a wide range
of pearls, diamonds and gold jewellery set with precious stones. We also have an extensive
portfolio of Diamond, Gold and Pearl Jewellery. Our Bridal Jewellery is the perfect symbols of
our Craftsmanship and designing. We have enjoyed the trust and confidence of thousands of
customers from all across the globe. Our sincere desire is to provide best quality of the jewels to
our customers at the best price and purity. Your complete satisfaction is the goal that we always
strive towards our name is the best guarantee of satisfaction


Fazal Jewellers is a well-established name in the field of jewellery. Our father Sheikh Fazal
Ahmad (Late) founded the business in the late seventies on small scale. Primarily he was
working for other retail jewellers. It was 1978 when he opened his own retail shop under the
name of Fazal Jewellers. Over the years he worked hard to achieve high recognition in this field
for his superior service and craftsmanship. In early eighties, Mr. Sheikh Fazal Ahmed son's, Mr.
Zafar Ahmed and Saleem Ahmed joined the business. Mr. Kaleem Ahmed joined the business
after completing his studies (MBA). After that the company is constantly growing and hold
respectable place in the business due to our designs, quality, innovation, exceptional value and
customers service. We are proud to be serving the trade and retail customers nationally and

Fazal jewelers offer these kinds of gold jewlary

 Bridal Jewelry
 Gold Rings
 Gold bracelets
 Gold party and pendant sets
 Gold earrings

Here is the diamond category that the Fazal jewellers is offering

 Diamond earrings
 Diamond Sets
 Diamond Bracelets
 Diamond Tops and Pendants
 Engagement diamond rings

Furthermore, Fazal jewellers also offers these two more variety of products to its customers


Our Bridal Jewellery is the perfect symbols of our Craftsmanship and designing

Germany has the 4th largest economy in the world.  It is the 2nd largest exporter and 3rd largest
importer. Over the years, Germans established a very high standard of living and social security.
The nation takes pride as Germany was home to many influential scientists and inventors. But
most of all, people know the country for its political and cultural history.

Germany is a democratic republic. The political system functions under a system called
Grundgesetz which was published in the 1949 constitutional document. The Social Democratic
Party and the Christian Democratic Union leads the political system since 1949. The legislature,
the judiciary, and the executive are the 3 wings which make up Government of Germany.
The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany lays down the fundamental structure of the
government. It dictates what value system the nation should follow. It is the main source of
authority. Following a system that was made so many years ago has some effects on Germany.

Germany has comparatively low raw materials. It only has potash and lignite in a significant
amount. The power plants which burn lignite are among the main sources of electricity for
Germans. It is the leading producer of solar power technology and wind turbines. Most of the
other resources including natural gas and oil are from other countries. Germany imports about
two-third of its energy. In fact, it is the world’s 3rd largest energy importer.

The service sector contributes 70% of the GDP. Industry contributes 29.1% while agriculture
backs 0.9%. Most products are in engineering. Automobiles, metals, machinery and chemical
goods are some items they are proud of. German cities like Berlin, Frankfurt and Hanover hold
the largest annual international trade fairs.

Popular global brands are BMW, Mercedes Benz, Adidas, Porsche, Audi, DHL, Volkswagen, T-
Mobile, Lufthansa, Nivea, and SAP. Between the years 1991 and 2010, local firms took part in
301 acquisitions and 40 mergers.

Like I mentioned above, Germany has around 82 million residents. This means it is the largest
EU country in terms of population. I would describe it as a modern, multicultural country. The
society is molded by a variety of lifestyles. There are traces of some truly different ethno cultural
diversity. Even though a lot of social changes took place, the family is still the most important
social reference unit. Young people have really good relationships with their parents.

Local architecture, music, literature, art and sports are fields which reflect the socio-cultural
scene of Germany. The unique architectural styles of the country are the result of the
fragmentation during centuries. Some mentionable sites include the Abbey Church of St.
Michaels, the Speyer Cathedral, and the Cologne Cathedral. Germany has been home to many
renowned classical music composers like Ludwig van Beethoven, Johannes Brahms, Johann
Sebastian Bach and Richard Wagner. It is flourishing in the music market.

German literature dates back to the Middle Ages. It is world famous. Popular local authors
include Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Friedrich Schiller, Bertolt Brecht, Thomas Mann, and
Hermann Hesse. Every year, the Frankfurt Book Fair, which is the biggest book fair ever, is held.
Some of the best art pieces were made in Germany. It is also popular for its old tradition in visual
arts. Awesome German innovations include printmaking, Gothic art, and wooden engravings.
Some of the Major renaissance artists like Hans Holbein the Younger and Matthias Grunewald
were from Germany.

Many international sporting events have represented Germany in the past. This includes FIFA
World Cup, Formula One, Summer Olympics, ice hockey and tennis tournaments. It is among
the leading motor sports countries. It manufactures motor brands like BMW and Mercedes.

Germany backs national science and technology in many ways. It houses independent
laboratories. There are national laboratories and also private research. The industry supports
several important types of research and development. The Ministry of Science and Technology is
an organization which coordinates and decided priorities for the national science and technology
programs in Germany.

The Natural History Museum in Berlin has mineralogical, geological, zoological, and botanical
components. There are many specialized scholarly societies concerned with agriculture and
veterinary science, the natural sciences, medicine, and technology.

Germany’s position in the European Union has a noteworthy science and technology
components. The country provides funding for broad European research and development. It also
offers scientists and laboratories. There are many universities and colleges in the country which
offer basic and applied sciences.

As I mentioned repeatedly in this article, Germany’s automobile industry is its greatest strength.
Optical communication links, nanotech materials, and many other innovations will perhaps be
used in cars. German carmakers are hoping that computer-based assistance systems will make
driving more comfortable and safer.

The analysis above helps us understand that Germany is a very advanced country. It is spending
a lot of money on research and development. Their culture gives emphasize in music, literature,
art and sports. But, they still value family the most. Germany is beautiful. It is very peaceful
nation, especially to conduct business. The people are educated and the living standard is high.
You must realize that it is a great country, but it still has potential to grow.
We use e-commerce in our business in following ways:

Social commerce revolution:

Instagram’s launch of shoppable posts – a feature that allows consumers to purchase your
products directly from your post. Unlike the previous approach where you directed your
consumers to the link in your bio or Instagram stories, this shoppable post feature improves
consumers online shopping experience.

In 2019, you can expect to see social commerce revolution finally happening. Consumers enjoy
shopping on social media platforms. In fact, Instagram reported that since their launch of
shoppable posts, its traffic has increased by 44%.

The expansion of the e-commerce industry to include social commerce is inevitable, especially
that some big e-commerce platforms, in their efforts to scale, turn to work with big
manufacturers; thereby, excluding small sellers. For other small jewelers, this revolution is

If you’re someone who finds the process of driving traffic from many different sources draining
and complicated, social commerce will be substantially easier for you. It is also an ideal place to
target impulse buyer unlike consumers on big e-commerce platforms who are there with a
carefully crafted vision of what product or designs they want in their head.

Continuous rise of wearable technology:

The rise of wearable technology in 2019 was initially predicted in 2015 when the Insight’s
wearable tech report forecasted that over 245 million wearable devices would be sold in the
coming year while Ovum reports that wearable devices will reach 650 million in 2020.

We’ve already seen smartwatches, but back then, smart jewelry pieces like rings, necklaces, and
bracelets were not as prominent as the former. Now, the interest and awareness have already
become widespread, and the predictions conveyed that the market is ready for it – even the
market for other jewelry pieces.

For instance, Ringly, as pictured above, offers smart bracelets with features such as activity
tracking and mobile alerts, so you don’t have to be glued on your phone, especially when you’re
out on a date. Your bracelet will let you know when you have an urgent call or message to attend
to. These smart jewelry pieces are enticing because it shows that jewelry pieces can be stylish,
glamorous, and functional – all at the same time.
“There is no denying it: the e-commerce industry is booming. By 2016, the online
marketplace is expected to grow to a staggering $1.85 trillion. Increasing rates of Internet access
in emerging markets, most notably in India and China, continue to fuel the growth of online
commerce, connecting more consumers than ever before.

In spite of the adoption of e-commerce by nearly every commodity and service, there have been
a few that have been a bit slow make the transition. One of those is fine jewelry. Experts say the
reason the fine jewelry market has integrated so slowly with e-commerce is because fine jewelry
purchases, like buying an engagement ring or an anniversary necklace, are emotionally charged
purchases. The emotional aspect of the purchasing process means consumers want to be able to
experience a piece of jewelry before they purchase it.”

 The current population of Germany is 82,417,846 as of Friday, May 10, 2019, based on
the latest United Nations estimates.
 Germany population is equivalent to 1.07% of the total world population.
 Germany ranks number 19 in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population.
 The population density in Germany is 237 per Km2 (613 people per mi2).
 The total land area is 348,560 Km2 (134,580 sq. miles)
 75.8 % of the population is urban (62,476,024 people in 2019)
 The median age in Germany is 46.0 years.

Largest Cities in Germany

Germany is divided into 16 states, referred to collectively as Lander, and each state has its own
constitution and remains fairly autonomous. Each state also has its own capital. Despite its large
population, Germany has relatively few large cities, and only four have a population over 1
million: Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and Cologne.

Still, these cities are much larger when the metropolitan area is taken into account. Hamburg, for
example, has a city population of 1.8 million as of 2012, but its metropolitan area is home to
more than 5 million. Düsseldorf, the 7th largest city in Germany, has a population of close to
600,000, but its metropolitan area is home to over 11.3 million.
Here's a full list of the ten largest cities in Germany.

Rank City Population

1 Berlin 3,439,100
2 Hamburg 1,769,117
3 Munich 1,330,440
4 Cologne 998,105
5 [Frankfurt](/world-cities/Frankfurt-population/) am Main 671,927
6 [Stuttgart](/world-cities/Stuttgart-population/) 600,068
7 Düsseldorf 586,217
8 Dortmund 581,308
9 Essen 576,259
10 Bremen 547,685

Germany is home to a large number of smaller cities and towns, however, and in total there are
currently 82 cities with a population of more than 100,000 people.
Indicator analysis
Basically Germany hosts a very large and important gold market, however there is no centralized
physical gold exchange in the country, and although some gold futures trading products exist,
these are minimal. The German gold market is therefore predominantly decentralized and
primarily consists of the interaction of banks, gold refineries (which also trade gold), large
nationwide gold wholesalers and distributors, and smaller regional and local precious metals
retailers. To start a business in Germany is suitable for us. We have decided that we are going to
make a franchise in BERLIN. Where ease of doing business is very suitable because the
population of BERLIN high as compare to the other cities of Germany. There is gold market also
exist there but we are going to start our business as well. FAZAL JEWELLERS introduce in first
section its specialized product which is bridle jewellery. In which diamond and gold jewellery
included. At the beginning our target market are those young ladies who going to be get married,
as well as we also target other peoples and introduce our products like bracelets, diamond and
gold rings etc.

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