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Erviana Savitri - 18131007

Five types of literary genres:

1. Poetry

Poetry is literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feeling and ideas by the use
of distinctive style and rhytm. Poetry includes groups of line (verses) in stanzas, which are similar to
paragraphs in prose. The three types of poetry are the shorter, more modern poems and spanning
anything from a few lines to a few pages.

2. Prose

Prose is written or spoken language in its ordinary form, without metrical structure. Prose is
written with complete sentences, organized in paragraphs, focusing on sound, tends to focus on
plot and characters. The two types of prose are fiction and non-fiction.

3. Drama

Drama is a composition in prose from tht presents a story entirely told in dialogue and action and
written with the intention of its eventual performance before an audience. The elements of drama is
setting, characters, plot, theme. Drama has three types that is tragedy, comedy and tragicomedy.

4. Non-fiction

Non-fiction is a vast category that is a type of prose and includes many different sub-genres and
narrated by an author who is a real person. Non-fiction is written for a specific audience, or groups of
readers. The audience and purpose influence the type of information a writer includes.

5. Media

Media was created to encompass the many new and important kinds of texts in our society today,
such as movies and films, websites, commercials, billboards, and radio programs. Any work that
doesn’t exist primarily as a written text can probably be considered media, particularly if it relies
on recently developed technologies. Media literature can serve a wide variety of purposes—
among other things it can educate, entertain, advertise, and/or persuade.

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