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1) Personal Pronouns (8 pts)

Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.
I - I - It - She - We - He

Hello! My name is Melissa. I am 15 years old.

________ live in Montevideo with my family.
My father´s name is Carlos. _______ is 39 years old.
My sister´s name is Camila. _______ is my best friend.
______ have a dog: Manchita. _______ is black, big and very friendly.

2) Question words (16 pts)

2.1) Match the question word with the rest of the question.
How is your birthday?
Where are you?
When is your best friend?

What is your name?

Who do you live?

2.2) Answer the question with your information.

My name is ____________________________.
I live in _______________________________.
My birthday is __________________________.
My best friend is ________________________.

3) Numbers (15 pts)

3.1) Write the numbers next to the matching number.
10 - ______________ 60 - ______________

20 - ______________ 70 - ______________
30 - ______________ 80 - ______________
40 - ______________ 90 - ___ninety_______
50 - ______________

3.2) Write the number next to the word.

one - _1 _ sixty - six - _____
seven - ____ seventy - _____
fourteen - ____ eighty - nine _____
twenty - four - _____ one hundred - _____

4) There is/there are

Fill in the blanks with there is/are. Positive or negative sentences/questions.
4.1 ____________________ a park in front of the UTU.
4.2 All the students went home. _____________________ any students in the classroom.
4.3 ______________________ 19 departments in Uruguay.
4.4 A:_____________________ a message for me? B: No, ______________________.
4.5 Why ___________________ so many cars in the parking lot?

5) Have got
Fill in the blanks with different forms of the verb Have got
5.1 I ___________________ a blue car.
5.2 She _______________________ a blue car: she _____________ a red car.
5.3 _____________ you ___________ any borthers?
I __________________ any brothers.
5.4 __________ Mike _____________ a motorcycle?
5.5 Sue and Sarah _________________ homework to do.

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