Achievement First Annual Report 2010

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THE Quiet Revolution

Achievement First 2010 Annual Report
Dear Friends,

We believe that we are at the beginning of what years ago and that drives us today in our work with
We’re not close some have called a “quiet revolution” in education 19 schools serving 5,400 students in Brooklyn, NY,
to reaching the reform. As a revolutionary prerequisite, there is a and in Connecticut’s three biggest cities—New Haven,
educational growing awareness of the magnitude and impact of Bridgeport and Hartford. In Connecticut, our 2010
the problems we face. According to a recent report results again showed our fourth- and eighth-grade
Promised Land, by the College Board, the United States once led the students (the oldest students in our elementary and
but we may be at world in the proportion of adults ages 25 to 34 with middle schools) outperforming state-wide averages,
the start of what postsecondary credentials—today we rank 12th. proving that the achievement gap can be closed—
In other words, we are now in danger of producing and that it can be closed at scale. We are pleased
Rahm Emanuel the first generation of adults in modern times to be to be ranked #1 in the state in African-American
calls the Quiet less educated than their parents. As we allowed an performance at both the elementary and middle school
Revolution. achievement gap to grow between the rest of the levels. Sadly, our schools are amongst only a handful
world and us, we have also seen the rise of pernicious of schools in the state where African-Americans and
achievement gaps within our own country that leave low-income students outperform the state averages.
David Brooks low-income students, on average, four years behind We also celebrated the graduation of our first high
The New York Times
their middle- and high-income peers by the end of high school class with 100 percent of its students admitted
school. Behind all of these statistics are the faces of real to four-year colleges or universities. The performance
kids and the lasting impact of an inadequate education of these schools and other top-performing charter
on individuals, families, communities and our country. schools is setting the bar, defining what others see
as possible and providing powerful pressure for more
Thankfully, the much-needed revolution in education
widespread reform.
policy and practice is starting to take hold. In
many states, the unprecedented Race to the Top While there is much to celebrate, 2010 was also a
competition led to the passage of a number of state challenging year for Achievement First. In New York, the
policy reforms that had historically been sidelined State Board of Regents raised the cut score for what
by status quo politics but were finally passed with was considered “proficient”—a bold and much-needed
the incentive of significant federal dollars. We are move to raise expectations for New York students
experiencing a critical shift from a focus purely on to true college-prep levels. This change in standards
process or inputs to a more balanced focus on resulted in a significant decline in student performance
outcomes, in part inspired by the great results of scores across the state and at Achievement First. We
gap-closing schools. We saw the adoption of globally had to confront the brutal fact that, while our students
competitive, “common” learning standards across still outperformed their local districts and even the state
states, requirements for performance-based teacher in some subjects, it was painfully obvious that we had
evaluations, and support for the expansion of high- focused on the wrong standard and were not preparing
performing charter schools. Across the country, more them well enough for the rigors of college.
progress was made in state education policy in the
Fortunately, the entire Achievement First team
past 18 months than we had experienced in the
responded to these challenges not with excuses or
past 18 years.
frustration, but with a call to action to do whatever it
Just because this revolution is quiet does not mean it takes to help our students meet the higher bar. Instead
should be underestimated—it is powerful and picking of taking it as grim news for Achievement First, the
up steam. This momentum has been fueled by the disappointing 2010 New York results have served as a
powerful documentaries The Lottery, A Right Denied, wake-up call and catalyst. We are now more focused
and Waiting for “Superman,” all of which left millions of than ever on helping our students get the great, gap-
people with less patience to “wait” for more meaningful closing education they need and deserve. We know
reforms. More people have realized that, especially that, just as with our students, we are limited only by
in these tough economic times, nothing will do more the expectations we set for ourselves.
to ensure our long-term, collective prosperity than
As we celebrate another year of milestones and
creating outstanding public schools for all students. A
learning, we want to thank you for your continued
great education can break the cycle of poverty and set
support and partnership. The more we do this work, the
all of our students up to compete in a global economy.
more optimistic we become about the potential of our
It is this transformative power that compelled us to
collective commitment to make a real difference in the
open the first Achievement First school more than 12
lives of kids and the future they will create for all of us.

Dacia M. Toll Doug McCurry William R. Berkley

Co-CEO Co-CEO Board Chair
Library of Congress

© Bettmann/CORBIS Library of Congress

The truth is—there are indefensible and

unconstitutional inequities in our school
system—in terms of funding, teacher quality,
access to rigorous curriculum and student
outcomes. Half a century after Brown v. Board of
Education, this is an epic injustice for our society.
Arne Duncan, US Secretary of Education
Ensuring that ALL American children
can access a quality education is
the civil rights issue of our time.
We cannot stand idly by and allow this
institutionalized inequality to continue.
John Legend, recording artist, concert
performer and philanthropist

In 1954, a landmark and Unfortunately, over the last 56

unanimous decision handed down years, the U.S. education system
by the United States Supreme has failed to provide far too many
Court declared that racial low-income and minority children
Courtesy of U.S. Army segregation in public schooling with access to the high-quality
was unconstitutional. In his education they need to compete
majority opinion to Brown v. Board on a level playing field with their
of Education of Topeka, Chief white, affluent peers.
Justice Earl Warren writes:
·· According to Teach For America,
fourth graders growing up in
“In these days, it is low-income communities are
already, on average, three years
doubtful that any behind their peers in high-
child may reasonably income communities
be expected to +
·· By 12th grade, these students
succeed in life if have fallen four years behind
he is denied the their middle- and high-income
opportunity of an
education. Such +
·· Only about 50 percent of low-
income students will graduate
an opportunity, from high school by the time
where the state
Library of Congress

they are 18 years old

has undertaken to +
·· At America’s leading 150
provide it, is a right colleges, 90 percent of incoming
which must be made freshmen come from families
with annual household incomes
available to all on in the top 50 percent
equal terms.”
·· Only one in 10 low-income
students will go on to graduate
from college
THE Quiet Revolution
is TAKING Hold
There is growing awareness of the For gap-closing schools that are
magnitude of problems facing our driving the conversation, we can
country’s education system—and look to our own network of 5,400
of our ability to fix them. In students climbing the mountain
response to Davis Guggenheim’s to college. In Connecticut,
recent documentary, Waiting for Achievement First has closed
“Superman,” an increasing number the achievement gap at both
of people have said that they are the elementary and middle
done waiting. What used to be a school levels, with our students
second-tier policy conversation consistently surpassing state-
dominated by institutional interests wide averages after four years
is now increasingly a national at an AF school. In June 2010,
priority; what used to be small Achievement First graduated its
ripples of reform in individual cities first senior class, with 100 percent
are starting to form a tidal wave of its students accepted into
of action. It is truly incredible to four-year colleges or universities.
see how far the conversation Achievement First students are
has come since the early days of themselves acting as revolutionary
Amistad Academy in 1999—and proof points in the national
how high-performing, public conversation by showing that
charter schools have played inner-city students can achieve at
a central role in inspiring this the same high levels found within
level of attention, optimism and affluent communities.
urgency. The example of several
The dam of the status quo is
inspirational superintendents
cracking under the pressure of
and a few hundred gap-closing,
this quiet revolution—but it will
public charter schools has helped
only give way if smart, committed
to elevate the entire national
people like you and those found
conversation. Not only are we
within our 19 schools become
now having this conversation in
engaged, demand more and show
countless venues, but there is
the way to a better future. Whether
a fire to it that we haven’t seen
at dinner parties or on blogs or at
before, sparked by the federal
town hall meetings, you should
government’s Race to the Top
work to make sure your passion,
competition and fanned by hard-
urgency and opinions are heard.
working students, teachers, school
leaders, parents and partners.
Fortunately, the public, and our leaders in government, are
finally paying attention. The Waiting for “Superman” documentary,
the defeat of D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty, Facebook founder Mark
Zuckerberg’s $100 million gift to Newark’s public schools, and a tidal
wave of media attention have helped spark a national debate and
presented us with an extraordinary opportunity.
Joel Klein, NYC Schools Chancellor
As complicated as we have made [the debate], it boils down
to what parents already know: It’s all about great teachers,
it’s all about who’s standing in front of the kids every morning.
Davis Guggenheim, Director, Waiting For “Superman”


Very little is invested in understanding

great teaching. We’ve never had a
meaningful evaluation system that
identifies the dimensions of great teachers
so we can transfer the skills to others.
The Quiet Revolution
IN Achievement First
num As the nationwide conversation intensifies, a quiet revolution is
taking place within Achievement First through a powerful new
initiative to recognize effective teachers that has the potential for
widespread impact.

Currently, at almost every public Specifically, AF’s Teacher Career of partners: school principal,
school in this country, teaching Pathway provides: regional superintendent, peers,
salaries are based solely on parents, students and a personal
seniority and earned graduate
·· Significant salary increases for
teacher coach.
all teachers who demonstrate
degrees—two “seat time” inputs
effectiveness, with the greatest Individual teachers will have a
that mean that compensation
increases (more than $20,000 well-defined career path to
for teachers has no direct tie to
over current scales) for the most become master teachers with
performance or effectiveness. In
effective teachers potential salaries over $100,000,
terms of annual evaluations and
and all team members in a school
continued employment, most +
·· Holistic evaluation of teacher
could earn a bonus of up to 10
teachers receive one-dimensional, outcomes and inputs,
percent of their salary based on
subjective evaluations that do not including a teacher’s value-
the overall success of the school.
include an explicit focus on student added contribution to student
Master teachers will also benefit
achievement results. For those with achievement and a teacher’s
from self-directed professional
tenure, it is incredibly difficult and influence on student character
development budgets of $2,500
time consuming, if not impossible, development
per year and other learning and
to terminate a teacher simply for
·· Rewards that include recognition opportunities.
being ineffective.
development opportunities
The Bill & Melinda Gates
With Race to the Top’s focus and recognition, in addition
Foundation awarded Achievement
on performance-based teacher to salary increases
First a grant to support the
evaluation, much of this is
·· School-wide performance development of the Teacher Career
changing. Achievement First
bonuses that reward team Pathway. This initial investment
knows that great teaching is the
achievement and individual then led to a $6.3 million Teacher
biggest driver of high student
salary increases that celebrate Incentive Fund grant from the U.S.
achievement and has been
individual teacher effectiveness Department of Education that we
working for the last 18 months
will invest directly over the next five
to create a new evaluation For the first time, outcome years into compensation and other
process and “career pathway” measurements include both rewards for our best teachers.
to define, develop, reward and student achievement and student We owe much of this success
sustain excellence in teaching. character education, and input to our partnerships with other
The Teacher Career Pathway measurements are spread across districts and charter management
provides increased compensation multiple assessments throughout organizations—and to The New
and differentiated professional the year (instead of an isolated Teacher Project, which advised us
development based on a teacher’s lesson observation or test score) in our design and communications.
proven effectiveness. conducted by a wide range
The Quiet Revolution
The next wave of the revolution is focused on an active partnership
to share and replicate best practices. With that in mind, Achievement
First is excited to work with New Haven Public Schools to launch
an innovative leadership development program to recruit, train and
support a corps of outstanding principals and assistant principals for
New Haven’s highest-need schools.

Public charter schools and The next wave of the revolution is leader. Candidates will also receive
traditional public school districts focused on an active partnership formal training to develop key
have historically had an adversarial to share and replicate best school leadership skills by expert
relationship—with traditional practices. With that in mind, practitioners from Achievement
districts often trying to dismiss Achievement First is excited to First, New Haven and the broader
or even actively undermine the work with New Haven Public education reform world. Following
success of charters, and charters Schools to launch an innovative the residencies, candidates who
taking a purely competitive and, leadership development program meet competency standards will
at times, equally undermining to recruit, train and support a be placed in New Haven Public
approach to working with districts. corps of outstanding principals Schools as assistant principals
In the past, there has been little and assistant principals for New or principals. Program alumni will
to no dialogue between the two Haven’s highest-need schools. also continue to receive access
groups about our shared work. This pipeline of future leaders to Achievement First professional
However, in a growing number will receive one year of full-time development opportunities, change
of cities, we are now seeing a training and coaching, enabling management coaching and school
quiet revolution in partnership, them to leverage the best turnaround planning assistance.
and Achievement First is proud practices of high-performing
This unique partnership is a key
to act as a pioneer in this schools from both the charter and
aspect of the district’s broader
collaborative work. traditional district sectors.
School Change Initiative to close
The first wave of the revolution The Residency Program in School the achievement gap between
started with visionary leaders Leadership combines experiential New Haven students and the
like Chancellor Joel Klein in New residencies, seminar-style state-wide average, to cut the
York City and Superintendent learning and intense individualized student dropout rate in half, and
Steven Adamowski in Hartford coaching—with candidates taking to ensure that every graduating
who worked to actively recruit top part in two residencies over the student has the academic
charter operators to their cities, course of one academic year (four preparation and resources to
inviting them to become a key to seven months each), first at attend and succeed in college.
part of city-wide reform initiatives a high-performing Achievement Developing strong leaders for New
and providing free access to First school and then at a top Haven’s highest-need schools is a
public school facilities and other New Haven public school. In critical step toward accomplishing
resources. They have energetically each school, candidates will be this bold agenda, and Achievement
supported the success of public mentored by an outstanding First is excited to co-create this
charters and the city students they principal, given specific leadership important reform initiative.
serve. In these “portfolio” cities, the responsibilities, and receive
focus is no longer on a school’s focused feedback on their growth
governance structure but instead and development as a school
on how well schools perform.
Increasingly, district and charter leaders are recognizing
the need to learn from one another, influence each other and
leverage each others’ relative strengths to solve the complex
challenges we face in improving American education.

Adam Porsch, Program Officer, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Achievement First
really pushes
you. They believe
in perseverance,
climbing the
mountain to
college, achieving
your goals and
going toward what
you believe in.

Dyani Willis
STUDENT, Amistad

Mayro Valenzuela Jr.

The Quiet Revolution
Mayro Valenzuela Jr.
Student, Elm City College Preparatory

Education is valuable because it makes you free. Many

people in the world are really poor and can’t get a good
education, so they can’t do well in life. Education helps
you to dream big, and when you are finished and have a
good education, you can think about your future. You’ll
have a better life if your education was a success. You
can pick the right school for yourself and get the attention
and respect that you need. Your family will look up to you,
and you will represent them. You can teach them and
help them. You will have great value to your family and
your community.

I have seen unequal education before. When my mom

grew up in Guatemala, she didn’t have a good education.
She couldn’t get the opportunity to do what she wanted.
She takes care of us, but she can’t help us too much on
homework because her education was very low. Now
today, my mom still goes to school to learn English and
to get a better education. I come to school to accomplish
my goals and be able to help my own kids someday. Right
now I am just a kid, but I am evolving. Someday I will
have the freedom to do anything I want to do and fulfill
my big dreams.
many minds ONE MISS

David Hardy

At Achievement First I know that everyone does

whatever it takes to give our students the love, care and
top-quality instruction they need. We all end the day
feeling the good, healthy exhaustion of knowing that we
helped all of our students climb the mountain to college.
Morgan Barth, PRINCIPAL, Elm City College Preparatory Elementary
The Quiet Revolution
David Hardy
Principal, Achievement First East New York Middle

For five years after college, I has created a better track for our school and from every message
taught in Miami Public Schools students to follow—one with a on our walls that students read,
and found myself in the middle of clear destination, purpose and internalize and personify.
a widening achievement gap. I felt expectation. Our quiet revolution
We realize that we cannot wait for
disheartened by the disparities that hasn’t been easy or quick. It has
Superman or hope for the best
plagued the communities in which I come after countless hours of
from the lottery. We must actively
taught, and I became accustomed critical reflection as a team on
strive for a better future, and it is
to seeing others feel the kind of how our students will raise their
the courage, passion, love and
complacency that is driven by hands to participate, respectfully
dedication of an educator that is
low expectations. From the first disagree, think critically, support
going to take us there. Especially
day of my career at Achievement their assertions with evidence and
at this time of year, I often arrive
First in 2007, I was grateful to be learn to believe in themselves.
at school before the sun rises and
in a place where giving less than
It is our unwavering and obsessive leave well after it has set, but not
our best was not an option; not
desire to take every detail and one day passes when I feel that
reaching our goal was something
combine it into a prophetic what we do is not worth every
that was not even considered;
symphony that creates subtle, last bit of sunlight I miss outside. I
complacency remained a noun—
smooth and harmonic music. instead see the light of 200 faces
but was never used—and college
However, that subtle musical that are in search of a college
became a verb.
undertone doesn’t just resonate diploma. I am fortunate to open my
Now as the principal of AF East at our surface. It creates a sound eyes every morning to a revolution
New York Middle, it has become that permeates deep into the sparked by my work; a revolution
easy to see why this quiet core of what we desire for our that is quiet, yet full of vibrancy. I
revolution is working. Walking into students. It reverberates loudly in am causing change by creating
our building you will find 23 like- the attitudes of our future college a future of people who desire
minded educators who want and graduates. This sound beats in the change—change that gives more
expect breakthrough results—and hearts of all of us, carefully playing of our urban youth the opportunity
are working with a sense of one note at a time to ensure that to obtain a great education and
urgency and grace to ensure that our music is of the highest quality. reap the benefits of the passion
our students are prepared for the We call this song REFORM. It is a we sow as educators. That is
complexities of life and their climb powerful melody that one can hear why I am proud to be part of the
to college. It is this mindset that blasting from every teacher in our Achievement First revolution.
The Quiet Revolution
Khadijah Muhammad
Parent, Amistad Academy

Over the last 10 years, I have been played soccer and was the first an excellent education in great
the proud parent of four Amistad violinist in the orchestra. schools with fantastic teachers.
Academy students. My oldest I take pride in my 10 years with
My youngest daughter, Azizah,
daughter, Amirah, graduated from the Amistad Parent Leadership
a fourth grader at Amistad
Amistad Academy Middle in 2005 Council, and I am currently serving

Parent Profile
Academy Elementary, is reading
before Achievement First had a as its president. Achievement
at an advanced level and loves
high school. Fortunately, she was First creates productive citizens
math. She received the “R” award
so well prepared that she still for today’s society. Many of our
in REACH for respect and has
went on to excel in high school inner-city students lack access to
followed in her brother’s footsteps
and is now enrolled in college. top-notch education, despite living
as an orange belt in Tang Soo Doo
Shehu, my son, is a sophomore within walking distance of some of
martial arts.
at Amistad-Elm City High, where the best colleges and universities
he is enrolled in a junior-level All of my children are an inspiration in the world. I asked Azizah when
math class, plays basketball and to me, and I am very proud of their she will graduate from college, and
maintains honors status. He also achievements. When Azizah asked she told me the answer without
received a full scholarship to me a couple of years ago when missing a beat: “2023”—and she
participate in a Penn State science I received my college degree, it said this after only her first week at
and engineering program. was my wake-up call to go back Achievement First.
and get the education I was now
My middle daughter, Aminah, is Achievement First encourages
pushing them to achieve. Going
in the ninth grade at Amistad-Elm students to include college as part
back to school after 10 years was
City High and participates in cross of their daily routine. Closing the
very hard, but maintaining the
country, band and musical theater. achievement gap is a monumental
4.0 average was even harder—
She struggled with structure and task, but my family knows that
especially since my children check
behavior during her first two years education is something that
my academic progress every day.
at Amistad Academy Middle. can never be taken from us. My
My children ask, “Could you have
Ultimately, with dedication from the children will utilize the knowledge
done better? Nothing less than an
teaching staff—who we consider they are obtaining at Achievement
A, Mom. Try harder next time.”
family—Aminah showed great First to improve society for future
improvement in her academics. I am fortunate to have four generations.
She achieved honors, received the wonderful kids who are receiving
“heart” award from her principal,

Khadijah Muhammad

When I walk into an Achievement First school, sometimes

I just want to pause and hang out for a little while
because it’s so electric. The teachers and the faculty are
just so interested—each and every one of them—and so
engaged in what they are doing.
Christopher Champion, Parent, Amistad Academy
The Quiet Revolution
The New Teacher Project

In 2009, we released a paper on component of the Obama feedback against those standards
teacher evaluation and dismissal, Administration’s innovative Race from multiple source evaluators,
“The Widget Effect,” based on to the Top program, and the 12 and providing recognition and
our study of 12 diverse school states that won the competitive rewards for excellent teachers.
districts across four states, grant program are hard at work But Achievement First also
involving surveys of over 15,000 implementing reform plans understands something we have
teachers and examinations of over focused on improving educator learned well—design matters,
40,000 personnel records. Though effectiveness. but implementation matters
abundant research reflects that just as much. So, for example,
At The New Teacher Project,
teachers are the most powerful Achievement First is investing a lot
we work with a number of these
school-based factor in student of time and effort designing a data
states and districts on redesigning
academic success or failure, and system to support the initiative
their teacher and principal
that different teachers obtain because a good evaluation and
evaluation and development
dramatically different outcomes, career pathway system won’t be
systems, and we are pleased to
we found that our policies are of much use to the organization if
have the opportunity to work with
based on a false assumption that the data on teacher performance
Achievement First to support its
one teacher is just as good as any and development aren’t captured
Career Pathway work.
other. In every district we studied, outside of a spreadsheet on a
regardless of size and student Achievement First’s Career principal’s computer. Achievement
demographics, virtually all teachers Pathway initiative is entirely First is also investing significant
were rated as being good or great, consistent with its core beliefs time engaging with its teachers
excellent teachers were ignored, around the paramount importance and school leaders, ensuring that
teachers were not provided with of its people. However, we know educators are well-informed and
quality feedback and support, from our work around the country that they have ample opportunity
novices received no special that talking about breaking out of to share their practitioners’
attention, and poor performance the mold of traditional evaluation, perspectives to shape
was widely tolerated. compensation and career implementation.
pathways is one thing; changing
Since the release of “The Widget As we see so much progress
systems that teachers and school
Effect,” significant changes in laws being made across the country on
leaders are used to and have
and policies have occurred that policies and practices that affect
come to rely on without disrupting
parallel the quiet revolution teachers, it is truly exciting to be
a truly positive culture is another
occurring at Achievement First involved in the progress being
thing entirely.
and elsewhere. Twelve states, made at Achievement First and to
responsible for educating one in We are impressed with the see the impact that the initiatives
four U.S. children, have changed design of Achievement First’s have on its schools, teachers
their laws on teacher evaluation to Career Pathway initiative—it and students—and, through their
make evaluation more meaningful truly is state of the art in setting powerful example, on the broader
and rigorous. Teacher and clear and ambitious performance education reform movement.
principal evaluation was a key standards, providing quality
Charter schools
are not the only
solution—but the
strategies that have
been proven in
charter schools
are the solution—
solutions that can
be replicated in
all schools using
existing funds.
Let’s not allow the
contrived charter
versus public
school argument
distract us from
providing quality
schools for all
John Legend
recording artist,
concert performer
and philanthropist
Only 1 in 10 Achievement First students
work hard every day to climb the
Despite the promise of equal
educational opportunity, the
Over the last 10 years, thanks
to the example set by individual,
low-income mountain to college. Our students United States has largely failed high-performing schools across
make this climb with the help of to provide low-income children the country, conventional wisdom
students in the effective instruction from great access to a high-quality education. has shifted from a belief that
U.S. graduates teachers and leaders, a longer The difference in academic “demographics are destiny” to
school day and school year, a performance between poor and an acknowledgment that success
from college rigorous college-prep curriculum, affluent students, known as the is possible for all students.
assessments that track their achievement gap, has serious Education reform skeptics now
progress and inform re-teaching implications for the future life question whether success is
and tutoring, and a disciplined, opportunities of students and for possible at scale.
joyful and achievement-oriented our society at large. With only
school culture. At Achievement one in 10 low-income students in
First, it is cool to be smart and the U.S. graduating from college,
everyone feels cared for as a part closing the achievement gap is
of an extended school family. both an economic and moral
imperative—the modern frontier of
the civil rights movement.

Stephanie Montufar
Graduate, Amistad-Elm
City High
FIRST THINGS FIRST Achievement First’s
theory of change
Achievement First’s theory of change is that by creating the
equivalent of a high-performing urban public school “district,”
we prove that the achievement gap can be closed at scale
and can thus inspire and inform broader district-wide reform
efforts. Our current strategic plan calls for us to expand
from 19 to 34 schools, eventually serving more than 12,000
students. At this size, we will serve more students than 95
percent of school districts in the United States.

As we develop the Achievement First network, we are guided

by three big goals: quality, scale and sustainability. We remain
committed to creating the kind of top-quality schools our
students need and deserve, and to doing so at a meaningful
scale and with a per-student cost equal to or less than that of
our host public school districts.
ConnCAN Top 10
Rankings 2010
#1 African-American elementary school
student performance (Elm City College
#1 African-American middle school
student performance (Amistad Academy)

#3 Hispanic middle school student

performance (AF Bridgeport Academy)
New Haven
#4 African-American middle school
student performance (AF Bridgeport

* Amistad Academy Elementary #5 African-American high school

* Amistad Academy Middle student performance (Amistad-Elm City)
* Amistad-Elm City High #5 Overall elementary school
* Elm City College Preparatory Elementary performance gains (Elm City College
* Elm City College Preparatory Middle Prep)
* Achievement First Bridgeport Academy Elementary
* Achievement First Bridgeport Academy Middle #6 Overall middle school performance
* Achievement First Hartford Academy Elementary gains (AF Hartford Academy)
* Achievement First Hartford Academy Middle
#7 African-American elementary school
student performance (Amistad Academy)

HIGHLIGHTS #7 Low-income middle school student

performance (Amistad Academy)
+··Achievement First schools fall, welcoming a class of 91
are prominently featured in kindergarteners.
#7 African-American middle school
ConnCAN’s annual Top 10 lists,
+··Achievement First Bridgeport student performance (Elm City College
which highlight schools state-wide
Academy Middle piloted Life Prep, Prep)
that are serving as exemplars in
an innovative character education
closing the achievement gap.
We are especially pleased to be
curriculum designed to teach #8 Low-income elementary school
character values as explicitly as student performance (Elm City College
ranked #1 in the state in African-
academics. As a part of this, the Prep)
American performance at both
school conducted a penny drive
the elementary and middle school
levels (see sidebar for a complete
that yielded nearly $1,200 for #8 Low-income middle school student
11 local charities, with students performance (AF Bridgeport Academy)
list of Achievement First rankings).
volunteering at one of the 11
+··One-hundred percent of Amistad- “adopted” charities. #9 Hispanic elementary school student
Elm City High’s inaugural senior performance (Amistad Academy)
class was accepted into four-year
+··Kiara Fuller, a member of Amistad
Academy Middle’s first graduating
colleges and universities, with an
class in 2002 and a 2010
#9 Hispanic middle school student
average of more than four college performance (Amistad Academy)
Connecticut College graduate,
acceptances per student.
became the first Amistad
#9 Overall middle school performance
+··Achievement First opened one Academy alum to return to work
new school in Connecticut in at Achievement First. In July 2010, gains (Amistad Academy)
2010. AF Bridgeport Academy she became the office coordinator
*Compared to all CT schools
Elementary opened in the at Amistad-Elm City High.
+··Our Connecticut schools—which + At Amistad Academy Middle above goal in math, 66 percent in in 2008 for its third graders on
were already heralded as local, in New Haven, math, reading reading and 77 percent in writing. the Connecticut Mastery Test, the
state and national exemplars— and writing scores were similar school set itself on an assertive
had their best year yet, posting to those attained by schools in
+··Achievement First Hartford path to close the achievement
Academy’s inaugural middle
student achievement scores affluent communities like Madison gap with Connecticut’s non-poor
school class, which entered the
that increased an average of and Guilford. Eighty-four percent students. The school made a
school in fifth grade in 2008, also
seven points across all subjects, of Amistad’s eighth graders resounding leap in 2009 to 56
showed similar progress. In the
an impressive gain for a single scored at or above goal on the percent at goal on the third-
fifth grade, only 55 percent of
year. Seventy-five percent of our Connecticut Mastery Test in math, grade CMT, and in 2010 hit 61
students were at goal in math, 31
fourth-grade students—selected with 76 percent meeting this percent at goal—two percentage
percent in reading and 50 percent
by lottery from our big cities, goal in reading and 88 percent points above the state’s average.
in writing. After their second year
overwhelmingly poor—performed achieving the state goal in writing. Elm City’s fourth graders
at AF Hartford Academy Middle,
“at goal” on the state test versus outperformed the state’s average
only 64 percent for poor/non-
+··Achievement First Bridgeport significant improvement is evident
by 11 percentage points.
Academy Middle continued with 68 percent of students
poor students state-wide and
its trend of significantly raising meeting or exceeding goal in
39 percent for poor students.
student achievement. The school math, 49 percent in reading and
Seventy-nine percent of our
welcomed its inaugural class 61 percent in writing.
eighth-graders performed “at
of fifth-grade students in 2007,
goal” versus 68 percent for poor/ +··Our Connecticut schools also
when only 40 percent of students
non-poor students state-wide and provide an exciting story that
met or exceeded goal in math, 36
41 percent for poor students. We school turnaround is possible.
percent in reading and 33 percent
are especially pleased with our Elm City College Prep Elementary
in writing on the Connecticut
network-wide math performance, has made significant gains over
Mastery Test. After three years at
which has now completely closed the last three years, continually
AF Bridgeport Academy Middle,
the achievement gap for parity reaching for excellence. With a 47
79 percent of these now seventh-
with the wealthiest districts in percent overall mastery level
grade students scored at or
the state.
AMISTAD ACADEMY Principal: Amanda Alonzy
ELEMENTARY Opened: August 2006
Grades: K to 4
The school-wide The school raised over Number of Students: 408

average for submitting
homework was Students can participate in a variety of

99% in the “AmeriCares Pennies extracurricular activities, including

for Haiti” relief campaign pom-poms, Drill Team, sparring, physics,
Math Club and other exciting opportunities
for the entire year

ACHIEVEMENT FIRST Students collected holiday

goods for families with
BRIDGEPORT ACADEMY the greatest need in a
ELEMENTARY food drive

Principal: Katherine Baker Over 50 percent of the As one of two new

school’s parents attended a schools in the network,
Opened: August 2010 Parent Reading Night, the school held a “get
Grades: Kindergarten where Joshua Prince to know our parents
autographed his book, and extended families”
Number of Students: 91 I Saw an Ant on the potluck—and 85%
Railroad Track, and donated of families came to join
a copy to every student in the celebration
ACHIEVEMENT FIRST 11 second graders trained for three months during an
after-school club to participate in the Hartford Kid’s
HARTFORD ACADEMY Marathon. Of these students, nine registered for
ELEMENTARY the marathon and completed the 1.2 mile race.

Principal: Claire Shin

Opened: August 2008 82%
of students in kindergarten through
of team members believe
Grades: K to 3 second grade are reading at or that all colleagues are

Number of Students: 352 above grade level, according to the committed to doing top-
Fountas & Pinnell test quality work

ELM CITY COLLEGE The school hosted an annual “Taste

Nations” potluck dinner where students and

PREP ELEMENTARY parents brought a dish representing their family and

wrote a story or created a poster about their culture

Principal: Morgan Barth The school is listed as a More than

Opened: August 2004 Success 100 Parents

Grades: K to 4
Story attended the third annual “Parent

Number of Students: 296

School Reading Mania Night”—a workshop to
by ConnCAN based on teach parents how to use the school’s
significant student reading strategies to support their
performance gains children at home
AMISTAD ACADEMY Principal: Matthew Taylor
MIDDLE Opened: July 1999
Grades: 5 to 8

85% 100%
of students achieved
of students achieved
proficiency in sixth-grade
Number of Students: 295

On average, our fifth

mastery in seventh-
math—the first 100% grew by 1.86 years in reading
grade reading during a single year
milestone in Achievement
First Connecticut history

ACHIEVEMENT FIRST 51 students traveled to Atlanta,

GA for five
days to
BRIDGEPORT ACADEMY visit colleges and
museums and celebrate high
MIDDLE performance results

Principal: Challa Flemming Over 230 students The Art Club won
showcased a piece of their “Best Whimsical
Opened: August 2007 artwork at the school’s Scarecrow” with a
Grades: 5 to 8 first annual art show, with Michael Jackson-inspired
over 100 families and entry into the annual
Number of Students: 320 community members in Scarecrow Competition
attendance, including the at Connecticut’s
mayor of Bridgeport Beardsley Zoo
ACHIEVEMENT FIRST Principal: Jeff House
HARTFORD ACADEMY Opened: August 2008
Grades: 5 to 7
Number of Students: 258
After three years, Students raised over

of the school’s founding teachers
for the “Hope for Haiti”
The school has partnered with the

Artists Collective
to provide vocal lessons during the week

are still part of the team

Eighth graders visited NYU for a panel discussion with

graduate students at the Tisch School of Arts and a tour
ELM CITY COLLEGE of the university, while sixth graders held a
PREP MIDDLE mock trial with law students at Yale Law School based on
“Goldilocks and the Three Bears”

Principal: Rebecca Good On its annual parent survey The school participated in

Opened: August 2004

Grades: 5 to 8
of Elm City parents are pleased with
Tent City, a fundraiser
to support the emergency
overflow shelter in New
the quality of teachers at the school, Haven, with students setting
Number of Students: 217 up tents on the New Haven
and 98% of parents believe the
school has very high academic Green and learning more
standards and a rigorous curriculum about homelessness
Principal: Jeff Sudmyer
Opened: August 2006 Principal: Paul Adler
Grades: 9 to 12 Opened: August 2009
Number of Students: 194 Grades: 9 to 10
Number of Students: 112
By the end of The Amistad-Elm City

their senior year, High Wolves competed
of students passed
students have the in Connecticut
the Living Environment
opportunity to earn Interscholastic Athletic
Regents Exam
13 UConn Conference sanctioned
games for the first time in
credits basketball and volleyball All students participate 10 students
in 90 minutes participated in the
All students participate in a pre-college of a leadership seminar New York State
experience or internship over and community circle School Music
the summer at campuses such as Yale University, each week, where they Association “Vocal
Bryn Mawr College, Penn State University and recognize character Adjudication Festival”
University of Maryland gains, work on character and scored Excellent
needs and perform or better; two received
community service scores of Outstanding

* Achievement First Apollo Elementary

Bushwick * Achievement First Brooklyn High
* Achievement First Brownsville Elementary
Crown Heights
* Achievement First Bushwick Elementary
East New York * Achievement First Bushwick Middle
* Achievement First Crown Heights Elementary
* Achievement First Crown Heights Middle
* Achievement First East New York Elementary
* Achievement First East New York Middle
* Achievement First Endeavor Middle

A 7-year-old girl HIGHLIGHTS

won’t make it to college +··In August 2010, we opened Schools Institute approved a new
another new AF school in charter for Achievement First
someday because her Brooklyn, Achievement First Aspire, which is scheduled to
teacher has two decades Apollo, with 176 kindergarteners open in East New York in August
of experience or a and first graders. Achievement 2012. This marks the seventh
First is now serving 3,000 charter AF has received to
master’s degree—she Brooklyn students—more than operate schools in New York.
will make it to college if any other charter management
+··Achievement First has partnered
her teacher is effective organization in New York.
with Democracy Builders,
and engaging and +··Both Achievement First Crown a charter school advocacy
Heights and Achievement First organization, to assist our
compels her to reach East New York received full five- parents in voicing support for AF
for success. year charter renewals by the New schools and students.
York State Board of Regents.
Joel Klein In addition, the SUNY Charter
NYC Schools Chancellor
In 2010, New York State do. However, the new standard dips or challenges, and the
significantly raised the standard led to a real wake-up call at real test of the strength of an
for the score necessary to reach Achievement First. Instead of organization is how it responds to
proficiency on the annual state having 99 percent of our third these challenges. In response to
test. State leaders had conducted and fourth graders (across three the 2010 New York results, there
an analysis that showed that different elementary schools in was a resounding chorus of “not
students who had been scoring Brooklyn) achieve at proficiency in good enough” and real urgency to
“proficient” under the old standard math, under the new regime only get it right within Achievement First.
would often still need to take 76 percent scored proficient in
On what could have been a grim
remedial courses before they math. In English Language Arts,
day for Achievement First, the day
could start college. When they the old regime would have meant
we received our lower scores will
raised the standard, scores across 83 percent of our elementary
likely prove to be one of the most
the state—and at Achievement school students were proficient.
crucial turning points for us as
First—plummeted. The new bar revealed a new,
an organization. Now more than
brutal fact: only 46 percent of
We applaud the political courage ever, we are laser-focused on
our elementary students had the
of the education commissioner helping our students get the great,
reading skills they need.
and Board of Regents and think gap-closing education they need
this was exactly the right thing to Many organizations experience and deserve.

Principal: Stacey Park
Opened: August 2006
Grades: K to 4
Number of Students: 426

percent of team members feel their
colleagues are committed to doing
top-quality work

In addition to offering The college graduating

afterschool drama class of 2022 (fourth
club, martial arts, chorus, graders) took their first
yoga, soccer, French trip to SUNY Albany
and Spanish classes, and experienced a mock
the school has partnered class in a lecture hall,
with The Piano School of had lunch in the school
New York to offer piano cafeteria and toured one
lessons to students of the dorms
Principal: Hilary Cymrot Principal: Marin Smith
Opened: August 2005 Opened: August 2005
Grades: K to 4 Grades: K to 4
Number of Students: 431 Number of Students: 415

100% 99.7% 100

percent of team members say
they are personally contributing
to Achievement First’s mission
of team members feel of families agree that
that their professional the school has very high Students, staff and The school achieved
growth is encouraged academic standards and parents participate in major math gains
and supported a rigorous curriculum a school-wide on the Terra Nova test,

REACH a nationally normed

standardized test used to
of families agree that their assembly every four
evaluate math achievement
child goes to a great school weeks to highlight the
in grades K-2, doubling
monthly service
scores in second grade
project and celebrate
and significantly increasing
homework and
scores in kindergarten
attendance awards
Principal: Gina Ribiero Principal: Jabari Sims
Opened: August 2008 Opened: August 2010
Grades: K to 3 Grades: K to 1
Number of Students: 340 Number of Students: 179

93% of students The school had 100% percent of parents have already
in the founding class parent attendance for fall volunteered at least twice at
of 2024 now read at report card conferences, the school during the first three
or above grade level, giving every family the months of the academic year
with 60% at least a opportunity to discuss student
year above grade level, progress in all academic Every six weeks, students The school has
despite having entered areas, and every teacher the focus on a particular partnered with
first grade with only 6% opportunity to learn more REACH value; in its first Fit4Life
reading at grade level about the students cycle as a new school this
year, 80 percent of students
The school’s family leadership council, teachers and to provide daily
demonstrated mastery of the
students work together to host three school-wide Arts Capoeira classes for
“Respect” value, as assessed
and Culture Nights each year, where children have the its kindergarteners
by classroom observations
opportunity to show their skills in music, dance and art and first graders
ACHIEVEMENT FIRST Principal: Amy D’Angelo
BUSHWICK middle Opened: August 2007
Grades: 5 to 8

Seventh graders
Number of Students: 333
closed the
percent of team members
feel that the principal values
gap in math,
scoring higher than
98% 99%
student teacher
and creates a culture of affluent Scarsdale
attendance attendance
great teaching

ACHIEVEMENT FIRST Principal: David Hardy

EASt NEW YORK Opened: August 2009
Grades: 5 to 6
Number of Students: 174

The school ranked

Students performed The Lion King at
the end of the year and have taken
of parents believe that First Place in spoken
and #2 in the AF-wide their student attends a word competitions
Spelling Bee great school throughout New York City
ACHIEVEMENT FIRST Students in the orchestra program practice
intensively during and after school to prepare for
CROWN HEIGHTS performances at the school’s Black History Month
celebration, the Crown Heights Affair school assembly
MIDDLE and off-campus venues like Lincoln Center

Principal: Wells Blanchard The lower school Math Team Students can participate in
competed in the Charter a variety of enrichment and
Opened: August 2005 School Math League, taking extracurricular
Grades: 5 to 8 First Place in the activities, including step team,
individual and team categories basketball, photography, dance,
Number of Students: 296 track and chess

ACHIEVEMENT FIRST All students participate in 60 minutes of Life

seminars and a 45-minute community circle each week
ENDEAVOR MIDDLE where teachers introduce real-life examples of REACH
in action

Principal: Tom Kaiser Book clubs, literature Teachers and school leaders log
circles and guided at least five calls to every parent
Opened: August 2006 reading groups provide an each week to provide status
Grades: 5 to 8 additional 45 to 90 minutes updates on student behavior and
of reading per day to academic performance and build
Number of Students: 304 an already rigorous strong relationships
English Language Arts with the greater AF Endeavor family
*CSD 17 and state values are from 2008-09 (since 2009-10 values
are not yet publicly available)
REACH Respect Enthusiasm Achi


Unwavering Focus on First school leaders train for and after school, an average of our goal; what is important is
Student Achievement an entire year before launching one to two hours of homework how well students master the
All Achievement First teachers a new school, and all new is assigned per night, and an essential knowledge and skills.
and principals are focused Achievement First teachers intensive independent reading
Strategic Use of Data and
on completely closing the participate in nearly three weeks program is prioritized so that
Interventions for Struggling
achievement gap for our of professional development. students READ, READ, READ
students, and student Achievement First schools both at home and at school.
Every six weeks, Achievement
performance is the chief factor release early on Fridays to In addition, the Achievement
First teachers give interim
in school, principal and teacher provide two additional hours of First school year is at least two
assessments (IAs) that measure
evaluations. staff meeting and learning time. weeks longer than the traditional
whether students have actually
Every Achievement First teacher school year. Over the course of
Talent Development mastered what we have taught
has a coach (a principal, dean a K to 12 education, this extra
Achievement First firmly them. These results are then
or master teacher) who meets time amounts to one additional
believes that the most important uploaded to AF Athena, a
with them at least once every year of instruction.
determinant of student custom-built assessment
two weeks to provide individual
achievement is the quality of Rigorous Curriculum system. Teachers and principals
coaching and support.
the teacher in the classroom. Achievement First outlines the spend a Data Day after each
Likewise, the quality of school More Time on Task ambitious academic standards IA dedicated to reviewing the
leaders is the most important The Achievement First school that all Achievement First individual assessments and
driver of teacher success. day is nearly two hours longer students are expected to together creating data-driven
Achievement First goes to great than the traditional public school master at each grade level, instructional plans that target
lengths to recruit, develop, day, allowing many students to so that success in one grade whole class, small group and
recognize and retain a team of have two reading classes and can be seamlessly built on in one-on-one instruction to
talented teachers and school an extended math class every the next. Teachers understand address any gaps in student
leaders. All new Achievement day. Tutoring is available during that “covering material” is not learning.
evement Citizenship Hard Work

Strong School Culture

Immediately upon entering an James Q. Wilson’s “broken Teachers know and care: Uniforms: All Achievement First
Achievement First school, windows” theory that even small Achievement First schools are students wear their school’s
you can feel a sense of urgency, details can have a significant small learning communities in chosen uniform.
order, focus and joy. Key effect on overall culture, and we which all teachers and leaders
Joy factor: Achievement First
elements of Achievement First’s believe that students will rise to know the names of all students.
believes that great education
school culture include the level of expectations adults Every Achievement First school
should be rigorous AND fun,
the following: have for them. has some form of advisory
challenging AND engaging,
program so that teachers are
Commitment to character College focus: The message structured AND joyful. In fact,
able to develop meaningful
education: All students live by at Achievement First schools we coach teachers to ensure
relationships with each student
the REACH values (Respect, is that all students are going to that the J-Factor (the “joy
in their advisory.
Enthusiasm, Achievement, college. We continuously expose factor”) is high in every class
Citizenship and Hard Work). Our students to college—all of our Parents as partners: At and dominates regular school-
goal is to develop well-rounded classrooms are named after Achievement First schools, wide celebrations. Students are
students, and we teach these universities, and students make parents, students and leaders frequently and systematically
character values as explicitly as field trips to college campuses, all sign a contract that outlines recognized for academic
we teach academics. hear speakers talk about college, their shared commitment to hard achievement and good behavior.
write research papers on work and consistent support of
Sweating the small stuff: In
colleges and, most important, one another. While this contract
many urban schools, teachers
master a college-preparatory is not legally binding, it is an
and leaders “pick their battles,”
curriculum. From the moment important symbolic commitment
only addressing egregious
our students arrive, they know and plays an integral role in
instances of poor behavior.
what year they are expected strengthening the relationship
Achievement First, on the other
to graduate from college (our between parents and the school.
hand, has adopted sociologist
current kindergarteners are
known as the “Class of 2027”).

Our Network Finances Network Expenses

(2009-10 unaudited financials)

Management Fees 4,142,953
Philanthropy 4,158,198
Other 284,570
Total Revenues 8,585,721
Expenses 24%
Personnel Expenses 6,412,564
Non-personnel Expenses 2,058,142
Total Expenses (before depreciation) 8,470,706
Surplus/(Deficit) (before depreciation) 115,014

Depreciation Expense 239,871 19%

Surplus/(Deficit) (after depreciation) (124,857) 22%
Revenues 1,021,801
Expenses 950,656
Surplus/(Deficit) 71,145

Curriculum, Prof. Dev. & School Support

Talent Development & Recruiting
*Athena™ is Achievement First’s custom-built, web-based interim assessment
platform, providing performance data analysis and knowledge management General, Administrative & FInancial
for teachers and school leaders to create data-driven instructional battle plans
Development & Community Relations
as they help every student climb the mountain to college. Athena is a stand-
alone software platform that is independently managed by Achievement First’s Operations & IT
Network Support team.

President Barack Obama got this

one exactly right when he said
that whoever “out-educates us
today is going to out-compete
us tomorrow.”
Thomas Friedman, The New York Times
America’s GDP would have been
$2.3 trillion higher in 2008 if we
had closed the gap in educational
performance between ourselves
and nations like Finland and Korea.
McKinsey & CoMPANY

Our School Finances

(All figures are from 2008-09 when the latest district data was available)


Achievement First Model Achievement First Model

Achievement First operates college-preparatory public Revenue, Philanthropy

charter schools at a per-student cost equal to or less Revenue, Federal
than its host public school districts in New York and
Revenue, State and District
Facility Operating Expenses
*Host district per-pupil data is based on 2008-09 budgets. The amount was Non-Personnel, Non-Program Expenses
adjusted to control for expenses provided in-kind to Achievemet First, such as
facilities, food service and transportation.
Non-Personnel, Program Expenses
Personnel Expenses
Host District Expenses
Design: Pentagram Photograph: Peter Mauss, Esto


+··Our spectacular 190,000- The certificate of occupancy
square-foot Brooklyn high was received in December
Achievement First has surpassed one school facility opened in 2009 and AF Endeavor Middle
million square feet of space dedicated August 2010. The space moved into the facility in
is shared with Uncommon February 2010. Of particular
for educational use across our network. Schools, a cousin charter note are the spectacular fourth-
Providing suitable facilities is a constant management organization. floor, two-story library and
This facility looks and feels incredible seventh-floor rooftop
challenge for all public charter schools, highly collegiate and does not play field overlooking Brooklyn.
and Achievement First has made miss a single opportunity to This $55 million project was
provide inspiration for students built in partnership with the
great progress toward meeting this on their way to college. This New York City Department of
goal. Our facilities success is possible incredible property was made Education and Civic Builders.
possible by the generosity of
through generous support from donors, the Robin Hood Foundation in +··Our remaining New York
partnership with the New York schools continue to occupy
cooperative partnerships with local facilities provided by the
City Department of Education.
school districts and effective assistance New York City Department
+··Construction was completed of Education, thanks to the
from support organizations. in Brooklyn on the Waverly
strong support of public
building which is home to
charter schools by Chancellor
AF Endeavor Middle and our
Joel Klein and Mayor Michael
Achievement First Network
Support offices for New York. Bloomberg.

+··Construction began at the boilers were replaced with more home for AF Hartford Academy Bridgeport Academy Elementary.
former Dwight School at 130 efficient models, a chiller was Elementary and Middle. This The first class of kindergarteners
Edgewood Avenue in New added to provide much-needed year, Achievement First and arrived in August 2010. Through
Haven. This will become the air conditioning during Summer Hartford Public Schools these renovations, Achievement
permanent home for Amistad Academy and the drafty together invested a total of First put a strong emphasis on
Academy Elementary and windows were replaced. This $1.2 million into the building local hiring and is proud to report
Middle. The $32 million project $1.4 million capital investment to bring it up to current code, that 40 percent of the hard
includes renovation of the will reduce the ongoing reconfigure space to meet our construction costs went directly
former school and construction operating costs of the building programmatic needs and infuse to Bridgeport-based businesses.
of a two-story addition. Funding and will provide a higher quality, the building with Achievement
has been provided through more comfortable learning First personality. The building
+··We have started design work
to add a new gymnasium to AF
private support and a $24 million environment for our students opened for our middle school
Bridgeport Academy Middle,
state grant, the first of its kind year-round. in August 2010, with a second
located at 529 Noble Avenue.
for a public charter school round of renovations planned to
in Connecticut. The building
+··Achievement First partnered ready space on the second floor
Currently, these students do
with Hartford Public Schools not have an indoor recreation
is on schedule to open in for our elementary school to join
to renovate the Lewis Fox area nor is there any assembly
August 2011. in July 2011.
Middle School located at space that can fit the entire
+··Elm City College Preparatory 305 Greenfield Street. This +··We purchased the former student body. We anticipate that
Middle in New Haven received building has great common Garfield School at 655 construction will begin in the
an HVAC upgrade, masonry spaces—including two full-size Stillman Street from the City of spring of 2011.
repairs and replacement gyms and an auditorium—and Bridgeport and renovated the
windows this summer. The old will serve as the permanent space to make it ready for AF
We are profoundly grateful and appreciative of the support displayed by
our many benefactors. Your gifts sustain and inspire our aspiring students
and dedicated teachers. Thank you!

Individuals Barry and Pamela Fingerhut Richard and Jane Levin Mark Shufro

Bruce and Christine Alexander Catherine Frantzis David Levinson Constance Silver

Steve Anbinder Denise Gallucci Dr. Benjamin and Mrs. Ruth Littman Bruce and Pamela Simonds

Dave Anderson Lyn Gammill Walker Schuyler Livingston Benjamin Smeal

Anonymous Viral Gandhi Kevin and Erika Long Christopher Sommers

Elaine Appellof and Jerry Saunders Isaac Gerber Henry Lord Andrew Stark

Dr. Walter and Mrs. Diane Ariker Chris and Toddie Getman Richard and Katherine Loughlin John and Susan Steuer

Mary Arnstein Frank and Marjorie Gillis Matthew Lucke Dana and Mary Streep

Avlyn Ashterman-Reece Lynn and Thomas Goldberg Robert and Ann Lyons Lawrence and Joyce Stupski

Jon Atkeson Edwin Goodman Leora Magier David Sullivan

Rhett Austell William and Jean Graustein Stephen and Susan Mandel Anne Summers

Martha Banks Adam and Carolyn Greene Joan McCabe Patricia and Stedman Sweet

Morgan Barth Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Greenfield Grant McCracken Zebulon C. Taintor

Richard and Ilene Barth Charles and Melinda Greenlee Paul and Cynthia McCraven Matthew Tartaglia

Gary and Myrna Baskin Josh Greenman Ian and Sonnet McKinnon David Tattan

Jonathan Beane Geoff and Sheri Griffin Daniel G. McMahon Holland Taylor

Dr. Eric and Mrs. Ethel Berger Michael D. Griffin and Molly Butler Hart Rachel Meisel David Tepperman

William R. Berkley Daniel and Lesley Groff Robert Meissner Ben Thomases

Beverly Beutel Harriett Guin-Kittner Margaret Moers Wenig Christopher and Shirley Toll

Diahann Billings-Burford Allen Hadelman Emerson Moore Daniel Toll

Andrew and Carol Boas Todd Halky William B. Morris Mike and Monica Toll

Doug Borchard Marnie Halsey John Motley Dacia Toll and Jeffrey Klaus

Jonathan Brandt John and Joanna Hamby Wiley Mullins Ellen Torrance

Harold and Rachel Brooks Aaron Hamer Jeffrey Myers Kenneth and Kathleen Tropin

Robert and Holly Burt Jim and Melinda Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Netter Alexander and Dale Troy

Julie Burton and George G. Sharrard Taylor and Amy Harmeling David Newton Michael S. Van Leesten

Guido and Anne Calabresi Mike Harris Harold and Sandra Noborikawa Lee Vance and Cynthia King

Henry Clark III Steven Harris Kenneth Oba Catherine Vaughn

Thomas Cody Steven and Marilyn Hart Brian and Jill Olson Jay Vetter

David L. Cohen Elizabeth Hartzell Peter and Beverly Orthwein Steven Vetter

Justin Cohen Darrell Harvey Sharon Oster and Raymond Fair Kelly Wachowicz

Richard and Ann Cohen Jonathan Hayes Tricia Pacelli and Eric Wepsic Giselle Wagner and Paul Myerson

William Cohen William and Judy Heins Colleen Palmer Clifford L. Wald

Brian Cole Malda Hibri Susan Parente Mark Weissler and Nancy Voye

Brooke A. Connolly Alexis N. Highsmith Patricia Pierce and Marc Rubenstein Malcolm and Carolyn Wiener

Michael and Joyce Critelli Carlton and Letamarie Highsmith Josh and Sharon Polan Tiger and Caroline Williams

William Curran Dick and Angelica Hinchcliff Maury Povich and Constance Chung Edward and Martha Winnick

Sarah Curtis-Bey Kenneth M. Hirsh Edward Raice Richard Witmer

Kevin and Katrin Czinger Norman and Sandra Jellinghaus William Reese and Dorothy Hurt Hope Woodhouse and Richard Canty

Tony Davis and Suzy Franczak Jeff Johnston-Keisling Patricia Rehfield Rolan Young

Nancy DeLisi Richard and Lydia Kalt Lystra and Renelle Richardson Roland and Dona Young

Milton and Margaret DeVane Shelly and Michael Kassen Morgan Rodd David Zussman

Carolyn Downey Jean Kelley Gerald Rosenberg and Cheryl Wiesenfeld

Mary Kelly Karl and Elaine Rosenberger
Susan B. and Thomas Dunn
Blue State Coffee, LLC
Meyer Dworkin Dorsey Kendrick Harvey and Diane Ruben
Chapel Construction of New Haven, Inc.
Andrew and Eileen Eder Shannon Kete Marshall Ruben and Carolyn Greenspan
Clasp Homes
David and Cindy Eigen Dr. Richard Kiley Alan and Mally Rutkoff
Eaton Corporation
Dr. Steven Eisen and Dr. Emily Littman-Eisen John and Barbara Kimberly Jonathan Sackler and Mary Corson
Greenlight Capital
Emily Eisenlohr Charles and Gretchen Kingsley Michael and Virginia Sarezky
Merck Partnership For Giving
Greg Eisner Matt Klein Ken and Laura Saverin
Monitor Company Group, LP
Martin Erb Herbert Kohler Jr. Lawrence and Gloria Schaffer
Newman Architects
Jim Essey Harvey Koizim Anne Schenck
The Wave, Inc.
Daniel and Elizabeth Esty Carol Kranowitz Jennifer L. Schiff
Williams Trading
John and Katharine Esty Andrew Lachman and Ruth Messinger Rebecca Schiller
Wyeth Corporation
Kelly Evans Jean LaVecchia Gabriel Schwartz
Yale New Haven Hospital
Susan Evans John and Amanda Layng Jon Schwartz
Yale University
Eric and Anne Ferguson Robert Lebby Byron Scott
Yannix Management, LP
Richard and Marissa Ferguson Ira Lederman William Shaw
William and Kate Lee Sarah Sherwood
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Carnegie Corporation
Carson Family Charitable Trust
Casey Family Services
Cerimon Fund
Charles Hayden Foundation
Charter School Growth Fund
Clark Foundation
Credit Suisse Americas Foundation
Ensworth Charitable Trust
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
Fairfield County Community Foundation
Frederick DeLuca Foundation
Fund for Greater Hartford
George A. and Grace L. Long Foundation
H. A. Vance Foundation
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
Henry E. and Nancy Horton Bartels Trust
Hoop-A-Paluza Foundation
Jana Foundation
Jericho Leiserach Trust
Kirby Family Foundation
Lindmor Foundation Fund
Lone Pine Foundation
Near & Far Aid Association, Inc.
New Profit
NewAlliance Foundation
Newman’s Own Foundation
Northeast Utilities Foundation, Inc.
People’s United Community Foundation
Robertson Foundation
Robin Hood Foundation
Shippy Foundation
Silverleaf Foundation
The Achelis Foundation
The Andrew and Barbara Bangser Charitable Foundation
The Annie E. Casey Foundation
The Bank of America Foundation
The Charter Oak Challenge Foundation
The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven
The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation
The Leo and Libby Nevas Family Foundation
The Louis Calder Foundation
The Moody’s Foundation
The Ohnell Family Foundation, Inc.
The Peter and Carmen Lucia Buck Foundation
The Pitney Bowes Foundation, Inc.
The Schwedel Foundation
The Seedlings Foundation
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
The William H. Pitt Foundation
Tiger Foundation
Tortora-Sillcox Family Foundation
Woodward Fund

We are recognizing gifts of $100 or greater received

between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010.
It is intolerable that
in America today a
bouncing bingo ball
should determine
a kid’s educational
future, especially
when there are
plenty of schools
that work and
even more that are
getting better.

Thomas Friedman
The New York Times
BOARDs of directors
Achievement First Network Achievement First Bridgeport Achievement First East New York Amistad Academy
Support Board Academy Anthony Davis Chair Anchorage Capital Group, Alexander Troy Chair Troy Capital, LLC, CEO
William R. Berkley Chair W.R. Berkley Andrew Boas Chair Carl Marks Management LLC, President Michael Van Leesten Vice Chair Hopkins
Corporation, Chairman and CEO Co., LP, General Partner Jonathan Atkeson Treasurer Fortress School, Director – Breakthrough New Haven and
Steve Anbinder Treasurer First Marblehead, Max Perez Secretary City of Bridgeport, Investment Group, Managing Director Math Teacher
Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors Senior Economic Development Associate Diahann Billings-Burford City of New York, Jane Levin Secretary Yale University, Director
Andrew Boas Carl Marks Management Co., LP, Ed Raice Treasurer Raice & Ramaekers LLC, Chief Service Officer of Undergraduate Studies of Directed Studies
General Partner Principal J. Colin Gibson Citi Global Wealth Management, Michael D. Griffin Treasurer Warmaug
Doug Borchard New Profit, Inc., Managing Shelly Kassen Town of Westport, Selectman Director Associates, CEO
Partner and Chief Operating Officer Richard Ferguson Newcity Foundation Aaron Koffman The Hudson Companies, Senior Anne Tyler Calabresi Community Activist
Barry Fingerhut Fingerhut Management Corp., Richard Kalt CRN International, Inc., Vice Project Manager Katrin Czinger Philanthropist
Director President Sara Keenan Achievement First, Vice President, Mayor John Destefano Jr. Board of Education
Carlton L. Highsmith Specialized Packaging Max Medina Zeldes, Needle & Cooper, P.C., Leadership Development Representative
Group, CEO (retired) Partner Marsha Lawson Parent Representative Lorraine Gibbons Parent Representative
James Peyser NewSchools Venture Fund, Partner Wiley Mullins Uncle Wiley’s Specialty Foods, Inc., Melaine Mullan Turnaround for Children, Inc., VP Kurtis Ingdorf Teacher Representative
Stefan Pryor City of Newark, Deputy Mayor, President of Field Operations Judge Clarance Jones Board Emeritus
Commerce & Economic Development Emily Saunders Teacher Representative Cathy Mitchell Toren The Roosevelt Institute, Dorsey Kendrick Gateway Community College,
Jon D. Sackler Bouncer Foundation, President Vice President, Director of External Affairs and President
Jennifer Smith Turner Girl Scouts of Connecticut, Achievement First Bushwick Development Andrew Lachman Connecticut Center for School
CEO Deborah Shanley Chair Brooklyn College, Matt Tartaglia Deloitte Services LP, Director Change, Executive Director
School of Education, Dean Paul McCraven New Alliance Bank, Senior Vice
Achievement First Apollo Jalak Jobanputra Secretary New York City Achievement First Endeavor President
Wanda Felton Chair Private Equity Consulting,
Investment Fund, Senior Vice President Claire Robinson Chair Moody’s Corporation, Beverly Orthwein Community Activist
Emerson Moore Treasurer TMP Worldwide, Senior Managing Director Ray Smith Board Emeritus
Denise Gordon Vice Chair Deloitte & Touche
General Counsel Frances Messano Secretary Monitor Group, Caroline Williams Event Coordinator
LLP, US Director of Human Resources
Iris Chen I Have a Dream Foundation, CEO/ Consultant
Hasoni Pratts Treasurer Empire State
President Sarah Curtis Bey Treasurer Estee Lauder,
Elm City College Preparatory
Development Corp., Director of External Relations Richard Ferguson Chair Newcity Foundation
Harris Ferrell Achievement First, Chief Information Director Global Makeup Marketing
Mashea Ashton Newark Charter School Fund, Melinda Hamilton Vice Chair Trilogy
Officer Khephra Burns Author and Playwright
Chief Executive Officer Enterprises, Retired
Malda Hibri Highbridge Capital Management, Justin Cohen Eton Park Capital Management,
Jonathan Beane Time Warner, Executive Director, Lystra M. Richardson Secretary Southern
LLC, Senior Vice President Investment Analyst
Diversity and Multicultural Initiatives Connecticut State University, Professor –
Shannon Kete Project Lead the Way, Chief Chris Growney Clearwater Analytics, Co-Founder
Matt Klein Blue Ridge Foundation, Executive Department of Educational Leadership
Operating Officer and Vice President of Business Development
Director William F. Heins Treasurer Private Investor
Judith M. Rodriguez NYC Comptroller’s Office, Elana Karopkin Achievement First, Regional
Patricia Pacelli New York City Harold Brooks Parent Representative
Community Associate Superintendent
Lesley Esters Redwine Achievement First, Vice Joyce Critelli Community Activist
Shaka Rasheed Citadel Asset Management,
President of External Relations – NY Carolyn Greenspan Blue State Coffee, CFO
Achievement First Director (chair through 1/2010)
Allen Hadelman Hadley, Inc., President
Achievement First Brownsville Crown Heights May Taliaferrow-Mosleh Parent Representative
Marnie Halsey Education Reform Advocate
Hon. L. Priscilla Hall Chair Supreme Court of
Kelly Wachowicz Chair Real Estate Investment
Hadley Kornacki Teacher Representative
Group, Alliance Bernstein, COO
the State of New York Appellate Division, Second Achievement First Hartford
M. Ann Levett Board of Education Representative
Lee Gelernt Secretary ACLU Immigrants’
Judicial Department, Justice Academy
Sharon Oster Yale School of Management, Dean
Holly Washington Secretary JP Morgan, Steve Harris Chair Community Leader
Rights Project, Deputy Director
Patricia Pierce Yale University, Major Gifts Senior
Vice President Marshall Ruben Vice Chair Ruben, Johnson
Chrystal Stokes Williams Treasurer
Associate Director
Gabriel Schwartz Treasurer Davidson & Morgan, P.C., President
American Express Company, Director
Laura Saverin Community Activist
Kempner Capital Management, LLC, Managing Colleen Palmer Secretary Monroe Public
Elgina Brooks Parent Representative
Rolan Young Berchem, Moses & Devlin, P.C.,
Director Schools, Superintendent
Vanessa Jackson Achievement First, Director,
Senior Partner
Vivian Lau Serengeti Asset Management, Partner John Motley Treasurer MotleyBeup, Owner
College Readiness
Ethel Phillips Parent Representative Dominic Basile Teacher Representative
Max Polaner Achievement First, Chief Financial
Christopher Sommers Greenlight Capital, Analyst Tom Cody Robinson & Cole, Partner
Dacia Toll Achievement First, Co-CEO and Denise Gallucci CREC, General Director of
Amy Arthur Samuels JP Morgan, Vice President
President Magnet Schools
Elizabeth Ward New York City Ja Hannah Parent Representative
Alexis Highsmith Greater Hartford Legal Aid, Inc.,
Jean LaVecchia Northeast Utilities System, Vice
President – Human Resources and Ethics

We are including individuals who served on our

boards between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010.
CT Office
403 James Street
New Haven, CT 06513
NY Office
510 Waverly Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11238

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