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A Story About the Coronavirus

for IEA Students

BY: Mrs. Ciobotaru
(with some help from Various Internet sources for Pictures & Ideas)
Hi Students!
So this germ below is named the
Coronavirus. Also called COVID-
Here’s a little story just for you
to help you understand more
about it.

This little germ loves to travel

when people cough, sneeze or
give high fives.
It travels pretty quickly which is
why we all are trying to be extra
careful and why adults might
sometimes look a little worried.
Have you heard about this
How does it make you feel?
People that catch this germ may have different symptoms..
Some may feel fine and others may cough, get a fever, or have
shortness of breath.
When someone feels sick they can stay home and rest so they can
get better.
Eating soup, drinking juice, taking medicine, and resting all can help
someone to feel better.
If someone feels very sick, they can go see a doctor or go to a
hospital to help them to feel better.
Don’t worry, there are lots of things we can all do to help this
germ from spreading!

Washing your hands with warm soapy water is a great thing to do

to keep yourself healthy. You can sing a song while you wash like
“Happy Birthday” to make sure you wash for long enough!

Other things are making sure you get enough rest, exercise, and
healthy food everyday!
The other thing we are doing is practicing social distancing… this
means keeping a safe amount of space between us and others so
that we can stop that Coronavirus germ in its tracks giving it
nowhere to go! So that everyone can stay healthy!
Social distancing does mean that we need to keep school closed for
a while. The school is getting nice and clean for your return and
in the meantime you’ll get to see your friends and teachers through
video chatting, which is actually pretty fun!
While you're home there are lots of things you can do with your

What do you like to do when your home?

Remember we are all going through this together and although
things feel a little different now, we’re all going to be ok!

Also know your IEA school staff is only an email or a phone call
We miss you and hope to see you soon!

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