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Meghan Stover

ED 322

Compassionate Philosophy

As a teacher, I deeply care about the education a child receives in the classroom. My

teaching philosophy touches on aspects of education such as learning environments, equal

opportunities, student interest, and learning styles.

Although there are many important aspects of education, I will start with one of the most

important to myself. This is the way a learning environment is set up in the classroom. I am a

firm believer that the learning environment has a substantial amount of influence on a student’s

learning. That being said, a classroom learning environment should be relaxing, flexible and

suitable for any student of any needs. My classroom will be all of these things. My goal is to

create an area that encourages students to learn and interact all while feeling safe and

comfortable. This is going to be a place where students can grow physically, mentally,

emotionally, and socially. I will provide area for students who may need extra physical

assistance, or access to the door. All students should have an equal opportunity for learning,

comfort, and safeness. An article on Teach Hub, I read a piece by Janelle Cox that states,

“According to a recent study at the University of Salford,

a well-designed classroom can boost student performance

by 25 percent. That means that your classroom design

can have a significant impact on your students’ performance.”

Every student has equal and fair opportunities for learning in my classroom.

Accommodations and modifications will be determined and welcomed for any student who may

need such assistants in my classroom.

I believe a child should be able to have an opinion on what they are taught and how they

are taught. As a teacher, my goa0l is to incorporate the interest of students into our learning goals

and targets. By using district, state, and common core standards, I have hopes that the desires

students have for learning, are met in a pleasurable, cooperative, interactive way.

Students will be able to discover their desired learning style in my classroom. The

curriculum with be presented with each learning style in order to benefit all students in the

classroom. From an article called Learning Styles, it states:

“It is important for educators to understand the differences in their students’

learning styles, so that they can implement best practice strategies into their
daily activities, curriculum and assessments.”

Students will be able to reach their full potential, as I have the highest of expectations of

each and every one of my students.

My ultimate goal as an educator is to be able to meet all that I have mentioned above.

Through experience, teacher development, and undergrad experiences, I believe my teaching

philosophy will help me be the best teacher I can be, in order to benefit the students.

I based my Compassionate Philosophy off of the experience I have had so far in the

classroom. I have been a substitute for about 2 years now, and have had a wide range of age

groups. I have also had many hours observing teachers, therefore have discovered many

important characteristics of being the best classroom teacher you can be for the students.

Cox, J. (n.d.). Classroom Management for an Effective Learning Environment. Retrieved

November 11, 30, from

T. (n.d.). Learning Styles. Retrieved November 30, 18, from


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