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A CounterClaim is a

statement the person

arguing against you
would say.
Today you will learn about
the Counter-Reformation: how
the Catholic Church tried to
stop the Protestant
Remember: Protestants were
protesting the Catholic Church
They wanted to reform or change
the corrupt policies the Catholic
Church was practicing.
Go to Google Classroom or my
Resource Website and open the
Counter Reformation Info Check

List 1 reason Protestants wanted to

change the Catholic Church
After Martin Luther wrote
his 95 Theses or list of
complaints about the Church,
other joined his efforts.

The Catholic Church had a lot to say about what was

happening. They did NOT like that people were starting to
question the Church!
How DARE they!

The Council of Trent: A meeting of Catholic Church leaders in

1545 to fix the corruption in the Catholic Church.

The Church started the Counter-Reformation with the


They fixed some of the issues that Martin Luther and other
Protestants called out,


The council rejected the idea of salvation by faith alone,

solidified the idea of salvation by good works, and that only
Church officials can interpret the Bible. Fun fact: the Church also started the Roman
Inquisition: they quizzed people on their Catholic
Martin Luther then had to REFUT E what the Catholic Church knowledge to make sure they were true believer.
argued. Those that failed were burned at the stake.
A CounterClaim is a
statement the person
arguing against you
would say.
We need to think about
the opposing side’s
counterclaim so we can
prepare a defense!
For example: What
would Dr. Felch’s
counter-claim be if you
wanted to get rid of
school uniforms?
What would Seaworld say about
my statement + reason “Whales
and dolphins do not belong in
captivity. Orcas in particular are
too intelligent and social to be
happy and healthy in captivity.”
Martin Luther’s argument is:
Europeans should break away from the Catholic
Church. The Catholic Church was not following the
true laws of God. According to the 95 Theses, “all
Christians should read the Bible themselves to go to
heaven.” Christians need to change the Catholic
Church to be more aligned with what the Bible
What would be the
Catholic Church’s
Answer on the Info
Remember: we learn about the past to
make changes to our world today.

Think: how could Martin Luther and other

Protestants have prepared for the
Counter-Reformation? What should they do
This Slideshow will be posted on my
website under the Reformation Tab

Make sure to take the

Counter-Reformation Info Check!

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