Lesson 5 The Baptism of Jesus

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Lesson | Date: March 26th

Story of the Day: The Baptism of Jesus

● Telephone
● Secret Dancer-one person leaves the room, and the group has one person leading
dance moves, everyone follows the leader. When the person comes back in the room,
they have to guess who the secret leader is.
● Baptism Tag-Baptism tag is very similar to Freeze tag, but when you get tagged, ‘John
the Baptist’ will come and “free you from your sins”, and you can continue playing.
Opening Prayer

Groups 1 and 2 Lesson

Story: Luke 3:21-22
John, the specially promised son of Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth, was now an adult and
lived in the wilderness. He wore camel hair as clothes, a leather belt, and ate locusts and wild
He preached to people on both sides of the Jordan River. He told them that they should
be baptized to show that they were sorry for their sins and that they turned to God. John
baptized people in the Jordan river. He told them that he baptized them with water but that
Someone would come after him and baptize them with the Holy Spirit. This man was so
important that he, John, was not even worthy of untying the straps of His sandals.
One day, Jesus arrived there, asking John to baptize Him as well. At first, John did not
want to do it. “I am the one who should be baptized by You!” He said, “So why are you coming
to me?”
But when Jesus insisted, John did baptize Him. Everyone present heard a voice from
heaven saying, “You are my dearly loved Son, and You bring Me great joy.”

Story Discussion:
● What do you think John was like? What did he look like? What did he wear? (Long
beard, camel hair clothing, no shoes, ate locusts and wild honey, lived in the wilderness
for years, faithful, prayerful, Holy man.)
● How were John and Jesus obedient to God?
● Why did Jesus need to be baptized? (To bless the water, to lead by example, to teach
how to be the most ready for heaven).
● What came down upon Jesus after He was baptized? And who spoke after He was
● Has anyone ever seen a baptism before? What happens? What is all used for
● Did you know that when you are baptized, the Holy Spirit marks your soul permanently,
which makes you a child of God. By being baptized you are being brought into the
Kingdom of God.
● Reflection: Find a space in the room, by yourself, separate from any distractions. Get
comfortable, close your eyes, and answer these questions in your own mind. Imagine
Jesus walking toward you right now. What does He look like? Think about His hair,
eyes, smile, nose, and outfit even. Did you hug Him? Has He said anything to you?
Now, while you’re with Jesus, think of times where you have struggled or felt frustrated.
School? Fighting with siblings? Listening? Getting along with your parents? Sitting still?
Friends? Now imagine Jesus being with you in those situations. How is He helping you?
Where is He leading you? How can you be obedient to His call? Allow Jesus to work in
these parts of your lives, invite Him into your heart. Say it to Him in your mind, invite
Him in. Now tell Jesus any worries, anxieties, fears that you may have. Tell Him
something you’re excited for, something you’re thankful for. (Givea moment of silence.)
Now open your eyes. SHARE WHAT YOU SAW!
● Simon Says.

Group 3 Lesson
4:00 Opening Prayer-Lead by Youth
Story: Luke 3:21-22
John, the specially promised son of Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth, was now an adult and
lived in the wilderness. He wore camel hair as clothes, a leather belt, and ate locusts and wild
He preached to people on both sides of the Jordan River. He told them that they should
be baptized to show that they were sorry for their sins and that they turned to God. John
baptized people in the Jordan river. He told them that he baptized them with water but that
Someone would come after him and baptize them with the Holy Spirit. This man was so
important that he, John, was not even worthy of untying the straps of His sandals.
One day, Jesus arrived there, asking John to baptize Him as well. At first, John did not
want to do it. “I am the one who should be baptized by You!” He said, “So why are you coming
to me?”
But when Jesus insisted, John did baptize Him. Everyone present heard a voice from
heaven saying, “You are my dearly loved Son, and You bring Me great joy.”

Story discussion:
● What do you think John was like? What did he look like? What did he wear?
● Why was John chosen to prepare the way for Jesus? (Because John prepared their
hearts for Jesus to heal them. John created a pathway in their souls for Jesus to walk.
Just like when we are baptized, it is creating a way for God to be in our lives forever).
● Why did Jesus need to be baptized? (To bless the water, to lead by example, to teach
how to be the most ready for heaven.)
● Who came down upon Jesus and who spoke after Jesus was baptized?
● How were Jesus and John obedient to God?
● Do you think John knew that Jesus was the Messiah?
● Would you believe He was the Messiah if you were there?
● Has anyone ever seen a baptism before? What happens? What is all used for
● Did you know that when you are baptized, the Holy Spirit marks your soul permanently,
which makes you a child of God. By being baptized you are being brought into the
Kingdom of God.
● Reflection: Find a space in the room, by yourself, separate from any distractions. Get
comfortable, close your eyes, and answer these questions in your own mind. Imagine
Jesus walking toward you right now. What does He look like? Think about His hair,
eyes, smile, nose, and outfit even. Did you hug Him? Has He said anything to you?
Now, while you’re with Jesus, think of times where you have struggled or felt frustrated.
School? Fighting with siblings? Listening? Getting along with your parents? Sitting still?
Friends? Now imagine Jesus being with you in those situations. How is He helping you?
Where is He leading you? How can you be obedient to His call? Allow Jesus to work in
these parts of your lives, invite Him into your heart. Say it to Him in your mind, invite
Him in. Now tell Jesus any worries, anxieties, fears that you may have. Tell Him
something you’re excited for, something you’re thankful for. (Give a moment of silence.)
Now open your eyes. SHARE WHAT YOU SAW!
● Simon Says.

Closing Prayer and Intentions

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