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3ff-lICHE Date: 10/05/2014

L-3/T-t B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2012-2013

... Sub: CHE 303 (Mass Transfer I)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
_.~-~-_._----_ __ ._..__ ,- _. __ ._ _-_ _--_.-_ _ ~._ _ _ _._- _~_._-_._ __ .._ -_.__ ._ ..__ .._ -._ .._ - _-_ .._ __ _ ~_.._-_ __ .

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
- .
Assume reasonable value if additional data is required.
Notation/Symbol indicates its usual meaning ..

1. (a) Write a short note on 'Kremser Equation' of absorption-stripping indicating the

assumptions, applicability and advantages. (12)

(b) It is required to absorb C02 into water from a gas stream containing 90 mole%" N2 and

10 mole% C02. The inlet water is pure and is at 10°C. The operation can be assumed to

be isothermal and is at 10 atm pressure. If the liquid flow rate is 1.5 times the minimum

liquid flow rate, how many equilibrium stages are required to absorb 92% of the C02?

Choose a basis of Imole/hr of entering gas. Consider an equilibrium relationship of

y = 87.6x. (23)

2. (a) Make a comparison between 'Washing' and 'Leaching' on the basis of principle,

operation, equilibrium relationship and operating equation. (15)

(b) We wish to wash a solid-solution stream. A countercurrent washing system with
seven stages is used. The inlet solids flow is 10,000 kg/hr of dry solids. Each kilogram of
dry solids also entrains 4 liters of solution. Thus, total inlet feed is 10,000 kg solids plus
40,000 liters of solution. The inlet concentration of this entrained solution is 2. Wt%
NaOH and 98 wt% water. Pure water at a flow rate of 25,000 kg/hr is used for washing.
Assume that the liquid .density is constant at 1 kg/liter. What is the outlet concentration of

the NaOH in the overflow liquid? (20)

3. (a) Name three liquid-liquid extractors indicating their general features. (12)
(b) An 11.5 wt% mixture of acetic acid in water is to be extracted with pure I-butanol at
1 atm pressure and 26.7°Ctemperature in a four-stage cross-flow immiscible system. The
ratio of water to pure I-butanol flow rate is same for each stage and IS equal to 3.39.
Determine the outlet concentration of all streams. Assume that equilibrium follows

y = 1.613x relationship. (23)

Contd P/2


4. (a) Providing required explanation show graphically how the efficiency of a tray varies

with vapor velocity in the staged-column distillation. (8)

(b) Discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of sieve, bubble cap and valve

trays used in distillation column.


(c) Explain the importance~and use of O'Connell correlation. (5)

(d) Draw the diagram which can be used as a guide to select proper flow pattern for sieve trays. (5)

(e) Show different pressure heads on a sieve tray with a neat sketch. (5)

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) "Distillation, whether batch or continuous, is an equilibrium stage separation process"

- do you agree with this statement? Explain. (8)

(b) A mixture of n-butane, n-pentane, and n-hexane is at 120°F and 20 psia. Liquid and
vapor are in equilibrium. If the liquid is 0.13 mole fraction n-butane, find the

compositions ofliquid and vapor. (Use supplied De Priester chart). (12)

(c) A 50 wt% alcohol mixture is heated to 87°C and then allowed to separate into liquid
and vapor, what are the compositions of the two phases at equilibrium? Determine the
relative amounts of liquid and vapor. (Use the supplied enthalpy composition diagram at

1 kg/cm 2). (15)

6. (a) Draw the schematic diagram of a flash distillation system. Label the diagram and

describe the working principle. (10)

(b) A flash drum is to treat 1200 kg/hr of an ethanol~water mixture. The feed is 35 wt%
ethanol and is heated to 200°C. 'The flash drum operates at a pressure of 1 kg/cm . Find:

T drum, weig~t fractions of liquid and vapor products, and liquid and vapor flow rates. (25)
Given data:
CPL,EtOH = 37.96 at 100°C, kcal/kg moleoC

CPL,W= 18.0 kcal/kg-moleOC

Cpv , EtOH = 14.66 + 3.7588xlO T
C PV , W= 7.88 + 0.32xlO T

Both Cpv values are in kcal/kg moleoC, with Tin °C

PEtOH = 0.789 g/mL,pw = 1.0 gm/mL


AEtOH = 9.22 kcal/g-mole at 351.7 K and Aw = 9.717'kcal/g-mole at 373.16 K .

. (Use the supplied enthalpy composition diagram)

Contd P/3


7. A distillation column is separating methanol and water. The column has a partial reboiler,
a total condenser, and a saturated liquid reflux. The feed rate is 100 kg moleslhr, and feed
composition is 35 mole% methanol. The feed is a two-phase mixture that is 60% liquid
and 40% vapor and will be put into the column at the optimum feed plate. The distillate
composition is 0.92, and bottoms is 0.08 mole fraction methanol. CMO can be assumed.

Use an external reflux ratio of LID ==1.

(a) Find the optimum feed plate location and total number of equilibrium stages. (15)
(b) What is the vapor composition leaving the third equilibrium stage below the total

condenser? (10)
(c) If open steam (saturated) heating is used instead of partial reboiler, what would be the

8. (a) "Rayleigh equation is valid for both simple and multistage batch distillation" - is this

statement true? Explain. (10)

(b) What can be done if an existing batch system cannot produce the desired values of XD

and xw? Generate ideas for both operating and equipment changes. (10)
(c) What happens if we use (i) zero reflux; (ii) less than minimum reflux; (iii) total reflux

in distillation <?peration? Explain with the help of McCabe-Thiele diagram. (15)

--- - , .
'. ••
110 .- eo

•• 10
••to ••
200 •• • •••
•• •
250 •• ••
•• • • I.'
- .. ....'
300 i

•• • .
400 • • ,. .'
0 500 •• -• ....

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Q. o
~ 600
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.f Q.
If f
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1500 • .' "I-



2000 ,. .- .0'1

- ..,z ..

• . III .o't.., ~

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5000 ..•.., ~z

6000 z 8!!


Modified DePriester chart (in S.1. units) at low tempera-

tures. Fro~ D.B. Dadyburjor, Chem. Eng. Prog., 85,
April 1978. Copyright 1978, AIChE. Reproduced by
permission of the American Institute of Chemical

•.~"",~. '-,

Enthalpy-composition diagram for ethanol-water system at lkg/cm

, SDlld

0,2, 0.3 Q4 o.s QG 0,1 0.8

Conco-ntrollon of Alcohol, Weight '.rocllon

' .
L..3rr-lICHE Date: 17/05/2014
L-3/T-1 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2012.,.2013

Sub: CHE 307 (Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) How Henry's law is related to the Lewis-Randal rule through Gibbs-Duhem equation. (7)
(b) Derive the equations of Margules and VanLaar equations and describe the procedures
for evaluating the parameters of the two equations. (20)
(c) What is the heat effect when 150 Ibm of H2S04 is mixed with 350 Ibm of an aqueous

solution containing 25% wL H2S04 in an isothermal process at lOO°F? . (8)

2.. (a) Prove, that, II )i/ ]Vi =

fiO .. exp
(- AGo
J. (10)

(b) Fm liquid Phas~reactions, show that, IT. (~iYi)Yi = K exp [(~O_pRT )L:(viVd].
. 1 1

(c) The following reaction reaches equilibrium at 650°C and.atmospheric pressure: (17)

. 'C6HSCH: CH2 (g) + H2 (g) = C6HS .'C2HS (g)

If the system initially contains 1.5 mol H2 for each mol of styrene, what IS the,
coinposition of the system at equilibrium?
Assume ideal gases. Use the following data:
AH298= -'- 117440 -, AG298= - 830} 0 -.
mol mol
M = - 4.175, AB = 4.766 xI0~3, L\C == - 1.81 x IO-{i
AD = - 0.083 x 10
[Hint: Calculate the K value by using IDCPH and IDCPS concepts.]

3. For the methanol synthesis reaction,

CO (g) + 2 H2 (g) ~ CH30H (g)
the equilibrium conversion to methanol is large at 300 K, but decreases rapidly with
increasing T. However, reaction rates become appreciable only at higher temperatures.
For a feed mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen in the stoichiometricproporlions,
(a) What is the equilibrium mole fraction of methanol at 1 bar and 300 K? (20)
(b) At what temperature does the equilibrium mole fraction of methanol equal 0.50

for a pressure of I bar? (10)

Contd P/2

Contd ..• Q.No. 3

(c) At what temperature does the equilibrium mole fraction of methanol equal 0.50

for a pressure of 100 bar, assuming the equilibrium mixtur~ is an ideal gas? (5)
Ml298 = - 90135 llmol, 80298 = - 24791 llmol '
.'; -3 -6
M=-7.663;8B=1O.815xlO; 8C=-3.45xlO ;
8D = - 0.135 x 10

4. (a) Derive the expression of poynting factor. (5)

(b) Derive all the equations of Gama/Phi formulation of VLE required for Dew and

Bubble point calculations. (8)

(c) For multicomponent system, write block diagrams for the calculation of Bubble T and

a P-T-flash calculations. (11+11=22)

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) A refrigeration system requires 2.5 kW of power for a refrigeration rate of 6 kJ s-I. Ifheat

rejection is at 40°C, what is the lowest temperature the system can possibly maintain? (10)
(b) Describe a vapor-compression refrigeration system with appropriate diagram. (7)
(c) You may consider a vapor c0!Upression refrigeration system where tetrafluoroethane

is used as refrigerant in a cycle and the refrigeration rate is 200 Btu s-1. If the refrigerator

operates with compressor efficiency 0.75, an evaporation temperature of -15°F and a

condensation temperature of 80°F, determine the (18)

(i) Circulation rate of refrigerant
(ii) Heat transfer rate in the condenser
(iii) Power requirement
(iv) Coefficient of performance of the cycle
(v) Coefficient of performance of a Carnotrefrigeration cycle operating between the
same temperature levels.

6. (a) Explain the term "retrograde condensation" with appropriate diagram. (9)
L~ (b) "An equilibrium vapor-liquid system described by Raoult's Law cannot exhibit an

azeotrope." True/False. Explain your answer. (6)

Contd P/3


Contd ... Q. No.6

(c} Discuss the modified Raoult's Law and its importance. Applying the modified
Raoult's Law, determine the equilibrium pressure and vapor composition for a binary

liquid hydrocarbon mixture where Xl = 0.6 is in equilibrium with its vapor at 140°C. Use

the following information, ;; (20)

In 1'1 = Axl and In 1'2 = AX12

sat sat
At 140°C, Pl = 75.20 kPa and P2 = 31.66 kPa

The system forms an azeotrope at 140°C for which Xlaz = y 1az = 0.295.

7. (a) Show the block diagram for Dew T calculation with modified Raoult's law. (10)
(b) What relationship will you use for calculation of molar composition of air dissolved

in water? Why do you think that beverage makers use C02 to make fizzy beverage like

soda water instead of using the inexpensive and nontoxic Air? (7)

(c) The molar volume of a binary liquid mixture at T and P is given by, (18)

V = 120Xl + 70X2+ (l5xl + 8X2)XIX2

(i) Find the expression for partial molar volume of species 1 and 2.
-- '

(ii) Show that the expre;ssions satisfie the Gibbs/Duhem equation.

111 Sh owt h at (dV
1 J ='. (dV
-, 2 J =.0"
dXl xz;:1 dXl XI =0

(iv) Plot values of V, Viand~:. V 2 with the change of composition and. label the
-00 -00
points VI, V2, V 1 and V 2 and show their values.

8. (a) Define chemical potential. Why is it considered as one on the most important

thermodynamic property? (10)

(b) Define fugacity and fugacity coefficient. Write down the procedure for determination

of fugacity for a pure liquid. (10)

(c) Determine the fugacity coefficient for an equimolar vapor mixture of propane (1) and
n-pentane (2) at 75°C and 2 bar. Second virial coefficients, in cm /mol at 75°C and 2 bar:

Bll = - 276, B22 = - 809 and B12 = - 466. (15)


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010 20 .30 -40 50 607.0 '80 . ;,90 100
Wt. % H2S0~
----------------------------------:-----------------_ ..


C11APTER9. Refrigeratiohand Uqueffic timi .' ,);


,o1\s- 10<' I:j (e.) $, ..

Table9.l: of Saturated Tetraf1uoroethane'l

--TV6lume~-~---- Etithalpy Entropy

(ft)3(}bm)-,1 (Btu )(lbm )-1 (Btu)(lbm)-t (R)-t

t("F) P'(psia) V' ill' HI Nil Sl SII

-40 7.429 Mri32 5.7i\2 0,000 97.050 0.00000 0.23125

.:0.35 8.577 0,01139 5.0.'n '1.489 97.804 0:00352 Q~23037;
-30 9.862 0'.:01145 4;412 2.'9&4 '. 98S56 0'.00701 O.2294j
+'25: U.297 Q:OllS2 3;~)o1 4,4-84 "99..306 0;01048 0.22863
-20 12.895 0:01158 3,445 5~991 100:Q54 0.013.92 0227:~6

-15 14;667 O,{J1l65 3.052 7.505 100;799 0;01733 0.22'7/14

"';10 115.626 o-on12 2.712 9..0:26 101.541 0.02013. 0.22647
-5 18,787 O;Ql180 2.416 m,554 ionso 0:02409 0.27~584
0 21.162 Q;Oil87 2.159 12.09() 103.015 0;02744 0.22525
5 23,7:67 .0.0],194 I.V34 13.634 103.745 0.d3077 0.'22470
-; 10 20.617 .0~O1201 1.7:\6 lS.lj{7 104.47} 0.03408 (\22418
15 29.726 ();Ol210 156,1 16.'74& 105.192 0.03737 IJ.22370
20 33":110 0:01218 '1.4ft) ll\.JI~ 105.90'7 0.04065 0.22325
25 36.78$ 0,01226 1:275 19~97 l.O6.6l1 0.04391 0.22283
30 40.768 .0.01235 1.155 21.486 107320 0.04715 0.22244

35 4-5.Q75 0.01243 LO~ti 23.085 IOS.016 0.05018 0:22207

40 49.72li 6.0125~ n.'»)] 24.694 108.705 0.05359 0.22172
45 54.732 0.01262 OJ;6H .26.3:{4 1.09.386 0.05679 0.22140
50 60.116 0.01271 0.792 21.944 nO.058 O.0599g 0.22110
55 ,65.895 a.Ol28J. 0.724 29.586 110:722 0.06316 0.22081

60 12:0'81 O:OlllJl n.66J 31:239 U1376 0.06633. 0,22054

65 78.712 0.01301 0,608 32:905 111,019 . 0.06949 0.22028
70 '85.787 0.01312. O.5$S 34.5&3 112.652 0,07264 0.22Q01
75 93.333 0:01323 Mi2 3t.274 ,113'.272 '0.07'578 0.21979
-1 80 101.37 0.Jf1335 .00412 37.978 J13.880 0,0'7892 0.21957
85 10M2 0.01347 OA3'4. 3~H197 114.475 0.08205 0:21934
~ 90 11SJ.(jO <1.01359 (lAOO 4L430 115:055' 0.085]-8 0:21912
95 12'8.63 0.01372 .0.3(;9 43.1'79 115.619 0.08830 0.21890
.JOO 1'38.8'3 0.01386' .0,34J 44.943 116.166 0.09142 0.2lS68
105 149.63 0.01400 {l,lIS 46.7:25 il6.694 0.09454 0:2J845

110 161.0.5 0.01415 ().~\l'2 • 4!t'524 lJ7;203 0,09766 0.21822

ns H3.11 0,01430 0,270 50.343 117.690 0,10078 0.21797
120 185-84 o.oJ447 0,250 .52.181 118.153 0.10391 0.21772
125 199.25, 0,01464 0.251 54.040 118.591. 0.10.704 0.21744
130 213;3.8_ 0.0.l482 0.2J4 55,923. J 19.000 0.11018 0.21715

'I 13$' 228,25' 0..01502 ().198 .S7.~30 } 19.377 0,] 1333 0.21683
" 140; 243;88 0:01522 0;184. 59.164 119.720 O.H650 0.2J.648
is.o 277.5.7 0;01567 0.157 .... '63.72'1 120.284 0.1228& 0.21566
16u 3]4.(1) . '0:01620 0.134 . .6:7.823 HP.65o. 0,12938 0.21463
17U 3.55'.51 0:01683 O:JlA 72:106" 120;'753 0.13603 0.21329

. tAdapteC:Jby;pcrmissiorLfrom:;4Sl1RAElli:ult1qqok .. Fw:uJamentQls, p.17.29, Al'llCritan

S~iciety;oflfeatin~rRe:tri$cratili"gal'ldAiI''-CQnditio.niug Engineers, Inc., Atlanta, '1993. .

, ,

L,.3iT-lICHE Date: 24/05/2014

L-3/T-1 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2012-2013
, Sub: HUM 201 (Sociology)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks~

There, are FOUR questions in t~is section. Answer any TH~E. '.

1. (a) 'Sociology is a categorical and not a normative discipline' - Explain. (10)

(b) Illustrate Max Weber's contribution in the field of sociology. (10)
(c) Discuss functionalist theoretical perspective of sociology. (15)

2. (a) Define social values. Does cultural lag r~sist social cha~ge? Show arguments in
favour of your answer. ' (15)
(b) Explain the following concepts with suitable examples: (20)
(i) Subculture
(ii) Counter culture
(iii) Ethnocentrism
(iv) ~ominant ideology
(v) Cultural relativism.

3. (a) What is migrati,on? Discus's the factors affecting migration process. (10)
(b) Explain the functions of nuclear family in urban society. (10)
(c) Discuss the merits and demerits of joint family. Show examples from your society. (15)

4. Write short notes on any three of the following: (35)

(a) Types of socialization
(b) Cooley's looking glass self theory
(c) Stages of socialization
(d) Sociobiology.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (afWhat do you mean by urban, urbanization and urbanism? , ' (10)

(b) Define Write down the names of mega cities. (10)
(c) Briefly describe the bright side and dark side of urban life. (15)

Contd P/2

HUM 201

6. (a) What do you mean by environment and pollution? Briefly discuss the major pollution

issues in Bangladesh. (10)

(b) E;xplain with a brief criticism the optimum population theory. (10)
(c) Define and classify the various types of industries in Bangladesh. (15)

7. (a) Describe the factors facilitating globalization. (10)

(b) Discuss the roles of mass media in society. (10)
(c) What are the process of poverty reduction in Bangladesh? (15)

8. Write short notes on any THREE of the following: (35)

(a) Meaning of deviance
(b) Types of crime
(c) Social factors of Juvenile delinquency
(d) Types of mass media. )

L-3fI'-lICHE Date: 24/05/2014

L-3/T-l B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2012-2013
Sub: HUM 303 (principle of Accounting)
Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) What's are the different types of financial statements that are usually published in the
annual report? (5)
(b) Mr. 'z' started his own business on July 1,2013. The following.transactions occurred
during the month of July - (30)
July 1 : Invested Tk. 9,50,000 cash and an equipment ofTk. 95,000
July 5 : ~urchased a land for Tk. 300,000 cash.
July 8: Purchased supplies on account Tk. 15,000
July 11: Ordered a delivery vans Tk.50,000
July 15 : Received Tk. 15,000 from a customer in advance, service to be performed
in next month.
July 20 : Paid creditor Tk. 6,000 related to the transaction on July 8
July 23 : Wages for July paid in cash Tk. 5,000
July 25 : Billed customer Tk. 18,000 for service performed.
July 28 : Paid Tk. 20,000 for salaries.
July 30 : Received Tk. 10,000 cash from customers billed on July 25

(i) Prepare a tabular analysis form the above transactions.
(ii) From the above analysis also prepare an .owners equity statement.

2. (a) What is a Jpurnal? What are the advantages of journal in the recording process? (5)
(b) Mr. Tareq started his new business on January 1,2013. It has the following events for
January - (20)
January 1: Mr. Tareq invested Tk. 600,000 cash in his new business.
January 3 : Bought office furniture for Tk. 150,000 from Navana Furniture on account.
January 5 : Bought supplies for Tk. 50,000 on cash.
January 7 : Earned Tk. 70,000 for service rendered, 40% of which is received in cash
from the customer and the balance is billed to customer on account.
January 9 : Paid Tk. 50,000 to Navana Furniture.
January 12: .
Incurred Tk. 8,000 advertising cost in a Daily Newspaper
on account.
January 15: Paid employee salaries Tk. 5,000
January 20: Received Tk. 10,000 in cash from the client related to January 7
January 23: Paid Tk. 7,000 cash for office rent.
January 29: Paid Daily Newspaper bill.

Required: Prepare ~ecessary journal entries.

Contd P/2
HUM 303
Contd ... Q. NO.2

(c) Balance sheet and income statement data for Igloo Ice-cream Company are given below - (10)
Igloo Ice-cream
Balance Sheet
December 31, 2011
Cash 25,000
Receivable 50,000
Other current asset 90,000
Investment 75,000
Plant and equipment 400,000
Current liability 75,000
Long-term debt 80,000
Common stock 340,000
Retained earnings 145,000

Igloo Ice-cream
Income Statement
For the year ended December 31, 2011
Sales 740,000
Less: Sales returns 40,000
Net sales 700,000
Cost of goods sold 420,000
Gross' profit 280,000
Operating expense 235,000
Net income 45,000

Additional information:
• The market value of common stock was Tk. 8
• Average number of common stock in 2011 were 32,000
Required: Determine the following ratios-
(i) Accounts receivable turnover
(ii) Profit margin
(iii) Earnings per share
(iv) Price earning ratio
(v) Debt to total asset.

3. (a) "An adjusting entry may affect more than one balance sheet or income statement

account". Do you agree? Why or why not? (5)

(b) The trial balance of Sony Electronics for the month of April 30, 2013 is as follows - (30)

Contd P/3

HUM 303
Contd ... Q. No. 3(b)

Sony Electronics
Trial Balance
April 30, 2013
Account Title Debit (Tk.) Credit (Tk.)
Cash 22,000
Accounts Receivable 5,500
Equipment 5,000
Accounts payable 3,500
Notes payable 14,500
Capital 16,600
Store Furniture 6,000
Rent expense 3,000
Supplies 1,300
Service Revenue 3,200
Unearned Service Revenue "
42,800 42,800

Other information -
~ Rent is accrued but not paid for month Tk. 600
~ Unused supplies on hand at April 30 is Tk. 300
~ The store furniture is being depreciated Tk. 250 per month:
~ Service performed to a customer Tk. 1,300 but not collected during the month.

~ Unearned service revenue earned during the period Tk. 2,500
(i) Prepare adjusting entries for the. month of April
(ii) Prepare an adjusted trial balance on April 30, 2013

4. (a) Discuss the various part of a classified Balance Sheet. (5)

(b) The adjusted trial balance of ABC Co. Ltd on December 31, 2012 is given below - (30)
ABC Co. Ltd
Adjusted Trial Balance
,Accounts Title Debit (Tk.) Credit (Tk.)
Cash 19,600
Accounts receivable 23,600
Prepaid insurance 1,400
Land 56,000
Building 106,000
Equipment 49,000
Copyright 20,000
Accounts payable 25,400
Unearned revenue - 2,800

Contd P/4
HUM 303
Contd ... Q. No. 4(b)

Accounts Title Debit (Tk.) Credit (Tk.)

Notes payable 200,000
Capital 120,000
Drawings 18~000
Service revenue 75,600
Rent revenue 26,200
Salary expense 35,000
Advertising expense 17,000
Utility expense 15,800
Patent 100,000
Insurance expense 1,700
Depreciation expense (Building 2,500
Depreciation expense (equipment) 3,900
Interest expense 900
Accumulated depreciation (Building) 2,500
Accumulated depreciation (equipment) 3,900
Interest payable 9,000
Tax payable 5,000
470.400 470.400

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Variable cost is constant in per unit and fixed cost is varied in per uinit. Do you agree
with the statement or not? Explain. (7)
(b) Given below is the Cost Data of ZZZ Company for the year 2012. All the figures are
in Taka. (28)
Material Purchase . 1,80,000
Returns and Allowances of material 2,000
Carriage in 2,500
Direct Labor Cost 75,000
Factory machine insurance 20,200
Manufacturing Equipment repair 30,000.
Factory rent 15,000
Sales Revenue 3,33,000
Promotional expense 40,000
Indirect Labor 70,000
Office telephone 3,000
Manager's salary 1,50,000
Contd PIS
HUM 303
Contd ... Q. No. 5(b)

Inventory in units : Beginning of the year Ending of the year

Raw Materials 42,000 39,500
Work in process 12,000 8,000
Finished Goods 58,000 56,000.

(i) Prepare a Cost Statement for the year 2012.
(ii) Calculate the net income for the company.

6. (a) Explain the relationship among cost, expense, loss and asset with an example. (5)
(b) A pharmaceutical company has the two operating departments namely - Syrup
department and Capsule department. It has the following information - (15)
Budgeted fixed cost Tk. 3500,000
Practical capacity 18,000 machine hours
Budgeted usages by:
Syrup department 8,000 machine hours
Capsule department 2,000 machine hours
Actual usages by:
Syrup department 8,500 machine hours
Capsule department 1,500 machine hours
Variable cost Tk. 250 per hour

. Allocate the cost of the operating departme~ts using
(i) Single rate method
(ii) Dual rate method and
(iii) Practical capacity method.
(c) ABC construction assembles residential houses. It uses ajob-costing system with two
direct~cost categories (direct materials and direct labor) and one indirect-cost pool
. (assembly support). Direct labor-hour is the allocation base for assembly support costs. In
December 2012, ABC budgets 2013 assembly-support costs to beBDT 8,000,000 and
2013 direct labor-hours to be 160,000. (15)
At the end of 2013, ABC is comparing the costs of several jobs that were started and
completed in 2013.
Laguna Model Mission Model
Construction period Feb-June 2013 May-Oct 2013
Direct Material costs BDT 106,450 BDT 127,604
Direct labor costs BDT 36,276 BDT41,410
.Direct Labor-hours 900 1,010

Contd P/6

HUM 303
Contd .•• Q. No. 6(c)

Direct materials and direct labor are paid on a contract basis. The costs of each are known
when direct materials are used or when direct labor-hours are worked. The 2013 actual
assembly-support costs were BDT 6,888,000 and the actual direct ~abor-hours were
Compute the budgeted assembly cost rate and actual amount of the a~sembly cost of two

7. (a) What is Capital Budgeting? Define different types of investment decision with example. (5)
(b) State what are the standards for comparison incase of Ratio Analysis. (6)
(c) A firm is considering the following two mutually exclusive investments: (24)
Cash Flows (Tk.)
Project Co C1 C2 C3
P -25,000 +5,000 +5,000 +25,640
Q -28,000 +12,672 +12,672 +12,672

The cost of Capital is 12%.

(i) Calculate NPV for each project.
(ii) Calculate IRR for each project.
(iii) Calculate Profitability Index (PI) for each project.
(iv) Which project should be undertaken and why?
The table value may be used .as given below:
Factors Value
Year 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 19% 20%
3 2.322 2.283 2.246 2.210 2.174 2.140 2.106

8. (a) Define variable cost, fixed cost, contribution margin, degree of operating leverage and
break-even point with example. (5)
.(b) Following data relates to a manufacturing company: (30)

Number of units produced and sold each year 60,000 and selling price per unit Tk. 20
Variable cost per Unit:
Direct materials Tk.2
Direct labor Tk. 4
Variable Manufacturing Overhead Tk.l
Variable selling and Administrative expenses Tk. 3
Fixed costs per year:
Fixed manufacturing overhead Tk. 300,000
Fixed selling and administrative expenses Tk. 100,000

Contd P17
HUM 303
Contd •.• 0. No. 8(b)

(i) Compute BEP in units and in value. (BEP = Break.-Even-point).
(ii) Compute Degree of Operating Leverage (DOL) and prove it by assuming 20%
increase in sales.
(iii) Prepare income statement if the selling price increases by Tk. }.OO per units,
fixed cost increases by Tk. 15,000 and the sales volume decreases by 10%.
(iv) Compute the BEP in units if selling price increases by 10% and variable cost
increases by 15%.
(v) Calculate Margin of Safety in value and in units.
(vi) What will be the amount if units to achieve the target profit after tax Tk.
250,000? ~ax rate is 25% on profit.

t-3ff-1/CHE Date: 31/05/2014
L-3/T-l B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2012-2013

Sub: CHE 451 (Fuels and Combustion Science)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Steam Table is to be supplied.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) A company decides to use the waste heat from a gas engine generator to raise steam,
which will be used in a steam turbine generator. Determine the capacity of the STG to the
followings condition - (10)
• Gas turbine generator has an efficiency of 33% .
• Boiler efficiency is 85% and flue gas temperature is 525 °e.
• Natural gas is 100% CH4 having CVof35 MJ/m .

• The STG efficiency is 18%.

(b) What is the CO2 emission of the combined plant (GT + ST)in Ks/KWh? (7)
(c) How much steam is required by the STG for every 1 KW of capacity? (6)
(d) If instead of an STG, the steam is used to'run a vapor absorption chiller, what size
will it be in Tons of refrigeration if the COP is 0.95. (6)
(e) If the flue gas is directly used to heat the combustion air, how much heat can be
.recovered if the outlet temperature of the air is 65°C and ambient temperature is 25 °e. (6)
(Make necessary assumptions).

2. (a) In the year 2012, 34,000 million KWh of electricity (net) was generated. !tis known
that 17% was consumed by the industrial sector, of which an estimated half is due to
motors. Estimate the gas savings if a program is undertaken to replace 25% of the motors
having 20% higher efficiency. The following assumptions apply - (12)
• Transmission and distribution loss = 20%
• Electricity is generated in gas-based power plants having an efficiency of 35% (net)
3 .
• 1 m of gas has 35 MJ of energy
(b) If}t is assumed that the generated electricity in (a) comes from a coal fired power
plant having a net efficiency of 33%, how much money is saved if the price of coal is Tk.
7500/Ton. (CV of coal = 7000 kcal/kg] (8)
(c) What is a Heat Pump? Describe with the help ofa figure. How is a heat pump a very
important technology for energy efficiency? (15)

Contd P12
CHE 451

3. (a) With the help of a neat sketch describe anyone oftl1e well-known" BOILERS. List the
main features. (12)
(b) There are many types of oil burners. Describe 3 (three) steam or air-atomised oil burners. (9)
(c) This question refers to FLAMES
(i) Distinguish between Premixed Flame and Diffusion Flame. (4)
(ii) Distinguish between laminar flame and turbulent flame. (4)
(iii) "Hottel and Hawthorne measured the length of a diffusion flame" - discuss the
role of turbulence in light of their work. (6)

4. Short answers are required on the followings dealings with petroleum and Bangladesh's
energy scenario -
(a) How probable oil/gas reservoir is found? Will a company drill in a zone where the
electric resistivity and porosity of the formation is poor? Explain your answer. (8)
(b) Draw and identify the principal components of a .drilling rig. What are the
different kinds of rigs used for offshore drilling? (8)
(c) At $ 17/Mcf, how much money will be required in a year to import 500 MMcfd
gas to Bangladesh? How much yearly subsidy the government will have to pay if the
averages selling price ofthe local gas is $ 1.75/Mcf. (9)
(d) Why the dependency on high priced oil based electricity will continue in 'the near
future of Bangladesh? , " (10)

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Wi1.y balanced draught is a preferred method rather than using forced draught or
induced draught alone? Explain - "A negative gauge pressure is maintained in a balanced
draught firing boiler". (14)
(b) Power available from back pressure turbine is less than the required power in a
factory. Describe the reasons behind this. Which turbine can be employed In this case?
Describe this turbine its T-S diagram. (12)
(c) Test data given in the following chart shows the gas analyses before and after the air
preheater. The coal used shows a carbon percentage of 82% by mass. Estimate the air
leakage into the air preheater per kg of coal fired. (9)
% Entering Leaving
CO2 9.7 9.2

02 4.0 4.9
i "
N2 86.3 85.9

Contd P/3

CHE 451

6. (a) Describe with illustrations - "Optimization of excess air for maximum combustion

efficiency" . (10)
(b) What is Net Plant Heat Rate (NPHR)? For a coal fueled steam electricity generating

unit, show that, (7)

TlB [1- AP ]

(c) A textile factory has a battery of five boilers, each supplying 6 t/h steam at 16 bar,

250°C from feedwater at 30°C. The boilers bum fuel oil of calorific value 45 MJ/kg with
an overall efficiency of 75%. For efficient combustion, 18 kg of air per kg fuel is required
for which a draught of20 mm of water gauge is required at the base of the chimney. The
. average temperature of the gases in the stack is 320°C. The flue gases leave the stack at

280°C. The atmosphere is at 30°C. Determine: (18)

(i) height of the stlick
(ii) diameter at its base
(iii) flue gas plume height; if the prevailing winds are at 50 km/h. The correlation of
Carson and Moses is given by,

tlH = 2.62 _e __ 0.029
Vw Vw

7. (a) Justify - "For a regenerative cycle with direct contact feedwater heaters, steam rate

increases and heat rate decreases due to the presence of feedwater heaters". (18)
(b) In a cogeneration plant, the power load is 5.6 MW, heating load is 1.163 MWand

boiler heat requirement is 15.11 MW. Steam is generated at 40 bar and 500°C and is
expanded isentropically through a turbine to a condenser at 0.06 bar. The heating load is
supplied by extracting steam from, the turbine at 2 bar,. which condenses in the process

heater to saturated liquid at 2 bar and then pumped back to the boiler. Compute: (17)
(i) Steam generation capacity of the boilers, ws'

(ii) the heat rejected to the condenser, Q2.

(iii) efficiency of the cogeneration plant, Tlco~

(iv) electricity fraction of total energy output, e..

Contd P/4

CHE 451
Contd eo. Q. No. 7(b)

@) Q":

fj~\t1'e. i'. ,~~7U-n~Ol1/ -plo..,JL .jor, ~k~':f(Ia),

8. (a) Give an account of "Mechanism of Solid Fuei Combustion" and also pro.vide a

description of "Burning of a coke particle", (12)

(b) What is Fluidized Bed Combustion (FBC)? Give a simple sketch of a FBC. Explain

with the help of a figure "Start-up transient of a FBC". (12)

(c) Describe a furnace from any Bangladeshi industry of your choice. (11)
L-3/T-1/CHE Date: 31/05/2014
L-3/T-1 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2012-2013

Sub: MME 391 (Fundamentals of Metallurgy)

Full Marks: 210 \Time: 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) Mention the differences between acid and basic Bessemer Processes of steel making.
Which process .should be adopted for a high phosphorus pig iron charge? Give reasons

and explain the process along with its chemistry and refining curve. (20)
(b) What do you understand by the terms 'deoxidation' and 'recarburization'? Why are

they performed at the end of a steel making process? (15)

2. (a) Give a neat sketch of iron blast furnace showing different zones. Mention the
reactions that generally take place in these zones for the production of liquid iron from

solid iron ore. Also mention approximate analysis of blast furnace products. (20)
(b) What is a bearing material? Mention and explain the properties that should be

possessed by a good bearing material. List some important bearing materials. (15)

3. (a) Mention different types of cast irons along with their composition and microstructure. (15)
(b) With the help of heating and cooling diagrams explain how ferritic malleable cast iron

can be produced from white cast iron. (15)

(c) Write a short note on investment casting. (5)

4. (a) Give a sketch showing the relationship between carbon content (0 - 1.4% C) and
mechanical properties of plain carbon steels in hot rolled condition. Also show the
change of microstructure due to the change of carbon content. Give reason for such

changes. .(20)

(b) With the help of appropriate sketches explain the mechanism by which AI-Cu alloy

(with 4.0% Cu) can be hardened by 'precipitation/age hardening'. (15)

Contd P/2
MME 391 (CHE)

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Explain eutectic and eutectoid reactions with reference to typical equilibrium
diagrams. (14)
(b) Lead melts at 327°C alia tin melts at 232°C. They form a eutectic containing 61.9
percent tin at 183°C. The maximum solid solubility of tin in lead at this temperature is
18.3 percent and that of lead in tin is 2.2 percent. Assume the solubility of each at room
temperature is 1 percent. Draw the equilibrium diagram to scale ()n a piece of graph paper
labeling all points, lines and areas (Assume all the lines to be straight).
If an alloy containing 70 percent lead and 30 percent tin is heated to 200°C. (10)
(i) What will be the phases at this temperature? (2)
(ii) What will be the composition of each phase? (3)
(iii) What will be the relative amounts of each phase? (4)
(iv) What is the minimum temperature to be increased to make the alloy completely liquid? (2)



7. (a) (i) Draw the I-T diagram for a eutectoid steel and label it. (5)
(ii) What is bainitic structure? How does it differ from pearlite structure? (10)
(iii) Is it possible to produce 100 percent bainitic structure by continuous cooling of a
plain carbon steel? If possible, explain. If not possible, describe how could 100 percent
bainitic structure be produced? (7)
(b) (i) What is case hardening? (3)
(ii) What are the advantages of gas carburing over pack carburizing? (5)
(iii) Describe briefly how a mild steel component be carburized by gas carburing. (5)

8. (a) What is meant by nondestructive testing of materials? (3)

(b) Discuss the importance of nondestructive testing of materials. (8)
(c) Discuss the operating steps of any suitable method used in detecting surface cracks of
a nonmagnetic component. (12)
(d) How can ultrasonic testing be used
, to detect internal defects of a body? (12)
L-3ff-1/CHE Date: 31/05/2014
L-3/T -1 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2012-2013 ,

Sub: MATH 323 (Fourier Analysis, H.armonic Functions and

Partial Differential Equations) .

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Symbols used have their usual meaning.
..._ .., _-_ __ , _.__ _-._-_ _-_. __ __ __ --_ _--_ --_ .. _-_ _-_
-..__ .. __ .

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) (i) Explain Fourier se~ies representation of a function f(x) over the interval-L :::;;
x :::;;
(ii) Find the Fourier coefficients and write down the Fourier series corresponding ~o the

function (20)
F(x) = {O, for
3, for 0<x<5

(iii) How should F(x) be defined at x = -5, x '? 0 and x = 5 in order that the Fourier series

will converge to F(x) for -5 :::;;

x :::;;57
(b) Expand f(x) = 0,0 < x < 2, in a half range sine series and show its periodic extension

in graph. (15)

2, (a) Sketch the even extension of the function f(x) = sin x, 0 < x < 7t and then expand in a

Fourier cosine series. (17)

(b) (i) Find the Fourier transform of the fun~tion F(x) = {I,.
I xl <a .
Ixl >a'

Graph F(x) and its Fourier transform for a = 1.

(ii) Verify Parseval's identity for Fourier integrals of this problem.

3. (a) U is a function ofx and t for 0 < x < L, T > O. (15)

(b) Use finite Fourier transform to solve (20)

au a2u
.~ = -2-' .
U(O, t) = 0, U(4, t) = 0, U(x, 0) = 2x, where 0 < x < 4, t> O.

Write down the physical interpretation of the problem and its solution.

{L Contd P/2
=,2 =
MATH 323 (CHE}

4. Solve and physically interpret the following boundary value problem (35)
a2u a2u
-2 +-2 =0, y>O, lui <M;
Ox By
-I for x <0
u(x,O)= {1 , '
for x> 0

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Solve the following first order PDEs

(i) z(x +y)p +z(x - y)q = (x2 + l) (8)

(") (2 -z .2)p+yz
11 xy
. (2 -x 2)q=zx-y
( 2 - 2)
(b) Solve the following PDEs by Charpit's method

(i) pxy + pq + qy = yz (10)

(") 2 2
IIp-yq=y-x 2 2
. (9)

6. Solve the following higher order PDEs

(i) (D/ - 4D/Dy + 4DxD/)z = cos (2x + 3y) (10)

(ii) (Dx2...:3Dx + 3Dy - D~2)z = xy + ~x + 2y (13)
(iii) (iD/ + 2xyDxDy - xDx)z = i /l (12)

7. (a) Solve Laplace's equation V V = 0 in cylindrical co-ordinates,(r, e, z). (20)
(b) Find the steady temperature inside a solid sphere of unit radius if one hemisphere of

its surface is kept at temperature zero and the other at temperature unity. (15)

8. (a) Temperature distribution Y inside a finite plate satisfies the equation ~ = h2V2y
where h is the diffusivity of the substance and is a constant. Determine the steady state

temperature within the plate subject to the boundary conditions (18)

V=O} V=O} V=O} Y = F(x)
x=O y=O x =s y=h

(b) Find the potential of the region outside and inside a ring. (17)

. I



L-3ff-lICHE Date: 07/06/2014

L-3/T-l B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2012-2013

Sub: eRE 301 CHeat Transfer)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

A bopklet containing all relevant data is supplied.


There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) Derive a relationship for the critical radius of insulation for a sphere. (10)
(b) A 3.2 mm diameter cupper wire 30 cm long has a voltage 10 V impressed on it. The
outer surface of the wire is maintained at 366 K. Calculate the center temperature of the
wire if the thermal conductivity of cupper is 50 W/m.K and resistivity is 65 / (10)
(c) A chemically reacting mixture is stored in a thin walled spherical container of radius
rl = 200 mm, and exothermic reaction generates heat at a uniform but temperature."

dependent volumetric' rate of q = 5000 exp(-!2J ~ '

TO m
whe~e To is the mixture

temperature in kelvins. The reactor vessel is enclosed by an insulating material of outer

radius r2. Find the outer surface temperature of the insulation, Ts2 if you wish to maintain
the reactor temperature of To = Trl = 90°C under conditions for which k = 0.05 W/m.K,
r2 = 208 mm, h = 5 W/m .K, E = 0,9, Too= 25°C and TS,urr= 35°C. (15)

2. (a) Discuss the applicability of lumped heat capacity system. (5)

(b) Find the relationship for temperature distribution and surface heat transfer rate of
transient heat flow in semi-infinite solid. (12)
(c) A semi-infinite solid of aluminum is at uniform temperature 30°C. The thermal
diffusivity of aluminum is 8.4 x 10-5 ~ and conductivity is 215 W/m.K. The surface is
exposed to a heat flux by suddenly raising its surface temperature to 250°C. Calculate the
temperature at a depth of2.5 cm after a time 60 sec. (18)

3. (a) What would be the order of Prandil number for normal liquid, liquid metal and
polymeric liquid? Explain your answer. (7)
(b) Distinguish Nusselt number and Biot number. Discuss their physical significance in
heat transfer analysis. (10)
(c) A pipe with 2.5 cm ID wall temperature is maintained at 100°C. Water is flowing
through the tube at 0.5 kg/sec and inlet temperature is 25°C. Calculate the heat transfer
coefficient and the length of the tube if the outlet temperature is 85°C. Use appropriate
heat transfer correlation which considers the property variation of fluid with the change
'. I."
of temperature. l/ - (18)

Contd P/2

... r
.. I

4. (a) Write short note on

(i) Bulk temperature (5)
(ii) Eddy Viscosity and Prandtl mixing length (8)
(b) Describe the relation between fluid friction and heat transfer. (10)
(c) Prove that the boundary layer thickness over a flat plate is a function of the distance
from the leading edge and depends on local Reynold number. (12)

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer THREE questions including Q. No.5.
Q. No.5 is compulsory.

5. (a) 20,000 Ib/hr of a 30% K3P04 solution, specific gravity at 1200P = 1.30, is to be
cooled from 150 to 900P using well water from 68 to 90oP. Pressure drop of 10 psi are
allowable on both streams, and a total dirt factor of 0.002 is required.
Available for this service is a 10.02 in. ID 1-2 exchanger having 52 X in. OD, 16 BWG

tubes 16'0" long laid out in I-in. square pitch. The bundle is arranged for two passes, and
the baffles are spaced 2 in. apart.
(i) Do the heat balance. (2)
(ii) CalCulate true temperature difference 6t. (2)
(iii) Calculate individual heat transfer coefficients (ho and hj). (8)
(iv) Calculate dirt factor. (4)
(v) Will the exchanger be suitable? (7)
(vi) Pill in the TEMA shut and attach it to your answer script. (2)
(b) Write the advantages and disadvantages of using double pipe heat exchanger. State
the assumptions of true temperature difference for 1-2 Shell-and-Tube heat exchanger. (4+6)

6. (a) What are the differences between Grashof number and Reynolds number? Mention
their definitions, physical significance etc. (6)
(b) How is a modified Grashof number defined for a constant-heat-flux condition on a
vertical plate? (3)
, (c) Write some names of the devices which are used to measure velocity in free
convection systems. (3)
(d) A small copper block having a square bottom 2.5 by 2.5 cm and a vertical height of
5 cm cools in room air at I bar and 20°C. The block is isothermal at 93°C. Calculate the
heat transfer rate. (23)

Contd P/3

CHE 301

7. (a) Why are higher heat transfer rates experienced in dropwise condensation than in film
condensation? What will happen to condensation phenomena if non condensable gases

are present in the system? How is Reynolds number defined for film condensation? (2+2+3)
(b) What is pool boiling? What is meant by subcooled and saturated boiling? Distinguish

between nucleate and filni boiling. (1+2+5)

(c) An ammonia condenser uses a 20 x 20 array of 6 mm diameter tubes 0.3 m long. The

ammonia condenses at 32°C and the tube walls are maintained at 28°C by a water flow

inside. Calculate the rate of condensation of ammonia. hfg at 32°C is 1136 kJ/kg. (20)

8. (a) What do you mean by thermal design of heat transfer equipment? Make a list of some

heat transfer equipment types and their purpose of using in process industries. (2-b4)
(b) Write the name of the components of Shell-and-Tube heat exchangers. Give the

definitions of (3+2)
(i) Tube pitch
(ii) Clearance
(iii) Arrangement
(iv) BWG
(c) Mention some commonly employed codes and standards for design and construction
of heat transfer equipment. What type of Information does a TEMA specification sheet

contain for Shell""and-Tube heat exchanger? (3+4)

(d) What do you mean by "SIZE 23-192 TYPE AES~'? Mention the design limitations for
plate-and-frame heat exchanger. Why extended surface heat exchangers are used?

Explain with examples. (2+2+6)

(e) Write a short note on Trombone or Cascade coolers with necessary diagram. Draw a

schematic diagram of a cooling tower. (4+3)

.. _.••. ~.••.,._..••."_:J._ •.••............,;.~ ••"-:.:""~'B"'oi~.

Free convection from vertical planes and cylinders 341

Table 7-1 Constants for Use with Eq. (7-25) for Isothermal Surfaces.
.... _----_._--
_ .. _ ..~
---"'-- ---_._-- C m Refts).
Geometry GrfPrf ._--- _._' .... -.+ ....... -.. __ .-_. -----
---_.~. --_._
.. -•..~"-~_..-.------
UseFig~ 7-7 Use Fig. 7-7 4
Vertical planes and cylinders 10-'-,l(f ..
0.59 ! 4
0.02\ g 30
0.10 A 22.16t
1(f-10 1l
s OA 0 4
Horizontal cylinders Use Fig. 7-8 Use Fig. 7-8 4
10"-1(f 0.53 \ 4

1()9-iO'2 0.13 ! 4
0.675 0.058 76t
1.02 0.148 76t
0.850 0.188 76
IOZ-IO" 1 76
1(f-l0 7 OAIIO

107_10'2 0.125 !
0.54 I 44.52
Upper surface of heated plates
or lower surface of cooled
2 x 10"-8 x Ill"

] 44,52
Upper surface of heated plates
or lower surface of cooled
8 x 1lY'-IO"
plates 0.27 I 44,37,75
Lower surface of heated plates
or upper surface of cooled
plates 0.775 0.21 77
Vertical cylinder,
height = diameter
Characteristic length '" diameter 1 78
IO"-I(f 0.52
Irregular solids. chardcterislie-
length '" distance fluid JYdrlicle
travels in boundary layer --"_ .. _ .. _ ..-..-_ ..--~_._------.'-
t Preferred.

t.'Ltl.- .N\.l. ;:: e. (Gt 11. • ?,,-) .

--rAb\.L .foYl & b (d)

I ~


Heat Exc hanger S>pec lfiIcation Sheet
1 Company:
2 Location:
3 Service of Unit: Our Reference: ;

4 Item No.: Your Reference:

5 Date: ReYNo.: Job No.:
6 Size I in Tvpe Connected in oarallel series
7 SurfluniUeff.l 112 Shellslunlt Surflshell (eff.l ft2
9 Fluid allocation Shell Side Tube Side
10 Fluid name
11 .Fluid auantity, Total Iblh
12 Vapor (lnIOut) Ib/h I I
13 Liauid Ib/h I I
14 Noncondensable . kc/s
16 Temoerature (lnlOull F
17 Dew I Bubble DOint F
18 Densitv Iblft3
19 Viscositv co
20 Molecular wt, Vap
21 Molecular wt: NC
22 Specific heat BTUI(lb-F)
23 Thermal conductivity BTU/(ft-h-F)
24 Latenl heat BTUlib
25 Pressure psi
26 Velocity ftls
27 Pressure drop, allow.lcalc. psi I I,
28 Foulina resist. (min) 1t2-h-FIBTU
29 Heal exchanoed BTUlh MTD corrected F
30 Transfer rete, Service Dirty Clean BTUI(h-1t2-F)
32 Shell Side Tube Side
33 DesianlTest oressure osi I Code I Code
34 Desian temperature F
35 Number oasses per shell
36 Corrosion allowance in .
37 Connections I In I I
38 Size/rating lOut I I
39 in I Intermediate I I
40 Tube No. 00 Tks-aya in Lenah It Pilch in
41 Tube type Malerial I Tube oattern
42 Shell ID OD in Shell.cover
43 Channel or bonnet Channel coyer
44 Tubesheet-stationarv Tubesheet-floaling
45 Floating head cover Imoinoement orotection
46 Baffie-crossina - Tvpe sinale seg CuU%d) hor Spacing: clc in
47 Baffle-Iono Seal type I Inlel in
48 Suoports-tube U-bend Tyoe
49 Bypass seal Tube-tubesheet joint
50 Exoansion lo(nt Type
51 RhoV2.lnlet nozzle Bundle entrance Bundle exll Ib/CWs21
52 Gaskets. Shell side Tube Side
53 Floating head
54 Code reouirements TEMAciass
55 WeiahVShell Filled with water Bundie Ib
56 Remarks

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