Physics Note

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PHYSICS Chapter 1

Words Definition
Physical Quantities A quantity that is measureable

Base Quantities Physical quantities that cannot be defined

Derived Quantities Physical quantities derived by combining b

Scalar Quantities Physical quantities that has only magnitud

Vector Quantities Physical quantities that has both magnitu

Consistency (Precision) The degree of uniformity of the measure

Accuracy The degree of how close a measurement i

Sensitivity The ability to detect small changes in me

Deviation The difference between the measured va

the average value
Systematic Error Cumulative errors that can be corrected,

Random Error Arises from unpredictable variation that

error every time the experiment is repea
Zero Error Arises when a not-in-used measuring inst
from zero
Parallax Error An error which the observer's eyes are n
to the scale
Absolute Error Refer to the smallest reading that can be
hapter 1


hat cannot be defined in term of other physical

erived by combining base quantities

hat has only magnitude

hat has both magnitude and direction

rmity of the measurements

close a measurement is from the actual value

t small changes in measuring physical quantities

ween the measured value and its mean value or

hat can be corrected, if the errors are known

ctable variation that may produce a different

e experiment is repeated
-used measuring instrument does not start

observer's eyes are not in a line perpendicular

t reading that can be measured by an
PHYSICS Chapter 2

Words Statement & Defi

Linear Motion Motion in a straight line

Kinematics The study of the motion of an object with

acting on it
Dynamics The study of the motion of an object and

Distance The total length of the path travelled

Displacement The distance travelled in a specific direc

Speed The rate of change in distance

Velocity The rate of change in displacement

Acceleration The rate of change in velocity

Deceleration The rate of decrease in speed in a specif

Uniform Speed Speed that remains the same in magnitud

Uniform Velocity Velocity that remains the same in magnitu

Non-uniform Velocity (a)the direction of motion changes or the

(b)the magnitude of its velocity changes
Zero Acceleration An object moving at a constant velocity, t
direction of its velocity remain unchanged
Constant Acceleration Velocity increases at a uniform rate

Inertia The tendency of an object to resist chan

Momentum The product of its mass and velocity

Principle of conservation of The total momentum of a system is const

momentum ( PCM ) acts on the system
Collision The total momentum of the objects befo
(Based on PCM) after the collision
Explosion The sum of the momentum remains at zer
(Based on PCM)
Elastic Collision (a)Two objects collide and move apart aft
(b)Momentum is conserved
(c)Total energy is conserved
(d)Kinetic energy is conserved
Inelastic Collision (a)Two objects combine and stop, or move
after a collision
(b)Momentum is conserved
(c)Total energy is conserved
(d)Kinetic energy is not conserved
(e)The total kinetic energy after the coll
kinetic energy before the collision
Concepts of momentum (a)Momentum to the left = Momentum to
(b)Momentum upwards = Momentum down
(c)Momentum forwards = Momentum back
Force The resistant of change to its state of m

Balanced Force When the force acting on an object are b

other out
Unbalanced Force / Resultant When the force acting on an object are n
Force a net force acting on it
Impulse Change in momentum

Impulsive Force (a)The rate of change of momentum

(b)Longer period of time → Impulsive for
(c)Shorter period of time → Impulsive fo
Gravitational Force The pull of gravity or the earth's gravita

Free Fall The falling of an object with only force o

Acceleration due to gravity Objects dropped under the influence of t

( 10 m/s ) constant acceleration
Gravitational Field The region around the earth in which an o
towards the centre of the earth
Gravitational Field Strength The gravitational force which acts on a m
( 10 N/kg )
Weight The gravitational force acting on the obje

Mass The amount of matter in the object

Force in Equilibrium (a)When an object is in equilibrium, the r

is zero
(b)The object will either be
→ at rest
→ moving with constant velocity
hapter 2

Statement & Definition

tion of an object without considering the force

tion of an object and the force acting on it

the path travelled

ed in a specific direction

n distance

n displacement

n velocity

e in speed in a specified direction

the same in magnitude regardless of its

s the same in magnitude and direction

motion changes or the motion is not linear

its velocity changes
a constant velocity, that is, the magnitude and
city remain unchanged
t a uniform rate

object to resist change to its state of motion

mass and velocity

m of a system is constant, if no external force

m of the objects before a collision equals that

entum remains at zero after an explosion

de and move apart after a collision

bine and stop, or move together with a common

not conserved
energy after the collision is less than the total
fore the collision
left = Momentum to the right
ds = Momentum downwards
rds = Momentum backwards
ange to its state of motion or move in the object

ng on an object are balanced, they cancel each

ng on an object are not balanced, there must be

ge of momentum
time → Impulsive force decreases
f time → Impulsive force increases
r the earth's gravitational force

ect with only force of gravity

der the influence of the pull of gravity with

he earth in which an object experiences a force

of the earth
rce which acts on a mass of 1 kilogram

rce acting on the object

er in the object

s in equilibrium, the resultant force acting on it

ther be

ant velocity

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