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Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.


List of Abbreviations .............................................................................................................................vii

Definitions ............................................................................................................................................ix

1. Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................... 11

2. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 14

2.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................... 14

2.2. Background........................................................................................................... 14

2.3. Urbanization and Housing Scenario in INDIA ........................................................ 15

2.4. Slum Situation and Housing Shortage for other Urban Poor in India ..................... 15

3. JHARKHAND STATE, HOUSING POLICIES, REFORMS& PLAN OF ACTION ...................................... 17

3.1. Slums in Jharkhand .............................................................................................. 18

3.2. Housing Policies, Reforms, Plans and Actions ...................................................... 18

3.3. Vision of the policy ................................................................................................ 19

3.4. Target group: ........................................................................................................ 19

3.5. Models under Housing for All (HFA) Policy in Jharkhand ...................................... 19

3.6. Need for the project .............................................................................................. 22

3.7. Objective ............................................................................................................... 23

3.8. Scope of Work ...................................................................................................... 23

4. APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................. 24

4.1. Approach &Methodology ....................................................................................... 24

Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

4.2. Review of Data, Documents & Drawings ............................................................... 24

4.3. Primary survey for Commercial Initiatives and Purchase Pattern/trend Analysis; .. 25

5. City Profile and existing infrastructure ......................................................................................... 26

5.1. Introduction to Project Location ............................................................................. 26

5.2. City Profile of Location & Connectivity................................................................... 26

5.3. Profile of Bundu Nagar Panchayat ........................................................................ 26

5.4. Slum profile ........................................................................................................... 27

5.5. Google Based Mapping of Slum Pockets .............................................................. 27

5.6. Base Map Overview .............................................................................................. 29

5.7. Land-Marking the Boundary of Each Slum ............................................................ 30

5.8. Categorization Slums ............................................................................................ 30

5.9. Regional Linkages ................................................................................................ 30

5.10. Administrative Features ..................................................................................... 33

5.11. Connectivity ....................................................................................................... 33

5.12. Demography...................................................................................................... 33

1. Demographic Profile ............................................................................................. 33

5.13. Meteorological ................................................................................................... 34

1. Rainfall.................................................................................................................. 36

2. Humidity................................................................................................................ 36

3. Wind ..................................................................................................................... 36

5.14. Other Land Details ............................................................................................ 36

Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

1. Geology of Soil ..................................................................................................... 36

2. Seismic ................................................................................................................. 36

3. Topography........................................................................................................... 37

4. Soil texture ............................................................................................................ 37

5. Land Utilization ..................................................................................................... 37

6. Flora and Fauna ................................................................................................... 38

a. Tourist Attraction ...................................................................................................... 38

b. Education ................................................................................................................. 40

5.15. Demand Study and Market Analysis .................................................................. 41

6. Tangar Toli (Vertical-1)-PROPOSAL ............................................................................................... 43

6.1. Existing Scenario of the Project Location .............................................................. 43

6.2. Land and Location details ..................................................................................... 44

6.3. Project Location .................................................................................................... 44

6.4. Proposal for the Site ............................................................................................. 45

7. PROJECT COST ............................................................................................................................... 48

5.16. Estimated Cost .................................................................................................. 48

5.17. Tangar Toli Area Project Proposal Block Estimate Abstract............................... 49

6. Financial Model ............................................................................................................................. 52

8.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................... 52

8.2. Proposal for Proposed Tangar Toli Slum Rehabilitation, Bundu ............................ 52

8.2.1. Project Assumptions ...................................................................................... 52

Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

8.2.2. Project Revenues and Expenses – Tangar Toli, Bundu ................................ 53

8.2.3. Financial viability ............................................................................................ 55

8.2.4. Project Structuring ......................................................................................... 55

9. STATUTORY APPROVAL ................................................................................................................. 56

Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.


Figure 1: Growth of Slum Population in Jharkhand 2001 and 2011 ..................................... 18

Figure 2: Approach & Methodology ..................................................................................... 24

Figure 3: Slums of Bundu ULB on Google map ................................................................... 28

Figure 4: Location Map of Slums in Bundu .......................................................................... 29

Figure 5: Connectivity map of Ranchi .................................................................................. 31

Figure 6: Land Distribution with 2 Kms of Bundu City .......................................................... 32

Figure 7: Land Distribution with 8 Kms of Bundu City .......................................................... 32

Figure 8: Growth Trend in Bundu ........................................................................................ 33

Figure 9: Climate of the Bundu Town .................................................................................. 35

Figure 10: Temperature of the Bundu Town ........................................................................ 35

Figure 11: Seismic map of Jharkhand ................................................................................. 37

Figure 12: Sun Temple........................................................................................................ 39

Figure 13: Hundru Falls....................................................................................................... 40

Figure 14: Existing Pictures of the Location ........................................................................ 43

Figure 15: Existing Situation of the Site ............................................................................... 45

Figure 16: proposed layout – Tangar Toli Slum Rehabilitation, Bundu ................................ 46

Figure 17: View of PMAY Housing in Bundu ....................................................................... 47

Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.


Table 1 Financial Detail....................................................................................................... 13

Table 2: Jharkhand State Profile ......................................................................................... 17

Table 3: List of slum in Bundu ............................................................................................. 27

Table 4: Population and Decadal Growth Rate of Bundu .................................................... 34

Table 5: Literacy Rate of Bundu Town ................................................................................ 34

Table 6: Land Details .......................................................................................................... 44

Table 7: Location Details-2 ................................................................................................. 44

Table 8: Area Statement for the Site- vertical-1 ................................................................... 48

Table 9: Estimated project cost for project .......................................................................... 49

Table 10: Assumptions........................................................................................................ 52

Table 11: Project Revenues for Tangar Toli, Bundu (Rs. In Lakhs) ..................................... 53

Table 12: Financial Viability for Tangar Toli Bundu ............................................................. 55

Table 13: Required statutory approval ................................................................................ 56

Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

List of Abbreviations

1 A&OE Administrative and Other Expenses

2 AHP Affordable Housing in Partnership
3 AIP Annual Implementation Plan
4 BMTPC Building Materials & Technology Promotion Council
5 CNA Central Nodal Agencies

6 CPHEEO Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering

7 CSMC Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee
8 CDP City Development Plan
9 CLS Credit linked subsidy
10 DIPP Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion
11 DPR Detailed Project Report
12 EWS Economically Weaker Section
13 EMI Equated Monthly Instalment
14 FAR Floor Area Ratio
15 FSI Floor Space Index
16 ULB Urban Local Body
17 HUDCO Housing and Urban Development Corporation
18 HFA Housing for All
19 HFAPoA Housing for All Plan of Action
20 IIT Indian Institute of Technology
21 IS Indian Standard
22 IEC Information Education & Communication
23 IFD Integrated Finance Division
24 LIG Low Income Group
25 MoA Memorandum of Agreement
26 MoU Memorandum of Understanding
27 MoHUPA Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation

Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

28 MD Mission Directorate

29 NBC National Building Code

30 NHB National Housing Bank

31 NPV Net Present Value

32 NOC No Objection Certificate

33 NA Non Agricultural (NA)

34 PLI Primary Lending Institution

35 RWA Residents’ Welfare Association

36 SFCPoA Slum Free City Plan of Action

37 SECC Socio Economic and Caste Census

38 SLAC State Level Appraisal Committee

39 SLNA State level Nodal Agencies

40 SLSMC State Level Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee

41 TPQMA Third Party Quality Monitoring Agency

42 TDR Transfer of Development Rights

Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.


Affordable Housing Project: Housing projects where at least 50% of the houses are constructed
for EWS/ LIG category.

Beneficiary: A beneficiary family will comprise husband, wife and unmarried children. The
beneficiary family should not own a Pucca house (an all-weather dwelling unit) either in his/her name
or in the name of any member of his/her family in any part of India.

Carpet Area: Area enclosed within the walls, actual area to lay the carpet. This area does not include
the thickness of the inner walls

Central Nodal Agencies: Nodal Agencies identified by Ministry for the purposes of implementation
of Credit linked subsidy component of the mission.

EWS House: An all-weather single unit or a unit in a multistoried super structure having carpet area
of up to 30 sq. m. with adequate basic civic services and infrastructure services like toilet, water,
electricity etc. States can determine the area of EWS as per their local needs with information to

Floor Area Ratio (FAR)/Floor Space Index (FSI): The quotient obtained by dividing the total
covered area (plinth area) on all the floors by the area of the plot.

If States/Cities have some variations in this definition, State/City definitions will be accepted
under the PMAY mission.

Implementing Agencies: Implementing agencies are the agencies such as Urban Local Bodies,
Development Authorities, and Housing Boards etc. which are selected by State
Government/SLSMC for implementing Housing for All Mission.

Low Income Group (LIG): LIG households are defined as households having an annual income
between Rs. 3, 00,001 (Rupees Three Lakhs One) up to Rs.6, 00,000 (Rupees Six Lakhs).
States/UTs shall have the flexibility to redefine the annual income criteria as per local conditions in
consultation with the Centre.

Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

Primary Lending Institutions (PLI): the Ministry may identify Scheduled Commercial Banks,
Housing Finance Companies, Regional Rural Banks (RRBs), State Cooperative Banks, Urban
Cooperative Banks or any other institutions as.

Slum: A compact area of at least 300 population or about 60-70 households of poorly built
congested tenements, in unhygienic environment usually with inadequate infrastructure and lacking
in proper sanitary and drinking water facilities.

State Land Nodal Agencies (SLNAs): Nodal Agency designated by the State Governments
for implementing the Mission.

Transfer of Development Rights (TDR): TDR means making available certain amount of additional
built up area in lieu of the area relinquished or surrendered by the owner of the land, so that he can
use extra built up area himself in some other land.

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.


Bundu is a Town of Ranchi district in the Indian state of Jharkhand. There has not been any growth
in the city area in the last 50 years. Before the year 2008 the city was divided into 8 wards which
were further bifurcated into 12 wards after the year 2008 however the area remained the same.

As per the information available from Bundu was given the status of Nagar Panchayat in the year
1968. The most popular language of this town is Panch-pargana used as a common language for
communication by more than 75% inhabitants. However, other popular languages are Bengali &
Hindi. Surya Mandir and Dassam Fall are famous tourist attraction near the city.

Bundu has few places of historical importance which attracts the tourist from nearby places. Surya
Mandir is a newly built temple around the sacred pond of die Chhadiavrads in the Chhota Nagpur
Plateau region. The surroundings of the temple, studded with a pond serving as a sacred place for
Chhadiavrads arc actually a nature’s bounty to the people of Chotanagpur.

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna(Urban)- The mission seeks to address the housing requirement of
urban poor including slum dwellers through the following four verticals:

Slum rehabilitation of slum dwellers with the participation of private developers using their existing
land as a resource, (In-Situ Slum Redevelopment). Vertical –I.

Credit Linked Subsidy- Vertical II.

Affordable Housing in partnership with Public and Private Sectors- Vertical III.

Beneficiary-Led Individual House construction /enhancement- Vertical IV

It includes different verticals under which housing needs will be catered for different section of the
population. This project is a part of the development for Vertical-1 and Vertical-3. This report covers
slums which are situated in Tangar Toli Slum. This Project falls under Vertical-I, In-situ Slum
Redevelopment (ISSR).

Purpose of the Project: In-situ slum redevelopment housing project to provide dwelling Units
comprising of single bed room with hall, kitchen and washroom for the eligible slum dwellers under
PMAY-HFA Mission of Govt of India.

The proposed site is located at Tangar slum of Bundu ULB with plot no. 784,786 & 787, Khata no.
732 and Thana no.28. Total area available on site is 1.6 acre. But, for slum redevelopment under
vertical-I of PMAY scheme only 0.9 acre land has been utilized. Out this 0.9 acre (3642.16 sqm)
area 50 % area i.e. 0.45 acre (1821.08 sqm) has been used for slum redevelopment and 50% area
i.e. 0.45 acre (1821.08 sqm) has been used for developer’s development.

Building Details:

For EWS :Total 50 HH have been proposed for EWS development with total built up area equal to
2449 sqmt( 2087 sq. mt for EWS) . Built up area of one floor of block/ tower is 371.2 sqm and there

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

are total 2 such blocks/towers on plot with each floor consists of 5 dwelling units. In addition to this,
community centre (G+1) of total built up area equal to 362.32 sqm has also been proposed.

For Developer’s Development:

Bundu is a linear city and has ribbon development along the major highway corridor. City has a
potential to develop as satellite town to Ranchi in the coming decades. Proximity to its state capital
has made the area very potential for development. The place has a bearing capacity to sustain the
development pressure in near future. The vacant land available adds to the strength of the area.

As mentioned above, total 0.45-acre plot has been considered for developer’s development.

The Benefit of the Project

Currently the slums are located in the Tangar Toli Area and it has the total number of household of
47. We have proposed to relocate them on the existing site behind the area where they are currently
located. The proposal will be followed on the PPP mode of PMAY project. The proposed project will
free area of encroachment and provide housing to the Slum dwellers thus leading to better
infrastructure and living standards of the people.

The proposal consists of the slum having 47 nos of HH. In this project - we are proposing 50 no of
households on the basis of “Affordable housing policy, Jharkhand” (250 HH per acre, if plot area
varies from 4000 sqm to 10,000 sqm). The Proposed land measures 0.9 acres (3642.16 sqm) of
land out of which 0.45 Acres for EWS development and 0.45 Acres for the developer.

Project Cost and Financials

The brief summary of the cost of construction and financial viability of “Tangar Toli, Bundu – Slum
rehabilitation” projects are as follows:

Details of proposed dwelling units for slum

2 (each tower has 25 HH) No. towers of G+4 framed RCC structure based multistoried apartment
type housing Blocks are proposed with each floor consisting of 5 no of dwelling units.

Total built up area proposed for the dwelling units of 50 nos of slum beneficiaries = 2087 sqmtr

Estimated Project cost

Construction cost for Dwelling units for slum beneficiaries: 50 nos of housing units = Rs 403.19
Lakhs ( refer block costing)

Cost for external infrastructure facilities viz, internal roads, water supply, sewerage, drainage,
electrical network, etc., =Rs 112.40 Lakhs (refer block costing)

Construction Cost for Developers commercial/ residential building facility for a built up area of –
9271.69 Sqm = Rs 1319.90 Lakhs (refer block costing)

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

Total project Cost (including slum dwelling units and the commercial/ residential building in the
developer’s area) ===Rs 1912 Lakhs (refer block cost) and including site development total
cost is Rs 2078.79 Lakhs(refer block cost)

Post examination of feasibility report on PPP mode, detailed design has been developed for cost
estimate and financial viability of project.

Estimated revenues for the developer:

Market viability: Market survey at local area and neighborhoods has indicated that at present the
following market rates are prevailing

The market survey was conducted primarily in three nearby clusters, considering the fact the
proposed area is under consideration for development.

Sale of commercial property: Rs 2850 /- sqft

Costing of all the components have been done based on codes -Building Construction Department,
Schedule of rate - 1st July 2016, DSR- 2014 & 16, Horticulture DSR-2016 and CPWD PAR-2012.

1) Total cost of the EWS Project is Rs. 4,21,59,073 (Four Crore twenty one lakhs fifty nine
thousand and seventy three only)

2) Total Project cost for Developer’s development is Rs. 13,19,90,771 (Rupees Thirteen crore
nineteen lakh ninety thousand seven hundred and seventy one Only)

3) Hence, Total Project including EWS and Developers area is Rs. 17,41,49,844 (seventeen
crore forty one lakhs forty nine thousand eight hundred forty four Only)

Note: For detail component wise costing refer attached block costing summary sheet and for
conceptual planning refer attached conceptual AutoCAD drawing.

Project financial viability

With a premium of Rs 100.00 Lakhs/ each year as provision to GoJ for a period of 5 years ,Equity
IRR => 14.15%

Table 1 Financial Detail

S. No. Model HH Project Cost (Cr) IRR(%)

1 PPP 50 17.41 14.14 %

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.


2.1. Introduction
The Hon’ble President of India, in his address to the Joint Session of Parliament on 9th June, 2014
had announced “By the time the Nation completes 75 years of its Independence, every family will
have a pucca house with water connection, toilet facilities, 24x7 electricity supply and access.”

Hon’ble Prime Minister Envisioned Housing for All by 2022 when the nation completes 75 years of
its Independence. In order to achieve this objective, the Central Government has launched a
comprehensive mission, the “Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana – Housing for All (Urban)”.

The mission seeks to address the housing requirement of urban poor including slum dwellers
through the following four verticals:

• Slum rehabilitation of slum dwellers with the participation of private developers using their
existing land as a resource, (In-Situ Development).
• Promotion of Affordable Housing for the weaker section through the Credit Linked
• Affordable Housing in partnership with Public and Private Sectors.
• Subsidy for Beneficiary-Led Individual House construction /enhancement.

Housing for All Plan of Action (HFAPoA) report comprises of all the above mentioned four verticals.

2.2. Background

The Ministry of Housing Urban Poverty Alleviation, Government of India has launched the Pradhan
Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) - Housing for All (HFA) by 2022. A comprehensive urban housing
scheme to achieve the objective that by the time the nation completes 75 years of its Independence,
every family will have a pucca house.

The scheme seeks to address the housing requirement of the urban poor including slum dwellers
and will be implemented through four verticals, giving option to beneficiaries and ULBs. A beneficiary
family in this mission will comprise husband, wife, unmarried sons and/or unmarried daughters.

The four verticals of the PMAY-HFA (Urban) as per the guidelines are:

• Slum rehabilitation of slum dwellers with participation of private developers using land as
a resource.
• Promotion of Affordable Housing for the weaker section through credit linked subsidy.
• Affordable Housing in partnership with Public and Private sector.
• Subsidy for beneficiary-led individual house construction.

The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) will be implemented as a centrally sponsored scheme
except for the component of the Credit Linked Subsidy which will be implemented as a Central

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

Sector Scheme. The scheme also prescribes certain mandatory reforms for easing up the urban
land market for housing, to make adequate urban land available for affordable housing.

2.3. Urbanization and Housing Scenario in INDIA

Urbanization is an index of transformation from traditional rural economies to modern industrial ones.
The gradual increase in the number of urban centers from lower population sized categories to class
I cities has resulted in heavy structures of urban population in India. India's urbanization is often
termed as over urbanization, pseudo-urbanization. The big cities attained an inordinately large
population size leading to a virtual collapse in the urban services, followed by basic problems in the
field of housing, slum, water, infrastructure, quality of life etc. Urbanization is a product of
demographic explosion and poverty induced rural-urban migration. Urbanization is occurring not due
to an urban pull but due to a rural push. The impacts of Urbanization have the following results:

• Proliferation and densification of slums and growth of informal settlements.

• Degradation of housing stock which is characterized by congestion and obsolescence.
• Increase of social deprivation.
• Deteriorating nutrition and health status of the urban poor.

India’s urban population registered a decadal growth of 32 percent rising from 285 million to 377
million between 2001 and 2013. Slum population has been estimated to be 93.06 million in 2011,
which is 26% of the total urban population of India. The total housing shortage at the 12th plan period
has officially been assessed as 18.78 million dwelling units for 78.86 million households, where 98%
of this shortage was in the Low Income and Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) segment. 95%
of the shortage of housing has been estimated in EWS and LIG sectors.

2.4. Slum Situation and Housing Shortage for other Urban Poor in India

‘Slums’ are the habitats of the urban poor. The urban poor are generally equated with slum dwellers
as slums exhibit the most visible form of poverty in urban areas. Ranchi Municipal Corporation
exception to this general phenomenon in the urbanization process. Due to a large rural-urban
differential in income and employment opportunities, particularly due to the employment
opportunities in the tourism sector (In historical places), the rural poor are migrating from the
hinterlands of the city and taking refuge either in slums or on city pavements, as they cannot afford
expensive formal housing. The inevitable result of continuous rural-urban migration is either re-
densification of exiting slums or proliferation of new ones- (squatter settlements) primarily on vacant
public land, like, rivers/canals banks.

With the rapid growth of the service sector, the attraction of the cities for diverse and gainful
employment of rural and suburban poor cannot keep pace with the mobilization of resources to
provide land for affordable and serviced housing in appropriate locations for a significant section of
the urban population especially for the urban poor. Hence those excluded from the delivery of formal
housing find alternatives in non-serviced lands, sometimes in marginal, untenable or environmental
risk prone areas which are termed as slums.

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

Slum formation is an inevitable consequence of urbanization in India and other developing countries.
According to 2001 census, 23.1 per cent of urban population in India lived in slums while the
proportion is higher in large cities. For example, in Mumbai 55 per cent of the population live in slums
and confront acute scarcity of basic amenities required for a healthy living. In the Calcutta
Metropolitan Area in 2001 out of the population of 14 million, about 4.75 million were found to be
slum dwellers, i.e., more than one third of the total population.

About 377 million persons or about 31 per cent of India’s population of 1.21billion lived in urban area
in 2011 spread over 5161 towns. The urban population is likely to grow to about 600 million by 2031.
United Nation’s indicated that by 2030, India’s urban population will grow to 576 million and
constitute 40 per cent of the total populations. In 2011 there were 54 cities with a million plus
population and 495 cities above 100000 populations. It is estimated that the number of million plus
cities in India will grow to 75 by 2021. In addition, there will be 500 large cities with a population
above 100000 by 2021.

At the slum decadal growth rate of 34%, the slum households are projected to go up to 18 million. 2
million non-slum urban poor households are proposed to be covered under the Mission. Hence, the
total housing shortage envisaged to be addressed through the new mission is 20 million.

The Housing for All Mission will be implemented during 2015-2022 and will provide central
assistance to Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) and other implementing agencies through States/UTs for:

 In-situ Rehabilitation of existing slum dwellers using land as a resource through private
 Credit Linked Subsidy.
 Affordable Housing in Partnership.
 Subsidy for beneficiary-led individual house construction/enhancement.

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.



In terms of urbanization process of India, slums have become an integral part of urban Scenario. In
the absence of any affordable housing, there has been growth of slums in the urban areas of the
country. In India, out of a total population of 1.21billion, 31.30% population resides in the urban
areas, but 21.68% (61.8 million) of the total urban population live in the slums. Slums are considered
as a major problem within the urban areas, particularly in relation to the issues of transportation,
population growth, health and safety.

Table 2: Jharkhand State Profile

State Jharkhand
State Capital Ranchi
Population Density (Census 2011) 79,710
Number of Districts 24
Number of Sub-Divisions/ CD Subdivision-38/CD Blocks-260
Important Urban Centers/Towns Jamshedpur, Ranchi, Hazaribagh, Giridih and
Total Population (Census 2011) 32,988,134
Sex Ratio (Census 2011) 948
Literacy Rate( Census 2011) 66.4%

Source:, census of India

Like other states of India, Jharkhand too is facing the problem of slums. The total slum population
in Jharkhand grew at the rate of 23%, which is low in respect of the urban population growth of 32%
in Jharkhand; the entire district shave registered either positive or negative slum population
growth. The north-western, central and southeastern districts have registered less slum population
growth rate than the rate of urbanization (Fig.3). These districts include Bokaro, Dhanbad, Garhwa,
Gumla, Hazaribagh, Koderma, Latehar, Pakur, Palamau, and PurbiSinghbhum, Saraikela and
Kharsawan. The main causes of less slum population growth rates are improvement in housing,
infrastructure and income of slum dwellers to have better access to basic services. The central
districts of Jharkhand, which include Latehar, Hazaribagh, Bokaro, and Dhanbad ,had recorded
low slum population to total urban population in comparison to the districts of other parts of

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

Figure 1: Growth of Slum Population in Jharkhand 2001 and 2011

Source: Slum Primary Census Abstract 2001 & 2011

3.1. Slums in Jharkhand

Number of notified and non-notified slums

State No.of No.of No.of Non- % Proportion of Slums Data in

Slums Notified Notified No.of No.of Non- process
Slums Slums Notified Notified
Slums Slums

Jharkhand 1534 47 1361 3.06 88.72 126

To empower the subject of urbanization of the state, government of Jharkhand have provided policy
“Affordable Housing for All in Urban areas” & building bye laws in accordance to the same.

3.2. Housing Policies, Reforms, Plans and Actions

The aim of the policy is to create an enabling environment for providing “Affordable Housing for All
in Urban areas” with specific emphasis on EWS and LIG and Other vulnerable sections of the society
such as SC/ST/OBC/Minorities and senior citizens, Physically Challenged persons in the state and
to ensure that no individual is shelter less. The policy further aims to provide Public Private People
Partnership (PPPP) for addressing the shortage of adequate and affordable Housing

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

3.3. Vision of the policy

To ensure that all residents of urban areas in Jharkhand have access to a range of housing options
within their affordability limits by putting in place a system that will deliver the result consistently over
a period of time.

3.4. Target group:

The Target group for this policy are urban poor classified by the state as persons belonging to the
economically weaker section (EWS) and Low Income Group (LIG) based on Income criteria as under



LIG FROM RS. 3,00,001 TO6,00,000

3.5. Models under Housing for All (HFA) Policy in Jharkhand

The Government of Jharkhand envisage nine models for intervention under this policy, which can
operate independently or in combination with each other.

Model- 1 Mandatory Development of EWS Housing

Model -2 Developments of Affordable Housing Projects
Model -3 In-situ Slum Redevelopment
Model -4 Relocation and Rehabilitation
Model -5 Beneficiary -Led Individual Housing Construction and Enhancement
Model -6 Credit Linked Subsidy (under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana)
Model -7 Rental Housing.
Model -8 Housing Projects by Cooperative Societies
Model-9 EWS/LIG Housing in whole private land

Model 1- Mandatory Development of EWS Housing (Private Developers)

Reservation for EWS Housing

 Reservation for EWS Housing -In all plotted development schemes of area above 4000sqm-
not less than 10 %of the gross land (which should not less than 20%ofthe developed land).
 All group housing schemes of total plot area of; 3000sqm and above shall have to
compulsorily reserve minimum 15%of the originally permissible built-up area.

Compensatory FAR

 Equal to build up area developed for EWS up to a maximum of 3.5 FAR the unutilized FAR
can be received as TDR within the jurisdiction of same ULB.

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

Model 2- Development of Affordable Housing Projects (PPP Mode)

 Development of EWS & LIG Category of Housing.

 At least 35% of total number of houses shall be EWS
 The ownership shall remain with the Govt. The developed DUs shall be transferred to
govt. agencies free of cost for allotment
 Will be given on lease to developer as per terms and condition of bidding document.
 The developer shall utilize the land for development of housing and commercial project,
subject to planning and building regulations.
 Maximum FAR of 3.5 shall be allowed on the total project area.
 Rs1.5lakh per unit for each household covered under the project will be available from
PMAY having project of 250 mix houses of affordable housing project with 35 % reserved for

Model 3 - In-situ Slum Redevelopment (PPP Mode)

 Development of EWS Category of Housing for slum rehabilitation

 All DUs shall be EWS.
 The ownership shall remain with the Govt.
 The developed DUs shall be transferred to govt. agencies free of cost for Allotment.
 Will be given on lease to developer as per terms and condition of bidding document.
 The developer shall utilize the land for development of housing and commercial project,
subject to planning and building regulations.
 Maximum FAR of 3.5 shall be allowed on the-total project area.
 Developer shall be responsible" for transit housing for slum dwellers Rs.1 lakh per unit for
each slum household covered under the project will be available from PMA

Model - 4: Relocation and Rehabilitation

Development Condition

 Relocation Site - Preferably, within close proximity to original slum area to be handed over
to govt. Agency, free of all costs by the state government.
 Development to be undertaken by govt. agency as per Model- 2

Relocation Plan

 EWS Units developed by PDAs in Model-1 and Model -2

 Extra EWS units developed in Model 4
 EWS Units constructed specially on Relocation site

Transit Accommodation

 Shall be provided to slum dwellers as per the guidelines to be issued by State Govt in
this regard.

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

 All other conditions pertaining to Development Model 3 (In-situ Slum

Redevelopment) shall apply, with the necessary changes having been carried out
 Rs 1 lakh per unit for each slum household covered under the project will be available
from PMAY.

Model-5: Beneficiary-Led Individual Housing Construction/Enhancement of Slums and Non

Slum Poor on Land with Record of Rights.

Development Condition

 ComprehensiveDevelopmentthroughupgradationofexistingdwellingunit and municipal

infrastructure services

Implementing Agency &Mechanism

 Govt. Agencies (PDA/Housing Board/JUIDCO) will develop a project proposal for

upgradation of such slums by making provisions for various utilities and other urban
 Beneficiarycontributionwillfixedasperspecificprovisionsintheproject

Non Slum Poor

 Similar benefits shall be available to non-slum poor also having landing areas/up-gradation.
 Rs1.5 lakh per housing unit is available through beneficiary led housing enhancement
component of PMAY under Central grant and Rs75000 through state grant.

Model-6 Credits Linked Subsidy ( under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana)

 This model is completely based on the Central Sponsored scheme and is applicable under
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana.
 Beneficiaries would be eligible for an interest subsidy at the rate of 6.5 %.
 The credit linked subsidy will be available only for loan amounts up to Rs 6 Lakhs and
additional loans beyond Rs 6 Lakhs, if any, will be at nonsubsidized rate.
 Preference under the Scheme, subject to beneficiaries being from EWS/LIG segments, will
be given to Manual Scavengers, Women (with overriding preference to widows), persons
belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Other Backward Classes, Minorities,
Persons with disabilities and Transgender.

Model-7: Rental Housing

Allotment Parameter·

 EWS units to eligible families for a particular period after making an initial deposit and
monthly charges to be paid to govt. agency
 Charges shall increase @ 10% annually or at the rate as decided by JHM / State Govt.

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

Implementing Agency & Mechanism

 Standaloneprojectsbygovt.agenciesasperModel2
 Any state/central department /agency/industry or any SPV or group of industries public or
private may finance the rental housing development for captive use.

Model - 8: Housing Projects by Cooperative Societies

 The Cooperative Housing Societies would procure / acquire house-sites from

Government or from any authority or agency of government or from any local body.
 Cooperative Housing Societies may mobilize funds for construction of dwelling units from
its members, from state Government, LlC, Housing and Urban Development Corporation
(HUDCO), National Housing Bank (NHB), Development Finance Corporation (HDFC) on
prescribed terms and conditions.
 Priority would be given to such Cooperative Housing Societies, who fulfill the following
 Society having minimum 100 members.
 Having technical expert within the society.
 Compliance all legal formalities

Model-9: EWS/LIG Housing in whole private land (PPP Mode)

 At least 50% of total number of houses shall be developed for EWS.

 Allotment of DUs shall be from the HFAPoA list prepared under PMAY.
 The price of DUs shall be fixed by ULBs through government notification and it will change
time to time
 Developed DUs shall be EWS/LIG
 Sale price of DUs may be decided by the developer except the reserved DUs
 Exemptions from various fee, charges & Security Deposit
 Maximum FAR of 3.5 shall be allowed on the total project area.
 Rs 1.5 lakh per unit for each household covered under the project will be available from
PMAY having project of 250 mix houses of affordable housing project with 35 % reserved
for EWS.

3.6. Need for the project

About one-fourth of India’s population is poor i.e., their expenditure on consumption goods is less
than the poverty line benchmark. An analysis of population growth trends between 2001 and 2011
shows that while India grew at an average annual growth rate of 1.6 per cent, urban India grew at 3
per cent, mega cities at 4 per cent, and slum population rose by 5 per cent. Rapid and unplanned
urbanization and simultaneous growth of the urban population in limited living spaces has a visible
impact on the quality of life of the urban population and the urban poor bear the brunt of this burden.
When infrastructure services are lacking slums and other vulnerable settlements are amongst the
world’s most live threatening environments. This calls for immediate attention to improve the living
conditions by providing basic amenities in slums and squatter settlements. The model of slum

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

improvement worldwide and also in India has experienced a sea change in approach with more and
more people staying in slums especially in large, metropolitan cities.

The exclusionary slum clearance approach followed in India during the early 50s had been replaced
by the inclusive slum improvement model since 70s. Although slum demolition was carried out in
large cities to accommodate market driven uses, the slum improvement and upgrade has been
accepted as the basic principle in various policy documents published by Govt. of India and
subsequent housing policies and national programmers adopted thereof. Housing for All (HFA) by
2022 scheme, a comprehensive urban housing scheme to achieve the objective that by the time the
Nation completes 75 years of its Independence, every family will have.

3.7. Objective

 Bringing existing slums within the formal system and enabling them to avail of the same level of
basic amenities as the rest of the town;
 Redressing the failures of the formal system that lie behind the creation of slums; and
 Tackling the shortages of urban land and housing that keep shelter out of reach of the urban
poor and force them to resort to extralegal solutions in a bid to retain their sources of livelihood
and employment.

3.8. Scope of Work

Housing for All” Mission for urban area will be implemented during 2015-2022 and this Mission will
provide central assistance to implementing agencies through States and UTs for providing houses
to all eligible families/beneficiaries by 2022. Mission will be implemented as Centrally Sponsored
Scheme (CSS) except for the component of credit linked subsidy which will be implemented as a
Central Sector Scheme.

 A beneficiary family will comprise husband, wife, unmarried sons and/or unmarried daughters.

 The beneficiary family should not own a pucca house either in his/her name or in the name of
any member of his/her family in any part of India to be eligible to receive central assistance
under the mission.

 States/UTs, at their discretion, may decide a cut-off date on which beneficiaries need to be
resident 1.4 of that urban area for being eligible to take benefits under the scheme.

 Mission with all its component has become effective from the date 17.06.2015 and will be
implemented up to 31.03.2022.

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.


4.1. Approach &Methodology

Figure 2: Approach & Methodology

HFAPoA ( Study of number of


Identification of Slums for Affordable

Housing Project (AHP)
Approach & Methodology

Demarcation, Topo- survey and Soil


Preparation of conceptual plan, Block

Costing of the Project and Financial
Beneficiary Contribution

Preparation of IR & DPR

The pictorial representation of the Approach & Methodology adopted to carry out the Inception
Report and Detailed Project Report for Development of Dwelling units under slum redevelopment,
at “Tangar Toli– Slum rehabilitation” area in Bundu is given below

4.2. Review of Data, Documents & Drawings

Post signing of Agreement, various meetings has taken place with JUIDCO Project team, PMAY
Cell, ULB officials. Field personnel were deployed for collection of data, documents and drawings
pertaining to subject work.

Beneficiaries and Topographical data were collected by the team during site visit. Detailed surveys
were conducted to analyze how the clustering of slums could be done.

Further for Commercial develop, Customer survey has been carried which covered the customer
profiling, including their purchase pattern, the type of requirement & spending, the competing
Commercial initiatives and their response to customer.

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

4.3. Primary survey for Commercial Initiatives and Purchase Pattern/trend


A detailed Primary survey has been conducted to understand the customer age Group, their
purchase pattern, spending power, response to Existing Mall, Adoptability of such new initiatives
including Lifestyle in changed scenario for Commercial initiatives. A Market survey for Demand-
supply has been carried out through a set of questionnaire to capture primary data for the need for
such initiatives and customer response for patronizing same for long term sustenance. This has
helped immensely in understanding the shopping habits of the people and has helped in preparing
the commercial market demand.

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.


5.1. Introduction to Project Location

Jharkhand is a state in eastern India. It was carved out of the southern part of Bihar on 15th
November 2000. Jharkhand shares its border with the states of Bihar to the north, Uttar Pradesh
and Chhattisgarh to the west, Odisha to the south, and West Bengal to the east. The city of Ranchi
is its capital while Jamshedpur is the largest and the biggest industrial city of the state. Jharkhand
is famous for its rich mineral resources like Uranium, Mica, Bauxite, Granite, Gold, Silver, Graphite,
Magnetite, Dolomite, Fireclay, Coal, Iron, Copper, etc. Forests and woodlands occupy more than
29% of the land cover of the state which is one of the highest as compared to other states in India.

Bundu is a Town of Ranchi district in the Indian state of Jharkhand. There has not been any growth
in the city area in the last 50 years. Before the year 2008 the city was divided into 8 wards which
were further bifurcated into 12 wards after the year 2008 however the area remained the same.

As per the information available from Bundu was given the status of Nagar Panchayat in the year
1968. The most popular language of this town is Panchpargania used as a common language for
communication by more than 75% inhabitants. However, other popular languages are Bengali &
Hindi. Surya Mandir and Dassam Fall are famous tourist attraction near the city.

Bundu has few places of historical importance which attracts the tourist from nearby places. Surya
Mandir is a newly built temple around the sacred pond of die Chhadiavrads in the Chhota Nagpur
Plateau region. The surroundings of the temple, studded with a pond serving as a sacred place for
Chhadiavrads arc actually a nature’s bounty to the people of Chotanagpur.

5.2. City Profile of Location & Connectivity

The town of Bundu is located at southern part of the state of Jharkhand. Bundu is situated 337
meters above sea level and is located along National Highway 33 at latitude 23.18º North and
longitude 85.58º East located in south central part of the state. Bundu is surrounded by Tomar block
towards south eastern side, Sonahatu block towards north eastern side, Rahe block towards
northern side, Namkum block towards western side and Khunti district towards southern side. The
NH 33 is major road crossing the city connecting link to other urban areas. Rice and horticulture
crops are major crops grown in this area.

5.3. Profile of Bundu Nagar Panchayat

Bundu Nagar Panchayat was established as the District Headquarter, in year-12 June 2007,
coinciding with the formation of Bundu District, separated out from Ranchi. Population catered by
the Bundu Nagar Panchayat according to 2011 census) – 36,390.

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

5.4. Slum profile

As per Census 2011 there are total 8 numbers of slum-like pockets in Bundu Town, spread over 5
of the 12 wards. Not a single slum is notified. The total slum population of Bundu as per Census
2011 is 3085.

Table 3: List of slum in Bundu

Bundu - Slum Wise Basic Information Ward No. Slum Totla No. of Households

1 1 Besra Toli All slums are on their
2 2 Bazar Tand individual land,
3 7 Mahapatra
4 7 Kathhal Toli
5 7 Bhakwadih
6 10 Fulwar Toli
7 12 Oraon Toli
8 12 Gosaidih
9 8 Kocha Toli
10 9 Tangar Toli 47

Source; Primary Survey Sep-Oct 2016 under PMAY

During the Stakeholder Workshop held in the Nagar Panchayat office on 28.06.16, apart from these
8 slum-like settlements that occurred in the discussions regarding Door to Door Surveys, Ward
Commissioners present in the meeting named two more slums, Kocha Toli Ward 8 and Tangar Toli
Ward 9, taking the total number to 10.

However, there are a total of 10 no. of slums in Bundu but there is only 1 slum located on Govt.
Land, Rest all are located on their individual land taking benefits in other verticals of PMAY. Tangar
Toli in Ward No. 9 is located on Govt. Land having 47 no. of beneficiaries

5.5. Google Based Mapping of Slum Pockets

The development of appropriate Google earth map has considerable potential to improve municipal
planning, administration, and management in a number of ways. Satellite remote sensing data and
GIS is the strength for urban planning, as well as management. Fundamentally it seeks to join in a
large range of spatial and non-spatial information with respect to other spatial information including-
urban services, infrastructure and socio-economic information. GIS based mapping has also provide
graphic information on slums, which could help decision makers determine priorities through
providing spatial or distributional information on the impacts and beneficiaries of different investment

The content of a base map depends on the user of the map and its intended use. The geo-referenced
base map has served as a foundation for different mapping requirements where all other thematic
maps may be overlaid for spatial analysis. Thus, it has aid planners in preparing slum-free city
master plan. It is important for the mapmaker and al\mmmmjjjjjjmso the target overseers of this data
to understand the procedural steps in the production of base maps.

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

Figure 3: Slums of Bundu ULB on Google map

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

5.6. Base Map Overview

A Base map provides important background information and is typically combined with other map
layers that represent operational information managed by a department and/or agency within local
government. In some cases though, the base maps themselves may serve as a finished product
that can be used in a map atlas or other hardcopy product. Refer Figure No: 4

Figure 4: Location Map of Slums in Bundu

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

Base map for ULB was prepared on the geo-referenced latest satellite imagery, survey, and other
input maps received from the ULB. Survey of India Topo-sheet and the current master plan maps
were used here for instance. The following features were captured to create the base map.

 National Highway,
 Major Roads,
 Railways,
 Rivers,
 Canals/Drains,
 Lakes/Ponds
 Forest Areas
 Important landmarks

5.7. Land-Marking the Boundary of Each Slum

The identified land-mark has clearly marked on the slum boundary maps by using Google earth.
These land marks have properly scattered in the slum boundary. Survey teams have properly
marked the slum infrastructure on Google base map during the survey. The markings has been done
by the advance field survey team (photographer + assistant) on the printed satellite imagery / slum
base map, using ball-point pens of the specified colors, and as per suggested by the Darashaw &
Company Pvt. Ltd team.

5.8. Categorization Slums

The slums have been classified as tenable, semi-tenable or untenable. Google earth enabled slum
MIS has help in the categorization of the slums. Due consideration has been given to tenability/un-
tenability, existing density of each slum pocket, and additional accommodative density etc. The
slums have been further classified into sub-categories like land ownership, land value (based on the
prevalent market price) land tenure to choose the redevelopment model to be followed for each slum
pocket in the city within the municipal boundary. The officials of Bundu Nagar Panchayat and other
stakeholders have been consulted while formulating the final categorization results. Urban slums
have been identified and covered under the PMAY, livelihood household’s survey under HFAPoA
scheme. In order to assess the infrastructural and economic situations of Urban Slums, a matrix has
been developed for the prioritization of Urban Slums. A detailed description has been laid down to
explain the process adopted for preparing the matrix. The key activities have done in chronological
order as shown below: (i) Slum Scoring on Infra-structure deficiency, (ii) Slum scoring on Poverty,
(iii) Ranking of Slums, and (iv) Categorization of Slums into each verticals of HFAPoA Scheme.

5.9. Regional Linkages

Bundu Nagar Panchayat has a population of 49,985 as per Census 2011, town population has
shown growth rate of 18.96 % per cent from the year 2001 to 2011.

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

Figure 5: Connectivity map of Ranchi

As per the information available from Bundu was given the status of Nagar Panchayat in the year
1968. The most popular language of this town is Panchpargania used as a common language for
communication by more than 75% inhabitants. However, other popular languages are Bengali &
Hindi. Surya Mandir and Dassam Fall are famous tourist attraction near the city.

Bundu has few places of historical importance which attracts the tourist from nearby places. Surya
Mandir is a newly built temple around the sacred pond of die Chhadiavrads in the Chhota Nagpur
Plateau region. The surroundings of the temple, studded with a pond serving as a sacred place for
Chhadiavrads arc actually a nature’s bounty to the people of Chotanagpur.

It is important to understand the spatial growth pattern of the town as well. It is an essential step to
incorporate the parcel of lands outside the town, which are already experiencing development. While
observing the growth pattern, it was observed that the Town has been growing in almost linear
pattern on both the sides of the NH-33.

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

Figure 6: Land Distribution with 2 Kms of Bundu City

Source: Master Plan, Bundu.

Figure 7: Land Distribution with 8 Kms of Bundu City

Source: Master Plan, Bundu

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

5.10. Administrative Features

Bundu subdivision is situated within Ranchi district consisting 4 blocks and Bundu town which is a
class III town with a Nagar Panchayat. The nagar Panchayat in Bundu town came into existence in
the year 1968. In 2008, the municipal boundary of Bundu was modified and the 8 municipal wards
were increased to 12 municipal wards, however the area remained the same.

5.11. Connectivity

Air: The There is no Airport in Bundu city, however, nearest airport is Birsa Munda Airport Ranchi;
in the capital of Jharkhand is 43 km away.

Road: National highway 33 also known as Tata road is the major road crossing through the town
and connects it to state capital Ranchi at the distance of 43 km and Steel city Jamshedpur at the
distance of 76 km. Other major roads in the city are Block Road, Majhi Toil Road, Tanger Toil Road,
Bundi Silli Road, Thana Toli Road, Rani Chuwa Road and Bundu Main Road. Other nearby urban
centers are Khunti (50 km), Barughutu (100 km), Bokaro (130 km), Chandil (64 km) and Lohardaga
(125 km).

Railways: There is no railway station in Bundu city, however, nearest major station is Namkom a
major link between Jamshedpur and Ranchi and nearest airport is Ranchi at the distance of 43 km.
Bus depot is available in Bundu and daily 20-30 buses going towards Ranchi, Jamshedpur, Khunti,
Saraikela, Chakradharpur, Kolkata, Patna, Hazaribagh, Bokaro, Dhanbad, Ramgarh, Kharakpur,
Chaibasa, Bhubaneswar, Cuttack cities are operated. For public transportation, local jeeps and cycle
rickshaw are available in Bundu.

5.12. Demography

1. Demographic Profile

The Bundu Nagar Panchayat has population of 21,054 as per report released by Census India 2011.
At present total population of Bundu is constituted of 52.0% of male and 48.0% of females. The
decadal growth rate for the period 2001-2011, 2011-2021 and 2021-2031are found out as 13.69%,
12.01% and 12.19%.

Bundu Nagar Panchayat Population

Estimated Population 2031 26629
Estimated Population 2021 23658
2011 21054
2001 18519
1991 16064
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000

Figure 8: Growth Trend in Bundu

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

Name of ULB

Estimated Population

Growth Rate 2011-

Growth Rate 2021-

Decadal Average

Decadal Average
Population 2031
Decadal Growth
Rate 2001-2011





Bundu Nagar 16,064 18,519 21,054 13.69 23658 12.01 26629 12.19

Table 4: Population and Decadal Growth Rate of Bundu

Literate Person (75.21%)

Total Person Male (83.60%) Female (66.68%)

Table 5: Literacy Rate of Bundu Town

5.13. Meteorological

The general topography of Bundu is very undulating. The city is surrounded by small hillocks and
forest areas. Most part of the Jharkhand state comes under the Chotanagpur Plateau region divided
into three steps. Bundu lies in lower part of the plateau with general elevation of around 300 meters

Bundu lies in northern side of Subarnarekha river basin. Nearest river is Kanchi River a tributary of
Subarnarekha flows in the southern side of the town at the distance of 10 km.

Ranchi district has about 17% of forest area. Bundu city also has considerable amount of forest area
in the city i.e. around 15%-17% of the city areas. Important forest products are Saal seeds, Kokun,
Lac, Tendu leaves, Karanj, Chiraunji etc. The major trees are Sal Bija, Gamhar, Kathal, Jamun,
Mango, Bamboo, Neem etc.

Bundu's climate is classified as tropical. The summers here have a good deal of rainfall, while the
winters have very little. This location is classified as Aw by Köppen and Geiger. In Bundu, the
average annual temperature is 25.8 °C. The average annual rainfall is 1212 mm. Precipitation is the
lowest in December, with an average of 3 mm. Most of the precipitation here falls in July, averaging
287 mm at an average temperature of 33.3 °C, May is the hottest month of the year. January is the
coldest month, with temperatures averaging 18.5 °C. Between the driest and wettest months, the
difference in precipitation is 284 mm

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

Figure 9: Climate of the Bundu Town

Figure 10: Temperature of the Bundu Town

Source: Metrological Department Government of India

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

1. Rainfall

The average rainfall of the town is about 1413.60 mm and it receives the maximum rainfall during
the months of July and August. The area is prone to cyclonic storms which usually lead to heavy
rainfall over the area.

2. Humidity

The relative humidity is generally high in the monsoon season. In the rest of the year, the air is
generally dry. The summer months are the driest with relative humidity, especially in the
afternoons of the order of 50 percent.

3. Wind

The wind rose diagram for Bundu shows how many hours per year the wind blows from the
indicated direction. Wind blows majorly towards North-western part of the town all over the year.

5.14. Other Land Details

1. Geology of Soil

The oldest geological formation of this district is represented by Dharwar sediments with the basic
intrusive. These, being later intruded by the batholithic mass of Chota Nagpur granite, were
metamorphosed into various types of schistose and gneissic rocks. The remnants of the earlier
sedimentary and igneous rocks are known from as the inclusions of phyllites and schists of varying
dimensions in the granite mass and the extensive areas of Khondalites. Phyllites are by far the
predominant rock type in the south-east portion of this district. Chota Nagpur granite gneiss forms
the country rocks of the district and is a part of the enormous intrusive mass.
Within the main body, the granite gneiss varies from a normal medium-grained rock to a porphyritic
material with large crystals of potash feldspar. Quartz, biotite or hornblende are the other essential
minerals. Apatite, zircon, sphene are rutile are the accessories.

The geological characteristic of Bundu is mainly defined by the presence of quartz and granite.
Laterite is also found in some areas in terms of soil. The soil is very sandy loam with shallow to
moderate depths. Soil at some places is a mixture of sand and gravel. The hill top is completely
devoid of soil.

2. Seismic

In recent years, much of the seismic activity in the state of Jharkhand has been in the north, at the
Himalayan foot hill zone of Ganga-Damodar region lying at northern side of Jharkhand

Bundu falls in Seismic Zone II as per IS: 1893 which is the least seismic prone zone.

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

Figure 11: Seismic map of Jharkhand

3. Topography

The major percentage of share with respect to geography are generally flat with scattered hillocks
and frequent steep gradient due to rolling hills. The general surface of the block is categorized by
the presence of undulating lands i.e. the lowlands and the uplands. The rocky outcrops and ravines
are commonly observed. The hilly terrains are covered by protected, reserved and private protected
forests (Zamindari and Khutkatti). The most striking topographical feature of this area is the plateau
formation. The general slope of this area is moderate towards east direction. The geological
formation is mainly quartz and granite. Laterite is also present in some areas. The soil is very sandy
loam with shallow to moderate depths. Soil at some places is a mixture of sand and gravel. The hill
top is completely devoid of soil.

4. Soil texture

The soils of the district are mostly of the residual type. High temperature and high rainfall have led
to the formation of lateritic type of soils from rocks of Archean metamorphic complex exposed in the
greater part of the district. Texturally the soils of the district have been classified into four classes-
1. Stony and gravelly Soils-These are low grade soils having a large admixture of cobbles, pebbles
and gravels generally found at the base of the hills. 2. Red and yellow soils: - This soil is formed by
the decomposition of crystalline metamorphic rocks like granite- gneiss etc. These rocks contain
mineral particles like biotite, hornblende and iron. Higher areas have soils with light red color but the
lower areas have relatively dark color. It lacks nitrogen, Phosphorus acid and humus. The soil has
dark red or brown color, it has high iron content and has been formed by the process of lateralization
of the weathered material in the favorable climate and topography. 4. Alluvial soils: - River channels
in the district are covered with alluvial soils consisting mainly of coarse sand and gravel mixed with
silt and clay.

5. Land Utilization

The physical characteristics are vital elements of the comprehensive land use plan as these
characteristics often dictate how land is used. Topography, soil features and geology can create
limitations to certain types of developments, while an inventory of surface water resources,
vegetation types, environmentally significant areas, and historical features identifies those

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

resources and areas which should be protected from development. Landuse planning covers land
functions such as protected areas, land recreation, road- building, waste- disposal sides and use of
restricted areas such as buffer zones for exhaust gases, activity based demarcation of land etc. The
core element of the master plan is landuse planning as it has to be planned in a sustainable manner
which is both socially and environmentally compatible.

As per physical growth, there has not been much growth in last 50 years but within municipal limits
there has been many modifications. The municipality of Bundu was established in the year of 1968.
BNP had 5 municipal wards in 1991 till 2001, which was increased to 8 municipal wards till 2008. In
2008, the 8 municipal wards were again modified to 12 municipal wards covering an area of 12.08
sq. km. At present there are 12 municipal wards.

Being a small sized town and its proximity to Ranchi, Bundu has a substantial potential for a
systematic planning and development. The physical growth of the town is towards northwest part of
the planning area i.e. towards Ranchi and also to North eastern part of the town i.e. towards Rahe
and Sonahatu.It is very important to understand the spatial distribution of the planning area from the
core area towards the periphery. In order to get an outlook over the landuse distribution of planning
area a distance based spatial analysis has been taken into account.

6. Flora and Fauna

The district has rich forest resources and has several jungles of Sal trees and bamboos, and a
variety of other indigenous trees. The forest in and around Ranchi-Bundu Area are home to a variety
tree and wild animal. The common variety of trees found in this area is Sal, Maugha, Simul, and
Gambhar. The species of wild animal which can be seen in the forests of this region are bears,
neelgai, hares, sambar and chital.

a. Tourist Attraction

Along the most well connected circuit in the state is NH 33 which connects most of the tourist spots
from origin to destination, and on this lies Bundu which is just 42 Km away from Ranchi. Buses are
frequently available to and fro in this circuit. Both Ranchi and Jamshedpur are most developed city
in the state and lies on this circuit, so the mode of conveyance is easily available in this route

4. Sun temple: The Sun Temple in Ranchi is located on the Tata Road near Bundu. The elegant
Sun Temple is fashioned in the form of huge chariot with richly decorated 18 wheels (nine on
each side) and seven life like horses ready to take off. Built by SanskritiVihar headed by Shri
Sita Ram Maroo, the Managing Director of Ranchi Express Group, the Sun Temple deserves
the title 'a poem in stone'. The surroundings of the temple, studded with a pond serving as a
sacred place for Chhathavratis are actually a nature’s bounty to the people of Chota-Nagpur. A
beautiful dharmashala, meant for the pilgrims and the tourists is under construction. The all-
weather motorable road up to the temple premises is likely to attract tourist who will be captivated
to behold the newly built Sun Temple in placid and serene surrounding leading to its celestial

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

Figure 12: Sun Temple

5. Dassam fall: About 13 km away from Bundu this fall is located in a village named Taimara .
Falling from a height of about 144 feet Kanchi river makes a pretty fall called Dassam falls
encircled with charming scenes. It is also known as Dassam Ghagh. The tourists are warned not
to take bath in the falls or at least be careful while bathing in the stream. This fall has created
the Dasham falls, which is bordered with verdant landscapes. The time between February and
April is considered as an ideal period to visit the place.
6. Dalma national park: Dalma is located at 10 km from Jamshedpur on NH 33 and 80 km away
from Bundu. This forest reserve has a spread of 193.2 Km in between East & West Singhbhum.
The terrain is undulating and densely covered by forest, which ranges from moist deciduous to
evergreen. The sanctuary has been recently converted as first Elephant National Park. The park
is very rich in mammalian population like Elephant, Beer, Giant Squirrel, Pangolin etc.
7. Panch gagh: About 65 kms from Bundu near Khunti, Panch Ghagh is a lovely picnic spot amidst
lush green forests. It is the collective name for a group of five waterfalls (punch ghagh in the
dehatl tongue) formed in a row due to the breaking up of the Banai river. Cemented walkways
connect the different cataracts, of which stream 2 is the most popular while 5 is the biggest,
though a bit inaccessible. You can walk down from the tourist shelter to the base of stream 2.
8. Hundru Falls: The Hundru Falls is a waterfall located in Ranchi district in the Indian state of
Jharkhand. It is the 34th highest waterfall in India. The Hundru Falls is created on the course of
the Subarnarekha River, where it falls from a height of 98 metres (322 ft.) creating one of the
highest water falls in the state. The spectacular scene of water falling from such a great height
has been described as a sight to behold. The different formations of rock due to the erosion by
the constantly falling of water have added to the beauty of the place.

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

Figure 13: Hundru Falls

b. Education

Bundu being the Satellite town for Ranchi City. The major dependency of the bundu lies with Ranchi
city only. Ranchi district boasts of many premier institutes in the field of higher education.

 Ranchi University: Presently comprising 35 constituent colleges and 29 affiliated colleges,

was established in 1960. One of its constituent college, St. Xavier's College at Ranchi was
established in 1944. Birla Institute of Technology at Mesra, Ranchi was established in 1955.
Birsa Agricultural University at Ranchi was established in 1981.
 IIM Ranchi: The eighth Indian Institute of Management was established at Ranchi in 2010. It
currently offers a two year PGDM as its flagship program and has recently launched program
for research work.
 National University of Study and Research in Law: Ranchi was established by a legislative
act of the Government of Jharkhand as the fourteenth national law University of India. It
offers graduate and post-graduate courses in law.
 Xavier Institute of Social Service (XISS) Ranchi started in the year of 1955 with an intention
to educate young graduates in the field of social work and management programs. This
department started as the extension department of St Xavier’s college of Ranchi. In the year
1975, the department registered itself as a separate institute and established their new
campus. The campus of the Xavier Institute of Social Service is located in the Purulia Road,
Ranchi. The institute offers graduate and post-graduate course in management studies.
 The Institute of Science & Management (ISM): Formerly known as Indian Institute of Science
& Management, it came into being in the year 1985 with an idea of catering to the long felt
need of management education to the upcoming youth of the developing region of Chota
Nagpur. It offers PGDM, Hotel Management & Catering Technology (HM&CT), B.A.
International Hospitality Administration (B.A. – IHA) courses.
 National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology (NIFFT): Set up by the Government of
India in collaboration with UNDP-UNESCO to provide quality engineers and well trained
specialists for running Manufacturing, Metallurgical, Foundry and Forge industries efficiently.
Since its inception in 1966, NIFFT has earned a reputation of being a premier Institute for
imparting technical education, training, research and development and consultancy in the
fields of manufacturing, metallurgy & foundry and forge technologies. Apart from that with
the expansion of the institute, the allied fields of information technology, Industrial
Engineering and Environmental Engineering have also received impetus.

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

 Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS): A medical institute of Ranchi University in

Ranchi, was established in 2002 by upgrading the then Rajendra Medical College Hospital
(RMCH) which was established in 1960. The courses offered are MBBS, M.D.,Mch
Neurosurgery, BDS, BSc nursing, MSc nursing, Paramedical and Physiotherapy.
 The Central Institute of Psychiatry: Ranchi is an institute offering higher level study in the
domain of medical education. The institute also functions as a psychiatry unit for patients of
all age groups. The Central Institute of Psychiatry, Ranchi is jointly administered by the
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and Directorate General of Health Services. The
Central Institute of Psychiatry in Ranchi accepts psychiatric patients from all over India and
also from Bhutan and Nepal. The institute offers Post-Graduate medical courses. The
Central Institute of Psychiatry of Ranchi teaches higher level medical courses in Clinical
Psychology, Psychiatry, Psychiatric Nursing and Psychiatric Social Work. Candidates may
also pursue doctoral studies in Clinical Psychology. The British established this hospital on
17 May 1918 with the name of Ranchi European Lunatic Asylum. It may be worth noting that
this Institute has been the most premier center for mental health in the country and it has
many firsts to its credit. For example, to mention only a few, the first Occupational Therapy
Department in 1922, ECT in 1943, psychosurgery and neurosurgery in 1947, clinical
psychology and Electroencephalography (EEG) departments in 1948, a full-fledged
neuropathology section in 1952, the first use of Lithium in 1952 and chlorpromazine in 1953.
 The Central University of Jharkhand: Established by an act of Indian Parliament (Act no. 25
of 2009) in 2009. Like other Central Universities of India it is a teaching and research
university. CUJ offers 50+ courses which includes a wide range of five year "Integrated
Masters Programs" in more than 20 disciplines, 16 postgraduate programs and Ph.D. in
almost 20 disciplines. As of now the University is functional in its temporary 45-acre campus
located at Brambe, Mandar.

5.15. Demand Study and Market Analysis

Bundu is a linear city and has ribbon development along the major highway corridor. City has a
potential to develop as satellite town to Ranchi in the coming decades. Proximity to its state capital
has made the area potential for development. The place has a bearing capacity to sustain the
development pressure in near future. The vacant land available adds to the strength of the area.

Commercial land occupies about 0.89% of the developed area of Bundu Planning area i.e. 3.93 Ha.
The commercial activities mainly include the retail shopping centers. Mainly, the commercial area
observed to be located along the main road. Sita Ram complex is the major commercial center which
includes retail shops, computer training centers, furniture shops, stationary shops etc. Apart from
this there is no major commercial structure which can suffice the need of the city.

Mixed landuse development encourages live/work/play dynamism along with transit oriented
development which further leads to economic growth as well as accessibility.

As per the Proposed Master Plan, The mixed Landuse is majorly proposed along one side of the
Proposed Road (Category- R0) i.e. of road width of 60 m upto 200m in the eastern side and also
along the R1 category road of 30m upto 200m in the western side. From the existing Landuse it has
been clear that the various types of activities are coming along the roads, e.g. Residential,

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

Commercial, Industrial and Institutional, so keeping this in mind the existing trend of mixed Landuse
of area 277.38 Ha. has been proposed along the RO and R1 category road.

Commercial centre at city level is proposed with an area of 4.39 Ha. out of which 2.20 Ha. lies in
ward number 5 and 2.19 Ha. lies outside the municipal limit in Edalhatu village inside the planning
area. Another commercial centre is proposed along Nh-33 in the ward number 2 of 5 Ha. area. Other
commercial Zone have been proposed in the southern direction of the planning area along the NH-
33 of an area 3.24 Ha.

Note: As per the present Condition, the market rate prevailing around the location of the site is Rs.
2850/- per sq.ft. The developer quotation could not be obtained due to unavailability of developer/
builder’s in the location of the respective ULB.

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.


It has been proposed to rehabilitate slums inside of the “Tangar Toli “in ward No. 9 of Bundu. There
is a Proposal to Rehabilitate them in 0.9 Acres of Area out of which 0.45 Acres for EWS
development and 0.45 acres for developers. The Existing Number of Household being 47, There is
a proposal to rehabilitate 50 HH’s.

6.1. Existing Scenario of the Project Location

Figure 14: Existing Pictures of the Location

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

6.2. Land and Location details

As mentioned in the previous chapter, total following six sites have been considered for Slum
Redevelopment under vertical-1 (ISSR) of PMAY scheme. This section gives the details about
land area, location and conceptual planning of buildings with infrastructure facilities.
Table 6: Land Details
Site Name Land Details Area in Acres
Tangar Toli Bundu, Thana-28 ,Khunti, Plot No.784,786,787. 0.9
Khata No- 732

The following table gives the detail information about the land ownership, approximate distance
from the major roads or junctions, encroachments if any, approach road condition and existing
Infrastructure available on the sites.

Table 7: Location Details-2

Site Name Ownership of Approx. Approach road condition Existing Infrastructure
Land distance from
Major Road/
location/ any
junction point
(in m)
Jamwadaag State Govt. Road Along the pucca road water supply (hand
Land Site pump),electricity,
open drainage,
approach road ofwidth
3.5 m etc

6.3. Project Location

The project site is located in the “Tangar Toli in Ward No. 9. (Bundu) and consists of 01 Slum having
47 HH. The proposal consists of the slum having 50 nos of HH. In this project however we are
proposing 50 no of households on the basis of “Affordable housing policy, Jharkhand” (250 HH
per acre, if plot area varies from 4000 sqm to 10,000 sqm). The Proposed land measures 0.9 acres
of land in which 0.45 Acres is for EWS development and 0.45 Acres for developer.

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

Figure 15: Existing Situation of the Site

6.4. Proposal for the Site

Units Proposed

Total no of 50 dwelling units is proposed for the purpose of slum beneficiaries under PMAY-HFA
program along with support infrastructure facilities viz., water supply, sewerage, septic tanks,
internal roads, electrical network, community centre, commercial shops, etc.,

Details of proposed dwelling units for slum beneficiaries

2 (each tower has 25HH) No. towers of G+4 framed RCC structure based multistoried apartment
type housing Blocks are proposed with each floor consisting of 5 no of dwelling units.

Total built up area proposed for the dwelling units of 50 nos of HH’s for slum beneficiaries = 2449.32

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

Figure 16: proposed layout – Tangar Toli Slum Rehabilitation, Bundu

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

Figure 17: View of PMAY Housing in Bundu

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

Table 8: Area Statement for the Site- vertical-1


VERTICAL III - SITE AREA -2832.8 sq.m.( 0.7 ACRES)

VERTICAL I - SITE AREA - 1821.08 sq.m.( 0.45 ACRES)
DEVELOPER - SITE AREA - 1821.08 sq.m.(0.45 ACRES)

UNIT AREA(sq.m.) 29.54

AREA OF BLOCK A(sq.m.) 208.7
AREA OF BLOCK B (sq.m.) 365.2
COMMUNITY BLOCK (sq.m.) 362.32



SITE AREA (sq.m.) 1821.08


2 -wheeler Parking 86 Greenery 1 235.01
4-wheeler Parking 112.5 Greenery 2 67.37
Total Parking 198.5 Greenery 3 22.47
20% of HH for 4-wheeler(10 HH) Total Greenery 324.85
80% of HH for 2-wheeler(40 HH) % w.r.t. site area 17.84%


E.W.S. SUPER BUILT-UP AREA(sq.m.) 2087
F.A.R.(Floor Area Ratio) 1.344982099
ROADS (sq.m.) 518.01
3 m wide ROAD LENGTH (m) 45.67
4.5 m wide ROAD LENGTH (m) 84.66666667


7.1. Estimated Cost

For the construction cost of terminal building, rates are taken from CPWD Plinth Area Rates (Delhi)
for Estimation & Budgeting purpose as per SOR terms.

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

The cost of EWS is calculated based on the area of the worked out considering the number of
dwelling units. The cost is arrived considering CPWD plinth area rates. Civil construction cost,
Firefighting, electrical and plumbing services, lightening arresters, site leveling & internal roads etc
have been considered for the preparation of block cost estimate.

Considering the commercial demand in the area, we have considered construction of commercial
spaces in developer area and rates are taking as per CPWD plinth area for commercial spaces. Civil
construction cost, firefighting, electrical and plumbing services, lightening arresters, site leveling,
basement parking, internal roads, and extra rate for high storey buildings have been considered for
the preparation of block estimate for developer area. FAR taken for developer part is 3.0, even
though, we can go up to 3.5.

The proposed site is located at Tangar slum of Bundu ULB with plot no. 784,786 & 787, Khata no.
732 and Thana no.28. Total area available on site is 1.6 acres. But, for slum redevelopment under
vertical-I of PMAY scheme only 0.9 acres land has been utilized. Out this 0.9 acre (3642.16 sqm)
area 50 % area i.e. 0.45 acres (1821.08 sqm) has been used for slum redevelopment and 50 %
area means 0.45 acre (1821.08 sqm) has been used for developer’s development.

Total 50 HH have been proposed for EWS development with total built up area equal to 2087 sqmt
Built up area of one floor of block/ tower is 371.2 sqm and there are total 2 such blocks/towers on
plot with each floor consists of 5 dwelling units. In addition to this, community centre (G+1) of total
built up area equal to 362.32 sqm has also been proposed. As mentioned above, total 0.45 acres’
plot has been considered for developer’s development. Also, total built up area considered for
calculation of project cost is 2449.32 sqm with the FAR 1.34.

7.2. Tangar Toli Area Project Proposal Block Estimate Abstract

Block cost estimates for includes abstract for Slum Rehabilitation Component- Part 1 and
abstract for Developers area –Part 2, Total project cost is summation of Part 1 and Part 2

Table 9: Estimated project cost for project

PART-1 (Slum Rehabilitation Component)

Building Construction Department, Schedule of rate – 1st July 2016 & DSR - 2016
PARTICULARS Unit Quantity Rate Amount

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

Construction cost of G+4 Floor Block 2 17554394 35108788

residential buildings (5 units per
Community center Each 1 521047 521047
Construction cost of G+4 Floor Block 0 28018372 0
residential buildings (8 units per
Total 35629835

Internal Road meter 50 7410 370500

Drain meter 50 7270 363500
water sump each 1 915626 915626
Septic Tank each 2 81373 162746
Water Recharge PIT each 1 179194 179194
Bore well each 1 246081 246081
Park/lawn/Horticulture and Sqm 50 791.06 39553
plantation pf trees
External Electrification 1% 1781491.75
Parking/ multipurpose shed sqm 0 2284.82 0
Rainwater harvesting Each 1 258544 258544
Solid waste management LS 1 200000 200000
Boundary wall meter 200 6367 1273400
Boundary gate each 1 78186 78186
Lamp Post each 5 48600 243000
Total Project Cost 41741656.75
Labour cess 1% 417416.5675
Total 42159073.32
DPR +PMC 2.95% 1243692.663
Total 43402765.98
centage 3038193.619
Total Construction Cost 46440959.6
Total Construction cost In crore 5.73

Description Of Components Acre Units Built up Rate per Amount (Rs)

Sqm Area In Sqm
Sqm (Rs)
Developers area - -
0.45 9,271.69
Construction Cost for built up Sqm 13000
area 9,271.69 12,05,31,996.00

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

Fire Fighting (High Rise Sqm 500

Building) 9,271.69 46,35,846.00
Total 12,51,67,842.00
External Electrical services 5%
Site development total (path Sqm 1821.09 310
ways , roads, greenery etc. 5,64,536.97

Total Project Cost (A+B) 18,40,66,435.92

Labour cess 1%
DPR+PMC 2.950
% 54.84
Grand Total
Construction Cost
Welfare Fund 398068
sqm 1.00 2.84
Transit Accomodation @ 0.50 L per DU for 2
Years for 50 DU 50.00
Total Construction cost

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.


8.1. Introduction

The workings for the financial viability and project structuring are based on the study of site
conditions, discussion with households at the site, infrastructure assessment and around the site,
discussion with various developers regarding revenues, expenses, funding arrangements etc. The
consultants have studied in detail the norms for providing the Slum rehabilitation units and have
worked out the project structuring based on the study. The following chapter shows the total project
cost, revenues, expenditure, profit and loss statement, financial viability etc.

8.2. Proposal for Proposed Tangar Toli Slum Rehabilitation, Bundu

The total area for Vertical-1 of the site is 1.6 acre (6474.97 sqm) area out of which area for Vertical
1 is 0.9 Acres which again is divided in EWS and Developers part. 50 % area means 0.45 acre
(1821.08 sqm) has been used for slum redevelopment and another 50% area means 0.45 acre
(1821.08 sqm) has been used for developer’s development. A total of 50 EWS houses have been
proposed for the project slum rehabilitation.

8.2.1. Project Assumptions

Various assumptions have been considered for the project as shown in the table below:

Table 10: Assumptions

Project cost In Cr 19.12
Total Commercial Space for Sale 99,809.76
Commercial Sale Rate Rs per sft. 2850.00
Prorata cost of land 0
Total basic cost of the Project 19.12
Financing pattern
Margin 30% 3.18
Total Dwelling Units in Numbers 50
Grant from GOI (Rs100000.00) + BC Rs -
Total Grant under PMAY(Year 2 - 50% & Year 3 - 50%) -
Advance from Buyers for first 3 years 8.53
Funding by Debt and Equity 10.59
Net Equity by Developer (30%) 3.18
Debt 70% 7.41
Construction Period 36 Months 3
Debt Tenure 5 Years 5
Average Debt during construction 70% 5.19
Interest Rate 8.35%
Interest During construction/Yr 1.00 0.43
Total IDC 1.30
Estimated Project Cost Yr 1 50% 9.56

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

Estimated Project Cost Yr 2 50% 9.56

Estimated Project Cost Yr 3 0% -
Total Project Cost including IDC In Cr 20.42

Table B

Year -3 -2 -1 0 1
Construction 9.56 9.56 -
Interest 0.73 0.58 0.44 0.29 0.15
Repayment 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74
Revenue to GoJ -2.00 -2.00 -2.10 -2.21 -2.32
Total Annual Outflow 10.03 9.88 0.08 -0.17 -0.43
-10.03 -9.88 -0.08 0.17 0.43

Table C

Interest &
Years 1 2 3 4 5
Debt 8.71
Interest 0.73 0.58 0.44 0.29 0.15
Repayment 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74
Closing Balance 6.97 5.23 3.48 1.74 0.00

8.2.2. Project Revenues and Expenses – Tangar Toli, Bundu

Average sale prices for residential and commercial units is around Rs.2850/Sq.ft. An increase of
5% year on year has been considered for the sale rate. The developer is expected to complete the
entire sales in a period of 5 years for residential and 3 years for commercial considering market
fluctuations. The following table shows the total revenues for the Project:

Table 11: Project Revenues for Tangar Toli, Bundu (Rs. In Lakhs)
Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5


Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

Revenue - from entry/parking

fees - - - - - -

Car - - - - - -

Two Wheeler - - - - - -

Sales in commercial space

(%) 5% 10% 15% 35% 35%

Sales in commercial space 4,990.4 9,980.9 14,971.4 34,933.4 34,933.4

(sft.) 9 8 6 2 2

Total Sales(Rs. IN Cr.) 1.42 2.84 4.27 9.96 9.96

Commercial Sales 1.42 2.84 4.27 9.96 9.96

Total Revenue 1.42 2.84 4.27 9.96 9.96

Revenue Share with Licensing

Authority - - - - - -

Admin Expenses@2%of
revenues 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.20 0.20
Maintenance Expenses@2%of
revenues 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.20 0.20
Marketing Expenses@2%of
revenues 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.20 0.20
Transit Accommodation
Maintenance @ 1% of Project
Cost 0.15 0.02 0.02 - -

Total Expenses 0.24 0.19 0.28 0.60 0.60

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.

8.2.3. Financial viability

Based on the above income, expenditure, and profitability, the following is the financial viability
worked out for the project:

Table 12: Financial Viability for Tangar Toli Bundu

Equity Cash Flow -8.84 -7.23 3.91 9.53 9.79

PPP Partner working

Cash Flow To PPP
Partner -8.84 -7.23 3.91 9.53 9.79
IRR on developer
equity (pre-tax) 14.15%

Cash Flow to GOJ 0 -2.00 -2.00 -2.10 -2.21 -2.32

NPV of Cash Flow to
GOJ @ 12% -₹ 7.59

As per the above viability, the project is attractive for the developers with a Project IRR of 14.15%.

8.2.4. Project Structuring

Since the return from the project is in line with the expectations of the developer, the tender
for the selection of project developer shall be can be called with premium as criteria. The bidder
quoting the highest premium to be paid over a period of 3 years is to be the preferred bidder. The
developer shall be given 50% of the project area for developer units and 50% of the project area
shall be used for Slum Rehabilitation units. The private developer entitled to receive
compensatory FAR equivalent to 100% of the built up area utilized for EWS units, subject to
maximum FAR of 3.45. In case of unutilized FAR, same can be utilized as TDR at a different
Location, subject to ULB jurisdiction. The project period for the development of project is to be kept
at 36 months including the approval period of 6 months.

The developer to be given development rights for simultaneous construction of slum rehabilitation
and developer units, but at no point the construction of developer units should be more than slum
rehabilitation units. The developer will be provided rights to sell his units at price to be decided by
him. The final demarcation and sale right for developer units is to be provided after handover of
slum rehabilitation units to the urban Development and Housing Department (UDHD).

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.


Following Statutory Approvals are required for development.

Table 13: Required statutory approval

CONSTRUCTION PERMISSION Town planning/municipal corporation
INSTALLATION OF HIGH TENSION Electricity board & chief electrical inspector, Jharkhand state
INSTALLATION OF DG SET Chief electrical inspector, Jharkhand state
POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Jharkhand pollution control board

Inclusive of Inception Report for Developing EWS Housing in PPP model for Tangar Toli Bundu, Jharkhand.


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