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Levels of Award

Structure of Postgraduate and Professional Development Programmes in the School of

Education (A single subject module is worth 20 credits)

(180 credits)

(60 credits)

Certificate of
Education * BPhil PG Diploma
(120 credits) (120 credits) (120 credits)

Subject Dissertation Subject Research

Module (40 credits) Module Module

Subject Subject or
Module Research

University Advanced PG Certificate

Certificate Subject Certificate Subject (60 credits) Subject Subject
(60 credits) Module (60 credits) Module Module Module

Subject Subject Subject Subject Subject Subject Subject

Module Module Module Module Module Module Module

Subject Subject Subject Subject Subject Subject Subject

Module Module Module Module Module Module Module

Subject Subject Subject Subject Subject Subject Subject

Module Module Module Module Module Module Module

Level C Level C Level H Level H Level M Level M Level M

PGT Levels of Award

Modules may be studied at:

 Level C – equivalent to the first year of undergraduate study

 Level H – equivalent to the third year of undergraduate study
 Level M – is postgraduate level

Most programmes of study are available at Level H and M and can lead to different awards
according to the amount of credit gained. * The Certificate of Higher Education can only
be undertaken when the University Certificate has been completed.
Awards explained

1 University Certificate: Level C

The University Certificate is awarded after successful completion of three modules
amounting to 60 credits at Level C.

2 Certificate of Higher Education: Level C

The Certificate in Higher Education is awarded after successful completion of six modules
amounting to 120 credits at Level C.

3 Advanced Certificate: Level H

The Advanced Certificate is awarded after successful completion of three modules
amounting to 60 credits at Level H.

4 Bachelor of Philosophy: Level H

The BPhil is awarded after successful completion of four modules at Level H, plus a
dissertation of 10,000 words (40 credits) amounting to 120 credits at Level H.

5 Postgraduate Certificate: Level M

The Postgraduate Certificate is awarded after successful completion of three modules at
Level M amounting to 60 credits at Level M

6 Postgraduate Diploma: Level M

The Postgraduate Diploma is awarded after successful completion of six modules at Level M,
amounting to 120 credits at Level M.

7 Master of Education (MEd): Level M.

The MEd is awarded after successful completion of six modules at Level M, amounting to
120 credits. One of the modules will be the educational research module - Practitioner
Inquiry in Education (PIE). In addition students complete a dissertation of 15,000 words
worth 60 credits. The MEd amounts to 180 credits at Level M.

8 Postgraduate Research Degrees

The School also offers research degrees as follows: the EdD is a research degree with a
number of taught modules; MPhil and PhD degrees are undertaken by research with a
supervisor. For further information please contact Helen Joinson on 0121 414 4847 or at

Programme of study design

Most programmes of study have designated modules which must be completed if the award is to be
made in that field of study. The choice of modules depends not only on your own preferences but
also on the availability of the modules, such as their scheduled time on the Programme Calendar and
the availability of tutorial support. Information about the possible choice of modules is available
from your Programme of study tutor.

Information about the design, module content and assessment procedures for your particular
programme of study is available in a separate pack from the School of Education.
A 20 credit module normally requires 200 hours of student effort, although this will inevitably vary
for individuals. The Study Skills Guide section of this handbook discusses in more detail the
management of study time across the various aspects of the module.

Transfer between programmes of study

Some programmes of study (such as those offered as an AdCert) comprise only 3 modules. Students
wishing to continue their studies towards a higher award may therefore need to transfer to another
programme of study. Transfer may be conditional on meeting programme specific entry criteria.

Information about transfer and available modules will be sent to eligible students from the
Programme Administrator before the end of their first year of study. Students who wish to transfer
programme should contact your Programme Administrator for further details.

Transfer from Level H to Level M

In exceptional cases students may apply for transfer to level M provided

1. they have submitted only one assignment at level H

2. the assignment submitted has not yet been processed through the Progress Board but has
received a recommended mark of at least 65%

Students should submit an application for transfer to their Programme Administrator with their
programme tutor’s approval.

In situations where the first assignment has been processed at level H and has received an official
mark of at least 65%, students will be required to submit a level M assignment for the same module.
The submission date should be agreed between programme tutor and student. (A fee may be
charged for the additional marking).

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