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Writing Unit Plan

Title of Unit Animal Research Grade Level Grade 4

Subject English Language Arts – Writing Time Frame 6 weeks (15 lessons – 40-minute periods)
Developed By Brianna Nolan

Desired Results
Learning Outcomes
GLO 1: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.
 1. 2 – Clarify and Extend
o Combine understanding
 Use talk, notes, personal writing and representing to record and reflect on ideas, information and experiences

GLO 2: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media
 2.1 – Use strategies and cues
o Use comprehension strategies
 Preview sections of print texts to identify the general nature of the information and to set appropriate purpose and reading
o Use textual cues
 Use text features, such as headings, subheadings and margin organizers, to enhance understanding of ideas and information

GLO 3: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information.
 3.1 – Plan and Focus
o Plan to gather information
 Develop and follow a class plan for accessing and gathering ideas and information
 3.2 – Select and Process
o Use a variety of sources
 Locate information to answer research questions, using a variety of sources, such as maps, atlases, charts, dictionaries, school
libraries, video programs, elders in the community and field trips
o Access information
 Use a variety of tools, such as indices, legends, charts, glossaries, typographical features and dictionary guide words, to access
 3.3 – Organize, Record and Evaluate
o Organize information
 Organize ideas and information, using appropriate categories, chronological order, cause and effect, or posing and answering
 Record ideas and information that are on topic
 Organize oral, print and other media texts into sections that relate to and develop the topic
o Record information
 Paraphrase information from oral, print and other media sources
o Evaluate information
 Examine gathered information to identify if more information is required; review new understanding

GLO 4: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.
 4.1 – Enhance and Improve
o Enhance legibility
 Write legibly, using a style that demonstrates awareness of alignment, shape and slant
o Expand knowledge of language
 Use an increasing variety of words to express and extend understanding of concepts related to personal interests and topics
of study
Essential Question(s)

1. Why is it important to read and process research material before copying it down?
2. How does representing information with pictures and with words help us understand the information we are reading and writing?
3. Where might we use research skills outside of school?

Knowledge: Skills
Students will know... Students will be able to…
 Strategies for finding new information in multiple sources  Research key words to find information
 Strategies for working collaboratively to accomplish a specific task  Work collaboratively with a partner to accomplish a research
 The importance of re-writing material rather than copying it word task
for word  Work independently to turn notes into sentences
 Strategies for self-assessment and peer-assessment  Make coherent sentences about different topics
 Express sentences in images

Assessment Evidence
Stage 2: Assessments
Introduction Peer- Self- Research Research Flip Book
Learning Assignment Assessments Assessments Check-ins Information Project
Outcomes Type
Formative Formative Formative Formative Summative Summative
Weighting N/A N/A N/A N/A 30% 70%
Use talk, notes, personal writing and
representing to record and reflect on ideas, X
information and experiences.

Develop and follow a class plan for accessing

and gathering ideas and information.

Organize ideas and information, using

appropriate categories, chronological order,
cause and effect, or posing and answering

Record ideas and information that are on


Organize oral, print and other media texts into

sections that relate to and develop the topic.

Write legibly, using a style that demonstrates

awareness of alignment, shape and slant.

Use an increasing variety of words to express

and extend understanding of concepts related X
to personal interests and topics of study.

Assessment FOR Assessment OF

Assessment Tool Brief Description
Learning Learning
This assignment will be completed as a way for the teacher to get to know
the students in each class. Students will be provided with a graphic
Introduction Assignment organizer to fill in, and then a template to write a short autobiography on. X
Students will have a class period to write this and they will receive
feedback within 2 classes.
This assessment tool will be used during the research portion of this
assignment. Students will be working in partners to complete the research
Peer-Assessments to help the process go faster. With this, at the end of the research process, X
students will assess their partner using a checklist – this will be based on
the effort they thought each other gave.
This assessment tool will be used during the research and writing portions
of this assignment. Students will be working in partners to complete the
research process, but independently through the writing process. Self-
Self-Assessments X
assessment will be done through the use of a checklist at the end of each
week to help students stay accountable and ensure their assignment is
being completed.
This assessment tool will be used throughout the entirety of the
assignment and will involve the teacher going to each partner and
checking their research progress. Students who are not completing their
Research Check-Ins X
research and staying on track will be required to take their research
organizers home and complete some of the research outside of school

At the end of the research process, before students start writing, the
Research Information teacher will look over their research information to ensure it is complete. X
Students should have at least 3 key points for each section of material.

At the end of the writing assignment, students will have completed their
flipbook project with writing and pictures for each section of material that
Flipbook Project X
was researched. This is the final assessment of the unit as it is the final
project that connects the research to writing.

# Lesson Title Lesson Activities

 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.
o Use talk, notes, personal writing and representing to record and reflect on ideas, information and experiences.

Overview: This lesson has been designed for grade 4 students to write about themselves in a way that introduces a new teacher
to some of their personality traits and preferences. The focus of this lesson is for students to express themselves through writing
in a brief autobiography assignment. To begin, students will be handed out an organizer that allows them to write down some
facts about themselves, and on the other side will be a template for them to write on. The teacher will give instructions for the
assignment, and students will have the rest of the class to work on it. At the end of the lesson, students will hand in their writing
1 for the teacher to read. By the end of the lesson, students should feel comfortable writing about themselves.
Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: Instructional strategies for this lesson include direct instruction (overview, explicit
teaching, demonstrations), independent study (work time), and interactive instruction (discussion).

Notes: Assessment for this lesson will be formative and will include a review of this introductory writing assignment. Feedback
will be given to students about their writing.

 Whiteboard markers, thought organizer, writing template, pencils and erasers
 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information.
o Develop and follow a class plan for accessing and gathering ideas and information.

Overview: This lesson has been designed to introduce grade 4 students to a research project that they will be completing
through the duration of the unit. The focus of this lesson is to introduce students to the assignment and the initial research
aspect. To begin, students will be handed out their assignment sheet and will be given their overall instructions. Following this
overview, students will pick an animal of their choice and find a partner to do the research with. Each student will be given a
research organizer and will complete the assignment independently, except the research. Following this split, students will grab
Introduction to
an iPad and be given the rest of the period to start looking for information about their animal. By the end of the lesson, students
2 Research
should have picked an animal and begun researching.
Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: Instructional strategies for this lesson include direct instruction (overview,
demonstrations), independent study (research), and interactive instruction (discussion).

Notes: Assessment for this lesson will be formative and will include checking with each student that they have an animal to
research and a partner to work with.

 Whiteboard markers, iPads, research organizer templates, pencils and erasers
3 Research Outcome(s):
 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral,
print and other media texts.
o Use text features, such as headings, subheadings and margin organizers, to enhance understanding of ideas and
 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information.
o Locate information to answer research questions, using a variety of sources, such as maps, atlases, charts,
dictionaries, school libraries, video programs, elders in the community and field trips
o Use a variety of tools, such as indices, legends, charts, glossaries, typographical features and dictionary guide
words, to access information
o Organize ideas and information, using appropriate categories, chronological order, cause and effect, or posing
and answering questions
o Record ideas and information that are on topic

Overview: This lesson has been designed to allow grade 4 students to have time to research for the project they are completing.
The focus of this lesson is for students to collect information about their animal. To begin, students will be given a brief overview
of a strategy (search words) that they can use to get their information faster and the expectations for this class period. Following
this presentation, students will each grab an iPad and be given the rest of the class period to research on their animal with their
partner. By the end of the lesson, students should have at least 1-2 sections of research done.

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: Instructional strategies for this lesson will include direct instruction (overview, explicit
teaching, demonstrations), independent study (research), and interactive instruction (discussion).

Notes: Assessment for this lesson will be formative and will include observations of partnerships and student contribution.

 Strategy presentation, whiteboard markers, iPads, research organizer templates, pencils and erasers
4 Outcome(s):
Research  Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral,
print and other media texts.
o Use text features, such as headings, subheadings and margin organizers, to enhance understanding of ideas and
 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information.
o Locate information to answer research questions, using a variety of sources, such as maps, atlases, charts,
dictionaries, school libraries, video programs, elders in the community and field trips
o Use a variety of tools, such as indices, legends, charts, glossaries, typographical features and dictionary guide
words, to access information
o Organize ideas and information, using appropriate categories, chronological order, cause and effect, or posing
and answering questions
o Record ideas and information that are on topic

Overview: This lesson has been designed to allow grade 4 students to have time to research for the project they are completing.
The focus of this lesson is for students to collect information about their animal. To begin, students will be given a brief overview
of a strategy (text features) that they can use to get their information faster and the expectations for this class period. Following
this presentation, students will each grab an iPad and be given the rest of the class period to research on their animal with their
partner. By the end of the lesson, students should have at least 2-3 sections of research done.

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: Instructional strategies for this lesson will include direct instruction (overview, explicit
teaching, demonstrations), independent study (research), and interactive instruction (discussion).

Notes: Assessment for this lesson will be formative and will include observations of partnerships and student contribution.

 Strategy presentation, whiteboard markers, iPads, research organizer templates, pencils and erasers
 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral,
print and other media texts.
o Preview sections of print texts to identify the general nature of the information and to set appropriate purpose
and reading rate
 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information.
o Locate information to answer research questions, using a variety of sources, such as maps, atlases, charts,
dictionaries, school libraries, video programs, elders in the community and field trips
o Use a variety of tools, such as indices, legends, charts, glossaries, typographical features and dictionary guide
words, to access information
o Organize ideas and information, using appropriate categories, chronological order, cause and effect, or posing
and answering questions
o Record ideas and information that are on topic
Research Overview: This lesson has been designed to allow grade 4 students to have time to research for the project they are completing.
The focus of this lesson is for students to collect information about their animal. To begin, students will be given a brief overview
of a strategy (previewing material) that they can use to get their information faster and the expectations for this class period.
Following this presentation, students will each grab an iPad and be given the rest of the class period to research on their animal
with their partner. By the end of the lesson, students should have at least 3-5 sections of research done.

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: Instructional strategies for this lesson will include direct instruction (overview, explicit
teaching, demonstrations), independent study (research), and interactive instruction (discussion).

Notes: Assessment for this lesson will be formative and will include observations of partnerships and student contribution.

 Strategy presentation, whiteboard markers, iPads, research organizer templates, pencils and erasers
6 Outcome(s):
Research  Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information.
o Locate information to answer research questions, using a variety of sources, such as maps, atlases, charts,
dictionaries, school libraries, video programs, elders in the community and field trips
o Use a variety of tools, such as indices, legends, charts, glossaries, typographical features and dictionary guide
words, to access information
o Organize ideas and information, using appropriate categories, chronological order, cause and effect, or posing
and answering questions
o Record ideas and information that are on topic
o Examine gathered information to identify if more information is required; review new understanding

Overview: This lesson has been designed to allow grade 4 students to have time to research for the project they are completing.
The focus of this lesson is for students to finish up the collection of information about their animal. To begin, students will be
given a brief overview of a strategy (evaluating) that they can use to get their information faster and the expectations for this
class period. Following this presentation, students will each grab an iPad and be given the rest of the class period to research on
their animal with their partner. By the end of the lesson, students should have all their research done.

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: Instructional strategies for this lesson will include direct instruction (overview, explicit
teaching, demonstrations), independent study (research), and interactive instruction (discussion).

Notes: Assessment for this lesson will be formative and will include observations of partnerships and student contribution. Near
the end of this class, students will have the chance to evaluate their partner on their work and will participate in a self-
assessment. At the end of class, students will hand in their research organizer for the teacher to review and look over.

 Strategy presentation, whiteboard markers, iPads, research organizer templates, pencils and erasers
7 Outcome(s):
Writing  Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral,
print and other media texts.
o Use text features, such as headings, subheadings and margin organizers, to enhance understanding of ideas and
 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information.
o Organize oral, print and other media texts into sections that relate to and develop the topic
o Paraphrase information from oral, print and other media sources
o Examine gathered information to identify if more information is required; review new understanding

Overview: This lesson has been designed to transition grade 4 students from working on their research process to their
independent writing assignment. The focus of this lesson is for students to start writing out their research points into full
sentences in their flipbook template. To begin, students will be led through a brief review of this portion of the assignment
before each receiving a prepared flipbook template. Once given the template, students will start writing their research notes in
complete sentences. Students will be reminded to take their time and write neatly as that is an aspect being looked for in the
final form. By the end of this lesson, students should have their flipbook started.

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: Instructional strategies for this lesson will include direct instruction (overview,
demonstrations), and independent study (writing).

Notes: Assessment for this lesson will be formative and will include observations of students working.
 Prepared flipbook templates, whiteboard markers, completed research organizers, pencils and erasers
 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral,
print and other media texts.
o Use text features, such as headings, subheadings and margin organizers, to enhance understanding of ideas and
 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information.
o Organize oral, print and other media texts into sections that relate to and develop the topic
o Paraphrase information from oral, print and other media sources
o Examine gathered information to identify if more information is required; review new understanding
 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.
o Write legibly, using a style that demonstrates awareness of alignment, shape and slant
o Use an increasing variety of words to express and extend understanding of concepts related to personal interests
and topics of study
8 Writing
Overview: This lesson has been designed to allow grade 4 students to keep working on their independent writing assignment.
The focus of this lesson is for students to continue writing out their research points into full sentences in their flipbook template.
To begin, students will be handed back their started flipbook. Once given the template, students will continue writing their
research notes in complete sentences. Students will be reminded to take their time and write neatly as that is an aspect being
looked for in the final form. By the end of this lesson, students should have at least one section of writing in their flipbook

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: Instructional strategies for this lesson will include direct instruction (overview,
demonstrations), and independent study (writing).

Notes: Assessment for this lesson will be formative and will include observations of students working.

 Flipbook templates, whiteboard markers, completed research organizers, pencils and erasers
9 Outcome(s):
Writing  Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral,
print and other media texts.
o Use text features, such as headings, subheadings and margin organizers, to enhance understanding of ideas and
 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information.
o Organize oral, print and other media texts into sections that relate to and develop the topic
o Paraphrase information from oral, print and other media sources
o Examine gathered information to identify if more information is required; review new understanding
 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.
o Write legibly, using a style that demonstrates awareness of alignment, shape and slant
o Use an increasing variety of words to express and extend understanding of concepts related to personal interests
and topics of study

Overview: This lesson has been designed to allow grade 4 students to keep working on their independent writing assignment.
The focus of this lesson is for students to continue writing out their research points into full sentences in their flipbook template.
To begin, students will be handed back their started flipbook. Once given the template, students will continue writing their
research notes in complete sentences. Students will be reminded to take their time and write neatly as that is an aspect being
looked for in the final form. By the end of this lesson, students should have at least 2 sections of writing in their flipbook

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: Instructional strategies for this lesson will include direct instruction (overview,
demonstrations), and independent study (writing).

Notes: Assessment for this lesson will be formative and will include observations of students working. At the end of this lesson
students will participate in a self-assessment.

 Flipbook templates, whiteboard markers, completed research organizers, pencils and erasers
10 Outcome(s):
Writing  Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral,
print and other media texts.
o Use text features, such as headings, subheadings and margin organizers, to enhance understanding of ideas and
 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information.
o Organize oral, print and other media texts into sections that relate to and develop the topic
o Paraphrase information from oral, print and other media sources
o Examine gathered information to identify if more information is required; review new understanding
 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.
o Write legibly, using a style that demonstrates awareness of alignment, shape and slant
o Use an increasing variety of words to express and extend understanding of concepts related to personal interests
and topics of study

Overview: This lesson has been designed to allow grade 4 students to keep working on their independent writing assignment.
The focus of this lesson is for students to continue writing out their research points into full sentences in their flipbook template.
To begin, students will be handed back their started flipbook. Once given the template, students will continue writing their
research notes in complete sentences. Students will be reminded to take their time and write neatly as that is an aspect being
looked for in the final form. By the end of this lesson, students should have at least 2-3 sections of writing in their flipbook

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: Instructional strategies for this lesson will include direct instruction (overview,
demonstrations), and independent study (writing).

Notes: Assessment for this lesson will be formative and will include observations of students working.
 Flipbook templates, whiteboard markers, completed research organizers, pencils and erasers
 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral,
print and other media texts.
o Use text features, such as headings, subheadings and margin organizers, to enhance understanding of ideas and
 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information.
o Organize oral, print and other media texts into sections that relate to and develop the topic
o Paraphrase information from oral, print and other media sources
o Examine gathered information to identify if more information is required; review new understanding
 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.
o Write legibly, using a style that demonstrates awareness of alignment, shape and slant
o Use an increasing variety of words to express and extend understanding of concepts related to personal interests
and topics of study
11 Writing
Overview: This lesson has been designed to allow grade 4 students to keep working on their independent writing assignment.
The focus of this lesson is for students to continue writing out their research points into full sentences in their flipbook template.
To begin, students will be handed back their started flipbook. Once given the template, students will continue writing their
research notes in complete sentences. Students will be reminded to take their time and write neatly as that is an aspect being
looked for in the final form. By the end of this lesson, students should have at least 3-4 sections of writing in their flipbook

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: Instructional strategies for this lesson will include direct instruction (overview,
demonstrations), and independent study (writing).

Notes: Assessment for this lesson will be formative and will include observations of students working.

 Flipbook templates, whiteboard markers, completed research organizers, pencils and erasers
12 Outcome(s):
Writing  Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral,
print and other media texts.
o Use text features, such as headings, subheadings and margin organizers, to enhance understanding of ideas and
 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information.
o Organize oral, print and other media texts into sections that relate to and develop the topic
o Paraphrase information from oral, print and other media sources
o Examine gathered information to identify if more information is required; review new understanding
 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.
o Write legibly, using a style that demonstrates awareness of alignment, shape and slant
o Use an increasing variety of words to express and extend understanding of concepts related to personal interests
and topics of study

Overview: This lesson has been designed to allow grade 4 students to keep working on their independent writing assignment.
The focus of this lesson is for students to continue writing out their research points into full sentences in their flipbook template.
To begin, students will be handed back their started flipbook. Once given the template, students will continue writing their
research notes in complete sentences. Students will be reminded to take their time and write neatly as that is an aspect being
looked for in the final form. By the end of this lesson, students should have at least 5-6 sections of writing in their flipbook

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: Instructional strategies for this lesson will include direct instruction (overview,
demonstrations), and independent study (writing).

Notes: Assessment for this lesson will be formative and will include observations of students working. At the end of this lesson,
students will participate in a self-assessment.

 Flipbook templates, whiteboard markers, completed research organizers, pencils and erasers
 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.
o Write legibly, using a style that demonstrates awareness of alignment, shape and slant
o Use an increasing variety of words to express and extend understanding of concepts related to personal interests
and topics of study

Overview: This lesson has been designed for grade 4 students to keep working on their independent writing assignment. The
focus of this lesson is for students to start illustrating their writing in their flipbook template. To begin, students will be handed
back their flipbook. Once given the template, students will start illustrating their writing to help emphasize what they found in
13 Illustrations their research. Students will be reminded to take their time. By the end of this lesson, students should have at least 2 sections

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: Instructional strategies for this lesson will include direct instruction (overview,
demonstrations), and independent study (writing/drawing).

Notes: Assessment for this lesson will be formative and will include observations of students working.

 Flipbook templates, whiteboard markers, completed research organizers, pencils and erasers, pencil crayons
14 Illustrations Outcome(s):
 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.
o Write legibly, using a style that demonstrates awareness of alignment, shape and slant
o Use an increasing variety of words to express and extend understanding of concepts related to personal interests
and topics of study
Overview: This lesson has been designed for grade 4 students to keep working on their independent writing assignment. The
focus of this lesson is for students to start illustrating their writing in their flipbook template. To begin, students will be handed
back their flipbook. Once given the template, students will start illustrating their writing to help emphasize what they found in
their research. Students will be reminded to take their time. By the end of this lesson, students should have at least 3-4 sections

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: Instructional strategies for this lesson will include direct instruction (overview,
demonstrations), and independent study (writing/drawing).

Notes: Assessment for this lesson will be formative and will include observations of students working.

 Flipbook templates, whiteboard markers, completed research organizers, pencils and erasers, pencil crayons
 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.
o Write legibly, using a style that demonstrates awareness of alignment, shape and slant
o Use an increasing variety of words to express and extend understanding of concepts related to personal interests
and topics of study

Overview: This lesson has been designed for grade 4 students to keep working on their independent writing assignment. The
focus of this lesson is for students to start illustrating their writing in their flipbook template. To begin, students will be handed
back their flipbook. Once given the template, students will start illustrating their writing to help emphasize what they found in
their research. Students will be reminded to take their time. By the end of this lesson, students should have all sections
15 Illustrations
illustrated. With this being the last lesson of the unit, students will hand in their flipbook for the teacher to mark.

Teaching and/or Learning Strategies: Instructional strategies for this lesson will include direct instruction (overview,
demonstrations), and independent study (writing/drawing).

Notes: Assessment for this lesson will be formative and will include observations of students working. At the end of this lesson,
students will participate in a self-assessment. Assessment of the final form of the flipbook will be summative.

 Flipbook templates, whiteboard markers, completed research organizers, pencils and erasers, pencil crayons
Assess and Reflect
Considerations Comments
Required Areas of Study:  Alignment between outcomes, assessment, and learning experiences
Is there alignment between outcomes, performance o Learning experience is mostly student-centered with some teacher-led
assessment and learning experiences? portions
o Outcomes are assessed formatively until the end of the unit when the
final project is assessed
Adaptive Dimension:  Format of flipbook is suitable for all learners as it includes a space to write and a
Have I made purposeful adjustments to the curriculum content space to draw
(not outcomes), instructional practices, and/or the learning  Research is done in partners to support some of the learning needs in the
environment to meet the learning needs of all my students? classroom
 Curriculum content is of interest to students
Instructional Approaches:  Mostly student-centered approach with some teacher-directed sessions
Do I use a variety of teacher directed and student-centered o Project is student-centered
instructional approaches? o Mini lessons for research are teacher-directed
FNM/I Content and Perspectives/Gender Equity/Multicultural  Diversity is welcomed and appreciated
Education:  Identity of students is respected
Have I nurtured and promoted diversity while honoring each
child’s identity?

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