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Aquinas University of Legazpi

AQUI Preschool and Elementary

S.Y. 2013-2014


First Periodical Test

II-St. Catherine of Siena

Name: __________________________________________ Date:___________ Score:________

A. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Who is our real friend?
a. our cousins b. our enemies c. Jesus
2. Why did God give us friends?
a. because He hates us
b. because He loves us
c. because He does not like us
3. Why does Jesus continue to invite us to be His friends?
a. because He wants us to be with Him
b. because He hates us
c. because He doesn’t want us
4. Why do we need friends?
a. because we should not live alone in this world
b. because of money
c. because they give us food and clothing
5. How can you show that you love your friends?
a. I will borrow money from them.
b. I will share my food to them when they are hungry.
c. I will make them cry.
6. What will you say if Jesus gives you friends?
a. Thank you so much for giving me friends.
b. I do not want friends.
c. I want to be alone.
7. What did Jesus and His friends love to do?
a. spend time together
b. eat and drink until midnight
c. play outdoor games
8. What do we use when we are talking to Jesus?
a. telephone b. prayer c. mail
9. What is very important in our friendship with Jesus?
a. food b. expensive gifts from Him c. prayer
10. What do you feel when you are with your friends?
a. happy b. sad c. angry
11. What will you do with a classmate who is always alone and does not play with
a. I will ignore him.
b. I will tell him that being alone is good.
c. I will share my toys and play with him.
12. What will you say to someone who would like to befriend you?
a. Get away from me. You are ugly.
b. Nice to meet you. Let us have a snack inside my house.
c. I am sorry. I cannot be your friend.
13. You are very excited to play basketball with your friends outside your house but your
father said, “Please stay home today. Take care of your sister”. Will you follow what
your father said?
a. Yes. Because my sister’s health is more important than playing.
b. No. Because I am very excited to play basketball with my friends.
c. No. Because I don’t love my sister.
14. What do we feel when we have friends?
a. sad
b. lonely
c. good
15. What did Jesus love to do when He was on earth?
a. be with His enemies
b. be with His friends
c. be alone

B. Match column A with column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space
before each number.

____ 1. He is a short but rich man a. Judas

____ 2. She is the mother of Jesus b. angels
____ 3. He is our Lord c. Zacchaeus
____ 4. They are the 12 friends of Jesus d. the 12 warriors
____ 5. Brother of Mary and Martha e. Jesus
____ 6. One of the apostles who betrayed Jesus f. the Apostles
____ 7. Our winged friends in heaven g. Lazarus
h. Virgin Mary

____ 1. The town where Martha and Mary lived a. Jericho

____ 2. The place where the groom and the bride b. Bethany
celebrated their wedding with Jesus c. Bulgaria
____ 3. The city where Zacchaeus lived d. Golgotha
____ 4. The place where Jesus was crucified e. Cana
C. Choose from the box the words that will make the thank you letter complete and correct.
Write your answers on the blanks.


(1.)______________ God,
(2.) ____________ you for giving me Jesus as my (3)._____________.
I (4.) ____________ him and I will (5.)____________ follow (6.)__________.
Your Friend,

D. Directions: Put a check mark ( √ ) on the blank before the number if the sentence shows
an act of sacrifice for others.
_____1. Choosing not to buy a favorite food to be able to donate money for the poor
_____2. Not sharing your favorite toy car
_____3. Playing video games instead of helping with the household chores
_____4. Being with a sick brother so that Mother can rest
_____5. Keeping the classroom clean so that the janitor does not have a hard time
cleaning it
_____6. Helping your classmate carry his heavy bag
_____7. Watching movies until midnight
_____8. Listening to what your friend is saying
_____9. Sharing our favorite toys with others
_____10. Giving time to help a friend
_____11. Saying bad words to your friends
_____12. Not sharing your snacks with a hungry classmate
_____13. Rescuing a trapped dog
_____14. Eating six times a day
_____15. Sharing your favorite book with a friend
_____16. Not accepting a classmate as a friend
_____17. Saving lives during a typhoon
_____18. Laughing at a blind man
AQUI Preschool and Elementary

Aquinas University of Legazpi

Rawis, Legazpi City

S.Y. 2013-2014

Table of Specifications in Christian Living 2

Objectives Subject Matter Type of Test Number

of Items
Tell the importance Importance of Multiple Choice 3
of having friends Friends to Us
Thank God for Thanking God for Multiple Choice and Fill in the Blanks 7
giving us friends Our Friends
Tell that Jesus gave Jesus Gave Us Multiple Choice 2
us friends because Friends
he loves us
Tell that our real Jesus is Our Real Multiple Choice 1
friend is Jesus Friend
Tell the importance Friendship with Multiple Choice 2
of friendship with Jesus
Make friends with Making Friends with Multiple Choice 3
others Others
Make sacrifices for Sacrifices for Others Multiple Choice and Checklist Test 19
Tell that Jesus lived Jesus Lived with His Multiple Choice 2
on Earth with his Friends
Identify the Bible Bible Characters Matching Type 7
Identify the place Bible Characters Matching Type 4
where a Bible
Character lived
No. of

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