First Periodical Test in MAPE and Computer 3

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AQUI Preschool and Elementary

Aquinas University of Legazpi

Rawis, Legazpi City

S.Y. 2013-2014

First Periodical Test

Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Computer

Name:___________________________ Grade and Section:_____________________ Score:______

I. Music
A. Listen carefully to the sounds that the teacher will play. Write P if the sound is pleasant
and U if the sound is unpleasant.

B. Identify the objects/animals below that produce long and short sounds. Write their
names on the table that follows.

Long Sounds Short Sounds

C. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Why are sounds important to us?
a. because if there is no sound, we cannot communicate effectively
b. because sounds are the reason why I cannot sleep at night
c. because sounds love us
2. What is the rate of speed in music?
a. sounds b. pleasant sound c. tempo
3. How can you put your baby brother to sleep?
a. I will play rock music.
b. I will get my drums and make him listen.
c. I will sing a lullaby or play a slow music.
4. What is the loudness or softness of sound called?
a. dynamics b. dinosaurs c. dynamo
5. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Piano means loud.
b. Piano means soft.
c. Forte means soft.

II. Arts
A. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is NOT a primary color?

a. red b. yellow c. orange d. blue
2. What is surrealism?
a. It is a style of painting objects which are not related.
b. It is an art of making an origami
c. It is where a painter paints.
3. Who is the famous Spanish painter known for his surrealistic paintings?
a. Fernando Amorsolo
b. Leonardo Da Vinci
c. Salvador Dali
4. How will you be responsible for your art materials?
a. I will ignore them because I can buy new ones.
b. I will put the materials in my bag after using them.
c. I will let the janitor clean my mess.
5. Are red, orange, and yellow warm colors?
a. yes b. no c. I don’t know
6. Which of the following are cool colors?
a. blue violet, yellow, and green
b. red violet, violet and blue green
c. orange, blue violet, and blue

B. Write S if the scene is surrealistic and R if it is real.

_____1. a lady walking by the seashore
_____2. melting clocks on a twig
_____3. a school in a bottle
_____4. a hen with its chicks
_____5. a dog walking on a pair of human legs
_____6. a television in a pencil case
_____7. an apple on the table
_____8. a walking strawberry

C. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

1. The primary colors are _____________, _____________, and _____________.
2. blue + yellow = ______________________
3. blue + red = _________________________
4. yellow + red = _______________________
III. Physical Education
A. Encircle the letter with the best answer.
1. What is posture?
a. Posture is the position of our bodies when we are sitting, standing, or lying down.
b. Posture is where we post our pictures.
c. Posture is sitting, standing, and lying down at the same time.
2. What things will you do in order to sit properly?
a. I will slouch and cross my legs.
b. I will keep my back straight, put my hands on my lap, and keep my feet flat on the floor.
c. I will look up, cross my legs, and put my feet on the table.
3. Why is good posture important?
a. because it makes us presentable and helps our body function better
b. because it allows us to bend our bones
c. because it makes us strong and wild
4. Do locomotor movements transfer the body from one place to another?
a. yes b. no c. I don’t know
5. Can you run while you are stretching?
a. Yes. I can do anything.
b. No. Some locomotor and nonlocomotor movements cannot be done at the same
c. Yes, with the help of my uncle.

B. Write L if the movement is locomotor and N if the movement is

_______1. walking _______2. circumduction _______3. bending
_______4. hopping _______5. running _______6. twisting
_______7. jumping _______8. stretching _______9. skipping
_______10. swinging

IV. Computer
A. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following shows an educational use of a computer?
a. Teddy plays online games like Flyff and Counter Strike.
b. Ben is chatting with his friends.
c. Angel is looking for the pictures of planet Earth in the internet.
2. How does the internet help you learn?
a. It gives additional information about the lesson I want to understand.
b. It makes me relaxed all the time.
c. It makes my family stay together.

B. Draw a line from the part of a computer to its name.

keyboard CPU monitor camera scanner speaker mouse printer

AQUI Preschool and Elementary

Aquinas University of Legazpi

Rawis, Legazpi City

S.Y. 2013-2014

Table of Specifications

MAPE and Computer 3

(Total No. of Items: 60)


Objectives Subject Matter Type of Test No. of Items

Differentiate aurally between Pleasant and Unpleasant Identification 5
pleasant and unpleasant sounds Sounds
Identify objects/animals that Long and Short Sounds Identification 5
produce long and short sounds
Identify the importance of Importance of Sounds Multiple Choice 1
Identify the meaning of tempo Tempo Multiple Choice 1
Apply the use of sounds in real Sounds Multiple Choice 1
life situations
Identify the meaning of Dynamics Multiple Choice 1
Identify dynamic marks Dynamic Marks Multiple Choice 1


Objectives Subject Matter Type of Test No. of

Identify the primary colors Primary Colors Multiple Choice 1
Identify the meaning of surrealism Surrealism Multiple Choice 1
Recognize Salvador Dali Salvador Dali Multiple Choice 1
Identify surrealistic scenes Surrealistic scenes Identification 8
Identify primary and secondary colors Primary and Identification 6
Secondary Colors
Choose a statement that shows being Being Responsible for Multiple Choice 1
responsible for one’s materials One’s Materials
Identify cool and warm colors Cool and Warm Identification 2

Objectives Subject Matter Type of Test No. of

Identify locomotor and nonlocomotor Locomotor and Identification 10
movements Nonlocomotor
Choose the correct definition of posture Posture Multiple Choice 1
Identify proper sitting position Pritting Position Multiple Choice 1
Differentiate locomotor from nonlocomotor Locomotor and Multiple Choice 1
movements Nonlocomotor
Identify the importance of having a good Importance of Multiple Choice 1
posture Having a Good
Apply the definition of locomotor and Definition of Multiple Choice 1
nonlocomotor movements Locomotor and



Identify the uses of a computer Computer and Its Multiple Choice 2
Identify the parts of a computer Parts of a Computer Identification 8

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