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Product Name
Student Name

Student ID
ADM3007 : ASMT 2

1st Part: Cover Page for the project

2nd Part: Creation of the project

3rd Part: Assigning Tasks

4th Part: Manage tasks in priority lists

5th Part: in the selected application, students are supposed to highlight their tasks and responsibilities,
Time taken to finish each task, action plan for each.

6th Part: choose project management methodology and apply it on your product.

7th Part: write a summary of the skills acquired in time management after going through this project.

8th Part: add References to the project (includes internet sites, books online books, journals etc.
2nd Part: Creation of the project

1. Explain the project to key stakeholders and discuss its key components: explain the five stages in
project lifecycle; Initiating stage: project conception (Idea of the product) student have to build
a project charter.
2. Planning stage: Scope, WBS, Gantt Chart, Communication Plan, Risk Management
3. Execution stage: Status & Tracking, KPI’s will include areas such as project goals, task
management and schedule, Quality.
4. Controlling stage: Objectives; quality, products, time, benefits, justification, Quality Deliverables;
must be clear, complete, concise, credible, correct, consistent. Effort & cost tracking,
5. Closing Stage: Project checklist for closing, Reporting
Change Management Document:
In project management, change management refers to the process used to identify, document,
and remediate change in a project. That change could alter the scope, budget, resourcing, and
timeline of a project.

The change can be in either scope, budget, resources, timeline.

Risk Categories: in this section you need to identify types of risk your project entails and how
risk affects your project growth.

An example as follows:

Risk Category Risk involved Other factors

Technical Software issues with design, Layout design not given on
layout time
Organizational Dependencies Which dependcy your
organization is following?
Management In many of the stages do you Change in your policies,
have a delay in processing project funding is not going
payments? Do you suffer well, do you need any
from failure in your planning necessary documents for
in any of the project sectors? permits to import products?
Do you have a
communication failure?
3rd Part: Assigning Tasks

You will have to assign specific tasks to each project team member while doing so, please provide me
with a detailed plan for task allocation through the below table.

Task Name Nature of the task Resources needed # of people Time needed to
needed to assist finish each task

4th Part: Manage tasks in priority lists

Each student has many people working on various tasks, so choose 3 different people who are experts in
their fields and create a priority TO DO LIST.

Task Name of person nature of the job Time needed for each task

7th Part: write a summary of the skills acquired in time management after going through this project.

What skills have you gained after finishing their project, it will include lessons learned, skills and
knowledge acquired. Please type in all this information in a table.

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