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\section*{Graded Assignment 12}

\del{a} \label{1a}
\textit{A bakery sells gourmet cupcakes and mini-bundt cakes. Each cupcake uses
$5$ ounces of
sugar and each mini-bundt cake uses $7$ ounces of sugar. The bakery has only $550$
of sugar until their next shipment of baking supplies arrives. They want to make at
least $80$
total cupcakes and mini-bundt cakes.}

\item \noindent\textbox{\textit{Write a system of inequalities that can be used
to represent the situation described.}\hfill}\textbox{\hfill (10 points)}

{\centering(Using $c$ for cupcakes, $b$ for bundt cakes.)}
5c + 7b &\le 550 \\
c + b &\ge 80

\item \noindent\textbox{\textit{Graph this system of inequalities. Upload an

image of your graph.}\hfill} \textbox{\hfill (10 points)}


\item \noindent\textbox{\textit{Is it possible to bake 50 cupcakes and 50 mini-
bundt cakes? Explain why or why not.}\hfill} \textbox{\hfill (10 points)}

It is not possible. The given numbers do not satisfy inequality~(1).
$5(50) + 7(50) = 600$, which is less than 550.


\item \noindent\textbox{\textit{Let’s say the bakery changes their recipe to use

4 ounces of sugar per cupcake and 5
ounces of sugar per mini-bundt cake. What would be the new inequalities to
this situation?}\hfill} \textbox{\hfill (10 points)}

{\centering(Using $c$ for cupcakes, $b$ for bundt cakes.)}
4c + 5b &\le 550 \\
c + b &\ge 80


\item \noindent\textbox{\textit{Would it be possible to bake 50 cupcakes and 50

mini-bundt cakes? Explain why or why not.}\hfill} \textbox{\hfill (10 points)}

{\centering [This question appears to be a duplicate of question 1\textit{c}.]}
\textit{A quadrilateral is formed by a system of four linear inequalities. Side
one of the
quadrilateral passes through the points $\left(-6, 0\right)$ and $\left(0, 8\right)
$. Side two crosses the x-axis at
$-6$ and the y-axis at $-4$. Side three passes through $\left(0, -4\right)$ and
$\left(6,4\right)$? }

\item \noindent\textbox{\textit{Write an inequality for side
one.}\hfill}\textbox{\hfill (10 points)}


$$y\le \frac{8}{6}x+8\eqno(1)$$

\item \noindent\textbox{\textit{Write an inequality for side two.}\hfill}

\textbox{\hfill (10 points)}

$$y\ge -\frac{4}{6}x-4\eqno(2)$$

\item \noindent\textbox{\textit{Write an inequality for side three.}\hfill}

\textbox{\hfill (10 points)}
$$y\ge \frac{8}{6}x-4\eqno(3)$$


\item \noindent\textbox{\textit{Write an inequality for side four.}}

\textbox{\hfill (10 points)}

$$y\le -\frac{4}{6}x+8\eqno(4)$$


\item \noindent\textbox{\textit{Choose one of the sides of the quadrilateral

described above. Write a new inequality for
this side that would form a trapezoid instead. State which side you have
changed.}\hfill} \textbox{\hfill (10 points)}


I have changed side two [see inequality (2)] to be $y\le -\frac{8}{3}x+8$.


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