How To Think Magical Terms

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How To Think Magical Terms

Most of us grew up in religious households. We attended religious ceremonies of different

types, weddings, funerals, christenings, worship services, and when we did, we formed a kind
of thought that allowed us to get along with the population around us. You were considered
a good Christian if you went to church……a good Jew if you went to temple…a good Hindu if
you performed your rituals. All these acts allowed you to blend into what you knew as the
normal world.

Then one day, something happened. You realized that normal wasn’t working for you
anymore. Youi realized that you have been going to church for thirty years but had not grown
spiritually in any tangible manner. You didn’t want to admit it to yourself, but sometimes,
you know that you can hear the thoughts of other people around you.

You wake up inside dreams and manipulate them. You travel outside your body and have sex
with people in other dimensions. You predict the outcome of a game weeks before it
happens. Sometimes, you see spirits around you and wonder why nobody talks about them.
And then of course, there is that nagging sense that there is something deep and powerful
lurking inside you that is the real you…a person you have to keep bottled up because your
family would try to have you locked up if you ever really said what was on your mind.

So you go from day to day living, breathing, and lying to yourself about what you believe is
real. You make polite conversation. You to the right events. You make love, eat, drink and
live under the radar in such a way that no one will come to your door and take you away. At
least, so you think.

One day, a friend tells you about a miracle. Someone they know had a terrible disease that
the doctors could not cure. They went to a healer, read a prayer, and performed a ritual, and
before long, the illness simply vanished. You want to think to yourself, naaaa…..just the
placebo effect…..just a fluke…..but then, you go online and you find an advertisement for a
spiritual artifact that has tremendous power. You look at the artifact. It is very beautiful, but
it is expensive. You want it more than the last egg-nog custard milkshake you had. And that
was sinfully good!!

You look at the artifact fifty eleven times, during your lunch break. You check out the
website. You try to find it for a cheaper price on your own. Then the voices start.

“You are not going to buy that thing! It’s the devil.”

“What will your mother think?”

“Its not in the budget!”

“I will leave you if you bring that thing into my house!”

“What if it’s possessed?”

“Those people just want your money!”

You listen to your voices. You pray about it. You look at your bank account, your credit cards,
your stash under the mattress, and your weed money for the month. After all that, you go
back to that site and look at that beautiful item fifty eleven more times.

Then, at 2:46 am Wednesday morning, something snaps, and you get up, go to the site, and
buy that beautiful artifact, and that purse you wanted on that other site.

You get very sweaty and go to the kitchen, open that container of vanilla swiss almond ice
cream you have been saving for the next time your date doesn’t work out, and you eat the
whole thing. Before you click the buy button, you listen to your voices one more round…..

“You are not going to buy that thing! It’s the devil.”

“What will your mother think?”


“Its not in the budget!”

“I will leave you if you bring that thing into my house!”

“What if it’s possessed?”

“Those people just want your money!”

You look at the artifact, click the buy button, and drift off to sleep with fantasies of other
worlds and a fresh box of vanilla swiss almond for tomorrow.

Your dreams race, your mind refuses to focus on work. Your friends want to talk about who’s
zooming who but all you can think about is finding the best place to sun gaze using your new
solar mirror.

Some scholars believe that magic is effective psychologically. They cite the placebo effect and
psychosomatic disease as prime examples of how our mental functions exert power over our
bodies. Similarly, others suggest that engaging in magical practices can relieve anxiety, which
could have a significant positive physical effect. In the absence of

advanced health care, such effects would play a relatively major role, thereby helping to
explain the persistence and popularity of such practices.

According to theories of anxiety relief and control, people turn to magical beliefs when there
exists a sense of uncertainty and potential danger and few logical or scientific responses to
such danger. Magic is used to restore a sense of control over circumstance. In support of this

theory, research indicates that superstitious behavior is invoked more often in high stress
situations, especially by people with a greater desire for control.

Another potential reason for the persistence of magic rituals is that the rituals prompt their
own use by creating a feeling of insecurity and then proposing themselves as precautions.
Boyer and Liénard propose that in obsessive-compulsive rituals — a possible clinical model
for certain forms of magical thinking — focus shifts to the lowest level of gestures, resulting
in goal demotion. For example, an obsessive-compulsive cleaning ritual may overemphasize
the order, direction, and number of wipes used to clean the surface.

The goal becomes less important than the actions used to achieve the goal, with the
implication that magic rituals can persist without efficacy because the intent is lost within the
act. Alternatively, some cases of harmless "rituals" may have positive effects in bolstering
intent, as may be the case with certain pre-game exercises in sports.

Magical thinking has another level. It is possible to address serious illness using spiritual

I found myself falling into a serious state of depression this past summer. In the last few years
all of my life-long friends have transitioned and I was really feeling the loss. My spiritual work
is the most important thing in my life but without the joy I felt lost.

I decided to try using the Conscious Mind Cleansing daily and it is working a continuous
miracle for me. I have been using it daily to start my day and I can feel my depression lifting
even with the recent transition of the last of my life-long friends.

I am so grateful to the Gods/Goddesses and the Masters for bringing this gift into our reality.
I think it would be beneficial for everyone to start their day with the Conscious Mind
Cleansing. I also use the Soul Cleansing every other day for an overall cleansing and everyday
I am feeling better and better! Thank you! I bow in love and gratitude!

Depression is a serious medical illness that can lead to disability, hospitalization, and suicide.
It is the number one cause of disability in the world, greater than heart disease, cancer, and
dementia. Yet in this woman’s case, a spiritual tool that she had never used before helped
her begin the healing process.

Magical thinking is an internal battle. It requires one to battle forces both internal and
external in order to embrace an entirely new order of reality. True magic allows one to work
with powerful forces that can change reality around you forever. Tapping into those forces
requires courage, for only the bold dare to look beyond the boundaries of the shore and cast
off into the seas of the magical.

There are several different types of magical forces:

1. Elemental Forces
2. Angelic Forces
3. Magical currents
4. The Force of the Gods
5. The Power of the Ancestors
6. Prayers, rituals, spells, and incantations.

Elemental forces radiate from the world of fire, water, earth, air, and spirit elemental forces
of nature. They can help control the world around you and help you get anything you wish.

Angelic forces radiate from the celestial world of the angels. They can help control the world
around you and help you get anything you wish.

Magical currents flow all around us from the forces that create reality itself. They can help
control the world around you and help you get anything you wish.

The force of the gods radiates from the world of the divine gods. They can help control the
world around you and help you get anything you wish.

The power of the ancestors is a great resource that most people never learn to use. They can
help control the world around you and help you get anything you wish.

Prayers, rituals, spells, rituals, and incantations exist for one reason only. They can help
control the world around you and help you get anything you wish.

Tapping into the power of the magical forces require that you free your mind. We are not
accustomed to the waters of such freedom. We are far more comfortable staying tethered to
the post and eating whatever the herd decides you should consume. Freedom in your
magical life begins with answering one consuming question.

Why did you come to this world in the first place?


Answer: You came to find your magic.

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