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Second Edition ASNT LEVELIN| STUDYGUIDE Basic ACKNOWLEDGMENTS “The Ametican Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. i grateful forthe volunter contributions, technical expertise, knowledge and dedication of the following individuals who have helped make this work possible, Mike Allgaier ~ MISTRAS Group, Inc. Jack 8. Brenizer,J.~ Pennsylvania State University Gina Caudill - NAWCAD NAVAIR Gerard Hacker ~ Teledyne Brown Engineering Jin Houf- ASNT ‘Claudia Kropas-Hughes ~ Air Force Materiel Command Dovid G. Moore ~ Sandia National Laboratories ‘Giji Nelson ~ Sandia National Laboratories Matthew Patience - HMT Inspection Lis Payano ~ Port Authority of NY & NJ Robert Plumstead William C. Plumstead, St.~ POT Services el j. Ruddy ~ NOV Tuboscope Daniel Ryan ~ Siemens Power Generation Hussein Sadek ~ Technologies Consulting International, Inc, (ICI, Ine.) “Todd Sellmer ~ NWE, "Transportation Packsging Ken Starry ~ IVC Technologies Ray Tukimara Prashant V, Wagh ~ Riyadh Geotechnique & Foundations Co. ‘The Publications Review Commitee includes: Glenn M, Light, Chair ~ Southwest Research Institute Terry Clausing ~ Drysdale & Associates, Inc, Joe Mackin - 108 FOREWORD Purpose ‘This Study Guide is intended to aid individuals preparing to take the Basic Examination as part ofthe process of. ‘becoming certified as an ASNT NDT Level II in one or tmore NDT methods, tis equally useful for persons prepar- ing to take a Basic Level III Examination under an employer's personnel qualification and certification program per SNT-TC-IA. "The material in this Study Guide addresses the body of kcnowledge included in the Basic Fxamination administered under the ASN NDT Level II certification program. The ASNT NDT Level II certification program is service, offered by the American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc, that gives NDT personnel an opportunity to have their familiavity with the principles and practices of NDT assessed independent body. The program uses an independent body to review credentials and uses comprebensive written ‘examinations to identify those persons who meet the criteria for becoming an ASNT NDT Level Il for each NDT method ‘Method examinations are offered in: Acoustic Emission Testing Blectromagnetic Testing Leak Testing Liquid Penctrant Testing Magnetic Flax Leakage ‘Magnetic Particle Testing ‘Neutron Radiographic Testing Radiological Testing ‘Thermal/Infrared Testing Ultrasonic ‘Testing ‘Visual Testing NOTP: Four additional methods are listed in SNY-TC-1A and CP-105 but do not have ASNT examinations: ground penetrating radar, guided wave, laser methods and vibration analysis. ‘The ASNT NDT Level II certification program requires satisfactory completion of a 4-hout Basic Examination. leven different NDT methods examinations are given with durations of 2-4 hours, depending upon each methods com- plexity To be eligible to take the ASNT NDT Level Il exami nations, persons must qualify by virtue oftheir documented education and experience. ‘The Basic Examination covers: 1. the administration of personnel qualification and certification programa based on the most recent editions of SNT-TC-1A and ANSV/ASNT CP-189, 2, materils fabrication and product technology, and 3. general principles and applications of common NDT methods. Bach Method Beamnination covers: 1, fundamentals and principles of the method, 2 applications and establishment of techniques and procedures, and 3 interpretation of codes, standards, and specifications zelating to the method. How to Use the Study Guide Bach section of this Study Guide begins with a discassion of the topical material followed by alist of technical litera- ture references and a set of representative multiple-choice {questions covering both the material in the study guide and {information taken from the cited references. “The user should read through the text ofthe Study Guide and if the discussion covers unfamiliar material, the refer- ‘enced selections should also be reviewed end studied. Finally, the questions at the end of each section should be answered. Success in answering the questions will help the user to determine if more concentrated study in particular areas is needed, Persons who are familiar with some of the topics may wish to go directly to the questions. If they can answer the questions confidently and correctly, additional study may be optional. ‘This Study Guide is designed to assist individuals in their preparation for the ASNT ND? Level If Basic Examination. Itis not intended to be theie only source of preparation, The Study Guide provides a general overview of subject matter covered by the examination so that students can identify those areas of the body of knowledge in which they need fur- ther sine. ‘Note that references to persons who have met the criteria forthe Level III certifications issued by ASNT ate called ASNT NDT Level IIL This isin contest tothe person who has met the criteria of an employer and who is identified as the employer's Level IJ or just Leve TM, Changes in This Edition "The second edition ofthe ASNT Level II Study Guide: Basic builds on the first edition written by Matthew J. Golis. ‘As with the previous version, this study guide also divides the ‘subject matter into three main sections corresponding with the three sections of the Basic Examination: Section I certification and qualification of NDT personnel as outlined in SNI-C-1A and CP-189. Section II: an overview of commonly used NDT methods. ‘Section ILL: materials and processes in manufacturing and industry in relation to NDT technology. ‘The only difference in organization isin the numbering ‘of chapters. What wus Chapter 1 in the first edition is now the Introduction to Section T. Section I has been updated to reflect the latest,2011, ccditions of two key ASNT documents: ANSV/ASNT CP-189: ASNT Standard for Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive Testing Persorme and Recommended Practice No, SNT-TC-1A: Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing Likewise, te topical outlines of the NDT methods presented in Section Ihave been drawn, from the 2011 edition of ANSVASNT CP-105: ASNT Standard Topical Outlines for Qualification of Nondestructive ‘Resting Personnel. To facilitate the study of these documents, in Sections T and I, word-for-word excerpts are highlighted in blue, ‘Questions in all three sections have been modified, as needed, to reflect the current ASNT exam practice of offering four unique answers per question, Also in Section 1, ques- tions have been added forthe magnetic flux leakage testing, method. CONTENTS Acknowledgments tesenetitie eines Purpose . eee iv How fo Use the Study Guide - seedy Changes in This Edition . SECTION I: Administration of a Personne! Qualification and Certification Program .. Introduction ... References .. Chapter 1: Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A, History of SNFIC-IA sess Contents and intendod Uses of SNT-TC-1A Overview of SNT-IC-1A (2011)... esse ceeeeee Foreword . Sections 1, 2 ond &: Scope, Defritions Gnd Nondestuctive Testing Methods General Comments on Section 1... Inguities for Section 1 General Comments on Sections 2 ond 3. Section 4: Levels of Qualification ....... Inquiies for Section 4 General Comments on Section 4 Section 5: Wiitien Practice. ‘| General Comments on Section 5....- 7 : Section 6: Education, Taining, ond Experionce Recuirements for til Guaiticaton « Inqulies for Section 6 ......sce++ General Comments on Section 6... Section 7: Training Programs. Inquires for Section 7 . 7 General Comments on Section 7 Section 8: Examinations General Comments on Section 8. Inquities for Section 8 Section 9: Certitication Inquires for Section 9 sees General Comments on Section 9... : Section 10: Technical Performance Evaluation «1.1.4. Inquities for Section 10... +++ General Comments on Section 10... vi Section 11: intenupted Service General Comments on Section 1} Section 12: Recertification... .eeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeetsessesattseneesseesee® General Comments on Section 12... Inquites for Section 12 Section 13: Termination Inquiies for Section 13, Section 14: Reinstatement inquiries for Section 14 General Comments on Section 14 Review Questions Answers Chapter 2: The ASNT NDT Level Ill Certification Program, AGNENOT Level MCs etee ieee iret mut rere What is an ASNT NDT LoVOIII® ....essseeseeseeseceseesenseneereees ASNT Predictive Maintenance Level Il... Elgibifty for ASNT Level il Exarn NDT/PdM or PAM/NDT Conversion Recertification SNT-IC-1A Certification Options Use of the ASNT NDT Lovet Il Cerification ACCP Professional Level I : ASNT Examination Schedule .. : Review Questions ...... Answers . fons Chapter 3: ANSI/ASNT CP-189 (2011) .....cseceseceeeseeenerrerneee Overview . te Section 1: Scope Section 2: Definitions Section 3: Levels cf Qualification Section 4: Qualification Requirements Section $: Qualfication and Cerification Section 6: Exarninations uae : Section 7: Expiration, Suspension, Revocation, and Reinstatement of Employer Certification Section &: Employer Recertification Section 9: RECOM «1... seeeeeecseeseeses ees 1 Referenced Publications .. Section 1 Review QUEStIONS 6... seeeeeeeseesteee Answers... Seveuete seared nee Section Il: Overview of NDT Methods . Chapter 4: General Applications of Various NDT Methods ..........eeere0e Overview of the ASNT Basic Exornination Topical Qutlines, Reference Resources and Review Questions vii seeeee at a a a BBRES 28 29 35 37 3? 37 AT 9 28 Ae Acoustic Emission Tesling (AE) Topical Outline Acoustic Emision esting Revew Questions Becttomagnetic Testing (ET} .-.... Topical Outing Bectromagnelic tesiing Review Questions Leak Testing (UN). Topical Ov'tne Leak Testing Review Questions Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT) Liguid Penetrant testing Review Questions Magnetic Fux Leakage Testing (MFL) Topical Otine Magnetic Fux Leakage Tasting Reviow Questions . Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) Topical Outing Magnetic Paticte Tesing Review Questions Neutron Radiographic Testing (NR) Topical Outine ..... Neutron Radiographic Testing Review Questions Radiographic Te Topical Outline Radiographic Testing Review Questions Thermal/infrared Testing {IR} . Topical Outline Tharmai/Initored Testing Review Questions... Uttrosonie Testing (UT) Topical Outine Ultrasonic Testing Review Questions Visual Testing (VT) Topical Outing Visual Testing Review Questions . Answers to Review Questions 49 49 49 50 Sl sl sl SI 54 4 254 54 95 56 +55 55 Sebee 59 59 so 62 262 2 SBaRRRRERS 70 270 70 wh weed weed weed 76 Section Ill: Materials, Fabrication and Product Technology . Chapter 5: Materials and Processes for NDT Technology ....... Oveniawitiniuimiaioeeie : Review Gueslion: uiranuuauniit en Chapter 1: "Relation of NDT to Manufacturing” .... Chapter 2: “introduction to Manufacturing Technology" Chapter 3: “Propertios of Materials”... ses eeeeeteeeseeesseee Chapter 4: “The Nature of Materials and Solld State Changes in Metal Chapter 5: "Ferrous Metals"... eee ccs eecee ‘Chapter 6; “Nonferrous Metals and Plostics" ... Chapter 7: "The Nature of Manufacturing” Chapter 8: “The Casting Process” Chapter 9: “The Welding Process” . : a ‘Chapter 10: “Welding Processes and Design” .......scsseceeee Chapter 11: “Plastic Flow" Wiese ceeeeneeetaetteceee Chapter 12: *MllWork, Forging, and Powder Metallurgy”... Chapter 13: “Pressworking of Sheet Metal” ‘Chapter 14: "Machining Fundamentals" Chapter 15: “Miscelaneous Processes” Chapter 16: “Surface Finishing”... Chapter 17: “Inspection”... Answers fo Review Questions Appendix sees eee tee eeeee bees AOS SECTION! ADMINISTRATION OF A PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION PROGRAM INTRODUCTION Qualification and certification of NDT personnel, based on some standardized approach that i recognized and agreed to by buyers and sellers of ND'T-related inspections, is widely practiced throughout industry. Recommended Practice No, SNE-TC-1A: Persoriel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing was the rst document widely used for this purpose. Another document initially issued by ASNT in 1991, reissued in 1995, 2001, 2006 and 2011, is ANSI/ASNT CP-18% ‘Standard for Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel, This dacament differs froma SNT-TC-LA in that itis an ANSI Standard and contains clearly defined minimum requirements that must be satisfied in their entirety. The Basic Examination of the ASNT NDI Level Il certification program addresses the most recent editions of both ofthese documents, ‘SNI-TC-1A (2011) andl ANSI/ASNT CP-189 (2011) willbe analyzed paragraph by paragraph in the following chapters. Selected inquities and responses taken from published interpretations offered by the SNT-TC-IA Interpretation Panel are included to assist individuals in understanding some of SNT-TC- 14's philosophical intentions. The responses should be considered as clarifications ofthe intent of the recommended practice. ‘The inquiries and responses are verbatim based on ‘the way they were written in the year indicated inthe inquiry number. They do not addeess subsequent changes mack to later editions of SIVI-'C-1A. CP-189 interpretations are available on the ASNT website at www.asnt org. “The general structure and some of the details of the ASNT NDT Level II certification program and how it supports the ‘manner in which SNI-TC-1A and CP-189 are implemented throughout industry ae also covered in Chapter 2. References ANSWASNT CP-188: ASNT Standard for Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel. : ‘Columbus, OH: The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Ine, 2011.* ; (CP-ASNT- LB: ASNT NDT Level I Program. Columbus, OH: The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Ine. Revision dat: 17 jly 2010. Available at: hltp//,pdt Recommended Practice No. SNT-IC-1A: Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing. Columbus, OH: The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. 2011." Available from ASNT, CHAPTER 1 Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A History of SNT-TC-1A fee "The reasons for which Recommended Practice No ‘SNT-TC-1A was created and the manner in which it evolved ‘were described in an article published in Materials valuation, October 1968, Vol.26, No. 10, pp. 124-144, by Harold Hovland and Cat! B. Shavs tiled," How to Qualify ‘and Certify NDT Personnel” The following excerpts outline how this important recommended practice came into existence: ‘With the increasing complexity and number of. nondestructive test methods n use and with greater reliance upon nondestructive testing, industry has not been able to rectult and train personnel in large enough numbers and in 2 timely fashion to fillthe need. Many customers found that they were not receiving the nondestructive test examinations ‘they fet they had patd to receive, Large segments of the economy, such as the Government and prime contractors, found it expedient to put the responsibilty forthe training and qualification, and verification of the qualifications of nondestructive test personne! upon the ‘manufacture. Ths resulted inthe generation of a number of documents dealing with the question of the tralning, qualification, and certfication of nondestructive test personnel. [Although these documents all pertain to the same subject and. have the same objective In their details they were often conflicting, thereby causing undue cost to American industry. Beginning about 1959, a fev corpavations, government agencies, and other technical societies inquired of ASNT as to whether the taining and qualification of nondestructive test personnel vas properly the comain of the Society. In 1961, the Sociaty, through its Technical Councl assigned Task Group to study the feasibility of preparing @ document that would deal with the taining requirements and the documentation thereof for the qualification of nondestructive test personne... the Task Group endeavored to prepare a recommended practice which could contain the consensus of ‘expert opinion regarding the training of personnel and an average of requirements for formal education, time for or-the job taining, and documentation. ‘The resulting SNF-TC-1A is recommended practice forthe qualification and certification of nondestructive test personnel Itprovides a format which industry can follow in writing an individualized procedure for the qualification and certification of personnel which meets the needs and requirements unique to teach segment of industry. Contents and intended Uses of SNT-TC-1A ‘The following information has been excerpted from the same article cited above. The text ofthis arid has been modified to include changes made in subsequent editions of SNT-TC-IA. ls tended that SNETC-TA serve guide fo each eevpeyer ater preparing thelr specie personne quafcaon and creation dogimen recut ot wen pte) SNFTE Tasette Scope ad dtins, hss the test methods ant expan the various levels of qualiatons.The eee ene tre oxmined and certifed. The question res, “how do document cerfeation in my prtalr procedure The pont 0 teember hee tht the procedute este by any wer oF thrdoeament must sas the requrements of th company ndimantbe acetal tothe companys customs thin eee ce ont merely ofthe ecards ofthe talnng programs the amination od he grades ofthe examinations. It ay equi S craeate tat states exply tata pata pein ied oa ver level ora spect method ema ke the fo ofa cad upon which an employer etfs the level of trang ond gual of is pesomel The employer asthe same responsi forthe qeteton ar creticason ef ts NOT personel thas or the product Fr ample, eventhough an employer may prose a complete product and sl hg roi under the ‘company’s own name, the employer still eas full responsibility toe tomer er the qua) otha prod and forthe peo being what the company purports tbe. The ie ee thom ad el the suit ay complete produc then aga the trnayer may manufacture elcomponents ofthe product. In any of these cose te employer beso certain esponsbii, “Teemployeris response hat wet beng sls Indeed arlene tobe dct ret cara requement of Chl, tet not the user and that tl no cestoy poe The employer may choos to exis any of these prerogatives inthe ting uation and certain ofits personnel The compary may employ persons prev) tolned Tracey thse peoperhowaer, re esporsity maul be the same sifthey hed been ward and quali byte trope The employer may conde a ling program 3s Basic | SECTION ‘recommended in the documents, examin these individuals, and certify them as to thelr qualification to do the work. The ‘employer wil exercise this responsibilty through a person Inthe: ‘organization who is qualified as a Level li, and who ts qualified to train or provide the taining of the personnel under them and to exercise judgment as to the qualification ofthese personnal ‘The employer may elect to utilize the Level ll services of an outside agency to provide the training, develop, administer and ‘grade the examinations for certification. Regardless of the ‘method used for training and examination of thelr personnel, tie responsiblity for ensuring that the program utilized complies with their writen practice les withthe employer. Sample questions for general examinations are available from ASNT Headquarters. Each question cites the eference used toidentify the correct answer. Itis intended that the Level Il consider these questions as examples only and should not use them verbatim for qualification examinations n adaltion to the Jeneral examination, speeciic written examination is required, Itis intended that the specific examination reflect the {equipment thats used by the employee being exatnined, that Feflect the requirements of the procadures normally used by the ‘employer, and that it satisfy the specific requirements of ary ‘customer of the employer ‘A Practical Examination is also necessary. The Practical Examination is primarily a hands-on test and an examination to determine that the examinee understands and knows how to use the written procedures and the equipment Test objects should be representative of those that the inspector wil most likely encounter Critical points of reference should be predetermined for which the examinee will be ofeded in the Practical Examination. This may include such things as close adherence to the procedure, action taken when the procedure cannot be followed, handling of the parts being tested, Interpretation of test results, disposition and the manner in Which a report is written. Note the emphasis in the foregoing text on the intent thet SNP-TC-14 should be used as guideline, nota fixed requirement. Thisis teafirmed in 1.2 ofthe Scope section (.1) of SNT-TC-1A (2011) as fllows:“This document pro- Vides guidelines for the establishment ofa qualification and certification system.” Likewise, in the Foreword, i states, “This recommended practice is not intended to be used a8 a strict specification” From a factual point of view, very few employers will conform exacly to all the specific recommendations of SNT-TC-1A. Deviation from the recommendations of SNT-TC-1A should be documented in the employer’ written practice. Overview of SNT-TC-1A (2011) ‘This section provides a paragraph-by-paragraph overview of SNP-TC-1A including excerpts fram the docu- ‘ment, popular inquiries and offical responses provided by the ASNT SNT“1C-1A Interpretation Panel along with more general comments, Foreword ‘Te Foreword (pil) of SNT-TC-1A (2011) states in part ‘This Recommended Practice establishes the general framework fora qualification and certification program. ln ‘Addition, the document provides recommended educational, ‘experience and training requirements for the diferent test ‘methods. Supplementary documents include question and ‘answer lists, which may be used in composing examinations for nondestructive testing personnel. This Recommended Practice snot intended to be used as strict specification. tis recognized, however, that contracts Fequite programs which meet the Intent ofthis docutnent. For such contracts, purchaser and supplier must agree upon ‘acceptability ofan employer's program, The verb should” has been used throughout this document to-emphasize the recommendation presented herein. itis the ‘employer’ responsiblity to address specific needs and to ‘modify these guidelines as appropriate ina written practice. In the employers written practice, the vers*shall’Is tobe used in Place of shoul co emphasize the employers needs» Sections 1, 2 and 3: Scope, Definitions and Nondestructive Testing Methods Sections 1,2 and 3 (Scope, Definitions andl Nondestruc- tive Testing Methods) om pp. 1-2 of SNT-7C-1A (2011) are reprinted below in fal 1.0 Scope 1.1 itis recognized thatthe effectiveness of Roncestructive testing (NDT) applications depends 'upon the capabilities ofthe personnel who are «esponsible for and performs NDT. This Recommended Practice has been prepared to establish guidelines for the qualification and certification of NDT personnel ‘whose specific jobs require appropriate knowledge of the technical principles underlying the nondestructive tests they perform, witness, monitor, or evaluate 1.2 Thisdocument provides gulielines forthe establishment ‘of a qualification and certification program. 1.3. These guidelines have been developed by the ‘American Society for Nondestructive Testing Ine, to aid employers in recognizing the essential factors to ‘be considered in qualifying personnel engaged in any of the NDT methods list in Section 3, OHAPTER 1 Recommencied Practice No. SNI-TC-1A 14 tis tecognized that these guidelines may not be approprlatefor certain employers'cicumstances and/or appllations.n developing a written practice a8 required la Section 5, the employer should review the detalled recommendations presented herein and _maaify them, as necessary, to meet particular needs. Such modification may alter but sall not eliminate basi provisions ofthe program suchas traning, experiance, testing and recertification, Supporting technical rationale for modification of detailed~ recommendations should be provided in an Annex to the writen practice 2.0. Definitions 21 Terms included in this document are defined as follows 211 Certifies qualification. 24.2. Certifying Authority: the person or persons properly designated in the written practice to ‘sign certifications on behalf ofthe employer. 213 Certifying Agency: te employer of the personnel being certified 2.1.4 Closed Book Examination: an examination administered without access to reference ‘material except for materials supplied with or {nthe examination. (See 8) 21.5 Comparable: being at an equivalent or similar level of NDT responsibilty and cificuty as determined by the employer's NDT Level 2.6 Documented: the condition of being in written form. 21.7 Employer: the corporate, privat, or public entity, which employs personnel for wages, salary, fes, or other considerations. 2.1.8 Experience: work activites accomplished in a specific NOT method under the direction of qualified supervision including the performance ofthe NDT method and related activities but not including time spent in ‘organized training programs. 219 Grading Unit: A Qualification Specimen can be divided Into sections called grading units, Which do not have to be equal length or be equally spaced. Grading units are unfiawed or flawed and the percentage of fawed/unfawved ‘grading units required should be approved by the NOT Level Il 21.10 Limited Certification: nondestructive test methods may be further sulbcvided into limited isciplines or techniques to meet specific employer's needs; these are NOT Level I certifications, bt to a limited scope. 1 vritten testimony of 2.111 Nondestructive Testing: a process that Involves the inspection, testing, or evaluation ‘of materials, components and assembles for materalsdlscontinultes, properties and machine problems without further impairing (oF destroying the part's serviceabilly “Throughout this document the term NOT applies equaly tothe NDT methods used for ‘material Inspection, flaw detection or predictive maintenance (PAM) applications. 2.1.12 Outside Agency: company or individual ‘tho provides NDT Level Il services and whose ‘qualifications to provide these services have been reviewed and approved by the employer engaging the company or individual. 2.1.13 Qualification: demonstrated ski, demonstrated knowledge, documented ‘raining and documented experience required ‘or personnel to properly perform the duties ‘of a specific job 2.114 Recommended Practice: a set of guidelines toassist the employer in developing uniform procedures for the qualification att certification of NDT personnel to satisty the ‘employers specific requirements 2.415 Technique: a category within an NDT method; {or example, ultrasonic thickness testing 2.16 Training: an organized program‘developed to Impart the knowledge and skils necessary for qualification, 2.1.17 Written Practice: written procedure developed by the employer that dotalls the requirements for qualification and certification of their employees. 3.0 Nondestructive Testing Methods ‘Qualification and certification of NDT personnel in accordance with this Recommended Practice is applicable o each ofthe following methods: Acoustic Emission Testing Electromagnetic Testing Ground Penetrating Radar Guided Wave Testing LaserTesting Methods LeakTesting Liquid Penetrant Testing Magnetic Flux Leakage Magnetic Particle Testing ‘Neutron Radiographic Testing Radiological Testing Thermal/nfrared Testing Uttrasontc Testing Vibration Analysis, Visual Testing Basic | SECTION! General Comments on Section 1 Paragraph 1.4 was modified in the 2011 edition to pro vide users with additional guidance to ensure that when ‘users develop a written practice, the fundamental require- rents of SNT-TC-1A are maintained and that any modifica- ‘tions are documented with a rationale fr the deviations. Inquiries for Section 1 "NOTE: the responses of the SNI-TC-1A Interpretation Panel are clatfications of intent and ate subject tothe state- ment ofthe Scope in each edition of SNT-TC-1A, paragraph 1.4,"Itis recognized that these guidelines may nat be appro- priate for certain employers circumstances andJot applica- tions, In developing a weritten practice as required in Section 5the employer should review the detailed recommendations presented herein and modify them, as necessary, to mect par- ticular needs” The inquiries must be stated in general terms only because the Interpretation Panel cannot serve as arefer- cee between a buyer and seller or otherwise become involved in any specific ease. Inquiries are numbered to inciude the year of the inquiry and refer tothe edition of SNT-TC-1A in cffectin that yeat, unless atherwise stated in the question, [New editions of SNT-7C-1A were published in these years: 1968, 1975, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2003, 2007 (2006 edition) and 2011. All inguires reprinted below are taken from the ninth edition of Interpreting SNT-TC-LA, published ‘by ASNT in 2012. Ingutry 76-4 ‘In Paragraph L.1,note the statement regarding “personnel whose specifi jobs require appropriate knowledge of the nondestructive tests they perform, witness, monitor or eval- uate!" The SNT-TC-1A Interpretation Panel acted on the fol- losing inquiry about this section, Inquiry Paragraph 1.1 of SNI-TC-1A refers to individuals who “perform, witness, monitor or evaluate” nondestructive tests, Isit intended that individuals whose principal functions are to witness, monitor or evaluate nondestructive tests be quali- fied in the same manner as those whose principal function is to perform nondestructive tests? Response: Itis intended thatthe employer designate through the ‘writen practice as recommended in Paragraph 5 specifi {jobs that requite knowledge ofthe technical principles of nondestructive testing, The employer should test the state- ment of Paragraph 1.1,".. personnel whose specific jobs require appropriate knowledge of the technical principles ‘underlying the nondestructive tests they perform, witness, ‘monitor of evaluate” agains the specific job elements of the personne! in question in order to establish whether or not the specific job requires knowledge of nondestructive testing. Inquiry 80-8 Paragraph 1.4 very clearly states the i detailed recommendations of SNT-TC-IA should be i sat that the reviewed and modified by the usr to satisfy unique needs ‘This allowance was originally incorporated in recognition of the fact that each manufacturer or each service organization has. different clientele. Customer or clientele requirements ultimately determine what is acceptable between buyer and seller, even to the details of qualifying NDT personnel navi: 1. May an employer deviate from the guidelines to meet his specific needs? 2, Is our company's specific written practice acceptablet Response: 1, Yea in accordance with Paragraph 1.4 of SNT-TC-1A, the employer should modify the guidelines to meet his needs. 2, Itis against ASNT policy to jndge the applicability of ‘company documents. As a general comment, itis the ‘employer’ prerogative to establish his criteria for certification, It is then the customer’ prerogative to accept or roject those criteria, Inquiry 04-1 Inquiy: 5 1, [sit the intent of Paragraph 14 that an employer ean modify the “Guidelines” of SNT-TC-14 to the extent that Level IT and Level IT NDT personnel can be “certified” without any examinations if written this way i the written practice? 2. What ae the limits that are intended regarding how much the employer can deviate from SNT-TC-1A as writen? If no limits are given, the employer can change the entixe context of SNT-TC-14 to eliminate all certification exams. Is thatthe intent? Response: 1. No, The provisions of Paragraph 1 allow modification of the detailed recommendations; itis not intended to allow elimination of the basic provisions of the document. 2, No. Paragraph 9.2 requites certification in accordance ‘with "Seeton 8, amination" as described in the ‘employers writen practice. General Comments: SNT-TC-1A allows for modification of detailed recom- ‘mendations as necessary to meet particular needs. The intent is that there be a technical rationale to support such modifi- cation, Elimination of requirements, such a training, experi ence and examination, goes beyond modification of detailed requirements Inquiry 78-7 ASNT has received frequent inquiries from a variety of sources regarding mandatory imposition of the recommen~ dations of SNVF-TC-1A into firm and inflexible requirements. By design, this document lists recommendations which are intended to be used selectively in support of the individual needs ofeach employer. However, due in part to such requests for some type of mandatory requirements doca- rient, ANSIASNT CP-189 was developed as a standard that establishes the minimum requirements for the qualification and certification of NDT personnel. ASNT always intended thatthe recommendations of SNT-TC-1A be applied with flexibility and reason, recognizing that business enterprises often may need to satisfy differing customer requirements, Inquiy 1, Should personnel wito operate (oltrasonic) digital thickness ‘measurement equipment be qualified and certified? 2. To what Level should such personnel be certified? 3. Does ASNT anticipate a change in SNT-TC-1A thet would, provide specific recommendations for qualifying and certifying such personnel? Response: 41, Whether any NDT personnel should be certified depends solely upon the noeds of the employer and the requirements of the employer's customers or lientele, Likewise, the level to which personnel should be certified dlepends upon the same factors as in [1.] above, Note that parageaph 4.1 of SNT-TC-14 provides for subdivision within the levels as needed, 3. Paragraph 1.4 and paragraph 4.1 of SNT-TC-1A are intended to provide the employer with adequate flexibility to accommodate a variety of special needs as documented in the written practice. While the recommended training course outline of SNT-TC-4 does not specifically address digital thickness measurement, the principles of pulse-echo techniques are those involved. The trang course outline does provide for instruction inthe employers specific ‘equipment uses and, as with the remainder of SNT-TC-1A, the training course outline should be modified, if necessary, to meet employers speciic nee, 2 Inquiry 80-4 “Two other inquities pertain to this concept. Both, inquiries have the same response. tnguity: NDT examiners in our employ who perform examina- tons using liquid penetcant ase only the visible dye, solvent removable, penetrant technique. Since our examiners do not have need to be qualified in the other liquid penetrant techniques, is it permissible to modify the number of general and specific questions as well as the hours of training and ‘work experience to satisfy requirements of SNT-TC-1A for Level and Level I examiners? “CHAPTER | Recommended Practice No. SNT-IC-IA Response: wIts the intent that SNT-TC-1A i recommended practice and that itis a guideline which should be modified by the employer as necessary to meet his particular needs, ‘The employer should determine his needs, determine the necessary qualifications of his examiners to meet those needs and describe those in his writen practice General Comments on Sections 2 and 3 In Section 2, Definitions, each of these terms should be carefully studied, For example, some NDT practitioners may not clearly understand the difference between qualification and certification. Considering each term as representing & process, the process of qualifying personnel involves assess- rent ofthe adequacy of the skis, training and experience of personnel being considered for cortain tasks. The process of ‘qualifying may require that education and training be imparted on such personnel. Assessment of qualifications often requires that the personnel be examined, Following the process of qualification, inlividuals meeting or exceeding the ‘minimum qualification requirements of the employer can be certified, ‘That is, the employer provides evidencythat a qual- ‘lying process was followed. Such evidence backs up the cemployer’s assertion that certain individuals are qualified to perform certain critical functions and is the employer's “cer- tification” thatthe evidence of qualification exists. Limited certifications for Ultrasonic Thickness, Radiographic Film Interpreter and Digital Radfoscopy have been added to this edition. These certifications are intended to be limited in the scope of qualification, but not the respon- sibilities of the Level IT individual as defined in Section 4. ‘There is no Level [limited certification Fundamental in frce enterprise is the tenet that producers of goods and suppliers of services are ultimately esponsible forthe quality and effectiveness of such goods and services as well as bearing responsibility for shortcomings and fil- ures, Therefore, regardless ofthe details of the processes by which individuals became qualified, the direct employer of the personnel being certified must bear the end responsibil ty for conferring a certification and, thereby, can be the only “certifying agency. Such absolute responsibility does not preclude the use of outside services by employers to assist in {imparting and/or assessing qualifications of individuals being certified. The use of outside services does not relieve the employer from responsibilty, nor can the employer abro- {gate or delegate this responsibility to an outside agency. SNP-TC-1A has been referenced by certain codes and specifications to be used, in effect, as a model for employers to develop a written practice concerning some method of NDT not currently covered in SNT-TC-1A. Review Questions for Sections 1, 2. and 3 Based on the foregoing discussion, answer the questions con pp. 29-30 relating to SNI-TC-14 and the administration ‘of aqualitication and certification program in NDT. Basic | SECTION Section 4: Levels of Qualification Section 4 (p.2) of SNT-TC-1A (2011) is reprinted below info: > 4.0. Levels of Qualification 41 There are three basic levels of qualification. The ‘employer may subdiviee these evel for situations ‘where additional levels are deemed necessary for specific skills and responsitites, 42. While in the process of being intially trained, quallfed and certified, an individual should be considered a trainee. A traince should work with a certified individual. The trainee should not independently conduct, Interpret, evaluate, or report the results of any NDT test 43. The three basic levels of qualification are as follows: 43:1 NDT Level An NOT Level |incividual should ‘be qualified to propery perforin specific ‘allbrations, pectic NDT, and specific ‘evaluations for acceptance or rejection determinations according to weitten instructions and to record results. The NDT Level should receive the necessary Instruction or supervision from a certified NOT Level orilindividua 43.2 NDT Level Il An NOT Level individual should be quale to set up and calbrate equipment and to interpret and evaluate results with respect toapplicabe cod, standards, and specications. “The NOT Level I should be thoroughiy familar vith the scope and limitations ofthe methods for Which qualified and should exercise assigned esponsblity for onthe job baining and ‘guidance of trainees an NOT Level personnel. ‘TheNOT Level should be able to erganize and report the results of NDT test 423. NDT Level ll An NOT Love i individual should be capable of developing, qualifying, and approving procedures, establishing and approving techniques, interpreting codes, standards, specifications, and procedures; and designating the particular NOT methods, ‘techniques, and procedures to be used, The [NDT Level should be responsible for the NOT ‘operations for which quallfed and assigned and should be capable of interpreting and evaluating results in terms of existing codes, standards, and specifications. The NOT Level i should have sufficient practical background in applicable materials, fabrication, and product technology to establish techniques and to assist in establishing acceptance criteria when none ate otherwise available, The NDT Level I should have general familiarity with other appropriate [NOT methods, as demonstrated by an ASNT 10 Level I Basic examination or other means. The [NDT Level Il in the methods in which certified. should be capable of traning and examining NDT Level Land I personne for certification in ‘those methods, Inquiries for Section 4 Inquiry 76-3 A that the Level LINDT per- sons described in Paragraph 4.3(a) of the 1975 edition ofthis document be the same as the Level I individual described in the SNT-TC-1A (1968 edition) Paragraph 4.1(a) with both having the same capabilities? Response: Yes.'The changes in wording between the 1975 and the 1968 versions of SNT-TC-1A, insofar asthe duties and capa- bilities of Level I personnel are concerned, were intended, ‘only to clarify the intent of the document. None ofthese changes in wording were intended as substantive chinges. NOTE: As versions of SNT-TC-1A change, the older is, replaced by the newer version with corrections to be aclressed at recertification time, See Inquiries 78-2, 80-14 and 85-2, Inquiry 76-5 ‘nauiry In accordance with SNT-TC-1A (1975 edition), may a Level [NDT person who has been trained, qualified and cer- tified in accordance with SNT-TC-1A (1975 edition) be the sole person to perform, evaluate and sign for final acceptance of NDT examinations in accordance with written procedures and acceptance standards with occasional surveillance and guidance from a Level i or II Response: ‘Yes. The intent in SNT-TC-1A is thatthe Level I person ‘may perform the above functions provided they are in accor~ dance with written procedures and s0 documented in the ‘employer’ written practice, Inquiry 78-9 nau: Is itintended that personnel currently certified as NDT Level IIL within the guidelines of SNT-TC-1A who alo reg- lanly peeform Level TI functions be qualified as recommend ced in Paragraphs 82,85.2,86and 9.7? Sticeoeremeen CHAPTER 1 Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A Response: Itis the opinion of the Interpretation Panel that petson- nel currently certified as Level II may regularly perform Level If functions without specifically being qualified as Level II as recommended in Paragraph 8,2, 85.2 and 8.6 of SNF-TC-1A. However, as recommended in Paragraph 9.7, all levels should be periodically recertified. Inquiry 03-2 . Inquiry: May an NDT Level III develop, qualify and approve NDT procedures, and establish and approve techniques in the ‘methods in which not certified? Response: No, see the response to Inquiry 90-1, Part 2 and Inquiry 10-5, Inquiry 09-1 inquiry 1, With regard to NDT Level Ills signing off on certification after successful completion of trainces’ examinations, i it the intention that the NDT Level If mast be certified in ‘the method for which he or she is signing off as per SNE-TC-1A Paragraph 43.32 2, Isitcommonly accepted in the industry that an NDT ‘Level Il can sign off on certifications for methods other than those in which he or she is certified? Response: 1. This question refers to two separate issues a, Can an NDT Level Il sign off on certifications in methods for which he is not qualified? Yes. Signing off on cesifcation is covered by Section 8.0, Certification Record, and Paragraph 9.4.9 states that 4 person’ certification record must have the signa- ‘ure ofthe Level IT who verified the qualifications of a candidate for certification. It does not require that this Level Il be certified in the applicable test meth ‘ods, See Inquiry 90-1 Part 1 b. Canan NDT Level III develop and approve the train- ¥gand examination program for NIT methods he is not qualified in? No. Paragraph 4.3.3 states thatthe NDT Level II should be capable of training and examining NDT Level [and II personnel for certifi cation in those methods for wich the Level ITT holds certification, See Inquiry 90-1 Part 2. 2. Determining industry practice is not within the scope of SNE-TC-14. Inquiry 09-2 navi Should NDT Level technicians be allowed to make the final determination as to whether a production partis accepted ‘or rejected and then sign off on the production order paper- ‘work if they follow a siep-by-step procedure developed bya Level 1 Resporise: Level I personnel may accept or reject parts according to ‘written instructions and record results. Reporting the final results requires & Level I I, General Comments on Section 4 Implicit in the definitions of Level Level Il and Level IIT «as outlined in paragraphs 4.3.1,4.3.2, and 43.3 isthe concept that the qualifications for Level ITT equal and exceed those of, Level IL The employer must be satistied with the proficiency of any individual at any level to handle work tasks. SNT-TC-14 is not intended for use to determine an individ- ual’s proficiency. It is intended as guideline to establish qualifications. 4 Review Questions for Section 4 Based on the foregoing discussion, answer the questions on pp.30-31. Section 5: Written Practice Section 5 (pp.2-3) of SNT-TC-1A (2011) is reprinted below in fall: 5.0. Written Practice 5.1 Tae employer shal establish a written practice for the Control and administration of NDT personnel taining, ‘examination, and certification. 5.2. The employer's writen practice should describe the responsibilty of each level of certification for determining the acceptability of materials or ‘components in accordance with the applicable codes, standards, specifications, and procedures. 53. The employer’ written practice should describe the ‘raining, experience, and examination requirements {fox each level of certification by method and technique, as applicable. 5.4. The employer's written practice should identity the test techniques within each test method applicable to Its scope of operations. 55. The employer’ written practice shall be maintained. on fle. General Comments on Section 5 Implicit inthe use of SN7-TC-1A is the roquirement that the employer shall develop a written practice. SNT-TC-1A provides the guidelines; the written practice sets forth the details, When departures from SNT-TC-IA guidelines are ‘made, the written practice should record the departure, It is ‘Rood practice to record all departures, eve when they repre- sent situations in excess and/or with greater strengtirthan the recommenclations of SNT-TC-1A, Review Questions for Section § Based on the foregoing discussion, answer the questions on p.32. Section 6: Education, Training, and Experience Requirements for initial Qualification Section 6 (p. 3) of SNT-TC: in fll: 1A (2011) is reprinted below 6.0 Education, Training, and Experience Requirements for Initial Qualification 6.41 Candidates for certification in NDT should have sulficlent education, training, and experience to ‘ensure qualification n those NDT methads in which they are being considered for certification. Documentation of prior certification may be used by an employer as evidence of qualifeation for comparable levels of cetification, 62. Documented training and/or experience gained in positions and activities comparable to those of Levels I, and/or il prior to establishment of the ‘employer's written practice may be considered in satisfying the criteria of Section 6.3, 63 Tobe considered for certification, a candidate should satisfy one ofthe following citeria forthe applicable NDT evel: 63.1 NOTLevels land Table 63.1 Alists the recommended training and experience hours to be considered by the ‘employer in establishing written practices for Initial qualification of NDT Level and Level Individuals Table 63.1 B lists intial training and experience hours which may be consiceved by the employer for specific limited applications a defined in the employer’ written practice, Limited cetifications should apply to Individuals who do not meet the full training and exporiance of Table 6.3.1 A. Limited certifications issued in any method shoul be approved by the NOT Level Il and documented in the certification records 63.2. NDT Level 632.1 Have gtaduated from a minimum. four-year college or university ccurriculurn with a degres in engineering or science, plus one additional year of experience beyond the NDT Level I requirements in NDT in an assignment at least comparable to that ofan NOT Level lin the applicable NDT method), oF 63.22 Have completed with passing grades atleast two years of engineering or sclence study at a university, college, fr technical schoo, plus two additional years of experience beyond the NOT Level! requirements in NDT in an assignment atleast comparable to that of NDT Levet lin ghe applicable NOT method(s} oF 63.23 Have four years of experience beyond the NDT Level requirements in NDT in an assignment at least comparable to that of an NDT Level iin the applicable NDT methods). The above NDT Level il requirements may be partially replaced by experience as a certified NOT Level or by assignments atleast ‘comparable to NDT Level Ilas defined in the employers wetten practice, Inquiries for Section 6 Inquiry 77-4 Inquiy May the experience requirements expressed as “certified NDT Level IT*in Paragraph 6.3.1(b),(c) and (d) ofthe 1975 edition of SNT-TC-14 be considered to include experience szined in “an assignment comparable to that of an NDI Level I” (as stated in paragraph 6.3.2(2)] in determining the prerequisite requirements of a candidate for certification as a Level ILP If so, may this acceptance of experience in“an assignment comparable to” be extended to include similar subparagraphs under Paragraph 6.2.5 of the earlier editions of SNT-TC-1A? Response: Paragraph 6.2 ofthe 1975 edition of SNT-TC-1A states, “Documented training and/or experience gained in positions aun activities equivalent to those of Level I or Level IIL prior to establishment ofthe employer’ written practice and CHAPTER 1 Recommended Practice Na. SNFIC-1A Table 6.3.1 A: Recommended Initial Training and Experience Levels e Hperien ee Minimum Revrs in| rota! Hours In NOT 210) 200 630 1200 210 400 1 ‘AC Feld Measurement | —2o ao i200 T a 7 20 210) 4007 Hlectromagnetic i “Edy Current 7. 630 7700) 1 20) 210) 200) 7 Remote Field + a 7700 Ground Penetrating a x a i Radar 1 20 420) 800 : 1 20 240) 460 Guided Wave i 20 240) 460) 7 z 70) 330 Profilometry i za Ao) 260 eser Mathods o Holography! co 20 400 n Shearosrephy 0 630 $200 T 2 3 4 1 ‘Bubble Testing iz 35 = 7 3a 705) 200 Pressure Change T 16 280) 520) Leak Testing 7 oe 2 705 200) t ologen Diode ; 330 520 i Mass Spectrometer = a a T 85 Spectrom 24 420) 800 7 4 70 130) Uquid Penetrant 1 z a0. 770 ‘Magnetic Flux o 76 70 330 teakoge i i Tio) 00 7 2 70 130 Magnetic Particle 7 z 20 400 —— Feces [vera 300) Neutron Radiography i a0) 1680 2400 7 0 210) 400 1 Radiographic oo a 7700 i 70) 210) 400) t Computed Raclography -—T 0 7200 Radiological : Computed Tomography | —ae a 305 0 P 40 630) 7200 i a0 250) 400 2 Digital Ratography + ao 7200 i 32 220) 400) Thermal/Infrared 7 Ea 7360 1800 7 0 210) 400 7 a0 630) 7200 badiaid a Tine of Fight bifraction | 40 160 WA T Phased Array 20 160) Wa T 24 420 200) Vibration Analysis 7 B 680 2400 - 7 3 70) 730) Visual i 36 340) 270 Basic | SECTION! Notes: 1.0. For NDT Levelt certification, the experience should const of time at NDT Level lor equivalent. fa person Is being qualified dlrectly to NDT Level I with no time at NDT Love | the experiance (both Method and Tatal NDT) should consist ofthe sum of the hours for NDT Level and Level Il and the trsining should consist ofthe sum of the hours for NOT Level | and Level 2.0 For NDT Level certification, the experience should canst ofthe sum of the hours for NOT Levl land Level plus the additional ime in 63.295 applicable. The formal training should consist ofthe NDT Level and Love ang, plus ay _daltional forme traning 3s defined Inthe employers written practice, 3.0 Listed walning hours may be adjusted as described in the employer's writen practice depending on the candidate's actual eclucation evel, ag. grammar school, college graduate in engineering, etc 40 Tralning should be outlined in the employers written practice, Magnetle Particle taining hours may be counted toward ‘Magnetic Flux Leakage training hours as defined in employer's written practice. 5.0. fan individuals currently cortified in an ET technique and a full course format was used to mest tho fitial qualifieatians in that technique, the minimum training hours to qualify in another ET technique atthe same NDT Level may be reduced up 80 440 percent if so definad in the employer's waltten practice, fan Individual s certified In an ET technique, the rinimur ‘experience to qualify for another ET technique at the same level orto the next level may be reduced by up to $0 percent if so defined in the employer's written practice. + 60 While fulfilling total NOT experience requirement, experience may be gained in more than ane (1) method; however, the minimum hours must be met for each method. 7.0. fan individual s curently certifed in a Radiological technique and a fll course format was used to meet the ital ‘qualifications in that technique, the minkrum additonal training hours to qualify in another technique atthe same level should he 24 hours (of which atleast 16 hours should be equipment femiliatzation).The training outline should be as defined inthe employers written practice. iFan individuals certified in technique, the minimum additlonal experlence required to ‘qualify for anothee technique at the same level should be 24 hours, as defined in the employer's vritten practice, * 8.0 Time of ight Diffraction and Phased Array requite completion of Level land I Ultrasonic Testing training and experience as prerequisites, Table 6.3.1 8: Flim interpretation Non-Radlographer 40 2201 Radiographic Film interpretation RT Leval 24 220 Digital Thickness Measurement (numeric out Trainee 8 40 Ultrasonics Patani) ‘scan Thickness anions Trainee m4 175 11 — Requires practical review of 1000 radiographs, “4 CHAPTER 1 Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A certification program in accordance with this document shall be considered as satisfying the criteria of Paragraph 6.2.1 and 6.3” If documentation was not produced during such prior experience, an affidavit or other suitable testimony. ‘regarding such experience may be evaluated by te employer to aid in determining equivalence. This response applies to the 1975 edition and all prior editions of SNT-TC-1A, Inquiry 76-1 ~ Inquiry ‘Table 6.2.1 contains the statement “Credit for experi ence may be gained simultaneously in two or more disci plines.'The candidate must spend at least 25 percent of his ‘work time on each discipline for which experience is being , gracuation from a 4-year college ot university with 2 degree in NDT plus 3 months’ experience in NDT comparable to that ofa Level TI © 2years experience in NDT comparable to that ofa Level Il fa high school graduate 4. 6 years experience in NDT ifthe candidate did not graduate from high school Records substantiating qualification are recommended to be Kept on a: ily or weekly bas ‘monthly or hourly basis. fractional yearly basis, fractional hourly bass, For a person being qualified directly to Level IT with no time at Level, the recommended experi consists of 8, the time recommended for Level Il b. the time recommended for Level IL. the sum of the times recommended for Level Tand Level Il clectronic filtering. ‘using flat response amplifiers. using in-line amplifiers. "using heavier gage coaxial cable. CHAPTER 4 General Applications of Various NDT Method | Electromagnetic Testing (ET) 3, Bddy onerent testing relies on the principle of i Topical Outline a. magnetostriction, i b, clectromagnetic induction, i 1.0 Electromagnetic Testing piezoelectric energy conversion. 1 1A Fundamentals 4, magnetomotive force, i 1.1.1 Electromagnetic field generation 112 Properties of eddy curant = 4, When the electrical current in an eddy current coil l 113 Effects of varying frequency reverses direction, the: 1.14 Phase discrimination i 1.2 Blectromagnetic testing a. direction of the eddy currents in the test part 12:1 Sensors remains the same, ! 122 Basic types of equipment; types of read out b. eddy currents inthe test part will change phaese by 1.23. Reference standaris 45 degrees. 1.24 Applications and test result interpretation direction of the eddy currents in the test part also } 1241 Flawdetection reverses, | 1.242 Conductivity and permeability 4, eddy currents inthe test part will change phase by I sorting 50 deprees. fi 1243 Thickness gaging 1244 Process control 5. Inorder to generate measurable eddy currents in atest specimen, the specimen must be: References ‘ Usps, $8 technic eds PO. Moore. Nondestructive Testing Handook. thi eon, Volme 5, Hecromagntc Tsing. Cau, (OTe American Society for Nondestructive Testi, 2008 Workman, ..techrizal ed; BO. Moor, Nondestructive esting “Hanook thd eon: Volume 10 Nondestructive Testing Overview : (Colmes, 01: The American Society forNondestucive Testing 202. The magnetic eld generate by eddy currents induced ina test specimen: an electrical conductor. an electrical insulator a ferromagnetic material, nonmagnetic material. eoee Electromagnetic Testing Review Questions 2 opposes the magnetic field that induced the ed i 1, Bddy currents are circulating electrical currents currents, induced in conductive materials by: b. reinforces the magnetic field that induced the eddy i currents, a, continuous direct current, cancels the magnetic field thet induced the eddy b, gemma rays, currents, €. analternating magnetic eld 4. has no effect on the magnetic field that induced the } 4. piezoelectric force. eddy currents, 2. The method used to generate eddy currentsin atest 7. In eddy current testing IACS isa recognized i specimen by means of a coil ean most closely be abbreviation for: compared with the action of a a, Induced Alternating Current System, transformer, b. Inductively Activated Comparison System. b. capacitor. © Internal Applied Current System. ©. storage battery. 4. International Annealed Copper Standard. F 4. generator, 8. In eddycurrent testing, the specimen is coupled to the ; test coll by: a. core coupling, bb. magnetic saturation, the coils electromagnetic fields. I dd. magnetic domains. 51 | Basic | SECTION i! nL. rr 2B. 52. ‘The penctration of eddy currents in a conductive material is decreased when the: a test frequency or conductivity of the specimen is decreased. b,. test frequency is decreased or conductivity of the specimen is increased. ‘e._test frequency, conductivity of the specimen or permeability ofthe specimen is increased. <4. permeability of the specimen is decreased. ‘Ata fixed test frequency, in which ofthe following ‘materials will the eddy current penetration be greatest? Aluminum (35% TACS conductivity) Brass (15% TACS conductivity). Copper (9546 LACS conductivity) ‘ead (7% LACS conductivity). poe ‘aterm used to describe the effect observed due to & change inthe coupling between atest specimen and 2 flat probe coll when the distance of separation between them i varied is fill factor. edge effect. end effect. igo pose ‘When testing with eddy currents, discontinuities will ‘be most easily detected when the eddy currents are: a. coplanar with the major dimension of the discontinuity b._ perpendicular to the major plane ofthe discontinuity, 4. ‘This method can accurately measure the depth of | crack or discontinuity. b. This method can he used for on-site testing of i large parts. , "This method can be used to find shallow surface | discontinuities 4. ‘This method can be made mare or less sensitive by using different penetrant materials, 4. The property of a dyé used in penetrant materials to ‘mit light in the range of wavelengths different from the wavelength of light that excites the emission is called a. emissivity. D. irradiation. 4 spectrum blocking. d._ fuorescence, 55 4 i Basic. | SECTION 11 86 ‘When using a fluorescent, post-emulsifier penetrant, che length of ime the emalsfiers allowed to remain fon the partis critical for detecting shallow discontinuities. The optimum length of time shoul be: a, 10seconds. b, Seconds, - , 2-3minutes. . 42 increasing the distance between the bject and the film cassette. ‘The primary advantage of using a C252 source for neutron radiography is its: a. portability. }. low cost per unit neutroo flux compared other neutron radiographic sources. high resolution. 4. long useful ite. Quality of the results from a neutron rediogrephic 26. exposure is best determined by: reference standards. ‘mage quality indicators. neutron flax measurement densitometer readings. "The radiographic image of flaws inthe imaging 2. screens can be separated from actual flaws ina part being radiographed by: : ‘producing a photographic copy ofthe original heutron radiograph using X-ray duplicating film. b. comparing a neutron radiograph of the parts t0& ‘blank neutron radiograph ofthe same imaging screen with no parts in place, c. increasing the exposure time of the radiograph. id, decreasing the temperature ofthe developer solution. For inspection of radioactive objects or those that ‘emit gamma radiation when bombarded with neuirons, a preferable detection technique is the: direct exposure technique, transfer technique. isotopic reproduction technique. ‘electrostatic-belt generator technique. Neutron radiogeaphy is an excellent tool for determining: fa the coating thickness of aluminum oxide on anodized aluminam. b, thesize of voids in thick tel castings. Cthe integrity of thin plastic material within a steel housing, ‘4. tungsten inclusions in GTAW welds. ‘Neutron radiography extends radiographic capability for detecting cracks in small cylinders pf cc. magnesium, 4. platonium. ‘ ‘Which of the following is nota preferred application of neutron radiography? ‘a. Detecting the presence or absence of explosive ‘material contained within a metal device b, Detecting the presence of water in the cells of stainless steel honeycomb. ce. Detecting the proper alignment ofa rubber seal in 1 small stecl valve assembly. ‘&. Detecting the presence of alead rupture . transverse type flaws with major dimensions at right angles to the plane of the rolled surface. ‘c. radial flaws with major dimensions elong the length but radially oriented to the rolled surface. 4d, rounded fla at the edges ofthe rolled plate. ‘The resonance technique of thickness measurement hhas een mostly replaced by: 4 through-transinission longitudinal wave techniques. . acoustic emission monitoring ©. pitch-and-catch shear-wave techniques. 4. linear time-base pulse-echo techniques. Ultrasonic testing techniques ate useful in testing laminate ane! sandwich construction test objects for: paint thickness. bond integrity leakage. : surface roughness, Ultrasonic techniques ate frequently used in online ‘automatic process control applications to meusure and control: moisture content in food. surface roughness of turbine blade castings. ‘chemical activity in chemical etching processes. the thickness of cold-rolled strips, sheets and plates. pose Which ofthe following statements about field inspection applications of ultrasonic testing is true? a, Because the equipment is large and bulky, ied inspections are difficult, at best. bb. Aircraft and other field maintenance inspections ‘usually require three persons: one to manipulate the transducer, one to monitor the instrument and ‘one to record results. ‘Digital displays most be used for outdoor inspection because ofthe limited brightness of CRT displays, l, Manual and automatic systems can be used for field inspections. 73 Basic | SECTION {1 Visual Testing (VT) Topical Outline 1.0. Visual Testing 1.4 Fundamentals 1.1 Principles and theory of visual testing 11.2. Selection of corect visu technique 4113 Equipmentand materials 12. Speeific applications 4.2.1. Metal Joining processes 122. Pressure vessels 423 Pumps 124 Valves 125. Boling 1.26 Castings 127. Forgings 1.28 Extrusions 1.29 Microrcults 1.3 Interpretation and evaluation 13.4. Codes and standards 432 Environmental factors References Allene, M.W. and RE, Cameron, technical ds; PO. Moore, ‘Nondestratve Testing Handbook, third edition: Volume 9, Vis “eng Columbus, OH The American Society for Nondestructive ‘Tatng, ne. 2010 ‘Workan, Gi, tecnica ed; RO. Moore, ed. Nondestructive Testing, andbook thd edition: Volume 10, Nondesructive Testing Overview. (Colutabus, OF The American Sociaty for Nondestructive Testing, 2012 Visual Testing Review Questions 1. Whatis visual testing? a, Detection of surface anomalies and various color variations. 'b. Optical detection of surface anomalies and check conformance to specification, ‘c. valuation of metallurgical conditions via clectronic microscope. ‘a. Examination for wide variety of discontinuities open to the surface or just below: 2. What element af the eye is analogous t the film of camera, receiving and documenting an image of the world? a. Optic nerve. b. Iris. cc. Comes. Retina. 74 {Mlumination varies inversely asthe square of the distance between the source and the point on the surface increases. What is this law called? Inverse square law. Cosine law, Generation of light law. 1. Lambert kaw. nee ‘When measuring surface roughness, R, is defined as what? fa Average distance between the peak and valley points. b. Average waviness from crest to trough. ¢._ Average distance ofthe profile to the mean fine. 4d, Parameter of friction between contact surfaces. ‘What do inspectors need to have in addition to being proficient inthe testing process to increase the probability of finding rejectable discontinuities with maximum efficiency? . 4 Ironclad specifications b._ Knowledge of acceptance criteria, ‘©. Motivation to perform. 4. Caring supervision 7 ‘What magnifying power is typically available for field, pocket, pen of measuring microscopes that are small ‘and handheld? " ‘a, Between Sx and 20%. 1b. Between 10x and 50x. ce. Between 5x and 100%. ‘d. Greater than 50x, What is the minimum luminance recommended by the illuminating Engineering Society (HES) for task lighting with mediums contrast and small size detection desired? 100 Ix. 200 ix, 500 Ix. 2000 be. ‘What isthe direction of wiew called ina borescope ot -videoscope when viewing 45 degrees off the straight-ahead direction of the probe? a. Forward slant. bb. Porward oblique. , Porespective. 4, Angulated, ' as BS 10, 1 13. 4, ‘CHAPTER 4 General Applications of Various NDT Method How many bundles are there ina fiberoptic borescope and what are they called? he; monochromatic bundle. ‘Two; light guide and image guide. “Wo; light guide and CCD cable bundle, ‘Tees ight guide, image guide and fiber sheath, Which remote camera system is singulaely best suited to inspect stainless tubing for weld conditions cr. cleanliness, process piping, drain lines and heat exchanger tubing? Crawler mounted camera, Probe camera Pan, tlt and zoom camera. Push camera, Whats a commonly evident surface discontinuity visible to the unaided eye following forming? a Forging bursts at the center ofthe billet, b. Edge breaks in temper rolled sheets of steel. c Laminations at end preparations of plate for welding, Segregation between pout. What type of cracking occurs atthe last termination point of@ weld by shielded metal arc welding? a. Hot tearing. . Cold cracking. © Hot cracking d. Crater erack. Which type of nuclear reactor vessel may have all its internals removed from the vessel to allow visual inspection? 4. Boling water reactor (BWR). Pressurized water reactor (PWR). Light water reactor (IWR) dk Heavy water reactor (HWR) ‘What might be required after visual inspection of steel fasteners in wrought aluminum plate ina lap joint of an aircraft with evidence of exfoliation? ‘Computed radiography exams, Immersion ultrasonic exams, luorescent penetrant testing, Ultrasonic C-scan. ‘What is plowing on aircraft lap joints, typically on aircraft skins, usually attributed tof a, Misalignment of fasteners used to attach the skins to the airframe, Expansion of corrosion products under the skins. Stretching of the skins beyond their yield points over time, 4d. ‘Twisting of the airframe during tight turns and similar maneuvers. ‘When inspecting welds for discontinuities located by ‘visual testing of pressure vessels and storage tanks, ‘thich of the following discontinuities is allowed to he present 10 some degree? a. Undereut, b. Cracks. & Lack of fusion, 4. Incomplete penetration, ‘Which of the following is an example of an ‘organization that publishes standards for teft techniques? a, ASNT. b. API. ©. OSHA, f d._ ASTM, How can the heat-affected zone (HAZ) of carbon steel welds be made visible? " 4. Pichants enhance the visibility of the microstructure. High-frequency ultrasonie microscopic means. € Color-contras: penetrating liquids 4, Arrays of temperature-sensitive markings. Pixels used in digital photographs or images is aterm that comes from what combination of words? a. Photography, inserts and electric laser. Db, Pie, excel and light, . Positional “x” elements, Picture elements. 75

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