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Write the following words in the correct group depending on which sport they are associated with.

Follow the example

and use the 'help' box below.
referee / to serve / pitch / racket / course / club / ring / to jump / track / gloves / goal / to score / substitute / court /
hurdle / umpire / to punch / player / athlete / to swing
Tennis Golf Boxing Athletics Football
People athlete

Write the missing words in the spaces.

The Sport The Person

Football Footballer
Cycling Swimmer

Listen to Mark talking about football and choose the correct answer a) b) or c)
1. Mark supports ____________________________________
2. When he saw Chelsea play for the first time he was _______________________
3. Mark goes to football matches __________________________
4. Mark thinks that the winners of the Champions League will be _______________________

  Listen again and write the missing words in the gaps.   

- Hello Mark, er ... welcome to La Mansión Inglés. You are a Chelsea fan, erm … how long have you been supporting
- For twenty-seven ________________________
- And … why Chelsea?
- Because when I was seven years old, I had a _______________at school whose father used to ______________for
Chelsea and England, and he ________________us to our first game. 
- Right, and tell us what you think in your opinion has been the most memorable ____________________?
- I think, er ... without ... without any doubt when we ______________Stuttgart in the European Cup Winners cup final.
- And what was memorable about that _________________?
- Because having won the football association cup, more commonly known as the F.A. cup, in England we then went on
to_____________  a European trophy which I thought was _________________
- Yeah ... erm ... does football interfere with other things in your life, for example your ___________or your private life?

- My private life is okay because my girlfriend ___________Chelsea also and comes to all the ______________  with me,
but at work I have to have a special clause in my contract which allows me to have time off on __________and in the
week to watch Chelsea.
- Really! Erm … what’s your __________________of Spanish teams?
- I think Spanish league..erm..has overtaken the Italian league ... erm ... and is probably
____________league in the ______________.
- And, tell us your predictions for the Champions League ________________,are there any Spanish teams in there for
- Erm … I think Valencia.
- Really?
- Yes, Valencia, I should really say Manchester United coming from England, but I think Valencia. 
- Well, we’ll have to ____________________and ________________.Thank you very much Mark.
- You’re _____________________.

Read the following three sentences from 'Mark On Football' and write 'which' or 'whose' in the gaps.

1) I had a friend at school ___________father used to play for Chelsea and England

2) …at work I have to have a special clause in my contract __________ allows me to have time off on Saturdays and in
the week to watch Chelsea.

3) …we then went on to win a European trophy ______________I thought was great.

Oraciones de Relativo
Muchas veces unimos frases en ingles con las palabras who y which. 'Who' y 'which' son pronombres relativos (‘relative
pronouns’) y se puede poner en lugar de he, she, it o they. Usamos who para las personas y which para las cosas.
I met a girl. She sings in a jazz club. (dos frases) 

 I met a girl who sings in a jazz club. (una frase)

    Conocí a una chica que canta en un club de jazz.

I bought a digital camera. It cost 400 euros. (dos frases) 

 I bought a digital camera which cost 400 euros. (una

    Compré una cámara digital que costaba 400 euros.

 Join the following sentences with 'who' or 'which'. Follow the example.
1. I met a girl a. they are too big for her
2. What’s the name of the man b. it plays music
3. Where’s the money c. she can speak Japanese
4. I don’t like people d. it must be eaten today
5. A CD player is a machine e. she works in your office
6. She always wears hats      f. they are always talking
7. Do you know anyone g. it was on the table
8. I went to school with a girl h. he lives in the flat next to you
9. There’s some fish in the fridge  i. He/she wants to buy a bike
 I met a girl who can speak Japanese.
1. ________________________________________
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
5. ________________________________________
6. ________________________________________
7. ________________________________________
8. ________________________________________
9. ________________________________________

Muchas veces usamos that en lugar de 'which' y 'who' en un estilo informal.

She always wears hats (which) that are too big for her.
I went to school with a girl (who) that works in your office.
 Escríbe de nuevo las frases del ejercicio anterior usando 'that'.
1. I met a girl that can speak Japanese.
2. _________________________________________
3. _________________________________________
4. _________________________________________
5. _________________________________________
6. _________________________________________
7. _________________________________________
8. _________________________________________
9. _________________________________________
En lugar de him, her, it y them, cuando funcionan en la oración como objetos directos, podemos usar who, which o that.
This is the dictionary. I bought it last week.

 This is the dictionary which (that) I bought last wee

These are the photos. We took them in France.

 These are the photos which (that) we took in France.

 This is the dictionary which (that) I bought it last
 These are the photos which (that) we took them in
A veces se puede prescindir de los pronombres objetos 'who', 'which' y 'that'.
Mira los siguientes ejemplos:
- The girl who (that) lives with me is my sister.
- Where are the photos which (that) were on the table?
En los ejemplos anteriores, el 'which' y el 'who' son los sujetos de los verbos y no se puede prescindir de los pronombres
- The girl lives with me. = La chica vive conmigo.
- The photos were on the table = Las fotos estaban sobre la mesa.
Por otra parte, cuando 'which' o 'who' son los objetos del verbo, sí puede prescindirse de ellos.
These are
photos  that (which)  we  took in France
objeto sujeto
The  dress  that (which)  my  sister  bought is very pretty
objeto sujeto

Se puede prescindir de los pronombres cuando son los objetos de la oración, pero no cuando son los sujetos.
 Write who, which or that only when necessary. Study the explanations of the following examples.
Is that the CD _ _ _ I bought last week?    Is that the CD I bought last week?
*No es necesario poner el pronombre relativo (which / that) porque el sujeto del verbo 'bought' (I) es diferente.)

Is that the CD _ _ _ cost 22Euros?    Is that the CD which cost 22Euros?

*El 'which' es necesario porque el sujeto del verbo 'cost' es el mismo (el CD)

1. That's the car ________________I want to buy.

2. That's the car ______________ has an electric sunroof.
3. The woman ______________ spoke to me outside is Steve's sister.
4. The woman ____________you spoke to is my sister.
5. A boss is a person ______________ is never wrong.
6. A boss is a person ________________ you can never win an argument with.

 Who se utiliza para las personas

    Which se utiliza para animales o cosas.
    Where se utiliza para lugares
    Whose = de quién
 En inglés normal es muy común usar 'that' en lugar de 'who' o 'which'
 Se puede omitir el who, which y that cuando el verbo que va después del pronombre relativo tiene un sujeto distinto.
- The boy (who) I love drives a Porshe. (El sujeto de 'love' es 'I', no es 'the boy')

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