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75 years after Erich Wagner's doctoral

dissertation: “A Contribution to the Issue of
Tattooing” - scientific...

Article in Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft · November 2017

DOI: 10.1111/ddg.13360


0 828

1 author:

Peter Elsner
Universitätsklinikum Jena


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Correspondence Clinical Letter

Clinical Letter of individuals without a criminal record or those who had

only been convicted due to their political views.” The au-
thor – of course – merely refers to the “criminality” of the
75 years after Erich Wagner’s doctoral
tattooed individuals, without analyzing the nature and se-
dissertation: “A Contribution to the Issue of verity of the offenses (violent acts, property crimes) and the
Tattooing” – scientific misconduct in Nazi socioeconomic background. Thus, the dissertation lacks the
Germany adequate scientific depth in terms of methodology and data
However, the context in which the thesis was created is
greater interest than its scientific value. There are only hidden
DOI: 10.1111/ddg.13360
clues in the text, for example, on page 44: “Tattooed Jews are
Dear Editors, not frequently encountered. Three percent of Jews detained in
the camp had ‘skin pictures’, with only 20 % of all individuals
Given the large number of cases of plagiarism, the quality showing more than three tattoos”. Another reference relates to
of medical dissertations is increasingly being questioned in the author’s CV; he states to have been a member of the Waf-
Germany [1]. It has been pointed out that the supervision fen-SS since September 6, 1939. The author worked as a phy-
by university faculty members needs to be improved [2]. In sician in the Buchenwald concentration camp near Weimar,
this context, professors are not only co-responsible for the which was liberated by the U.S. Army in 1945. In his appli-
scientific content but also for the ethical and legal quality of cation for admission to the dissertation program, he reported
a dissertation. that – during the university years in Graz and Innsbruck – he
An example of this kind of indivisible overall responsi- had not had time to write a thesis as he was busy working
bility of faculty members in doctoral programs can be de- for “the illegal N.S.D.A.P. and the Austrian SS.” The dean of
monstrated by the thesis (on a dermatological subject) titled the Medical Faculty and Chairman of the Dermatology De-
“A Contribution to the Issue of Tattooing”. The dissertation partment, Prof. Josef Hämel, declared that he admitted the
was submitted by Erich Wagner in 1940 and accepted by the
Medical Faculty of the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena
in 1941 (2016 marked the 75th anniversary of its acceptance)
(Figure 1) [3].
Supervised by Prof. Dr. Friedrich Timm (Chairman of
the Department of Forensic Medicine and Scientific Crimi-
nology) and comprising 51 pages (including two graphs and
30 figures), the thesis analyzes the tattoos of 800 individuals
according to “race and nationality”, general and professio-
nal education, “criminal past”, type and number of pictures,
inscriptions, site, color, technique used, how the tattoo was
acquired, motivation for getting the tattoo, “regrets with re-
gard to disfiguration”, desire for removal, and “impression of
the interviewee”.
The dissertation includes chapters on “the history of
tattooing”, “tattooists and those tattooed”, “tattooing and
crime”, “theatrical and freak tattoos”, “topographic distri-
bution of ‘skin pictures’”, “images depicted”, “why was the
tattoo acquired?”, “some groups of tattooed individuals”,
and “the removal of tattoos”. Below each chapter, there are
tables containing the results of the descriptive analysis of a
questionnaire-based survey.
A serious and critical scientific analysis of the data pre-
sented is missing. There is, however, a tendency to associate
the presence of a tattoo with “criminality”. “The figures I
have found are quite clear and read as follows: About one-
third of all detainees with a prior criminal record is tat- Figure 1 Dissertation by Erich Wagner: A Contribution to the
tooed, whereas that figure is only one-thirtieth in the case Issue of Tattooing (1940).

1152 © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. | JDDG | 1610-0379/2017/1511
Correspondence Clinical Letter

candidate “especially based on the commitment to the NSDAP remberg Code”, which formed the basis of the “Declaration
and the SS in Austria during the fighting years” [4]. of Helsinki” (subsequently issued) as a fundamental ethical
The thesis was rated as “very good” by the reviewers document with respect to research on humans. Consequently,
(first reviewer: Prof. Timm, second reviewer: Prof. Hämel). voluntary consent of trial subjects (informed consent) is a key
In his assessment, Prof. Hämel states: “The dissertation is ba- prerequisite for any scientific research on human beings; the
sed on extensive studies. The findings provide an interesting individual concerned must thus be able to provide legal con-
insight into origin and race of tattooed individuals as well as sent: “…that the individual must be able to make use of his or
method and correlation with criminality. The present thesis her judgment, unaffected by violence, deception, guile, pres-
undoubtedly enriches our current knowledge […].” [4]. sure, pretense, or any other form of persuasion or force…”
It is uncertain whether the reviewers knew about the [7]. Provisions of the Reich Ministry of the Interior to protect
circumstances under which the thesis had come about. This the participants of medical trials had already existed in the
relates to both ethical and legal as well as scientific aspects. Weimar Republic, a fact that was also pointed out in the legal
Reports on the human rights violations associated with proceedings before the American Military Court [8].
the preparation of the thesis have come from detainees li- The fact that the dissertation presented herein violated
berated from the Buchenwald concentration camp. The Bu- these principles seems obvious, given that ‘informed consent’
chenwald prisoner Gustav Wegerer, chemical engineer from cannot be assumed under the circumstances of detention in
Vienna, reported after his release: “The SS physician Dr. a concentration camp. The reviewers (university professors)
Wagner worked on a dissertation on tattoos; remarkably, all were complicit in human rights violations committed in the
prisoners he had ordered to come to him for examination context of this thesis insofar as they did not recognize the
died, and their tattoos were removed. It is safe to assume that aforementioned violation or did not want to recognize it. Er-
they were liquidated by him in the hospital building.” [5]. ich Wagner – the author of the dissertation and SS physician
According to the statement by the German-Jewish political – was charged with murder by the Offenburg District Court
prisoner Ludwig Scheinbrum, prisoner identification number in 1959. He escaped the verdict by committing suicide on
2765, the SS Untersturmführer Dr. Wagner, camp physician March 22, 1959 [9].
in 1939, “often sent Jewish prisoners from Revierbaracke 2 From the history of medical studies on humans, the
who required too much time to heal to the main quarters following lessons are to be learned:
where they were hosed down.” [5].
However, the scientific authorship of the thesis is also 1. Ethical and legal standards for studies on humans must
questionable. Based on a statement by the Buchenwald priso- be rigorously adhered to, which – for a long time – was
ner and medical writer Paul Grünwald in 1957 [6 ], the disser- not the case, even after the adoption of the Nuremberg
tation was not written by Erich Wagner himself but by Paul guidelines.
Grünwald: “The questionnaire, as printed in the thesis, was 2. A university faculty member supervising a doctoral dis-
designed by me, and I conducted the survey among the 800 sertation should be so deeply involved that he/she is able
prisoners. I also carried out the compilation of data. The re- to assess the circumstances of the dissertation’s develop-
ferences listed in the index were perused by me. In between, ment and to largely rule out plagiarism or third-party
Wagner naturally took an interest in the progress of the the- authorship.
sis, had also looked through the completed questionnaires, 3. Scientific standards as regards methodology and analysis
and – among other things – made sure that particularly be- have to be adhered to.
autiful tattoos were photographed in the photo department.” 4. The above-mentioned standards are only adhered to if
“Following these conversations, the thesis was also written they are part of everyday life and if all those involved
by me, with W. informing himself from time to time and sho- in clinical research are continually made aware thereof.
wing interest. Shortly prior to my release, the manuscript had
been finished. I have now seen and read the printed thesis for As laid down in the German laws for civil servants, uni-
the first time. For sure, the dissertation – in the form of the versity professors have the obligation to not only ensure the
manuscript I left behind at the time – was redacted and, in scientific quality of dissertations carried out under their su-
some parts, marginally altered after my release.” [6 ]. pervision but to also actively commit to the constitution, and
The legal implications of the atrocities of the “Third thus to the protection of human and fundamental rights in
Reich” were addressed by the Allies in the Nuremberg trials. medical research. This is a consequence of the conclusions
Following the “Trial of the Major War Criminals”, the next the fathers of the constitution and the legislature drew from
trial – the “Trial of the Physicians” against 23 defendants – the human rights violations – also committed by physicians
took place from December 9, 1946 to August 20, 1947. In – during the reign of national socialism in order to prevent
its verdict, the American Military Court published the “Nu- them from ever happening again.

© 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. | JDDG | 1610-0379/2017/1511 1153
Correspondence Clinical Letter

Conflict of interest 2 Arbeitsgemeinschaft Hochschulmedizin. Resolution Zukunft

None. der Medizinischen Promotion 2016. Available on https://www. [Last accessed December
30, 2016].
Peter Elsner
3 Wagner E. Ein Beitrag zur Tätowierungsfrage. Dissertation,
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 1940.
Department of Dermatology, Jena University Hospital, Jena,
4 Bode C. Zur Geschichte der Gerichtlichen Medizin an der
Germany Universität Jena im Zeitraum von 1901 bis 1945. Dissertation,
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 2007.
Correspondence to 5 Kautsky B. Teufel und Verdammte. Zürich: Büchergilde Guten-
berg, 1946: 308 – 9.
Prof. Dr. med. Peter Elsner 6 Hirte R , Stein H. Die Beziehungen der Universität Jena zum
Department of Dermatology Konzentrationslager Buchenwald. In: Hoßfeld U, John J, Le-
Jena University Hospital muth O, Stutz R (Hrsg.): Kämpferische Wissenschaft. Studien
zur Universität Jena im Nationalsozialismus. Köln, Weimar,
Erfurter Straße 35 Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2003: 378 – 9, zitiert nach [4].
07743 Jena, Germany 7 Mitscherlich A , Mielke F. Medizin ohne Menschlichkeit. Doku-
mente des Nürnberger Ärzteprozesses. Fischer Verlag, Frank-
E-mail: furt a. M. 1960: 272.
8 Müller F. Die Zulässigkeit ärztlicher Versuche an gesunden und
References kranken Menschen. Münchner Medizinische Wochenschrift
1 [Last accessed December 30, 1931; 78: 104 –7.
2016]. 9 Herber F. Gerichtsmedizin unterm Hakenkreuz. Militzke Ver-
lag, Leipzig, 2002: 265, zitiert nach [4].

1154 © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. | JDDG | 1610-0379/2017/1511

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