Fnmi Integration Resources

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FNMI Integration Resources

Elementary (PreK- Grade 5)

Aboriginal Voices in Canadian Contemporary Art
Prairie Spirit School Division FNMI Resources (K-5)
Treaty 6 Education in Living Sky School Division
Saskatoon Public – Treaty Education Resources
Metis Museum
Métis Children History and Culture Site
Where are the Children?
Kid’s Stop - Children Site for Free Games and First Nation Peoples History
Saskatchewan Stories
Help Me Talk About Math/Help Me Tell My Story (Sask. Ministry of Ed)
Path of the Elders Roleplaying Game
Canada Museum of History – Gateway to Aboriginal Heritage
Aboriginal Perspectives in Mathematics
Implementing Aboriginal Content Across the Elementary Curriculum
Traditional Aboriginal Sports Games
FNMI ELA Resources
Teaching and Learning Resources (Lesson and Unit Plans, etc.):

Middle Years (Grades 6-8)

Social Studies ELA Science Arts Ed Math Phys Ed/Health
Treaty 6 Education in Goodminds Comparing Traditional Aboriginal Voices in Aboriginal Deepening Knowledge
Living Sky School Knowledge and Canadian Perspectives in Math – Health and Physical
Division Storytelling – The Art Scientific Knowledge Contemporary Art Education
of Knowledge Deepening
First Peoples of Cross-Cultural Science The Aboriginal Stories Knowledge First Nations
Canada FNMI ELA Resources & Technology Units Challenge Teacher’s Perspectives on
Guide Indigenous Math Health and Wellness
Metis Museum Kainai Ethnobotany Games
Plants and Culture
Where are the Study Math First Peoples
FNMI Integration Resources
Indigenous Science First Nations Math
Path of the Elders Lessons
Roleplaying Game PSSD FNMI Lesson

High School (Grades 9-12)

Social Studies/History ELA Science Arts Ed Math Phys Ed/Health/PAA
Canada in the Making First Nations Comparing Traditional Aboriginal Voices in Math Catcher: Deepening Knowledge
– Aboriginals: Treaties Literature in the Knowledge and Canadian Mathematics Through – Health and Physical
and Relationships Classroom Scientific Knowledge Contemporary Art Aboriginal Storytelling Education

Metis Museum Aboriginal Literature Cross-Cultural Science The Aboriginal Stories Indigenous Math First Nations
in Canada & Technology Units Challenge Teacher’s Games Perspectives on
Treaties in Canada Guide Health and Wellness
Goodminds Kainai Ethnobotany Deepening
Annotated Indian Act Plants and Culture Guide to Canadian Knowledge
FNMI ELA Resources Study Aboriginal Education
The Indian Act: Resources -
Historical Overview Indigenous Science Queen's ...

Where are the


Native Soldiers –
Foreign Battlefields

Digital Collection of Canada’s First Peoples (Canada Library Archives)

Office of the Treaty Commissioner Learning Resources

FNMI Integration Resources
First Nations and Metis Literature Resources - http://www.goodminds.com

Medicine Wheel Teachings Gr 4-12) - http://www.fourdirectionsteachings.com

Treaty Education Outcomes and Indicators

Best Practices for Teaching Aboriginal Students

Deepening Knowledge – Teacher Resources

First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Content & Perspectives Across the Curriculum: SaskEd Recommendations

FNMI Curriculum Documents

Professional Growth:

First Nations, Metis and Inuit Perspectives in Curriculum (TR) - http://www.learnalberta.ca/content/aswt/

Our Legacy – Sask. First Nations, Inuit, Métis Culture and Heritage (gr 4-12) - http://scaa.sk.ca/ourlegacy/

Medicine Wheel Teachings Gr 4-12) - http://www.fourdirectionsteachings.com

Promising Practices in Aboriginal Education - http://www.maei-ppw.com/

Integrating Aboriginal Teaching and Values into the Classroom

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