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DBAs must maintain the security, integrity, performance, and

availability of their databases. In this chapter, you will learn

about managing database security: how to manage user accounts,
implement password expiration and complexity rules, and configure security policies using
object, system, and role privileges. To further enhance your ability to monitor and manage data-
base access, you will learn how to use auditing mechanisms to fine-tune your security policy,
identify attempts to access areas of your database that the user is not authorized to visit,
and identify intrusion attempts.

Creating and Managing User Accounts

One of the most basic administrative requirements for a database is to identify the users. Each
user who connects to your database should have an account. Shared accounts are difficult to
troubleshoot and audit , and having them are a poor security practice.
You create a new database account with the CREATE USER statement. When you create
a new account, at a minimum, you must assign a unique username and authentication
method. You can optionally assign additional attributes to the user account with the
CREATE USER statement. To change or assign new attributes to an existing user account, use
the ALTER USER statement.

The terms user account, account, user, and schema are all interchangeable and
refer to a database user account that owns schema objects.

In the following sections, you will learn how to create a new account, how to assign and
change the authentication mechanism, and how to define how this account will allocate and use
certain database resources.

Configuring Authentication
When you connect to an Oracle database instance, your user account must be authenticated.
Authentication involves validating the identity of the user and confirming that they have the
authority to use the database. Oracle offers three authentication methods for your user accounts:
password authentication (the most common), external authentication, and global authentication.
We will look at each of these authentication methods in the following sections.
Creating and Managing User Accounts 311

Password Authenticated Users

When a user with password authentication attempts to connect to the database, the database
verifies that the username is a valid database account and that the password supplied matches
that user’s password as stored in the database.
Password authenticated user accounts are the most common and are sometimes referred
to as database authenticated accounts. With a password authenticated account, the
database stores the encrypted password in the data dictionary. For example, to create
a password authenticated user named rajesh with a password of welcome, you execute
the following:


The keywords IDENTIFIED BY password (in this case, password is welcome) tell the data-
base that this user account is a password authenticated account.

Externally Authenticated Users

When an externally identified user attempts to connect to the database, the database verifies
that the username is a valid database account and trusts that the operating system has per-
formed authentication.
Externally authenticated user accounts do not store or validate a password in the data-
base. These accounts are sometimes referred to as OPS$ (pronounced ahps dollar) accounts,
because when Oracle introduced them in Oracle 6, the account had to be prefixed with the
keyword OPS$.
With all releases of the database since then, including Oracle 10g, you can configure this
OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX in the initialization or SPFILE file. For example, to create an exter-
nally authenticated user named oracle, using the default OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX, you exe-
cute the following:


The keywords IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY tell the database that this user account is an exter-
nally authenticated account.

Externally authenticated accounts are frequently used for administrative scripts

so that a password does not have to be embedded in a human-readable script.

Globally Authenticated Users

When a globally identified user attempts to connect to the database, the database verifies that
the username is valid and passes the connection information to the advanced security option for
authentication. The advanced security option supports several mechanisms for authentication,
including biometrics, X.509 certificates, Kerberos, and RADIUS.
Globally authenticated user accounts do not store or validate a password in the database as
a password authenticated account does. These accounts rely on authentication provide by a ser-
vice supported through the advanced security option.
312 Chapter 6 n User Administration and Security

The syntax for creating a globally authenticated account depends on the service called, but
all use the keywords IDENTIFIED GLOBALLY, which tell the database to engage the advanced
security option for authentication. Here is an example:

CREATE USER spy_master IDENTIFIED GLOBALLY AS 'CN=spy_master, OU=tier2,

O=security, C=US';

Assigning a Default Tablespace

Every user is assigned a default tablespace. The default tablespace for a user is that tablespace
where schema objects are stored when no TABLESPACE clause is given in statements that create
tables or indexes. If you execute a CREATE TABLE statement and do not explicitly specify a
tablespace, the database uses your default tablespace.
If you do not explicitly assign a default tablespace to a user at the time you create the user,
the database assigns the database’s default tablespace to the new user account. Use the key-
words DEFAULT TABLESPACE tablespace_name to assign a default tablespace to either a new
user via a CREATE USER statement or an existing user, like this:



Or via an ALTER USER statement:



To change the database default tablespace (the value that users inherit if no default
tablespace is provided), use the ALTER DATABASE statement, like this:


Assigning a Temporary Tablespace

Every user is assigned a temporary tablespace in which the database stores temporary segments.
Temporary segments are created during large sorting operations, such as ORDER BY, GROUP BY,
Temporary segments are also used when a temporary table is used. The database creates
and drops temporary segments transparently to the user. Because of the transitory nature
of temporary segments, you must use a dedicated tablespace of type TEMPORARY for your
user’s temporary tablespace setting.

For more information on temporary tablespaces, see Chapter 3, “Database

Storage and Schema Objects.”
Creating and Managing User Accounts 313

If you do not explicitly assign a temporary tablespace at user creation time, the database
assigns the database default temporary tablespace to the new user account. Use the keywords
TEMPORARY TABLESPACE tablespace_name to assign a temporary tablespace either to a new
user via the CREATE USER statement:



Or to an existing user via an ALTER USER statement:



To change the database default temporary tablespace, use the ALTER DATABASE statement,
like this:


To avoid having to set the default and temporary tablespace for each
user account that you create, change the database defaults with the ALTER
DATABASE statement.

Assigning a Profile to a User

In addition to default and temporary tablespaces, every user is assigned a profile. A profile
serves two purposes: first, it can limit the resource usage of some resources, and second, it can
enforce password-management rules.
The default profile is appropriately named default. To explicitly assign a profile to a user,
include the keywords PROFILE profile_name in the CREATE USER or ALTER USER statement.
For example, to assign the profile named resource_profile to the new user jiang as well as
to the existing user hamish, execute the following SQL:


PROFILE resource_profile;


PROFILE resource_profile;
314 Chapter 6 n User Administration and Security

Removing a User from the Database

You use the DROP USER statement to remove a user from the database. You can optionally include
the keyword CASCADE to tell the database to recursively drop all objects owned by that user.
To drop both user rajesh and all objects he owns, execute the following:


Dropping a user implicitly drops any object (but not role or system) privileges in which the
user was the grantor. The data dictionary records both grantee and grantor for object privileges,
but only the grantee is recorded for role and system privileges.

Granting and Revoking Privileges

Privileges allow a user to access database objects or execute stored programs that are owned by
another user. Privileges also enable a user to perform system-level operations, such as connect-
ing to the database, creating a table, or altering the database.
Privileges are assigned to a user, to the special user PUBLIC, or to a role with the GRANT state-
ment and can be rescinded with the REVOKE statement.
An Oracle 10g database has three types of privileges:
Object privileges Permissions on schema objects such as tables, views, sequences, procedures,
and packages. To use a schema object owned by another user, you need privileges on that object.
System privileges Permissions on database-level operations, such as connecting to the data-
base, creating users, altering the database, or consuming unlimited amounts of tablespace.
Role privileges Object and system privileges that a user has by way of a role. Roles are tools
for administering groups of privileges.
We will look at each of these privileges and how to grant them in the following sections.

Granting Object Privileges

Object privileges bestow upon the grantee the permission to use a schema object owned by
another user in a particular way. There are several types of object privileges. Some privileges
apply only to certain schema objects. For example, the INDEX privilege applies only to tables,
and the SELECT privilege applies to tables, views, and sequences.
The following object privileges can be granted individually, grouped in a list, or with the key-
word ALL to implicitly grant all available object privileges for a particular schema object.

Be careful when using ALL. It may implicitly grant powerful privileges.

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