Neurotransmitters in Parkinson's Disease and Alzheimer's Disease

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Módulo II



Dra. Teresa Dávila Esquivel




2° “B”


ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE the pathological characteristics of AD.
This includes extracellular deposits of
βamiloid (derived from the amyloid
ABSTRACT: The objective of this article precursor protein) in senile plaques,
is to review the current state of the art in intracellular formation of neurofibrillar
neurotransmission in Alzheimer's disease clews (containing an abnormally
(AD) and its participation in the phosphorylated form of a microtubule
pathophysiology of the disease since it is associated with the tau protein) and loss
a neurodegenerative disorder that is of neuronal synapses and pyramidal
estimated to affect 15 million of people neurons. Although the cause, there have
around the world. Since the EA been great advances during the last
cholinergic hypothesis was presented 20 years that have improved our
years ago, numerous studies have been understanding of the factors Genetic and
conducted made in an attempt to environmental of this disease.
determine the role that neurotransmitters Neuropathological and biochemical
play in AD. Among other things, this has changes of AD can be divided into two
made posible to develop medications general groups: structural changes and
based on the inhibition of alterations in neurotransmitter systems In
acetylcholinesterase. this article we are going to refer to the

Monoaminergic neurotransmission
systems are examined, with special COLLINERICAL SYSTEM: Acetylcholine
attention to the cholinergic system and its (Ach) was the first neurotransmitter
anatomical distribution, function, identified in 1914 for Nobel laureate
receptors, activity and degradation Henry Dale. The investigation
systems are also described. Peptidergic Biochemistry of the brains of patients with
neurotransmission systems are only AD began in the late 1960s and early
briefly analyzed, since they are not the 1970s. In 1974, David Drachman found
main objective of this report. We also that using scopolamine, an Ach
review the cholinergic hypothesis and the antagonist, caused a clear memory deficit
possible interrelationships between in subjects healthy, very similar to that
cholinergic neurotransmission and β- observed in patients with AD. In those
amyloid metabolism, as well as the years it was discovered that there is a
possible involvement of marked reduction, of up to a 95%
acetylcholinesterase inhibitory drugs in according to series, of cholinergic activity,
more fundamental pathophysiological and to a lesser extent of noradrenergic
mechanisms, which act with a and serotonergic activity in AD.
neuroprotective component.

Subcortical corticopetal systems:

INPUT: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a From an anatomical point of view, the
progressive neurodegenerative disorder. anterior cerebrobasal system is
The brain regions that are associated constituted by the nuclei of the basal
with superior mental functions, forebrain (Ach), rafe nuclei –serotonin–,
particularly the neocortex and the locus coeruleus –noradrenaline (NA),
hippocampus are the most affected by adrenaline (A) - and black substance –
dopamine (DA) -, which in turn constitute diameter of 2.5 mm which is the cationic
the so-called inn unnamed substance, channel, which opens when The receptor
located caudal to the pale globe. These binds two Ach molecules cooperatively.
nuclei receive dopaminergic, serotonergic Currently, five different subtypes of M
and noradrenergic projections of other receptors are known, and the highest
brain structures (midbrain, density of them is found in the striatum
peripeduncular nucleus, tonsil and and in the hypothalamus The density is
hypothalamus). The neurons responsible intermediate grade in the amygdala, the
for the cholinergic transmission project hippocampus and cerebral cortex, and
their axons to innervate the minimal in the cerebellum.
hippocampus, the amygdala and the
frontal, parietal cortex, Temporary and
occipital. These neurons and, especially, N receivers belong to a channel
those of the nucleus of Meynert, contain superfamily ionic ligands associated. It is
CAT (cholinecethyltransferase) and ACE a pentameric unit, and although the
(acetylcholinesterase), enzymes combination of several subunits can
responsible for synthesis and hydrolysis, produce several subtypes of N receptors
respectively, of Ach. There are also (nAChR), the family of N receptors can
neurons in the brainstem, rostral part, be separated into three functional
which constitutes the pedunculopontin- classes: nAChR muscle (α1, β1, δ, ε, γ),
thalamus-cortic-reticulum-nigral system. heteromeric neuronal receptor nAChR
The third intraneuronal cholinergic (α2-α6 and β2-β6) and homomeric
system is found in the striatum, and nAChR (α7). Presynaptic and pretermal
through the Base nodes are directed to receptors increase the release of
the frontal cortex. neurotransmitter, and postsynaptic N
receptors mediate a small minority of
rapid excitatory transmission N7
The cerebrobasal system is responsible receptors are presynaptic, activate
for keeping the cerebral cortex operative, calcium input currents, influence the
and plays a decisive role in the memory release of glutamate, 5HT, γ-
processes and selective attention. The aminobutyric acid (GABA) and ACh.
corticostriatal loop controls the processes N4β2 N receptors are postsynaptic and
of perception, learning, knowledge, exert an excitatory postsynaptic activity.
affectivity, judgment and REM sleep. Further, some subtypes of N receptors
Cholinergic axons exert their effects play a role in the synaptic and developing
through two types of cholinergic plasticity.
receptors: muscarinic receptors (M) and
nicotinic receptors (N). The M receiver is
a pentamer formed by four different Ach is the most important modulating
subunit types α2βγδ. These Subunits neurotransmitter in the brain, and its
have considerable sequence homology distribution is complex and extensive if
(40-65%) and tertiary structure. Each compared with that of NA, DA and
subunit has four helix segments through serotonin. The cholinergic presynaptic
the membrane (M1 to M4) arranged neuron is responsible, through CAT, for
around the central axis of the pore synthesizing Ach a starting from choline
(formed by the propellers M2 of each). It by the action of acetylcoenzyme A. After
has a central pore with a maximum being released into the synaptic cleft,
through an action potential, It binds to the found that there was a greater loss of
pre and postsynaptic M and N receptors. CAT in the temporal cortex and in the
At the postsynaptic level the stimulus is hippocampus and, at the subcortical
transmitted through diacylglycerol, the level, in the tonsil and in the unnamed
inositol and calcium dependent protein substance. Unlike the previous one,
kinase. The enzyme responsible for the different works have shown that
metabolism of Ach, is together with ACE, butyrylcholinesterase is increased in AD.
butyrylcholinesterase that is synthesized
in the glia and participates in the
degradation of Ach in choline and SEROTONERGIC SYSTEM:
acetate. Bliss enzyme abounds in the Approximately only 1-2% of serotonin is
medial temporal cortex, in the amygdala found in the brain. The rest is located in
and in the hippocampus Unlike the rest of platelets, mast cells and chromaffin cells.
the brain where the Primary form of Cerebral serotonin is synthesized by
cholinesterase is ACE, in the amygdala hydroxylation of tryptophan and
and in the hippocampus is subsequent decarboxylation of it. The
butyrylcholinesterase. CAT is found only neurons that contain this neurotransmitter
in presynaptic cholinergic neurons, while are located near the midline (regions of
the ACE is found in presynaptic and the raphe) of the brainstem, mainly in the
postsynaptic cholinergic pathways. bulge. Cortical serotonergic maps have
poorly defined patterns, and the main one
Serotonin effect is inhibition. The
A decrease in central acetylcholinergic reduction of serotonergic activity in AD
activity was observed in the first studies has been observed, but also that in the
conducted in the 1980s on AD. The previous hypothesis it is possible that
figures that were handled in relation ith said alterations of postsynaptic 5-HT
this reduction in activity they range receptors are due to cholinergic
between 50-95% according to the series, denervation itself.
up to 90% for hippocampus and temporal
cortex and 80% for the frontal cortex of
convexity and orbital. NORADRENERGIC SYSTEM: 2,3-
norepinephrine is synthesized in the
brain, in cells chromaffin and in the
Such cholinergic depletion, which occurs sympathetic ganglia and nerves from a
mostly in the layers superficial II and III, it precursor called tyrosine by the action of
is bilateral and symmetrical, mainly the enzyme tyrosinehydroxylase (TH),
affecting areas 20, 21, 22 and 28 of forming 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine
Brodmann. From a quantitative point of (DOPA). DOPA-decarboxylase leads to
view, it has been shown that in EA the the formation of DA that at through
number of postsynaptic Ach receptors is dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DBH) and
normal or moderately diminished and that phenylethanolamine-N-methyl
there is a selective reduction of transferase produces NA. Neuronal
presynaptic receptors. In different bodies Noradrenergics are located in the
studies, has appreciated a marked locus coeruleus and in the lateral
reduction in CAT activity in the amygdala, tegment. From here three tracts are
hippocampus and cortex equivalent to formed that innervate the cerebral cortex
ACE reduction. In others it was also and whose main effect is the inhibitor.
The noradrenergic neurons of the lateral
tegmental system innervate the entire
septum and the amygdala. Although
somatostatinergic neuron receives direct
since 1996 it is known that there is an
interference from the cholinergic neuron,
alteration of the noradrenergic system in
which synapses on it in the cortex
the EA, subsequent work has been
cerebral. The action of the cholinergic
controversial. There is a neuronal loss in
system on the release of growth hormone
both the locus coeruleus as in the nuclei
(HC), action is well known which is
of the raphe, in which pathological
augmented by cholinergic agonists such
abnormalities such as neurofibrillary
as pyrdostigmine. Regarding the
tangles are observed. A comparative
eurotransmitters that influence the
study conducted in patients with AD and
release of HC, it is known that DA favors,
subjects healthy about the activity of DBH
by an indirect mechanism, the release of
and the neurons of the locus coeruleus,
this hormone. The stimulus of Adrenergic
found that the activity of this enzyme,
receptors decrease their levels, Ach
involved in the synthesis of NA, did not
inhibits its secretion and serotonin
correlate significantly with the number of
increases it.
neurons of the locus coeruleus, although
there was a tendency to decrease the
activity of said enzyme with respect to the
increase in the number of senile plaques. PHYSIOPATHOLOGY: At the end of the
Others authors have shown a reduction seventies, the interest aroused discovery
of almost 40% of the DBH activity. Given that patients with AD presented a
this, it is thought that the noradrenergic significant reduction of CAT and Ach in
alteration could be a late change in the the hippocampus and in the neocortex.
EA. This reduction in the ability to synthesize
Ach was attributed to the loss of neurons
in the basal nuclei from Meynert. These
studies, along with the emerging role of
the Ach in learning and memory, led to
involved in motor activity, emotion and
generate the hypothesis cholinergic AD.
motivation. Participate in the long tracks
During the last years since the origin of
(nigroestrial system, mesocortical
this hypothesis, data from different
system, mesolimbic system and
studies have gone changing it as an
diencephalospinal system), in addition to
explanation of the EA.
intermediate or short and ultra-short.
Dopaminergic alterations are not as First, we must bear in mind that there is
constant nor consistent as in the other controversy over the chronology of
monoaminergic systems. The neurochemical changes, since that some
modifications described are scarce and authors suggest that these are more
appear mainly in patients with marked in the early onset EA forms, while
extrapyramidal symptoms associated and others propose that it is unlikely that
not clearly related to symptomatology cholinergic markers could be early
cognitive. indicators of AD, since the reduction in
the activity of this enzyme occurs
gradually throughout of the illness. nicotine isomers to visualize the
Although it has been commented that the receptors, and the reduction in AD has
findings in the initial works they could be been confirmed, unlike M receptors,
interfered by the pharmacological which have not been reduced using this
treatments used in the symptomatic technique.
therapy of patients with AD, subsequent
The brain has a mechanism to accelerate
studies carried out post mortem having
the clearance of the accumulation of β-
healthy subjects as controls did not show
amyloid, and it seems that one of the
substantial changes.
physiological mechanisms to maintain
constant levels of β-amyloid is through
muscarinic stimulation. A Work on
Patients with severe AD have ACE and
transgenic mice, while being tested for
CAT levels 85-90% lower than normal,
immunization therapies, has shown a
while the enzyme butyrylcholinesterase is
similar effect, that is, a marked reduction
increased, possibly due to the increase of
in amyloid loading using a type of
synthesis or gliosis. It is known that in
cholinesterase inhibitors. In the
certain neurons, the enzyme that is most
hypothesis of the amyloid cascade of AD,
deficient is not ACE, but the
it is proposed that the wrong metabolism
butyrylcholinesterase, although the
of the amyloid precursor protein and
function of these neurons is not e knows
increased production of β-amyloid is the
still well. It has been found in several
critical initial event in AD. The cholinergic
laboratorios that both ACE and
neurotransmission can be a specific
butylrylcholinesterase are added in senile
target for β-amyloid, as demonstrated by
plaques, along with β-amyloid, and it has
a reduction in vitro of choline load and
also seen the existence of both enzymes
release of Ach. Studies in cell lines and
in the balls.
primary neuronal cultures have observed
that the activation of M receptors,
glutamate metabotropic receptors and
With respect to cholinergic receptors, a other phospholipase C linked receptors
study showed that there is a clear favor the non-amyloidogenic processing
decrease in the activity of CAT related to of the precursor protein of amyloid. On
AD and a subtle increase in binding to M the other hand, there are works in which
receptors, which may represent a the neurotoxicity of β-amyloid could be
compensatory mechanism. In AD, there attenuated by activation of M receptors.
is a significant reduction in density of N
receptors, unlike the overall density of M
receptors that remain relatively stable.
It has been observed that
However, the density of the M2 receptor
phosphorylation of the tau protein, step
seems to be diminished, while that of the
important in the formation of neurofibrillar
M1 remains stable, although its function
clews, can be influenced by a second
could be altered and the density of the
messenger system of phospholipase C.
M3 is normal or increased. It seems that
After stimulation of the M receptors,
the M2 are mainly in the presynaptic
activates a protein kinase C, which leads
button and can have a self-regulating
to the inactivation of the GSK-3 protein
function and the M1 are fundamentally on
kinase, which phosphorylates the tau
the postsynaptic side. The nicotinic
protein. Culture neuronal cells
system has been studied by PET, using
transfected with M1 receptors show a acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. Taking
reduction in tau phosphorylation after into account the interactions that exist
treatment with cholinergic agonists. The between neurotransmitters, the amyloid
central role of amyloid in the onset and precursor protein and the
progression of the EA is still not fully neuropathological characteristics of the
understood, and the validity of the EA, it is not uncommon to consider
Amyloid cascade hypothesis is still whether procolinergic drugs could have a
discussed. neuroprotective effect on the evolution of

The secretases that are responsible for

the proteolytic processing of the amyloid
precursor protein are α, β and γ-
secretase. Α-secretase has been
identified as disintegration and
metalloprotease ADAM 10 and ADAM17
or TACE; β-secretase, such as BACE1
and BACE 2, and γ-secretase, such as
PS1 and PS2. Α-secretase acts as a
zinc-dependent metalloproteinase, which
cuts the amyloid precursor protein in non-
amyloidogenic fragments, thus
preventing its deposition and therefore
the formation of amyloid plaques
Although the cells contain a certain basal
level of α-secretase activity, proteolysis
by this enzyme can be enhanced by
activators of protein kinase C. In addition,
the activation of receptors that work
through protein kinase C can increase
the activity of the α-pathway. -secretase,
of the amyloid precursor protein, with the
concomitant reduction in the processing
of β-secretase.

The agonists of metabotropic glutamate

receptors may increase the α-secretase
pathway. The muscarinic agonists (M1
and M3) they can decrease the
production of β-amyloid and this has
been seen in both in vitro and in vivo
studies. Many experimental research
studies have been conducted since the
cholinergic hypothesis was developed as
an explanation for AD, as well as
pharmacological studies with
and almost imperceptible that the patient
usually does not remember the exact
moment they began. The first motor
symptoms are a slight feeling of
weakness and tremor of some part of the
body, however it has reported that non-
PARKINSON'S DISEASE motor type symptoms appear before the
motor and is the first to reduce the quality
of life of patients suffering from
Parkinson's disease. Therefore, it is
ABSTRACT: Parkinson's disease is a
important to recognize the non-motor
neurodegenerative pathology affecting
manifestations associated with PD and
the mobility of patients, whose main
those caused by the drugs used in its
alterations are: tremor at rest,
treatment, this in order to improve the
bradykinesia, rigidity and postural
quality of life of both the sick and their
alteration. However, they are not the only
alterations that allow recognizing the
appearance of the disease, as there are
non-motor symptoms that have been
found related to this pathology, such as So far the treatments for PD have been
hallucinations, mania and pain. The divided into two types: surgical and
antiparkinsonian treatment, focused on pharmacological. He surgical treatment
improving the patient's motor condition consists of stimulation deep brain of the
can leave non-motor damage that is often internal pale globe (GPi) or of the
ignored. Therefore, in this review we will subthalamic nucleus (NST), resulting in
talk briefly about the non-motor the decrease in motor alterations its
alterations that have been related to inconvenient is that only 5 to 10% of the
Parkinson's disease. Idiopathic PD patients have a good
response to This surgery.6 Therapeutic
drugs to treat EP are divided into
symptomatic therapeutic drugs and
INPUT: Parkinson's disease (PD) is
targeted therapeutics; therapeutic drugs
characterized by resting tremor, stiffness,
Symptomatic mainly include Levodopa
bradykinesia and loss of postural
(L-dopa), DA receptor agonists
reflexes, so James Parkinson described it
(ropinirole, pramipexole, rotigotine,
in 1817 as agitating paralysis. PD is
apomorphine, sumanirol, pyribedil and
neurodegenerative and although its
bromocriptine), inhibitors of type B
etiology is still unknown, it is known that
monoamine oxidase (rasagiline,
the pathophysiological processes
selegiline) and catechol-O-
triggered cause the loss of dopaminergic
methyltransferase (entacapone)
neurons in the black substance (SN)
inhibitors. L-dopa is the drug most
.Despite being considered a motor
effective oral treatment for PD and may
disorder, this may be accompanied by
reduce tremor and improve slowness and
various clinical manifestations of non-
motor type, which accompany incipient
way to the development of the disease.
Therefore, EP is considered to include
motor and non-motor alterations. The However, despite the great benefit that
initial manifestations can be so mild, slow has been observed with the use of drugs
in the reduction of motor alterations of the the maintenance of the state of physical
disease, too there is evidence of physical integrity and mental illness, causing the
complications, mental and behavioral that loss of these capacities and the
arise as effects adverse for the same consequent deterioration to the quality of
drug treatment, as the appearance of life of the sufferer, as well as the people
dyskinesias reported even in 60% of who live with them.
patients treated with L-dopa, among
other adverse effects associated with
drugs that we will see later. The purpose
of this review is to describe the
characteristics and forms of presentation NEUROPHYSIOLOGY OF PD: The
of non-motor alterations in presented by basal ganglia are considered as a
Parkinson's disease patients, same which modulating center that regulates the flow
are not usually associated directly with of information from the cerebral cortex to
the disease considered alterations with the motor neurons of the spinal cord, but
less relevant or secondary to motor the information that travels through them
alterations not only covers the motor circuit. There
are four other attached circuits such as
the oculomotor, the dorsal prefrontal, the
lateral orbitofrontal and the limbic. In
general, one could say that the remaining
chronic and neurodegenerative slow
circuits also tend to function abnormally
evolution which affects the central
in the presence of PD. It should be said
nervous system, it has related to
that the circuit oculomotor has the
neuroinflammation9 and degeneration
function of orienting and directing the
premature, progressive and irreversible
view; the dorsolateral prefrontal and
of dopaminergic neurons of the black
lateral orbitofrontal are responsible for
substance, what which leads to the
processes cognitive and the limbic circuit
presence of motor disorders; this disease
of emotional aspects, which when altered
has a higher incidence among the 45 and
modify the functional homeostasis of the
70 years and turns out to be the second
most common neurodegenerative
disease after Alzheimer's disease. 90%
of cases usually occur sporadically and
the remaining 10% is usually of genetic Dopaminergic alteration in the striatum,
origin. as well as the appearance of Lewy
bodies in the locus coeruleus, the Rafe
nuclei, the thalamus and the tonsil can
affect the emotional dimension and the
As for the symptomatology, it usually
subjective perception of pain in the case
present 5 to 10 years before the
of visual hallucinations. Appearance of
appearance of the first obvious clinical
Lewy bodies in the occipital lobe has an
signs. To the whole of alterations present
important role; while the combination of
have been classified succinctly as motor
low levels of DA and norepinephrine in
alterations and non-motor alterations, all
the basal ganglia have been related to
of the manifestations of the disease, are
anxiety and alteration in the limbic
the expression of the deterioration of
system and cortical areas have been
different neurocircuits in the that
linked to depression.
necessary executive functions reside in
pharmacological treatment is not saved
from being seen involved as a cause of
Dopaminergic disturbances that cause
alterations since generating excessive
motor disturbances in PD have been
stimulation of the D3 and D4 dopamine
studied for a long time. However, for non-
receptors of the mesolimbic system is
motor symptomatology (SNM),
attributed to the appearance of
homeostasis of some neurotransmitters
has also been disturbed; as is the case
with glutamate, which has been related to
the appearance of psychosis, apathy,
Excessive stimulation of dopaminergic
hallucinations and other cognitive
receptors in limbic centers, such as the
modifications; The cholinergic system
nucleus accumbens and the medial
has also been linked to cognitive
prefrontal cortex have been linked to the
dysfunctions such as dementia and
appearance of visual hallucinations, this
amnesia; while dopaminergic neurons in
coupled with psychiatric processes that
the tegmental area have been associated
can be caused by the lack of
with sleep disturbances as well as
dopaminergic regulation, cholinergic
serotonin, which is also related to mood
deficits and Lewy body formation. In the
control; Another example is the
case of dysarthria, hypophony and
GABAergic system and that of
sialorrhea commonly presented by these
adenosine, which indirectly are
patients are usually attributed to
responsible for DA modulation and pain
bradykinesia and stiffness of the
control. On the other hand, neuronal
oropharyngeal muscles, as well as to the
receptors have been associated with
condition of the anterior ventral thalamus
some alterations, since due to the drugs
(VA) which does not send signals
consumed their function is modified, an
properly to the premotor cortex, which
example is the D3 dopamine receptors of
hinders the articulation and speech of
the limbic region in which it is believed
words. In the case of olfaction it has been
that the drugs that have them as White
found that the loss of mitral cells in
can give rise to manias presented by
conjunction with a decrease in substance
patients, as well as to addiction
P in the olfactory bulb could be part of the
behaviors. Not all causes are directly
reason for hyposmia or anosmia
related to brain chemistry; for example
presented in patients with PD.

Patients present with neuro-ophthalmic
Non-motor symptomatology (NMS) even
alterations, such as conjunctival irritation
when it has a high prevalence in PD is
caused by decreased flickering reflection
only reported by 30 to 40% of patients,
and an altered tear film. Taking into
because these symptoms are not usually
account the above, it has been said that
recognized promptly by themselves.
the SN is also the cause of these
During the evolutionary course of PD the
alterations since it sends connections to
patient can present any of the two
the upper colliculus, which has the
existing stages in response to the
function of controlling saccadic eye
pharmacological treatment administered
movements, concluding that this circuit is
for the control of motor alterations, an
also altered in the EP. In these cases the
“on” period where motor alterations are
adequately controlled and a period "Off" DEPRESSION: Studies have suggested
where there is no immediate response to that depression is highly related to the
treatment. However, there is another onset of PD and this is usually mild or
symp tomatology involved in PD that is moderate with a rate of low suicide.
not of motor origin, for practical purposes Some predisposing factors for presenting
some authors have considered that the depression are the onset of Parkinson's
manifestation of non-motor alterations is disease at an early age, as well as being
also present with stages, considering as in the most advanced stages of it, the
periods "off" those in which the patient presence of stiffness in much of the body
presents anxiety, panic and low status in and even belonging to the female sex. It
the mood, while in the “on” stage he is in is considered that depression could occur
a better mood and even has a mania, a in response to the development of motor
lower need for sleep and risk behaviors, symptoms, others report that It is due to
as well as increased interest and sexual the dysfunction of circuits such as the
potency, pedophilia, paraphilias, orbitofrontal and dorsolateral, or to a
voyeurism, sadomasochism and hypometabolism of the caudate nucleus
exhibitionism. and the frontal dorsolateral tract. What is
left without doubt is that its
symptomatology is common with the EP
The SNM in PD is capable of impacting itself.
the progression of the disease, since
these are manifested in the vast majority
of patients throughout the evolutionary ANXIETY: Anxiety disorders are a
course of the disease, and often condition hardly recognized by the patient
represent the main complaints and in stages prior to the diagnosis of
discomforts, so that these They play a disease, and although more than 40%
leading role in their quality of life. Among experience clinically anxiety not always
the SNM that commonly occurs are the presence of one will determine the
drooling, loss of taste and smell, difficulty mandatory appearance of the other.
swallowing, vomiting and / or nausea, Anxiety could be the earliest non-motor
constipation, fecal incontinence, manifestation of the disease, other than
incomplete bowel emptying, urinary being the most common disorder
urgency, nocturia, unexplained muscle developed after the onset of motor
pain, change in unexplained weight, symptoms. Anxiety in conjunction with
memory impairments, apathy, PD is most often found in women and
hallucinations, concentration problems, usually brings other alterations. It can
sadness, anxiety, change in libido, occur with agitation or chronic anxiety,
difficulties in sexual activity, dizziness, panic attacks and even as obsessive
falls, daytime sleepiness, insomnia, vivid compulsive behaviors.
dreams, MOR sleep disorders (rapid eye
movements), restless legs syndrome,
edema, excessive sweating and HALLUCINATIONS: Hallucinations are
delusions, as well as behaviors addictive, common complications of chronic
among others. pharmacological treatment of diopatic
PD, which makes it more complicated to
select these to control motor disorders. It
is believed that hallucinations may be
due to dopaminergic and serotonergic expressed in patients with Parkinson's
changes involving the black substance disease, which makes it difficult to
and the Raphe dorsal nucleus, as well as manage and care. Three subtypes of
the loss Neural and Lewy body formation apathy are known: cognitive, emotional
in the temporo-ventral region of the brain and behavioral; according to the phase
associated with cognitive disorders. that is altered in the decision making
process, which They depend on the
sphere they affect. In each of these
Other studies presume that visual subtypes, there are affected neurological
hallucinations could be due to an inability pathways and to be addressed effectively
to process visual stimuli in the visual it is important that they be properly
associative cortex. Currently, treatment diagnosed.
for hallucinations in patients with PD is
No evidence has been found that
very limited since commonly used drugs
treatment with L-dopa promotes the
(antipsychotics) tend to increase motor
symptoms of apathy; its origin has
alterations derived from parkinsonism.
associated with alterations in the
Hence the importance of seeking new
dopaminergic (nigroestriatal and
treatments that control these alterations
mesocortical), serotonergic,
without affecting the rest of the systems
noradrenergic and cholinergic, as well as
However, there are studies that have
damage to the basal ganglia, infarcts in
described that it could not only be due to
the caudate body and in the anterior
the use of drugs, but also to the
cingulate. Because various drugs, such
progression of the same disease, since it
as cholinesterase and amphetamine
has been seen that high doses of
inhibitors, are able to improve the
intravenous L-dopa do not precipitate the
symptoms of apathy, it is believed that
appearance of hallucinations.
there is no single mechanism causing it,
so it is important to identify the type of
apathy and its mechanism for Administer
It has been found that visual the most effective treatments. Apathy,
hallucinations are related to cognitive anhedonia, anxiety and depression can
impairment and other disorders such as be so related that it is often difficult to
macular degeneration. It can also be differentiate them, even though they can
associated with altered states of be completely independent of each other.
consciousness, attention deficit, memory
problems, sleep disturbances and
episodic agitation. As in other non-motor
MANIA: Lack of self-control and
alterations, hallucinations are poorly
impulsivity are non-motor symptoms that
reported by patients because the majority
have been observed in patients with PD.
are tolerable, or because patients are
Lack of self control and impulsivity, the
afraid of being considered mentally ill,
lack of inhibition of some behaviors can
making it more difficult to know the real
be considered an antisocial behavior with
prevalence of this condition in PD.
which not only patients are affected their
lifestyle, but also that of the rest of their
family. Alterations in hedonic
APATHY: The presence of apathy, homeostasis which usually occur in PD
characterized by indifference, lack of include disturbances in the control of
motivational interest, is continually
impulses by playing, buying, eating and From these results, it is inferred that
sexual appetite. these differences could be due to the
difficulty that patients present to inhibit
irrelevant stimuli, which function as
Impulse in impulses is usually a major interference when trying to evoke
problem in a small percentage of memories.  As for the structures involved
patients, in addition, it is believed that the in the memory impairment of patients
appearance of obsessive symptoms with PD, the caudate nucleus (a nucleus
occur in advanced stages of PD where of the basal ganglia involved) has been
no longer only the nigrostriatal pathways found in cognitive functions), as well as
are altered, but also striatocortical the prefrontal cortex which has shown a
projections.  Compulsive buyers usually decrease in dopamine, resulting in
receive higher doses of L-dopa to decreased memory for patients.
counteract the symptoms. Few patients
receive impulse control disorders when
receiving treatment from dopamine
agonists, so it should not be neglected to
PAIN: Pain is a symptom that has been
consider individual vulnerability factors
reported in approximately 50% of patients
such as patient impulsivity, age, gender
with Parkinson's disease, which has been
and serotonergic levels. However, in
categorized depending on the
treatments that involve Surgical
dopaminergic phase in which it occurs
intervention such as the stimulation of the
(maximum dose peak and the final dose
subthalamic nucleus that has been used
phase, or, according to its origin:
to reduce symptoms motor of PE, has
musculoskeletal, radicular or neuropathic,
been related to the appearance of
dystonic-postural and of central origin.
compulsions and obsessions.
Musculoskeletal pain can involve
alterations such as osteoarthritis, frozen
shoulder, postural alterations, scoliosis
MEMORY: One of the altered cognitive
and physical trauma.
functions in PD is memory, which can be
directly affected with the evolution of the
disease, profoundly changing the quality
This pain is a symptom that is usually
of life of those who suffer from it. In
worsened by the characteristic stiffness
memory tests against the clock, the
of PD, for which a pain loop is formed
patients obtained poor results with
that includes muscle stiffness, lack of
respect to the subjects controls, however,
movement and which is known to be
in the efficiency for solving problems,
related to involuntary muscle contraction
their memory is not altered, the same
and central pathways of pain processing
happens with prospective memory, which
consequently greater muscle stiffness
seems to remain intact. These tests
and can also be associated with other
suggest that patients with PD may have
symptoms such as dystonia.
difficulty evoking memories
spontaneously, and Your cognitive
flexibility may be diminished.
Another type of pain presented by
patients with PD is radiculopathy, which
consists of pain or stiffness directed at
some limb that comes from some spinal BODY MASS: The most common causes
root. In this alteration the pain is usually for weight loss in Parkinson's patients are
distributed by legs and arms and it has usually due to decreased appetite, either
been seen to be related to the altered as a result of depressive symptoms or
dopaminergic transmission of the spinal changes in the perception of flavors and
cord.  As for central pain, it usually odors, also influencing the increase in
begins spontaneously with burning eating time and type of medication.
sensations, burning and tingling, which However, it has been reported that some
are usually more exacerbated on the patients despite having a first period of
affected side. It has not been shown that weight loss after being diagnosed, they
treatment with L-dopa reduces this type tend to regain their initial weight and even
of pain. However, there is pain of central increase it once they are
origin, as is the case of trigeminal pharmacologically stabilize.
neuralgia, which usually disappears once
Another study notes that weight loss
the corresponding dose of Ldopa is
begins earlier of the diagnosis of the
disease and that despite increasing
Other less common forms of pain intake, energy expenditure begins early,
occurrence are "unspecified pain," in which can be intuit a metabolic defect in
which patients cannot accurately locate these patients since the modification of
which part of the body hurts, or if it has body weight correlates with the evolution
muscular origin or due to some particular of the disease.
One of the alterations that entails the
SLEEPY: Research has revealed that decrease in body weight, is the loss of
approximately 62% of Parkinson's bone mineral density and a lower body
patients have sleep disturbances which mass index, resulted in the increased risk
can be classified as primary if they are of fractures. These characteristics have
due to alterations central anatomical, or been associated with a poor prognosis of
secondary if they are the result of the the disease.
pharmacological treatment itself. These
SEXUALITY: Whether dysfunction or
alterations can range from insomnia,
hypersexuality, the alteration in sexual
fragmented sleep disturbances during
behavior is something that has been
sleep with rapid eye movements or MOR
studied in PD, however, it remains
sleep (reduction in stages III and IV and
without Be explained at all. Studies have
eye movement with phasic tonic muscle
shown that the disease is not related to
disorder during sleep), sleep apnea and
neurological damage that directly affects
restless legs syndrome.
the sexual response, however, a
Pharmacological treatments can also decrease in the incentive value for sexual
directly affect the quantity and quality of behavior has been found with increasing
sleep of patients, giving origin of daytime age, as well as after the onset of motor
sleepiness, sleep attacks, MOR sleep symptoms.
disorder, vivid reveries and leg síndrome
Both motor and non-motor alterations
characteristic of PD can be the cause of
Some authors have linked sleep multiple behavioral alterations. Sexually
disorders with the appearance of presented by patients. Excessive
hallucinations in patients with PD. increase in libido or hypersexuality has
been related to drug treatment, overdose pramipexole, which have been
of dopaminergic therapies, such as the associated with excessive atypical sexual
combination of L-dopa-carbidopa or thoughts or
behaviors, fantasies aberrant sexual, pedophilia, exhibitionism, development of
erectile dysfunction, premature genital mutilation, sexual promiscuity
ejaculation, difficulty getting orgasms,
and paraphilias, between others.


 S. Manzano-Palomo, M.A. De la
Morena-Vicente, M.S. Barquero.
(2006). Neurotransmisores en la
enfermedad de Alzheimer.
Recuperado de
 Lilian María Vargas Barahona.
(Abril - Junio 2007). Enfermedad
de Parkinson y la Dopamina. Recuperado de
 X-Plain. (08-11-
PLAIN.COM Recuperado de

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