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Master’s Degree Programme

in Sociology
Second Year
M.A. Sociology

Assignment for students admitted in July 2019 and

January 2020 sessions

Assignment for the Elective Courses:

MSOE-001: Sociology of Education
MSOE-002: Diaspora and Transnational Communities
MSOE-003: Sociology of Religion
MSOE-004: Urban Sociology
MPS-003: India: Democracy and Development
MPA-016: Decentralization and Local Governance

Course Code: MSO
Assignment Code: MSOE-001, 002, 003, 004, MPS-016, MPA-016/AST/TMA/2019-2020


Dear Student

We have explained in the Programme Guide for the Master’s Degree Programme in Sociology
(MA Sociology) that you would have to complete one Tutor Marked Assignment TMAs) for each
of the courses.

In these assignments, we have included several types of questions to sharpen your ability, to
describe, to analyse and to critique, and to ensure that you know and are able to write over a topic
systematically and coherently. In these assignments there are some broad descriptive and analytical
questions. There are 10 questions in each assignment, with two sections. In each section there are
five questions.
Your answers for a broad question worth 20 marks should be within the approximate range of 500
words each. In case of short question worth 10 marks it should be within 250 words each. It could
be advisable to have a group discussion on the questions with your co-learners and the Academic
Counsellors in the Study Centres before you attempt these assignments. Remember you are
encouraged only to share each other’s ideas and not to copy answers at all. Group discussion and
constant practice of writing answers to assignment questions will help you to write better answers
to questions in the term-end examination. It is important that you write answers to all questions in
your own words.

Admission Cycle Date of Submission To be sent

For students admitted in July 31st March, 2020 To,

2019 Session The Coordinator of the
For students admitted in 30th September, 2020 Study Centre allotted to
January 2020 Session you

You must obtain a receipt from the Study Centre for the assignments submitted and retain it.
If possible, keep a xerox copy of the assignments with you. The Study Centre will have to return
the assignments to you after they are evaluated. Please insist on this. The Study Centre has to send
the marks to the SR&E Division at IGNOU, New Delhi.
Some Tips for Doing Assignments

You will find it useful to keep the following points in mind while doing the assignments:

1) Planning: Read the assignments carefully; go through the units on which they are based. Make
some points regarding each question and then rearrange them in a logical order.
2) Organization: Be selective and analytical before drawing up a rough outline of your answer. Give
adequate attention to the introduction and conclusion.
3) Presentation: Once you are satisfied with your answer, you can write down the final version for
submission. Write each answer neatly and underling the points you with to emphasize. Make sure
that the answer is within the stipulated word limit.

Wishing you all the best,

Faculty of Sociology
MA Sociology
Faculty of Sociology
School of Social Sciences
IGNOU Delhi – 110 068
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Elective Course in M.A. Sociology
MSOE-001: Sociology of Education
Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA)

Maximum Marks: 100 Programme Code: MSO

Weightage: 30% Course Code: MSOE-001
Assignment Code: MSOE-001/AST/TMA/2019-20

Answer five questions worth 100 marks from Sections 1 and 2. Attempt at least two
questions from each section.

Section 1

Answer at least two questions in about 500 words each from this section.
1. Critically discuss Basil Bernstein’s contribution to the theory
of education with special reference to speech patterns. 20

2. Compare the functionalist and conflict approaches to the study of 20


3. Discuss the scope of the policy of positive discrimination and affirmative 20

action in bringing the marginalized people into the mainstream.

4. Discuss the role of intellectuals in society with reference to the

viewpoint of Antonio Gramsci. 20

5. What do you understand by ‘Human Development’? In what way have the

international agencies employed education for human development? 20

Section 2

Answer at least two questions in about 500 words each from this section.

6. What do you understand by multicultural curriculum? Substantiate your 20

answer with an example.

7. Discuss the role of distance education in teacher training at the primary level. 20

8. What are the significant implications of treating higher education as a global

services market through GATS? 20

9. ‘Education is a commodity for sale”. Critically discuss. 20

10. Elucidate the need for the involvement of the private sector in
professional education. 20

Indira Gandhi National Open University
Elective Course in M.A. Sociology
MSOE-002: Diaspora and Transnational Communities
Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA)

Maximum Marks: 100 Programme Code: MSO

Weightage: 30% Course Code: MSOE-002
Assignment Code: MSOE-002/AST/TMA/2019-2020

Answer any five questions selecting at least two from each Section. Your answer should
be in about 500 words each.


1. What do you understand by the term diaspora? What are some of the
approaches to understand Diaspora? 20

2. Describe the migration patterns of Indian Diaspora in Post-independent India. 20

3. Elaborate on the nature of Indian diaspora in Western Europe. 20

4. Write note on the problems faced by Indian diaspora in West Asia. 20


5. Discuss the role of literature in highlighting the diasporic experiences of

Indians abroad. 20

6. Critically evaluate the Indian state policies for mobilizing diasporic connections
to homeland. 20

7. Examine the emerging transnational networks of regional and ethnic diasporic

communities. 20

8. Bring out the relationship between globalization and transnationalism. 20

Indira Gandhi National Open University
Core Course in M.A. Sociology
MSOE-003: Sociology of Religion
Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA)

Programme Code : MSO

Course Code : MSOE-003
Assignment Code: MSOE-003/AST/TMA/2019-20

Maximum Marks : 100

Weightage : 30%

Answer questions from both the sections.

Answer five questions worth 100 marks from Sections 1 and 2. Attempt at least two
questions from each section.

Section- I

Answer at least two questions in about 500 words each from this section.

1. Write a critical note on Weberian approach to study religion. 20

2. Explain the relevance of Durkheim’s approach in studying religion in modern

society. 20

3. Describe religion as a system of symbols. 20

4. Discuss the relationship between religion and economy from Max Weber’s
perspective. 20

5. Describe the historical and comparative approaches to the study of religion. 20

Section 2

Answer at least two questions in about 500 words each from this section.

6. Discuss the religious legacy of the Croogs. 20

7. Compare and contrast magic and religion. 20

8. Discuss the concepts of auspiciousness and purity. 20

9. What is totemism? In what way does Levi Strauss employ totemism employ
totemism to understand social reality. 20

10. Discuss the phenomenological approach to religion as outlined by Peter Berger. 20

Indira Gandhi National Open University
Master’s in Sociology
MSOE-004: Urban Sociology
Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA)

Programme Code: MSO

Course Code: MSOE-004
Assignment Code: MSOE-004/AST/TMA/2019-20
Maximum Marks: 100
Weightage: 30%

Answer any five questions selecting at least two from each Section. Your answer should
be in about 500 words each.

1. Define the concept of urban and discuss some of its categories of towns
according to the Indian census. 20

2. What is the concept of metropolis? Describe the major features of a metropolis in

India. 20

3. Describe and discuss E.W Burgess’ ‘concentric zone theory’ with suitable illustrations. 20

4. How many types of cities are their? Discuss with examples from India. 20

5. Describe the origin and development of sociological studies in the area of urban
in different universities in India. 20


6. The focus of sociologists on the question of urban society increased as and when
the urbanisation rate grew as per the census. Discuss. 20
7. Highlight the changes in the pattern of marriage in urban India with suitable examples. 20

8. Is the Indian economy dependent on the rural production or urban production? Discuss. 20

9. Define poverty and discuss the linkage between rural and urban poverty. 20

10. How does the environmental pollution affect the people in the cities? Discus its
sociological aspects. 20


Course Code: MPS-003

Assignment Code: ASST/TMA/2019-19
Marks: 100

Answer any five questions in about 500 words each. Attempt at least two questions from
each section. Each question carries 20 marks.


1. Discuss the significance of the 73rd Constitutional Amendment in Indian democracy

2. Critically examine the following in about 250 words each:
a) The idea of planning
b) The Karachi resolution
3. Discuss the main challenges of ethnicity for the nation-state of India.
4. Critically Examine the Basic Minimum Needs approach towards human development.
5. “Political Participation has made the Indian democracy more inclusive”. Explain your
views on this statement.


6. Write notes on the following in about 250 words each:

a) Gender and Development
b) Judicial Review
7. Write notes on the following in about 250 words:
a) Characteristics of Migrants
b) Principles of Sustainable Development
8. How democracy and development are related to each other? Comment.
9. Analyse the following in about 250 words:
a) Economic consequences of liberalisation
b) Role of media in Indian democracy
10. Enumerate the similarities and differences between substantive and procedural types of

(Tutor Marked Assignment)
Course Code:
MPA-016 Assignment Code: MPA-
Marks: 100
This Assignment consists of Section - I and Section - II. There are five questions in
each section. You have to answer a total of five questions in about 500 words each,
selecting at least two questions from each section. Each question carries 20 marks.


1) Describe the significance of democratic decentralisation in India. 20

2) Discuss the Constitutional dimensions of democratic decentralisation in India. 20

3) Examine the Bhagidari programme of Government-Citizen Partnership as a model

of good governance. 20

4) Write a note on functional decentralisation. 20

5) Examine the functioning of Panchayati Raj Institutions. 20


6) Discuss the intra-relationship between the various tiers of the rural local bodies. 20

7) ‘The 74th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1992, fully empowers the municipalities
to function as an effective institution of self-governance.’ Examine. 20

8) Explain the significance of capacity building of local administration. 20

9) What are the major challenges to sustainable development and environment? 20

10) Write short notes on the following in 250 words each:

a) Multi-level planning. 10

b) Limitations of Macro-level planning. 10

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