Connectors 12908

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I - Fill in the blanks with the suitable conjunction:

When / although / and / as / since / of / but / so that / because / in spite of

1. Peter _______________________ Mary went to the ball last night, _____________

they didn’t dance.

2.___________________ he opened the door, he got a surprise.

3. I have been using glasses _____________ I was four.

4. __________________ the bell rang everybody left.

5. He lent some money _________________ he could buy a bike.

6._________________ it is late, we’ll stay a little longer.

7. I didn’t go to school_____________ I was sick.

8.________________ you work hard, you’ll have good results at the exams.

9.________________ running fast, he didn’t win the race.

10. They have been living in Australia _______________ four years.

II - Join these sentences using the given conjunctions. Make the necessary changes:

1. I like tea. I don’t like coffee.(but)

2. My sister went on holiday. I went on holiday. (both…and)

3. He broke his leg. He was playing tennis. (when)

4. He ran to the station. He wanted to catch the train. (so…that)

5. My brother doesn’t go abroad. My sister doesn’t go abroad. (neither…nor)

6. His doctor ordered him to stay in bed. He went to work. (although)

7. She was having a bath. The phone rang. (while)

8. I didn’t take my umbrella. It rained. (in spite of)

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