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ANSI Tru o Pumps, Inc

Wide range of centrifugal process pumps, nd exactly what you are

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Tru o Pumps, Inc.

To calculate centrifugal compressor power, we need these gas properties: compressibility factor (Z),
molecular weight (MW), inlet gas temperature, inlet gas pressure, outlet gas pressure, adiabatic component
(Cp/Cv), and mass ow rate.

Let’s start with an example while I show you step-by-step of the calculation method. In this example, we have
these gas properties (I use US units).

Compressibility factor (Z) = 0.9972

Molecular weight (MW) = 18.15

Gas constant (R) = 1544/molecular weight

Inlet temperature (T1)  = 546 deg R

Inlet pressure (P1) = 15 psia (don’t forget to use absolute pressure)

Outlet pressure (P2) = 60 psia

K (Cp/Cv) = 1,274

Flow (W) = 0,184 lb/min

The required data to calculate centrifugal compressor power is head. We can use either adiabatic head or
polytropic head as long as we use adiabatic e ciency and polytropic e ciency in companion.

In this example, we will calculate power requirement by using adiabatic head, polytropic head, and by
process simulator. We want to know if those methods give the same results or not.

Centrifugal Compressor Power Calculation using Adiabatic Head

To calculate adiabatic head and power we use equation below.

Adiabatic head and centrifugal compressor

power calculation

From the data above, adiabatic head (Had) is 74,808.54 ft.lbf/lbm.

To calculate power, we need adiabatic e ciency (Ea). Adiabatic e ciency is function of type of compressor,
rpm, volumetric ow, and adiabatic head. We can determine adiabatic e ciency by using gure below.

calculation.html/attachment/adiabatic-e ciency)

Adiabatic e ciency
Figure above shows that for centrifugal compressor, adiabatic e ciency is ranging from 60% to 80%. For
preliminary calculation we choose 70% adiabatic e ciency.

By using the second equation, we get power requirement is 0.594 hp.

Centrifugal Compressor Power Calculation using Polytropic Head

To calculate power by using polytropic head, we need polytropic e ciency. Polytropic e ciency is a
function of adiabatic e ciency. Relationship between those e ciency is expressed in equation below.

calculation.html/attachment/relationship-between-adiabatic-e cienct-
and-polytropic-e ciency)

Relationship between adiabatic e ciency and polytropic e ciency

From equation above, we get polytropic e ciency is 73.99%. Please note you can change (N-1)/N with (K-

To calculate polytropic head and power using polytropic data, use equation below.


Centrifugal Compressor Power Calculation using

Polytropic head
By using the equation, we get polytropic head is 79,075.11 ft lbf/lbm. And power requirement is 0.594 hp,
which is exactly the same as previous method.

Centrifugal Compressor Power Calculation using Process Simulator

By using process simulator, we get power requirement 0.589 hp, which is slightly below calculation. But
overall, the method is correct.

I think I spend too much time calculating power requirement using both adiabatic approach and polytropic
approach. So, it is better to use adiabatic approach only if you are sure enough with the calculation.

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One thing that you might need to correct is adiabatic e ciency. In this example, I guessed adiabatic
e ciency. It will be more accurate if you calculate speci c speed to get exact value of adiabatic e ciency
based on graph.


1. Rules of thumb of Chemical Engineers – Carl Brannan

2. Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook

( ( (

s/compressor/application-range- /preliminary-sizing-of-two-phase- s/pump/npsh-of-pump.html)
of-variety-of-compressors-and- horizontal-separator.html) How to Calculate NSPH of Pump
compressor-selection.html) Preliminary Sizing of Two-Phase with Examples and Illustrations
Application Range of Variety of Horizontal Separator (
Compressors and Compressor ( s/pump/npsh-of-pump.html)
Selection /preliminary-sizing-of-two-phase- May 21, 2017
( horizontal-separator.html) In "Pump"
s/compressor/application-range- November 25, 2019
of-variety-of-compressors-and- In "Calculation"
May 27, 2017
In "Compressor"

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